St Neots Sprint Regatta

Sunday 26th July 2015

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Results for Broxbourne RC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse Regatta FieldVerdict
11812:27IM3.4+233MAV(226) Maidstone Invicta RCBRX(227) Broxbourne RCa canvas
21815:53IM3.4+282MIK(223) Milton Keynes RCCAB(224) Cantabrigian RC4 lengths
23316:26IM3.4+282LEE(225) Leeds RCMAV(226) Maidstone Invicta RC3/4 length
28218:31IM3.4+ CAB(224) Cantabrigian RCMAV(226) Maidstone Invicta RC1 1/2 lengths
8511:21NOV.2X183LOT(314) London Otters RCLEE(315) Leeds RC (Sun)4 lengths
8311:17NOV.2X183NTN(316) Northampton RCAFY/MIK(317) Action4Youth/MK1 length
8611:23NOV.2X184BRX(318) Broxbourne RCMIK(319) Milton Keynes RC4 lengths
8711:25NOV.2X184SRC(320) Sudbury RCLEE(321) Leeds RC (Bendjelloul)2 1/2 lengths
18315:40NOV.2X262LOT(314) London Otters RCNTN(316) Northampton RC2 lengths
18414:45NOV.2X262BRX(318) Broxbourne RCLEE(321) Leeds RC (Bendjelloul)2 lengths
26217:41NOV.2X LOT(314) London Otters RCBRX(318) Broxbourne RC5 lengths
1709:02Mas.BC.2X133SNE(322) St Neots RC (Neill =C)BRX(323) Broxbourne RC (=C)4 lengths
1809:04Mas.BC.2X132CYG(325) Cygnet (=B)YAR(326) Yare RC (=C)2 1/2 lengths
1909:06Mas.BC.2X132BOS(327) Boston RC (=C)SNE(328) St Neots RC (Slade =C)1 1/4 lengths
13313:00Mas.BC.2X239BRX(323) Broxbourne RC (=C)LEE(324) Leeds RC (=C)2 1/2 lengths
13212:58Mas.BC.2X239YAR(326) Yare RC (=C)BOS(327) Boston RC (=C)2 lengths
23916:44Mas.BC.2X BRX(323) Broxbourne RC (=C)YAR(326) Yare RC (=C)2 lengths
5610:20IM3.1X157BRX(422) Broxbourne RC (Randall)TRT(423) Trent RC1 1/2 lengths
5710:22IM3.1X157DBY(424) Derby RCLCN(425) Lincoln Rowing Centre2 1/2 lengths
5810:24IM3.1X162GLB(426) Globe RCMAV(427) Maidstone Invicta RC3 1/2 lengths
5910:26IM3.1X162LEE(428) Leeds RCBRX(429) Broxbourne RC (Bielby)Easily
15713:48IM3.1X250BRX(422) Broxbourne RC (Randall)LCN(425) Lincoln Rowing Centre3 lengths
16213:58IM3.1X250MAV(427) Maidstone Invicta RCBRX(429) Broxbourne RC (Bielby)1/2 length
25017:11IM3.1X BRX(422) Broxbourne RC (Randall)MAV(427) Maidstone Invicta RC5 lengths
15413:42Mas.D.1X247YAR(442) Yare RCBRX(443) Broxbourne RC (Pike)3 lengths
15513:44Mas.D.1X247HLS(444) Hollowell ScullersBRX(445) Broxbourne RC (Crook)easily
24717:04Mas.D.1X YAR(442) Yare RCHLS(444) Hollowell Scullers4 lengths