Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 11th July 2009

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Switch to Sunday 12 July 2009

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Winner Second ThirdTimeVerdict 1:2Verdict 2:3
6914:50IM3.8+110CAM(6) City of Cambridge (Cornegruta)SON(4) Sons of the Thames RC (sons-mayer)KRC(5) Kingston Rowing Club (Hayes)3:181 length1 1/4 lengths
7215:05IM3.8+110PTR(7) Putney Town RC (Bartoldus)PAR(9) Parrs Priory (Nooy)TRC(8) Thames RC (Wilson)3:181 3/4 lengthsa canvas
7315:09IM3.8+110HSB(1) HSBC RCGRT(3) Granta (Milanova)RDG(2) Reading RC (Hirsch)3:181/2 length 
11017:43IM3.8+ HSB(1) HSBC RCCAM(6) City of Cambridge (Cornegruta)PTR(7) Putney Town RC (Bartoldus)3:297 lengths1/2 length
4812:20NOV.8+100PAR(12) Parrs Priory (Thorpe)PTR(13) Putney Town RC (Carmichael)3:40easily 
5012:28NOV.8+100GRT(11) Granta (Booth)TWK(10) Twickenham RC (Russell)3:231/3 length 
10017:03NOV.8+ GRT(11) Granta (Booth)PAR(12) Parrs Priory (Thorpe)3:22easily 
4011:45W.IM1.8+95CUW(20) Cambridge University WBC (Stewart)KRC(19) Kingston Rowing Club (Gilliver)NTT 
4111:49W.IM1.8+95CUW(16) Cambridge University WBC (Surtees)GUI(18) Guildford RC (Patel)GLB(17) Globe RC (Clark)3:29easily 
4311:57W.IM1.8+95VRC(15) Vesta RC (Ansell)CUW(14) Cambridge University WBC (Drummond)3:363/4 length 
9516:40W.IM1.8+ VRC(15) Vesta RC (Ansell)CUW(16) Cambridge University WBC (Surtees)CUW(20) Cambridge University WBC (Stewart)3:271/2 length2 1/4 lengths
8315:49W.IM3.8+109WBK(27) Walbrook RC (Bolton)VRC(29) Vesta RC (Starostina)TWK(28) Twickenham RC (West)3:464 lengths1 3/4 lengths
8415:53W.IM3.8+109TWK(22) Twickenham RC (Holloway)KRC(21) Kingston Rowing Club (Goddard)VRC(23) Vesta RC (Goodman)3:431 1/4 lengths1 1/4 lengths
8515:57W.IM3.8+109BBL(24) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Lucey)CUW(25) Cambridge University WBC (Long)ETX(26) Eton Excelsior RC (Richardson)3:401/4 length3 lengths
10917:39W.IM3.8+ TWK(22) Twickenham RC (Holloway)WBK(27) Walbrook RC (Bolton)BBL(24) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Lucey)3:442 1/4 lengths3 lengths
5813:03W.NOV.8+104BBL(33) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Rangecroft)PTR(34) Putney Town RC (Futernick)3:474 lengths 
6114:18W.NOV.8+104CUW(30) Cambridge University WBC (Sedgwick)SON(31) Sons of the Thames RC (Sharp)KRC(32) Kingston Rowing Club (Cogan)3:424 lengths1 1/2 lengths
10417:05W.NOV.8+ CUW(30) Cambridge University WBC (Sedgwick)BBL(33) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Rangecroft)3:451/3 length 
6614:38W.J16.8+ LEH(35) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Miryanova)SWP(36) Sir William Perkins School (Clarke)KGS(37) Kingston Grammar School (Hughes)3:382 1/4 lengths2 1/4 lengths
3111:09IM2.4+90PBD(39) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Mead)GLB(40) Globe RC (Hodges)CYG(38) Cygnet (Gibbons)NTT1 length2 lengths
3611:29IM2.4+90NEP(41) Nephthys (Henstridge)WBK(42) Walbrook RC (Makinson)3:284 lengths 
9016:20IM2.4+ NEP(41) Nephthys (Henstridge)PBD(39) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Mead)3:253 feet 
1710:10IM3.4+60HSB(43) HSBC RC (Fitz)PAR(44) Parrs Priory (Ten Broeke)FSC(45) Furnivall SC (Ramos Plasencia)3:392 lengthseasily
1810:14IM3.4+63CUR(53) Curlew RC (Hogg)HSB(55) HSBC RC (Keith)PAR(54) Parrs Priory (Nooy)3:451 length1/2 length
1910:18IM3.4+60TWK(47) Twickenham RC (Whittington)ETX(46) Eton Excelsior RC (Martin)3:343 lengths 
2010:22IM3.4+60GRT(48) Granta (Masters)KRC(49) Kingston Rowing Club (Bidmead)NTT3 1/2 lengths 
2110:26IM3.4+63PTR(51) Putney Town RC (Bartoldus)TRC(50) Thames RC (Wilson)GIR(52) Girton College BC3:393 lengths 
6014:14IM3.4+102TWK(47) Twickenham RC (Whittington)GRT(48) Granta (Masters)HSB(43) HSBC RC (Fitz)3:333/4 length1/2 length
6314:26IM3.4+102PTR(51) Putney Town RC (Bartoldus)CUR(53) Curlew RC (Hogg)NTTeasily 
10217:11IM3.4+ PTR(51) Putney Town RC (Bartoldus)TWK(47) Twickenham RC (Whittington)3:313 feet 
7615:21NOV.4+111TWK(64) Twickenham RC (Hitchinson)ETX(62) Eton Excelsior RC (Brash)PAR(63) Parrs Priory (Wilson)3:452 lengthseasily
8115:41NOV.4+111KRC(58) Kingston Rowing Club (Hoskin)TRC(56) Thames RC (Johnston)TFN(57) Tiffin School BC (Nulson)3:49a canvas2 lengths
8215:45NOV.4+111GRT(61) Granta (Varley)RDG(59) Reading RC (Nobile)USU(60) University of Surrey (Minarik)3:42easily 
11117:47NOV.4+ GRT(61) Granta (Varley)KRC(58) Kingston Rowing Club (Hoskin)TWK(64) Twickenham RC (Hitchinson)3:371 length1 1/2 lengths
6514:34W.IM2.4+106BBL(67) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Lucey)SON(66) Sons of the Thames RC (Sons Lund)FSC(65) Furnivall SC (Richardson)4:001 length 
6814:46W.IM2.4+106MAA(68) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Royds-Jones)GUI(69) Guildford RC (Poole)4:082 lengths 
10616:59W.IM2.4+ BBL(67) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Lucey)MAA(68) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Royds-Jones)4:011 length 
109:03W.IM3.4+30KRC(72) Kingston Rowing Club (Kerrigan)TTR(71) Thames Tradesmens' RC (Bews)WBK(70) Walbrook RC (McLaverty)NTT1 1/2 lengths3 lengths
209:07W.IM3.4+30ZNE(73) A S R Nereus (Koopman)PBD(75) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Birrell)GUI(74) Guildford RC (Hough)4:084 lengthseasily
309:11W.IM3.4+27ETX(77) Eton Excelsior RC (Watson)RDG(76) Reading RC (Fairhurst)PAR(78) Parrs Priory (Wilson)4:023 lengths1/3 length
409:15W.IM3.4+27WBK(80) Walbrook RC (Venning)GLB(79) Globe RC (Clark)4:003 feet 
2710:50W.IM3.4+94WBK(80) Walbrook RC (Venning)ETX(77) Eton Excelsior RC (Watson)4:001 length 
3011:05W.IM3.4+94ZNE(73) A S R Nereus (Koopman)KRC(72) Kingston Rowing Club (Kerrigan)4:30Row Over 
9416:36W.IM3.4+ WBK(80) Walbrook RC (Venning)ZNE(73) A S R Nereus (Koopman)3:571/3 length 
7014:54W.NOV.4+108PBD(85) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Lewis)HSB(86) HSBC RCKRC(84) Kingston Rowing Club (Vega de Francis)4:153/4 length 
7415:13W.NOV.4+108ZNE(83) A S R Nereus (Koopman)TWK(82) Twickenham RC (Nicholls)BBL(81) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Grobler)4:061 length5 lengths
7515:17W.NOV.4+108PTR(88) Putney Town RC (Zoeteman)GUI(87) Guildford RC (Wehrens)BBL(89) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Leow)4:123 lengths2 lengths
10817:35W.NOV.4+ ZNE(83) A S R Nereus (Koopman)PBD(85) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Lewis)PTR(88) Putney Town RC (Zoeteman)4:023 lengths1/3 length
5712:56IM1.4-103VRC(90) Vesta RC (Hawkins)KRC(91) Kingston Rowing Club (Kervell)3:281/2 length 
6214:22IM1.4-103VRC(93) Vesta RC (Ireland)CYG(92) Cygnet (Henderson)3:291/3 length 
10317:15IM1.4- VRC(93) Vesta RC (Ireland)VRC(90) Vesta RC (Hawkins)3:313 feet 
6714:42NOV.4X107VRC(94) Vesta RC (Jozwiak)CAL(95) Calpe (Castle)NTT2 1/2 lengths 
7115:01NOV.4X107CAL(97) Calpe (Grech)WBK(96) Walbrook RC (Poulsom)3:331 3/4 lengths 
10717:31NOV.4X VRC(94) Vesta RC (Jozwiak)CAL(97) Calpe (Grech)3:242 lengths 
2911:01W.NOV.4X89WEL(102) Weybridge Ladies ARC (Mitchell)MBC(101) Molesey BC (Summers)PTR(103) Putney Town RC (Bartlett)4:273 lengths 
3311:17W.NOV.4X89CAL(100) Calpe (Charvetto)ZKA(98) Karachi BC (Amer)PTR(99) Putney Town RC (Whittington)3:542/3 length4 lengths
8916:16W.NOV.4X CAL(100) Calpe (Charvetto)WEL(102) Weybridge Ladies ARC (Mitchell)4:07easily 
3511:00IM3.2X92TRC(104) Thames RC (Jones/Jory)GUI(105) Guildford RC (Manton/Sadler)3:482 1/2 lengths 
3711:33IM3.2X92FTT/JEC(109) First & Third/Jesus (Gruessing/Tran-Viet)ETX(110) Eton Excelsior RC (Dollimore/Swire)NTTeasily 
4512:08IM3.2X92WBK(107) Walbrook RC (Sawtell/Makinson)VRC(106) Vesta RC (Hindshaw/Henderson)CAL(108) Calpe (Vatvani/Grech)3:45easily 
9216:28IM3.2X FTT/JEC(109) First & Third/Jesus (Gruessing/Tran-Viet)TRC(104) Thames RC (Jones/Jory)WBK(107) Walbrook RC (Sawtell/Makinson)3:355 lengths2 feet
1309:51NOV.2X55KRC(114) Kingston Rowing Club (Hayes/Hoskin)QBC(115) Quintin BC (Cirmirakis/Cirmirakis)3:432 1/2 lengths 
1409:55NOV.2X55CAL(111) Calpe (Lett/Roman)WLT(112) Walton RC (Jensma/Hulley)VRC(113) Vesta RC (Kane/Rose)3:443 lengths4 lengths
1510:02NOV.2X56ETX(116) Eton Excelsior RC (Brown/Curran)WBK(117) Walbrook RC (Lukes/Davey)TFN(118) Tiffin School BC (Clarke/McArdle)4:013 lengths1 length
1610:06NOV.2X56CAL(119) Calpe (Facio-Beanland/Castle)VRC(120) Vesta RC (Awad/Germadnik)3:52easily 
5512:48NOV.2X101CAL(111) Calpe (Lett/Roman)KRC(114) Kingston Rowing Club (Hayes/Hoskin)3:412 lengths 
5612:52NOV.2X101CAL(119) Calpe (Facio-Beanland/Castle)ETX(116) Eton Excelsior RC (Brown/Curran)3:563 1/2 lengths 
10117:07NOV.2X CAL(111) Calpe (Lett/Roman)CAL(119) Calpe (Facio-Beanland/Castle)4:001 length 
3211:13W.IM3.2X91VRC(122) Vesta RC (Henderson-Ross/McLeod-More)GUI(121) Guildford RC (Poole/Shenton-Taylor)4:144 lengths 
3411:21W.IM3.2X91TSS(123) Tideway Scullers School (Lonergan/Phelan)GUI(124) Guildford RC (Stones/Muller)4:203 lengths 
9115:43W.IM3.2X TSS(123) Tideway Scullers School (Lonergan/Phelan)VRC(122) Vesta RC (Henderson-Ross/McLeod-More)4:003 lengths 
4612:12W.NOV.2X97PTR(128) Putney Town RC (Brennan/McLoughlin)VRC/PAR(130) Vesta/Parrs Priory (Snippe/McLeod-More)CAL(129) Calpe (Lugaro/Baglietto)4:121 1/4 lengthseasily
5112:32W.NOV.2X97CAL(125) Calpe (Russo/Charvetto)MAA(127) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Tose/Kirby)ZKA(126) Karachi BC (Kamal/Khawaja)4:153 lengths3 feet
4714:04W.NOV.2X97CAL(131) Calpe (Linares/Dudley)ZKA(132) Karachi BC (Abbas/Amer)4:18easily 
9716:48W.NOV.2X CAL(131) Calpe (Linares/Dudley)PTR(128) Putney Town RC (Brennan/McLoughlin)  4:113 lengths4 lengths
2610:46IM1.1X88VRC(134) Vesta RC (Bond)KRC(133) Kingston Rowing Club (Hall)MBC(135) Molesey BC (Gare)3:453 1/2 lengths 
2810:54IM1.1X88HEN(136) Henley RC (Hanson)VRC(137) Vesta RC (Brown)3:561 3/4 lengths 
8816:12IM1.1X VRC(134) Vesta RC (Bond)HEN(136) Henley RC (Hanson)3:493 lengths 
3811:37IM2.1X93GRT(139) Granta (Blessley)TWK(138) Twickenham RC (Nelson)FTT(140) First & Third Trinity (Ford)3:561/2 lengtheasily
3911:41IM2.1X93HEN(141) Henley RC (Hanson)KRC(142) Kingston Rowing Club (Hall)TRC(143) Thames RC (Dorrance-King)3:562 1/2 lengthseasily
9316:32IM2.1X GRT(139) Granta (Blessley)HEN(141) Henley RC (Hanson)3:523/4 length 
509:19IM3.1X (A)49CAL(144) Calpe (Roman)TRC(145) Thames RC (Jones)ETX(146) Eton Excelsior RC (Dollimore)NTT2 lengths5 lengths
609:23IM3.1X (A)49CUR(147) Curlew RC (Weir)KRC(148) Kingston Rowing Club (Gordon)NTTRow Over 
709:27IM3.1X (A)52WLT(149) Walton RC (Shire)NEP(150) Nephthys (Harvey)FTT(151) First & Third Trinity (Ford)4:005 lengths1/2 length
809:31IM3.1X (A)52RAD(152) Radley College Boat Club (Lee)PTR(153) Putney Town RC (McLoughlin)4:054 lengths 
4912:24IM3.1X (A)98CAL(144) Calpe (Roman)CUR(147) Curlew RC (Weir)4:164 lengths 
5212:36IM3.1X (A)98RAD(152) Radley College Boat Club (Lee)WLT(149) Walton RC (Shire)NTTDisqualified 
9816:52IM3.1X (A) CAL(144) Calpe (Roman)RAD(152) Radley College Boat Club (Lee)3:561/3 length 
909:35IM3.1X (B)53TFN(156) Tiffin School BC (Rolls)GRT(154) Granta (Lawes)AKN(155) Auriol Kensington (Von Kaltenborn)3:561/2 length 
1009:39IM3.1X (B)53TTR(158) Thames Tradesmens' RC (Williams)MBC(157) Molesey BC (Collins)NTTRow Over 
1109:43IM3.1X (B)54NEP(159) Nephthys (Simmons)FTT(161) First & Third Trinity (Gruessing)TRC(160) Thames RC (Jory)3:532 feeteasily
1209:47IM3.1X (B)54ETX(163) Eton Excelsior RC (Swire)KRC(162) Kingston Rowing Club (Brewer)4:02easily 
5312:40IM3.1X (B)99TFN(156) Tiffin School BC (Rolls)TTR(158) Thames Tradesmens' RC (Williams)3:59easily 
5412:44IM3.1X (B)99NEP(159) Nephthys (Simmons)ETX(163) Eton Excelsior RC (Swire)3:571 length 
9916:56IM3.1X (B) NEP(159) Nephthys (Simmons)TFN(156) Tiffin School BC (Rolls)3:571 foot 
7715:25NOV.1X (A)112TFN(165) Tiffin School BC (Clarke)VRC(166) Vesta RC (Galavotti)NEP(164) Nephthys (Sadowski)4:093 lengths1 length
7815:29NOV.1X (A)112KRC(169) Kingston Rowing Club (Thompson)CAL(167) Calpe (Vatvani)ETX(168) Eton Excelsior RC (Cosham)4:071/4 length1 3/4 lengths
7915:33NOV.1X (A)112VRC(172) Vesta RC (Hughes)GLB(170) Globe RC (Hollier)CAL(171) Calpe (Tilbury)4:081 lengtheasily
11217:51NOV.1X (A) TFN(165) Tiffin School BC (Clarke)VRC(172) Vesta RC (Hughes)KRC(169) Kingston Rowing Club (Thompson)4:052 lengths1 length
8015:37NOV.1X (B)113CAL(173) Calpe (Montero)JEC(174) Jesus College, Cambridge (Tran-Viet)WLT(175) Walton RC (Jensma)4:014 1/2 lengths2 1/2 lengths
8616:04NOV.1X (B)113MBC(176) Molesey BC (Westcott)CAL(178) Calpe (Lett)VRC(177) Vesta RC (Kane)4:06easily3 lengths
8716:08NOV.1X (B)113KRC(180) Kingston Rowing Club (Borthwick)TFN(179) Tiffin School BC (McArdle)NTT 
11317:55NOV.1X (B) CAL(173) Calpe (Montero)MBC(176) Molesey BC (Westcott)KRC(180) Kingston Rowing Club (Borthwick)NTT4 1/2 lengthseasily
4211:53W.IM3.1X96ETX(185) Eton Excelsior RC (Rowell)MAA(186) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Wright)CAL(184) Calpe (Charvetto)4:271 1/2 lengths3 lengths
4412:04W.IM3.1X96MAA(181) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Drayson)MAA(183) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Watterston)ETX(182) Eton Excelsior RC (Brewer)4:251 lengtheasily
9616:44W.IM3.1X MAA(181) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Drayson)ETX(185) Eton Excelsior RC (Rowell)4:202 lengths 
2210:30W.NOV.1X64PTR(189) Putney Town RC (Lewis)CAL(187) Calpe (Linares)CAL(188) Calpe (Baglietto)4:363/4 lengtheasily
2310:34W.NOV.1X64TSS(190) Tideway Scullers School (Budgett)CAL(191) Calpe (Dudley)4:26easily 
2410:38W.NOV.1X59TSS(195) Tideway Scullers School (Scrine)CAL(196) Calpe (Russo)4:44easily 
2510:42W.NOV.1X59MAA(194) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Campbell)ZKA(192) Karachi BC (Abbas)MAA(193) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Elms)4:581/2 lengtheasily
5914:07W.NOV.1X105TSS(195) Tideway Scullers School (Scrine)MAA(194) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Campbell)NTT3 lengths 
6414:30W.NOV.1X105TSS(190) Tideway Scullers School (Budgett)PTR(189) Putney Town RC (Lewis)NTTeasily 
10517:23W.NOV.1X TSS(190) Tideway Scullers School (Budgett)TSS(195) Tideway Scullers School (Scrine)4:17easily 

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Town Centre Enclosure