Maidenhead Regatta

Saturday 5th August 2023

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Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Abingdon RC

30) Open Sculls

 82) J Visioli (Maidenhead)───────┐ J Visioli (Maidenhead)          
 83) R Tiwana (Marlow)────────────┘ 1:53 1/4 length                 │ J Visioli (Maidenhead)          
                                    84) A Powell (Upper Thames)─────┘ NTT 2 lengths                   │
                                                                                                      │ J Visioli (Maidenhead)          
 85) S Oliver (Marlow)────────────┐ R Cameron  Martin (Abingdon)                                      ├─────────────────────────────────
                                  ├─────────────────────────────────┐                                 │ 1:55 1 1/2 lengths              
 86) R Cameron─ Martin (Abingdon)─┘ 2:01 1 1/2 lengths              │ H Wagenaar (Cambridge 99)       │
 87) H Wagenaar (Cambridge 99)────┐ H Wagenaar (Cambridge 99)       │ 1:56 1/2 length                 
 88) E Thorne (Bournemouth Univ.)─┘ 1:58 2 1/4 lengths              

50) Open Double Sculls

                                             152) Eton Excelsior (Chandler/Kimyani)───┐ Maidenhead (Mulvaney/Van Der Valk)       
                                             153) Maidenhead (Mulvaney/Van Der Valk)──┘ 1:54 3 lengths                           │ Maidenhead (Mulvaney/Van Der Valk)       
                                             154) Marlow (Downing/Farmer)─────────────┐                                          │ 1:49 3 lengths                           
                                                                                      │ Eton Excelsior (Laszkiewicz/Wright)      │
 155) Eton Excelsior (Laszkiewicz/Wright)──┐ Eton Excelsior (Laszkiewicz/Wright)      ├──────────────────────────────────────────┘
                                           ├──────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:03 easily                              
 156) Abingdon (Parkinson/Cameron─ Martin)─┘ 1:48 2 lengths