Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 9th July 2011

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Results for Twickenham RC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Winner Second ThirdTimeVerdict 1:2Verdict 2:3
5812:48Mas.DE.8+ TWK(7) Twickenham RC (Pullen =E)TWK(5) Twickenham RC (Davidson =D)KGV(6) KGS Veterans BC (Gale =D)3:261 1/34 lengths
1009:36W.IM3.8+38OSI(9) Osiris BC (Bruger)CUW(10) Cambridge University WBC (Moir-Porteous)LEH(8) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Richard)NTT1 3/4 lengths1/2 length
1109:40W.IM3.8+38COX(11) City of Oxford RC (Keir)TYS(13) Tethys BC (Bera)PTR(12) Putney Town RC (Morrissey)3:381 1/2 lengths1 1/2 lengths
1209:44W.IM3.8+39KRC(14) Kingston Rowing Club (Hughes)PAR(16) Parrs Priory (Ellens)TWK(15) Twickenham RC (Coley)3:38easily1/4 length
1309:48W.IM3.8+39OAC(17) Oxford Academicals RC (Hauschild)CUW(19) Cambridge University WBC (Atherton)LEH(18) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Robson)3:351/2 length1/4 length
3811:28W.IM3.8+54OSI(9) Osiris BC (Bruger)COX(11) City of Oxford RC (Keir)3:253 1/2 lengths 
3911:32W.IM3.8+54KRC(14) Kingston Rowing Club (Hughes)OAC(17) Oxford Academicals RC (Hauschild)3:391 3/4 lengths 
5412:32W.IM3.8+ OSI(9) Osiris BC (Bruger)KRC(14) Kingston Rowing Club (Hughes)3:314 lengths 
6814:24IM3.4+92ZER(125) English RC (Dolgov)PTR(123) Putney Town RC (PTRC coxed four)KRC(124) Kingston Rowing Club (Downes)3:18easily2 1/2 lengths
6914:28IM3.4+92WOO(127) Wolfson College, Oxford (England)AKN(126) Auriol Kensington (Wilson Im3)NTTeasily 
7014:32IM3.4+92TWK(129) Twickenham RC (Turner)KRC(128) Kingston Rowing Club (Gandy)3:403 lengths 
7114:36IM3.4+93NEP(130) Nephthys (Michelberger)OAC(132) Oxford Academicals RC (Van Der Waal)GRT(131) Granta (Paul)3:33easily
7214:40IM3.4+93KRC(135) Kingston Rowing Club (Corn)PAR(133) Parrs Priory (Cobb)PTR(134) Putney Town RC (Booth)3:421/2 length1 1/2 lengths
9216:00IM3.4+109ZER(125) English RC (Dolgov)WOO(127) Wolfson College, Oxford (England)TWK(129) Twickenham RC (Turner)3:154 lengths4 lengths
9316:04IM3.4+109NEP(130) Nephthys (Michelberger)KRC(135) Kingston Rowing Club (Corn)3:314 1/2 lengths 
10917:08IM3.4+ ZER(125) English RC (Dolgov)NEP(130) Nephthys (Michelberger)3:14easily 
3411:12NOV.4+56ZER(21) English RC (Dolgov)AKN(20) Auriol Kensington (Wilson)NEP(22) Nephthys (Rushton)3:22easily2 1/2 lengths
3511:16NOV.4+56GRT(23) Granta (Paul)COX(25) City of Oxford RC (Nov 4+ - Reimann)TWK(24) Twickenham RC (Skeels)3:38easilyRow Over
5612:40NOV.4+ ZER(21) English RC (Dolgov)GRT(23) Granta (Paul)3:214 lengths 
2810:48W.IM3.4X50WEL(39) Weybridge Ladies ARC (johnson)MBC(38) Molesey BC (McNulty)3:55easily 
2910:52W.IM3.4X50TWK(40) Twickenham RC (Nicholls)MHD(41) Maidenhead RC (Tomey)4:005 lengths 
5012:16W.IM3.4X WEL(39) Weybridge Ladies ARC (johnson)TWK(40) Twickenham RC (Nicholls)3:563 lengths 
9416:08IM1.2X110KRC(160) Kingston Rowing Club (Mackinney/Wiley)TWK(161) Twickenham RC (Calvin/Nelson)CLR(159) Cambridge University Lightweights (Kerr/Hale)3:273 1/2 lengthsRow Over
9516:12IM1.2X110CLR(163) Cambridge University Lightweights (Blackwell/Price)GUI(162) Guildford RC (Manton/Sadler)3:362 1/2 lengths 
11017:12IM1.2X KRC(160) Kingston Rowing Club (Mackinney/Wiley)CLR(163) Cambridge University Lightweights (Blackwell/Price)3:201 1/4 lengths 
8315:24IM3.2X104TWK(164) Twickenham RC (Crush/Sirmon)KRC(165) Kingston Rowing Club (Taylor/Hoskin)3:453 lengths 
8415:28IM3.2X104WBK(167) Walbrook RC (Sawtell/Maughan)TWK(166) Twickenham RC (Densmore/Skeels)GRT/WES(168) Granta/Westminster School (Tedbury/Tedbury)3:543 1/2 lengths
8515:32IM3.2X104TWK(170) Twickenham RC (Hitchinson/Barrett)KGV(169) KGS Veterans BC (Gale/Steinitz)NTTRow Over 
10416:48IM3.2X WBK(167) Walbrook RC (Sawtell/Maughan)TWK(170) Twickenham RC (Hitchinson/Barrett)TWK(164) Twickenham RC (Crush/Sirmon)3:351 3/4 lengths1/2 length
1610:00W.IM2.2X43TWK(57) Twickenham RC (Fukushima/Fisher)KRC(58) Kingston Rowing Club (Brunning/Dutreux)ROB(59) Rob Roy BC (Allen/Railton)4:125 9Row Over
1710:04W.IM2.2X43MBC(60) Molesey BC (Faldo/Failla)KRC(61) Kingston Rowing Club (Collins/Etherington)4:14Row Over 
4311:48W.IM2.2X TWK(57) Twickenham RC (Fukushima/Fisher)MBC(60) Molesey BC (Faldo/Failla)3:572 lengths 
7314:44NOV.1X100VRC(185) Vesta RC (Unler)TTR(186) Thames Tradesmens' RC (Hunter)ABN(187) Abingdon RC (Lynch)4:023 lengths4 lengths
7414:48NOV.1X100USU(188) University of Surrey (Elton)KCA(189) The King's School Canterbury BC (Hastings)NTTeasily 
7514:52NOV.1X101CRB(192) Crabtree BC (Curle)TWK(191) Twickenham RC (Marshall)MBC(190) Molesey BC (Raspin)4:05easily3 lengths
7614:56NOV.1X101VRC(194) Vesta RC (Galavotti)LOS(193) London Oratory School BC (Murch)3:581 1/2 lengths 
10016:32NOV.1X114USU(188) University of Surrey (Elton)VRC(185) Vesta RC (Unler)4:052 1/2 lengths 
10116:36NOV.1X114CRB(192) Crabtree BC (Curle)VRC(194) Vesta RC (Galavotti)3:523 1/2 lengths 
11417:28NOV.1X CRB(192) Crabtree BC (Curle)USU(188) University of Surrey (Elton)3:543/4 length 
9015:52W.IM2.1X108ABN(196) Abingdon RC (Brighton)MBC(195) Molesey BC (Failla)KRC(197) Kingston Rowing Club (Dutreux)4:253 lengths
9115:56W.IM2.1X108LEH(366) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Robson)TWK(198) Twickenham RC (Fukushima)MBC(199) Molesey BC (Salt)4:171 lengtheasily
10817:04W.IM2.1X LEH(366) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Robson)ABN(196) Abingdon RC (Brighton)4:021 length 
9816:24W.NOV.1X112OSI(201) Osiris BC (Keane)TYS(200) Tethys BC (Bera)TWK(202) Twickenham RC (Rudenko)4:353/4 length
9916:28W.NOV.1X112WTS(204) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Ward)VRC(203) Vesta RC (McGregor-Macdonald)MBC(205) Molesey BC (Faldo)4:394 lengths1 1/2 lengths
11217:20W.NOV.1X OSI(201) Osiris BC (Keane)WTS(204) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Ward)4:26easily