St Neots Sprint Regatta

Sunday 26th July 2015

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Results for Star Club

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse Regatta FieldVerdict
9111:33Mas.DEF.8+189PET(209) Peterborough City (=E)MAV(210) Maidstone Invicta RC (Chapman =F)2 lengths
18514:47Mas.DEF.8+264MAV(206) Maidstone Invicta RC (Manning =D)STA(207) Star Club (=E)1 1/2 lengths
18914:55Mas.DEF.8+264SRC(208) Sudbury RC (=D)MAV(210) Maidstone Invicta RC (Chapman =F)1 1/2 lengths
26417:46Mas.DEF.8+ STA(207) Star Club (=E)MAV(210) Maidstone Invicta RC (Chapman =F)2 lengths
11312:17Mas.BC.4+216LEE(237) Leeds RC (=C)STA(238) Star Club (=B)2 1/2 lengths
22216:01Mas.BC.4+281BOS(234) Boston RC (=C)CYG(235) Cygnet (=C)2 lengths
21615:49Mas.BC.4+281HUN(236) Huntingdon RC (=C)LEE(237) Leeds RC (=C)3/4 length
28118:29Mas.BC.4+ BOS(234) Boston RC (=C)HUN(236) Huntingdon RC (=C)1 length
21415:45Mas.DE.4+280LEE(239) Leeds RC (=D)MAV(240) Maidstone Invicta RC (=E)3/4 length
21515:47Mas.DE.4+280BED(241) Bedford Rowing Club (=D)STA(242) Star Club (=E)1 1/4 lengths
28018:26Mas.DE.4+ MAV(240) Maidstone Invicta RC (=E)STA(242) Star Club (=E)3 lengths
10812:07W.NOV.4+208GRO(248) Grosvenor RC (Weston)NTN(249) Northampton RCRow Over
11012:11W.NOV.4+220GLB(252) Globe RCGRO(253) Grosvenor RC (Minshall)3 lengths
20815:33W.NOV.4+276NTN(249) Northampton RCBED(250) Bedford Rowing ClubRow Over
22015:57W.NOV.4+276STA(251) Star ClubGRO(253) Grosvenor RC (Minshall)3/4 length
27618:16W.NOV.4+ BED(250) Bedford Rowing ClubSTA(251) Star Club1 1/2 lengths
22115:59W.Mas.CDE.4+278SNE(254) St Neots RC (=E)MIK(255) Milton Keynes RC (Billingham =C)2 1/2 lengths
21115:39W.Mas.CDE.4+278STA(256) Star Club (=D)MIK(257) Milton Keynes RC (Rivett =D)4 lengths
27818:21W.Mas.CDE.4+ SNE(254) St Neots RC (=E)MIK(257) Milton Keynes RC (Rivett =D)2 1/2 lengths
10912:09Mas.CDE.4X204SNE(267) St Neots RC (=C)MAV(268) Maidstone Invicta RC (=D)3/4 length
10712:05Mas.CDE.4X210MIK(271) Milton Keynes RC (=D)STA(272) Star Club (=E)Row Over
20415:25Mas.CDE.4X275SNE(267) St Neots RC (=C)BOS(269) Boston RC (=C)4 lengths
21015:37Mas.CDE.4X275TRT(270) Trent RC (=C)STA(272) Star Club (=E)easily
27518:14Mas.CDE.4X BOS(269) Boston RC (=C)STA(272) Star Club (=E)easily
20015:17Mx.IM2.4X270TRT(276) Trent RCSTA(277) Star Club1/3 length
19114:59Mx.IM2.4X270MIK(278) Milton Keynes RCGLB(279) Globe RC3 lengths
27018:01Mx.IM2.4X TRT(276) Trent RCGLB(279) Globe RC1/3 length
1508:58Mas.E.2X128SIV(333) St Ives RCANC(334) Ancholme RC1 1/4 lengths
1609:00Mas.E.2X129LCN(337) Lincoln Rowing CentreHUN(338) Huntingdon RC3/4 length
12812:50Mas.E.2X235SIV(333) St Ives RCMAV(335) Maidstone Invicta RC1/2 length
12912:52Mas.E.2X235STA(336) Star ClubHUN(338) Huntingdon RC1 length
23516:34Mas.E.2X MAV(335) Maidstone Invicta RCHUN(338) Huntingdon RC3 lengths
18214:41J18.2X261GLB(339) Globe RCSNE(340) St Neots RC1/2 length
18014:37J18.2X261STA(341) Star ClubDEB(342) Deben RCRow Over
26117:39J18.2X GLB(339) Globe RCSTA(341) Star Club1 1/2 lengths
14213:18J14.2X234BOS(352) Boston RCSTA(353) Star Club3/4 length
13913:12J14.2X234GLB(354) Globe RCMAV(355) Maidstone Invicta RC5 lengths
23416:28J14.2X STA(353) Star ClubGLB(354) Globe RC2 lengths
7511:01W.NOV.2X172MAV(362) Maidstone Invicta RC (Wigley)SIV(363) St Ives RCeasily
7611:03W.NOV.2X172LCN(364) Lincoln Rowing Centre (Drennan)NTN(365) Northampton RC (White)Row Over
7711:05W.NOV.2X173STA(366) Star ClubNTN(367) Northampton RC (Potter)Row Over
7811:07W.NOV.2X173MAV(368) Maidstone Invicta RC (Fermor)LCN(369) Lincoln Rowing Centre (Tysoe)3 lengths
17214:18W.NOV.2X257MAV(362) Maidstone Invicta RC (Wigley)LCN(364) Lincoln Rowing Centre (Drennan)3 1/2 lengths
17314:20W.NOV.2X257NTN(367) Northampton RC (Potter)MAV(368) Maidstone Invicta RC (Fermor)easily
25717:29W.NOV.2X MAV(362) Maidstone Invicta RC (Wigley)NTN(367) Northampton RC (Potter)1 1/4 lengths
6910:49W.J16.2X186STA(381) Star Club (Taylor)TRT(382) Trent RC2 1/2 lengths
7010:51W.J16.2X169SNE(385) St Neots RCSTA(386) Star Club (Osgood)2 lengths
18614:49W.J16.2X255STA(381) Star Club (Taylor)NWK(383) Newark RC1 length
16914:12W.J16.2X255HUN(384) Huntingdon RCSNE(385) St Neots RCeasily
25518:35W.J16.2X NWK(383) Newark RCSNE(385) St Neots RC3 lengths
1408:56W.J14.2X125PET(395) Peterborough City (Pope)STA(396) Star Cluba canvas
2209:12W.J14.2X126TRT(399) Trent RCPET(400) Peterborough City (Agidee)1 1/3 lengths
12512:44W.J14.2X230STA(396) Star ClubSRC(397) Sudbury RC4 lengths
12612:46W.J14.2X230BOS(398) Boston RCPET(400) Peterborough City (Agidee)Row Over
23016:19W.J14.2X SRC(397) Sudbury RCBOS(398) Boston RC1 length
17514:24Mx.IM2.2X253DBY(401) Derby RCSTA(402) Star Club (Wiseberg)2 1/2 lengths
16113:56Mx.IM2.2X253NTN(403) Northampton RCSTA(404) Star Club (Satchwill)1 length
25317:19Mx.IM2.2X STA(402) Star Club (Wiseberg)NTN(403) Northampton RC2 lengths
1308:54Mx.NOV.2X124STA(416) Star ClubDEB(417) Deben RCRow Over
12312:40Mx.NOV.2X231NTN(413) Northampton RCMAV(414) Maidstone Invicta RC4 lengths
12412:42Mx.NOV.2X231LEA(415) Lea Rowing ClubSTA(416) Star Clubeasily
23116:21Mx.NOV.2X MAV(414) Maidstone Invicta RCSTA(416) Star Club1 length
10311:57Mas.EFG.1X203STA(446) Star Club (Waugh =F)MAV(447) Maidstone Invicta RC (Mobbs =G)1 1/2 lengths
10411:59Mas.EFG.1X203YAR(448) Yare RC (=F)HON(449) The Hornets Boat Club (=G)3/4 length
10512:01Mas.EFG.1X205PET(450) Peterborough City (=E)TYN(451) Tyne RC (=G)3/4 length
10612:03Mas.EFG.1X205STA(452) Star Club (Cook =E)MAV(453) Maidstone Invicta RC (Marshall =G)2 1/2 lengths
20315:23Mas.EFG.1X271STA(446) Star Club (Waugh =F)HON(449) The Hornets Boat Club (=G)1/3 length
20515:27Mas.EFG.1X271PET(450) Peterborough City (=E)STA(452) Star Club (Cook =E)2 inches
27118:04Mas.EFG.1X HON(449) The Hornets Boat Club (=G)PET(450) Peterborough City (=E)2 lengths
4109:50J15.1X148MAV(470) Maidstone Invicta RC (Read)STA(471) Star Club3 lengths
4209:52J15.1X148BOS(472) Boston RCSNE(473) St Neots RC1 length
4309:54J15.1X149GLB(474) Globe RCNTN(475) Northampton RC4 1/2 lengths
4409:56J15.1X149PET(476) Peterborough CityMAV(477) Maidstone Invicta RC (Rose)2 1/4 lengths
14813:30J15.1X244MAV(470) Maidstone Invicta RC (Read)SNE(473) St Neots RC2 feet
14913:32J15.1X244GLB(474) Globe RCPET(476) Peterborough City3 lengths
24416:56J15.1X SNE(473) St Neots RCPET(476) Peterborough Cityeasily
908:46J14.1X122STA(478) Star Club (Bennewith)AFY(479) Action4Youth (Clements)4 lengths
1008:48J14.1X122PET(480) Peterborough CityMAV(481) Maidstone Invicta RC1/2 length
1108:50J14.1X119GLB(482) Globe RCNOR(483) Norwich RC1/2 length
1208:52J14.1X119AFY(484) Action4Youth (Garratt)STA(485) Star Club (Murphy)Easily
12212:38J14.1X228AFY(479) Action4Youth (Clements)MAV(481) Maidstone Invicta RC2 lengths
11912:29J14.1X228NOR(483) Norwich RCAFY(484) Action4Youth (Garratt)3 1/2 lengths
22816:14J14.1X MAV(481) Maidstone Invicta RCAFY(484) Action4Youth (Garratt)5 lengths
708:42J13.1X121TRT(486) Trent RCNOR(487) Norwich RC (Baker)4 1/2 lengths
808:44J13.1X101LEE(490) Leeds RCNOR(491) Norwich RC (Carter)4 lengths
12112:36J13.1X227NOR(487) Norwich RC (Baker)STA(488) Star Club2 1/2 lengths
10111:53J13.1X227NOR(489) Norwich RC (Carter)NOR(491) Norwich RC (Carter)1 foot
22716:12J13.1X NOR(487) Norwich RC (Baker)NOR(491) Norwich RC (Carter)Row Over
3309:34W.NOV.1X141GRO(499) Grosvenor RCSTA(500) Star ClubRow Over
3409:36W.NOV.1X141LCN(501) Lincoln Rowing CentreNTN(502) Northampton RC1 1/2 lengths
3509:38W.NOV.1X143MAV(503) Maidstone Invicta RCCNN(504) Cambridge '99 RCEasily
3609:40W.NOV.1X143NWK(505) Newark RCSRC(506) Sudbury RC4 lengths
14113:16W.NOV.1X241GRO(499) Grosvenor RCNTN(502) Northampton RC1 1/2 lengths
14313:20W.NOV.1X241MAV(503) Maidstone Invicta RCNWK(505) Newark RC1 length
24116:49W.NOV.1X GRO(499) Grosvenor RCMAV(503) Maidstone Invicta RC3 lengths
2909:26W.J18.1X138PET(507) Peterborough City (Stoker)NRC(508) Nottingham RC (Tweed)Row Over
3009:28W.J18.1X138NWK(509) Newark RCNRC(510) Nottingham RC (Kay)Row Over
3109:30W.J18.1X140GLB(511) Globe RCSTA(512) Star Club1 1/2 lengths
3209:32W.J18.1X140PET(513) Peterborough City (Plumb)NRC(514) Nottingham RC (Swales)1 3/4 lengths
13813:10W.J18.1X240PET(507) Peterborough City (Stoker)NRC(510) Nottingham RC (Kay)4 lengths
14013:14W.J18.1X240STA(512) Star ClubPET(513) Peterborough City (Plumb)3 lengths
24016:46W.J18.1X PET(507) Peterborough City (Stoker)PET(513) Peterborough City (Plumb)1 length