Maidenhead Regatta

Saturday 5th August 2023

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Molesey BC

9) Recreational Coxed Quads

 22) Maidenhead (Rye)──────┐ Maidenhead (Rye)         
 23) Weyfarers (Taylorson)─┘ 2:14 1 1/4 lengths       │ Maidenhead (Rye)         
 24) Weyfarers (Percival)──┐ Molesey (Cook)           │ 2:13 easily              
 25) Molesey (Cook)────────┘ NTT 1 length             

36) Masters G/H Sculls

                                101) D Duckworth =G (Marlow)┐
                                                            │ P Mew =H (Thames)           
 102) P Mew =H (Thames)───────┐ P Mew =H (Thames)           ├─────────────────────────────
                              ├─────────────────────────────┘ 2:25 4.4 lengths            
 103) D Jillings =G (Molesey)─┘ 2:13 1 1/4 lengths