St Neots Sprint Regatta

Sunday 26th July 2015

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Results for Norwich RC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse Regatta FieldVerdict
21915:55Mx.IM2.8+285TRT(215) Trent RCDBY(216) Derby RC3 lengths
22316:03Mx.IM2.8+285NOR(217) Norwich RCSNE(218) St Neots RC2 1/2 lengths
28518:39Mx.IM2.8+ DBY(216) Derby RCNOR(217) Norwich RC1 1/4 lengths
9211:35IM3.2-190SRC(300) Sudbury RCPOR(301) University of Portsmouth1 1/2 lengths
9311:37IM3.2-192DBY(304) Derby RCLEA(305) Lea Rowing Club1 1/2 lengths
19014:57IM3.2-267POR(301) University of PortsmouthNOR(302) Norwich RC2 1/2 lengths
19215:01IM3.2-267MIK(303) Milton Keynes RCDBY(304) Derby RCRow Over
26717:54IM3.2- POR(301) University of PortsmouthDBY(304) Derby RC1 length
8811:27IM3.2X187LEE(306) Leeds RC (Hill)LCN(307) Lincoln Rowing Centre (Reay)2 1/2 lengths
8911:29IM3.2X187CAB(308) Cantabrigian RCLCN(309) Lincoln Rowing Centre (Fuller)3 1/2 lengths
8111:13IM3.2X188NOR(310) Norwich RCNTN(311) Northampton RC1 1/2 lengths
9011:31IM3.2X188LEE(312) Leeds RC (Westcott)LCN(313) Lincoln Rowing Centre (Dransfield)1 length
18714:51IM3.2X263LEE(306) Leeds RC (Hill)CAB(308) Cantabrigian RC1 length
18814:53IM3.2X263NOR(310) Norwich RCLEE(312) Leeds RC (Westcott)2 lengths
26317:44IM3.2X LEE(306) Leeds RC (Hill)NOR(310) Norwich RC1/2 length
7911:09W.IM3.2X174NTN(356) Northampton RCNOR(357) Norwich RC2 1/2 lengths
8011:11W.IM3.2X176MAV(360) Maidstone Invicta RCNWK(361) Newark RC2 1/2 lengths
17414:22W.IM3.2X258NOR(357) Norwich RCMIK(358) Milton Keynes RCeasily
17614:26W.IM3.2X258NRC(359) Nottingham RCMAV(360) Maidstone Invicta RCRow Over
25817:31W.IM3.2X NOR(357) Norwich RCMAV(360) Maidstone Invicta RC2 1/2 lengths
15613:46Mas.B.1X248NOR(438) Norwich RCCYG(439) Cygnet3 1/2 lengths
15813:50Mas.B.1X248OMN(440) Old Monmothians RCBLD(441) Broadland BC2 lengths
24817:06Mas.B.1X NOR(438) Norwich RCOMN(440) Old Monmothians RC1 1/4 lengths
908:46J14.1X122STA(478) Star Club (Bennewith)AFY(479) Action4Youth (Clements)4 lengths
1008:48J14.1X122PET(480) Peterborough CityMAV(481) Maidstone Invicta RC1/2 length
1108:50J14.1X119GLB(482) Globe RCNOR(483) Norwich RC1/2 length
1208:52J14.1X119AFY(484) Action4Youth (Garratt)STA(485) Star Club (Murphy)Easily
12212:38J14.1X228AFY(479) Action4Youth (Clements)MAV(481) Maidstone Invicta RC2 lengths
11912:29J14.1X228NOR(483) Norwich RCAFY(484) Action4Youth (Garratt)3 1/2 lengths
22816:14J14.1X MAV(481) Maidstone Invicta RCAFY(484) Action4Youth (Garratt)5 lengths
708:42J13.1X121TRT(486) Trent RCNOR(487) Norwich RC (Baker)4 1/2 lengths
808:44J13.1X101LEE(490) Leeds RCNOR(491) Norwich RC (Carter)4 lengths
12112:36J13.1X227NOR(487) Norwich RC (Baker)STA(488) Star Club2 1/2 lengths
10111:53J13.1X227NOR(489) Norwich RC (Carter)NOR(491) Norwich RC (Carter)1 foot
22716:12J13.1X NOR(487) Norwich RC (Baker)NOR(491) Norwich RC (Carter)Row Over
3709:42W.IM3.1X145BOS(492) Boston RCLEE(493) Leeds RC2 1/4 lengths
3809:44W.IM3.1X144HUN(495) Huntingdon RCCAM(496) City of CambridgeRow Over
3909:46W.IM3.1X144LCN(497) Lincoln Rowing CentreNOR(498) Norwich RC3 1/2 lengths
14513:24W.IM3.1X242BOS(492) Boston RCPET(494) Peterborough City3 lengths
14413:22W.IM3.1X242CAM(496) City of CambridgeLCN(497) Lincoln Rowing CentreRow Over
24216:51W.IM3.1X BOS(492) Boston RCLCN(497) Lincoln Rowing Centre2 1/2 lengths