St Neots Regatta

Saturday 24th July 2021

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Switch to Sunday 25 July 2021

Results for Lea Rowing Club

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse Regatta FieldVerdict
14315:22Op.4+156CHU(11) Churchill CollegeGLB(12) Globe RC4 lengths
14215:19Op.4+156LDU(13) Leeds UniversityJEC(14) Jesus College, Cambridge1/4 length
9813:16Op.4+115UYO(15) University of York Boat ClubCHU(16) Churchill College2 lengths
9313:03Op.4+115SNE(17) St Neots RCLEA(18) Lea Rowing Club5 lengths
15616:03Op.4+175CHU(11) Churchill CollegeLDU(13) Leeds Universityeasily
11514:50Op.4+175UYO(15) University of York Boat ClubSNE(17) St Neots RC2 lengths
17516:56Op.4+ CHU(11) Churchill CollegeUYO(15) University of York Boat Club4 lengths
2810:03W.G.4+105FIT(25) Fitzwilliam CollegeBED(26) Bedford Rowing Club1/2 length
308:51W.G.4+45CUB(33) Cambridge University (Hopkins)PET(34) Peterborough Cityeasily
10513:37W.G.4+139FIT(25) Fitzwilliam CollegeLEA(27) Lea Rowing Club1/2 length
5711:26W.G.4+139LEA(28) Lea Rowing ClubCUB(29) Cambridge University (Dyson)5 lengths
7112:03W.G.4+89STA(30) Star Club (Sadler)LDU(31) Leeds UniversityRow Over
4510:49W.G.4+89JEC(32) Jesus College, CambridgeCUB(33) Cambridge University (Hopkins)5 lengths
13915:10W.G.4+192LEA(27) Lea Rowing ClubCUB(29) Cambridge University (Dyson)4 lengths
8912:50W.G.4+192STA(30) Star Club (Sadler)CUB(33) Cambridge University (Hopkins)3/4 length
19217:46W.G.4+ CUB(29) Cambridge University (Dyson)CUB(33) Cambridge University (Hopkins)2 1/2 lengths
18617:28Mas.CD.4X198SIV(44) St Ives RC (=C)DON(45) Doncaster RC (=D)1/3 length
18717:31Mas.CD.4X198LEA(46) Lea Rowing Club (=D)YAR(47) Yare RC (=D)2 1/2 lengths
19818:07Mas.CD.4X DON(45) Doncaster RC (=D)LEA(46) Lea Rowing Club (=D)2 3/4 lengths
9513:08W.G.2X121NTN(130) Northampton RCSNE(131) St Neots RCeasily
9012:53W.G.2X121LEA(132) Lea Rowing ClubLDU(133) Leeds University (Church/Bird)3 lengths
7011:57W.G.2X86LEE(134) Leeds RC (Jones/Moore)MAV(135) Maidstone Invicta RCeasily
5611:23W.G.2X86LDU(136) Leeds University (Murphy/Butler)GLB(137) Globe RC5 lengths
12114:20W.G.2X157NTN(130) Northampton RCLEA(132) Lea Rowing Club1/3 length
8612:43W.G.2X157MAV(135) Maidstone Invicta RCGLB(137) Globe RCeasily
15716:06W.G.2X NTN(130) Northampton RCGLB(137) Globe RC2 1/2 lengths
1309:22W.1X83LDU(214) Leeds University (Bonnor)CNN(215) Cambridge '99 RCeasily
1609:29W.1X83NOR(216) Norwich RCMIK(217) Milton Keynes RC2 lengths
5811:29W.1X125LEA(218) Lea Rowing ClubJEC(219) Jesus College, Cambridge2 1/2 lengths
3110:11W.1X125LDU(220) Leeds University (Zeidler)NWK(221) Newark RC2 lengths
8312:37W.1X138CNN(215) Cambridge '99 RCMIK(217) Milton Keynes RC3 1/2 lengths
12514:31W.1X138JEC(219) Jesus College, CambridgeNWK(221) Newark RC3 lengths
13815:07W.1X CNN(215) Cambridge '99 RCNWK(221) Newark RC4 lengths