Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 13th July 2013

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Switch to Sunday 14 July 2013

Draw for Clare/X Press

19) Intermediate 3 Eights

 95) Clare/X Press──────┐
                        │ Granta                
 96) Twickenham─────────┼───────────────────────┐
                        │ 3:15 3 lengths        │
 97) Granta─────────────┘                       │ Granta                
 98) Kingston───────────┐                       │ 3:51 easily           
                        │ Maidstone Invicta     │
 99) Oxford Academicals─┼───────────────────────┘
                        │ 3:29 1 1/2 lengths    
 100) Maidstone Invicta─┘