St Neots Sprint Regatta

Sunday 26th July 2015

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Click here to view the Draw for Nottingham RC.

Results for Nottingham RC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse Regatta FieldVerdict
7911:09W.IM3.2X174NTN(356) Northampton RCNOR(357) Norwich RC2 1/2 lengths
8011:11W.IM3.2X176MAV(360) Maidstone Invicta RCNWK(361) Newark RC2 1/2 lengths
17414:22W.IM3.2X258NOR(357) Norwich RCMIK(358) Milton Keynes RCeasily
17614:26W.IM3.2X258NRC(359) Nottingham RCMAV(360) Maidstone Invicta RCRow Over
25817:31W.IM3.2X NOR(357) Norwich RCMAV(360) Maidstone Invicta RC2 1/2 lengths
7110:53W.J18.2X170NWK(373) Newark RC (Wilson)NRC(374) Nottingham RCRow Over
7210:55W.J18.2X170MAV(375) Maidstone Invicta RC (Taylor)BOS(376) Boston RC2 1/2 lengths
7310:57W.J18.2X171GLB(377) Globe RCPET(378) Peterborough City5 lengths
7410:59W.J18.2X171NWK(379) Newark RC (Ireland)MAV(380) Maidstone Invicta RC (Lillington)2 1/2 lengths
17014:14W.J18.2X256NWK(373) Newark RC (Wilson)MAV(375) Maidstone Invicta RC (Taylor)1 length
17114:16W.J18.2X256GLB(377) Globe RCNWK(379) Newark RC (Ireland)1/3 length
25617:26W.J18.2X NWK(373) Newark RC (Wilson)NWK(379) Newark RC (Ireland)1 1/4 lengths
4910:06J18.1X152HUN(454) Huntingdon RCDEB(455) Deben RC (Linsell)Row Over
5010:08J18.1X152GLB(456) Globe RCLEE(457) Leeds RC2 3/4 lengths
5110:10J18.1X153SIV(458) St Ives RCNRC(459) Nottingham RC1 1/2 lengths
5210:12J18.1X153TRT(460) Trent RCDEB(461) Deben RC (Robson)Row Over
15214:00J18.1X246HUN(454) Huntingdon RCGLB(456) Globe RC1/3 length
15313:40J18.1X246NRC(459) Nottingham RCTRT(460) Trent RC1 1/2 lengths
24617:01J18.1X GLB(456) Globe RCNRC(459) Nottingham RC3 1/2 lengths
2909:26W.J18.1X138PET(507) Peterborough City (Stoker)NRC(508) Nottingham RC (Tweed)Row Over
3009:28W.J18.1X138NWK(509) Newark RCNRC(510) Nottingham RC (Kay)Row Over
3109:30W.J18.1X140GLB(511) Globe RCSTA(512) Star Club1 1/2 lengths
3209:32W.J18.1X140PET(513) Peterborough City (Plumb)NRC(514) Nottingham RC (Swales)1 3/4 lengths
13813:10W.J18.1X240PET(507) Peterborough City (Stoker)NRC(510) Nottingham RC (Kay)4 lengths
14013:14W.J18.1X240STA(512) Star ClubPET(513) Peterborough City (Plumb)3 lengths
24016:46W.J18.1X PET(507) Peterborough City (Stoker)PET(513) Peterborough City (Plumb)1 length
2509:18W.J16.1X136NRC(515) Nottingham RC (Jenkins)AFY(516) Action4Youth3 lengths
2609:20W.J16.1X136PET(517) Peterborough CityNRC(518) Nottingham RC (Holgate)2 1/2 lengths
2709:22W.J16.1X137HUN(519) Huntingdon RCTRT(520) Trent RCRow Over
2809:24W.J16.1X137LCN(521) Lincoln Rowing CentreNRC(522) Nottingham RC (Eaves)Row Over
13613:06W.J16.1X238NRC(515) Nottingham RC (Jenkins)NRC(518) Nottingham RC (Holgate)2 lengths
13713:08W.J16.1X238HUN(519) Huntingdon RCLCN(521) Lincoln Rowing Centre2 feet
23816:41W.J16.1X NRC(518) Nottingham RC (Holgate)HUN(519) Huntingdon RCeasily