Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 14th May 2011

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Results for Peterhouse

RaceTimeStatusNext Race(s) Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
7011:07IM3.8+180UWK(15) Warwick University (Garside)MGD(16) Magdalene College (M1)3:441 length
6811:03IM3.8+180TRH(17) Trinity Hall (Goodwill)RAD(18) Radley College Boat Club (Shawcross)3:401 1/2 lengths
7111:09IM3.8+184MER(19) Merton College (A)CCO(20) Christ's College (M1)3:323 lengths
7311:13IM3.8+184PBC(21) Peterhouse (M1)BDS(22) Bedford School (Chiang)3:421/4 length
7511:18IM3.8+186WIN(23) Winchester College BCCAM(24) City of Cambridge (Cornegruta)3:421/2 length
7711:22IM3.8+186UEA(25) University of East AngliaWOO(26) Wolfson College, Oxford (Bateman)3:434 lengths
8011:28IM3.8+190WRO(27) Worcester College (Barnard)QCC(28) Queens' College (M1)3:432 1/2 lengths
8111:30IM3.8+190ABS(29) Abingdon School (Griffiths)CCO(30) Christ's College (M2)3:464 1/2 lengths
18015:11IM3.8+262UWK(15) Warwick University (Garside)RAD(18) Radley College Boat Club (Shawcross)3:381 1/2 lengths
18415:19IM3.8+262CCO(20) Christ's College (M1)BDS(22) Bedford School (Chiang)3:442/3 length
18615:23IM3.8+264CAM(24) City of Cambridge (Cornegruta)UEA(25) University of East Anglia3:392 lengths
19015:32IM3.8+264QCC(28) Queens' College (M1)ABS(29) Abingdon School (Griffiths)3:323/4 length
26218:11IM3.8+297RAD(18) Radley College Boat Club (Shawcross)CCO(20) Christ's College (M1)3:411 length
26418:15IM3.8+297UEA(25) University of East AngliaABS(29) Abingdon School (Griffiths)4:441/2 length
29719:29IM3.8+ RAD(18) Radley College Boat Club (Shawcross)ABS(29) Abingdon School (Griffiths)3:271 length
1508:59W.NOV.8+101 / 221UWK(107) Warwick University (Dobree-Carey)UEA(108) University of East Anglia (Vigrass)4:10easily
1609:01W.NOV.8+103 / 220SES(113) St Edward's School (Spensley)EMA(114) Emanuel School (Wolstenholme)4:445 lengths
1709:03W.NOV.8+104 / 220COX(116) City of Oxford RC (Ackerman)PEM(117) Pembroke College, Cambridge (W2)4:291 1/4 lengths
10112:12W.NOV.8+205UEA(108) University of East Anglia (Vigrass)SAC(109) St Anne's College (W1)4:204 lengths
10812:27W.NOV.8+205 / 221PBC(110) Peterhouse (W1)CAM(111) City of Cambridge (Barnes)4:243/4 length
10312:16W.NOV.8+204BMS(112) Bedford Modern SchoolSES(113) St Edward's School (Spensley)4:461 length
10412:18W.NOV.8+204UWK(115) Warwick University (White)PEM(117) Pembroke College, Cambridge (W2)4:261 length
20516:05W.NOV.8+276UEA(108) University of East Anglia (Vigrass)PBC(110) Peterhouse (W1)4:142 1/2 lengths
20416:03W.NOV.8+276BMS(112) Bedford Modern SchoolUWK(115) Warwick University (White)4:224 lengths
27618:41W.NOV.8+ UEA(108) University of East Anglia (Vigrass)UWK(115) Warwick University (White)4:122 lengths
22116:41W.NOV.8+ (P)269UWK(107) Warwick University (Dobree-Carey)CAM(111) City of Cambridge (Barnes)4:281/4 length
22016:39W.NOV.8+ (P)269EMA(114) Emanuel School (Wolstenholme)COX(116) City of Oxford RC (Ackerman)4:35easily
26918:26W.NOV.8+ (P) UWK(107) Warwick University (Dobree-Carey)COX(116) City of Oxford RC (Ackerman)4:481 length

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