Hexham Regatta

Saturday 7th June 2008

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Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Draw for Butler College BC.

Results for Butler College BC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race North SouthTimeVerdict
16514:50S4.4+204VAN(228) Van Mildert College BC (VMBC-Searle)HAT(229) Hatfield College BC (HAT-ROSS)  
17115:02S4.4+190GRC(231) Grey College BC (GRC-Howard)DUB(232) Durham University (DUB-WADY)  
17515:10S4.4+193BTL(235) Butler College BCAID(236) St Aidans (Durham) BC (AID-Miyake-Mark)  
16014:40S4.4+189QEH(237) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (QEH-MOLE)DUB(238) Durham University (Durham Univ A)  
15614:32S4.4+189SHB(239) St Hild & St Bede College BC (SHB-FARRINGTON)HAT(240) Hatfield College BC (HAT-JOHNSON)  
20416:08S4.4+242Winner of Race 165SHB(230) St Hild & St Bede College BC (SHB-ELLMORE)  
19015:40S4.4+242Winner of Race 171DUR(233) Durham ARC (DUR-FRITZDORF)  
19315:46S4.4+243HOL(234) Hollingworth Lake RC (HOL-WOODSIDE)Winner of Race 175  
18915:38S4.4+243Winner of Race 160Winner of Race 156  
24217:24S4.4+284Winner of Race 204Winner of Race 190  
24317:26S4.4+284Winner of Race 193Winner of Race 189  
28418:48S4.4+ Winner of Race 242Winner of Race 243  
108:30WS4.4+17SHB(57) St Hild & St Bede College BC (SHB-CLARE)COC(58) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (COC-GUDERLEY)  
208:32WS4.4+18BTL(60) Butler College BC (BTL-Wootton)SMC(61) St Marys College BC (SMC-WALLIS)  
308:34WS4.4+19HAT(64) Hatfield College BC (HAT-HILLMAN)DUB(65) Durham University (DUB-MESSRUTHER)  
408:36WS4.4+20SHB(67) St Hild & St Bede College BC (SHB-CROOM)COC(68) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (COC-HILL)  
1709:02WS4.4+50Winner of Race 1TRV(59) Trevelyan College BC (TRV-Bunyan)  
1809:04WS4.4+50Winner of Race 2TTA/DUR(62) Talkin Tarn/Durham (TTA-MARK)  
1909:06WS4.4+51UST(63) Ustinov College BC (UST-HUNTRISS)Winner of Race 3  
2009:08WS4.4+51DUS(66) Durham School (DUS-CARROLL)Winner of Race 4  
5010:08WS4.4+104Winner of Race 17Winner of Race 18  
5110:10WS4.4+104Winner of Race 19Winner of Race 20  
10411:56WS4.4+ Winner of Race 50Winner of Race 51  
15914:38WN.4+ (A)181GRC(245) Grey College BC (GRC-Hardman)JSC(246) John Snow College (JSBC - Coates)  
15714:34WN.4+ (A)200COC(251) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (COC-PRESTON)DUB(252) Durham University (DUB-WAGSTYL)  
15814:36WN.4+ (A)184BTL(254) Butler College BCDUR(255) Durham ARC (Tait)  
18115:22WN.4+ (A)235Winner of Race 159SJC(247) St Johns College (Durham) BC (SJC-MOORE)  
18215:24WN.4+ (A)235SHB(248) St Hild & St Bede College BC (SHB-NARRAWAY)GSC(249) Stephenson College BC (GSC-DOWSON)  
20016:00WN.4+ (A)237AID(250) St Aidans (Durham) BC (AID-Barton)Winner of Race 157  
18415:28WN.4+ (A)237VAN(253) Van Mildert College BC (VMBC-Gardener)Winner of Race 158  
23517:10WN.4+ (A)281Winner of Race 181Winner of Race 182  
23717:14WN.4+ (A)281Winner of Race 200Winner of Race 184  
28118:42WN.4+ (A) Winner of Race 235Winner of Race 237  
16114:42WN.4+ (B)192NTH(256) Nithsdale ARC (NTH-DUFF)COC(257) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (COC-Creedon)  
16214:44WN.4+ (B)186HEX(259) Hexham RC (goddard)SMC(260) St Marys College BC (SMC-JOHNSTONE)  
16314:46WN.4+ (B)187COC(263) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (COC-BOOTH)AID(264) St Aidans (Durham) BC (AID-WHITE)  
16414:48WN.4+ (B)188VAN(266) Van Mildert College BC (VMBC-Fotheringham)GRC(267) Grey College BC (GRC-DUNN)  
19215:44WN.4+ (B)238Winner of Race 161AID(258) St Aidans (Durham) BC (AID-TRELA - LARSEN)  
18615:32WN.4+ (B)238Winner of Race 162SJC(261) St Johns College (Durham) BC (SJC-GRAHAM)  
18715:34WN.4+ (B)239SHB(262) St Hild & St Bede College BC (SHB-WAN)Winner of Race 163  
18815:36WN.4+ (B)239GSC(265) Stephenson College BC (GSC-OVERTON)Winner of Race 164  
23817:16WN.4+ (B)282Winner of Race 192Winner of Race 186  
23917:18WN.4+ (B)282Winner of Race 187Winner of Race 188  
28218:44WN.4+ (B) Winner of Race 238Winner of Race 239