Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 12th July 2008

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Switch to Sunday 13 July 2008

Draw for Globe RC

0Womens Senior 3 Coxed Fours

 61) Sons of the Thames (Harper)──┐ Vesta                           
 62) Vesta────────────────────────┘ 1 3/4 lengths                   │
 63) Barnes Bridge Ladies─────────┐                                 │
                                  │ Twickenham                      │ Vesta                           
 60) Globe────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────
                                  │ 3:35 easily                     │ 3:35 1/2 length                 
 64) Twickenham───────────────────┘                                 │
 65) City of Oxford───────────────┐ Sons of the Thames (Turnock)    │
 66) Sons of the Thames (Turnock)─┘ 2 1/4 lengths                   

0Senior 2 Sculls

 127) Kingston Grammar School (Smalman─Smith)─┐
                                              │ Molesey (Keane)                             
 128) Bath University (Gregory)───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────┐
                                              │ 3:23 2 lengths                              │
 129) Molesey (Keane)─────────────────────────┘                                             │ Globe (Jaques)                              
 130) Globe (Jaques)──────────────────────────┐ Globe (Jaques)                              │ 3:35 3/4 length                             
 131) Bath University (Odam)──────────────────┘ 3:28 1/2 length                             

0Novice Sculls

 146) Walbrook (Lukes)────────────┐
                                  │ Vesta (Wong Min)                
 147) Vesta (Wong Min)────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┐
                                  │ 3:49 4 lengths                  │
 148) Eton Excelsior (Cann)───────┘                                 │ Minerva Bath (Whetherly)        
 149) Globe (Hollier)─────────────┐                                 │ 3:42 1 length                   │
                                  │ Minerva Bath (Whetherly)        │                                 │
 150) Eton Excelsior (Aspey)──────┼─────────────────────────────────┘                                 │
                                  │ 3:47 easily                                                       │
 151) Minerva Bath (Whetherly)────┘                                                                   │ Thames (Dorrance King)          
 152) Sons of the Thames (Sumter)─┐                                                                   │ 3:37 easily                     
                                  │ Thames (Dorrance King)                                            │
 153) Thames (Dorrance─King)──────┼─────────────────────────────────┐                                 │
                                  │ 3:37 3 lengths                  │                                 │
 154) Guildford (Hopkins)─────────┘                                 │ Thames (Dorrance King)          │
 155) Eton Excelsior (Littlewood)─┐ Eton Excelsior (Littlewood)     │ 3:35 2 lengths                  
 156) Vesta (Galavotti)───────────┘ 3:46 1 1/4 lengths