Cambridge Autumn Regatta

Sunday 13th September 2009

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Meadow TowpathTimeVerdict
108:30IM3.4+36CAB(21) Cantabrigian RC (Kirk)BRX(22) Broxbourne RC (Foden)  
208:32J16.1X51DUS(216) Durham School (McQuillan)NTN(217) Northampton RC (Salt)  
308:35IM3.4+38SNE(29) St Neots RC (White)BRX(30) Broxbourne RC (Jenkins)  
408:38J16.1X48SIV(222) St Ives RC (Lilley)ROB(223) Rob Roy BC (Murphy)  
508:41J16.1X49PET(225) Peterborough City (Boyle)DUS(226) Durham School (Bartlett)  
608:43J14.1X57PET(237) Peterborough City (Hayes)SIV(238) St Ives RC (Gawin)  
708:46J14.1X58PET(240) Peterborough City (Wells)NRC(241) Nottingham RC (Parnell)  
808:49NOV.1X67SNE(177) St Neots RC (Hawes)BEC(178) Beccles Rowing Club (Earl)  
908:52NOV.1X62NTN(184) Northampton RC (Connolly)JEC(185) Jesus College, Cambridge (Hughes)  
1008:54NOV.1X70HLS(187) Hollowell Scullers (Webb)BEC(188) Beccles Rowing Club (Loftus)  
1108:57VC.1X75HLS(196) Hollowell Scullers (Rudkin)CHA(197) Champion of the Thames (Jones)  
1209:00W.J15.2X59WEY(152) Weybridge (Morris/Dyer)PET(153) Peterborough City (Swain/Macfarlane)  
1309:03J18.1X53NTN(209) Northampton RC (Bates)MIK(210) Milton Keynes RC (Tucker)  
1409:05J16.2X78PET(121) Peterborough City (Lunn/Fox)NTN(122) Northampton RC (Salt/Tuck)  
1509:08NOV.1X69MAV(180) Maidstone Invicta RC (Ridgway)SIV(181) St Ives RC (Lilley)  
1609:11J14.1X54NRC(231) Nottingham RC (McLardy)SNE(232) St Neots RC (Page)  
1709:14W.J15.2X68SIV(155) St Ives RC (Enticknap/Milner)CHA(156) Champion of the Thames (Emond/Stewart)  
1809:16W.J15.2X68SRC(157) Sudbury RC (Adams/Lockyer)PET(158) Peterborough City (Phillips/Lawless)  
1909:19VC.1X76NTN(192) Northampton RC (Tanqueray)DEB(193) Deben RC (Earnshaw)  
2009:22IM3.2X77DUS(83) Durham School (Evans/Smith)BRX(84) Broxbourne RC (Mould/Jenkins)  
2109:25IM3.2X71BEC(89) Beccles Rowing Club (Halton-Farrow/Banham)BRX(90) Broxbourne RC (Goodwin/Wyatt)  
2209:27J16.2X81NTN(115) Northampton RC (O Neill/Millett)ROB(116) Rob Roy BC (Murphy/Higginbottom)  
2309:30J16.2X81WEY(117) Weybridge (Jeffries/Meyer)SRC(118) Sudbury RC (Jones/Clayden)  
2409:33J16.2X78KSR(119) Kings School Rochester BC (Hall/Galloway)HLS/IEL(120) Hollowell/Isle of Ely (Hughes/Mitchell)  
2509:36IM3.2X77CAB(85) Cantabrigian RC (McBirnie/Ouroussoff)HLS/CNN(86) Hollowell/Nines (Mitchell/Webb)  
2609:38IM3.2X71CHA(87) Champion of the Thames (Jones/Corbett)WEY(88) Weybridge (Bolding/Beagley)  
2709:41W.NOV.2X82ROB(137) Rob Roy BC (Dowding/Bakra)BEC(138) Beccles Rowing Club (Banham/Bateson)  
2809:44W.NOV.2X90NTN(140) Northampton RC (Butler/Miller)PET(141) Peterborough City (Lamming/Knowles)  
2909:47W.NOV.2X90DEB(142) Deben RC (Chittock/Shire)WEY(143) Weybridge (Shanks/Cocks)  
3009:49IM3.1X86STN(171) Staines BC (Tollett)YAR(172) Yare RC (Postlethwaite)  
3109:52IM3.1X96CNN(175) Cambridge '99 RC (Bourret)YAR(176) Yare RC (Mulvany)  
3209:55W.J15.1X84WEY(265) Weybridge (Dailey)CHA(266) Champion of the Thames (Emond)  
3309:58W.J15.1X83SIV(268) St Ives RC (Milner)KSR(269) Kings School Rochester BC (Nicholls)  
3410:00W.J15.1X83YAR(270) Yare RC (Evans)WEY(271) Weybridge (Fisher)  
3510:03J18.2X101RDO(110) Royal Docks RC (Stephens/Naveda)MIK(111) Milton Keynes RC (Davies/Tucker)  
3610:06IM3.4+107Winner of Race 1QMC(23) Queen Mary UL BC (Gull)  
3710:09IM3.4+98DUS(26) Durham School (Pearson)FTT(27) First & Third Trinity (Fletcher)  
3810:11IM3.4+98JEC(28) Jesus College, Cambridge (Tran-Viet)Winner of Race 3  
3910:14IM3.4+107PET(24) Peterborough City (Barrows)QCC(25) Queens' College (Queens College Boars)  
4010:17W.J14.1X100ROB(275) Rob Roy BC (Bland)SIV(276) St Ives RC (Jones)  
4110:20J14.2X97SRC(123) Sudbury RC (Stock/Cook)PET(124) Peterborough City (Hart/Marshall)  
4210:22J14.2X102CHA(126) Champion of the Thames (Haynes/Wheatley)BRX(127) Broxbourne RC (Stride/Carter)  
4310:25J14.2X102SIV(128) St Ives RC (Cook/Gawin)PET(129) Peterborough City (Veal-Gray/Richardson)  
4410:28W.NOV.1X104WEY(252) Weybridge (Dailey)RDO(253) Royal Docks RC (Chapman)  
4510:31W.NOV.1X103SRC(257) Sudbury RC (Brown)WEY(258) Weybridge (Shanks)  
4610:33W.NOV.1X103NOR(255) Norwich RC (Lister)PET(256) Peterborough City (Scutts)  
4710:36J16.1X105PET(219) Peterborough City (Taylor)WEY(220) Weybridge (Keenes)  
4810:39J16.1X106ROB(221) Rob Roy BC (Higginbottom)Winner of Race 4  
4910:42J16.1X106NTN(224) Northampton RC (Tuck)Winner of Race 5  
5010:44J18.1X110KSR(202) Kings School Rochester BC (McLarney)MIK(203) Milton Keynes RC (Woodruff)  
5110:47J16.1X105Winner of Race 2BEC(218) Beccles Rowing Club (Loftus)  
5210:50J18.1X110PET(204) Peterborough City (Rippon)MIK(205) Milton Keynes RC (Engledow)  
5310:53J18.1X112RDO(208) Royal Docks RC (Stephens)Winner of Race 13  
5410:55J14.1X113Winner of Race 16PET(233) Peterborough City (Manganiello)  
5510:58J14.1X113WEY(234) Weybridge (Jeffries)PET(235) Peterborough City (Codd)  
5611:01J18.1X112WEY(206) Weybridge (Coxhead)BEC(207) Beccles Rowing Club (Earl)  
5711:04J14.1X114ROB(236) Rob Roy BC (Nielsen)Winner of Race 6  
5811:06J14.1X114RDO(239) Royal Docks RC (Naveda)Winner of Race 7  
5911:09W.J15.2X141Winner of Race 12BRX(154) Broxbourne RC (Mould/Taylor)  
6011:12NOV.4+111PET(31) Peterborough City (Scutts)XPR(32) X Press Boat Club (Hall)  
6111:15NOV.4+115SRC(34) Sudbury RC (Adams)STA(35) Star Club (Tredget)  
6211:17NOV.1X134DEB(183) Deben RC (Earnshaw)Winner of Race 9  
6311:20NOV.4+115PET(36) Peterborough City (Reed)CAB(37) Cantabrigian RC (Poachers)  
6411:23W.NOV.4+127PET/NEW(48) Peterborough/NewcastleNTN(49) Northampton RC (Stacey)  
6511:26J17.1X145CNN(214) Cambridge '99 RC (Mitchell)DEB(215) Deben RC (Lawrence)  
6611:28W.NOV.4+129MIK(52) Milton Keynes RC (Wilson)MAV(53) Maidstone Invicta RC (Macham)  
6711:31NOV.1X133Winner of Race 8CHU(179) Churchill College (Blount)  
6811:34W.J15.2X141Winner of Race 17Winner of Race 18  
6911:37NOV.1X133Winner of Race 15CNN(182) Cambridge '99 RC (Bourret)  
7011:39NOV.1X134SEL(186) Selwyn College (Granger-Bevan)Winner of Race 10  
7111:42IM3.2X144Winner of Race 26Winner of Race 21  
7211:45IM2.4+147QCC(17) Queens' College (Queens College Boars)XPR(18) X Press Boat Club (Goyder)  
7311:48W.IM3.2X131BRX(135) Broxbourne RC (Gentle/McKellar)GLB(136) Globe RC (Partridge/Jaques)  
7411:50IM2.4+147DUS(19) Durham School (Anderson)STN/RDG(20) Staines/Reading (BEADLE)  
7511:53VC.1X150YAR(195) Yare RC (Postlethwaite)Winner of Race 11  
7611:56VC.1X150Winner of Race 19CAB(194) Cantabrigian RC (Richardson)  
7711:59IM3.2X144Winner of Race 20Winner of Race 25  
7812:01J16.2X156Winner of Race 24Winner of Race 14  
7912:04W.J16.2X154SRC(150) Sudbury RC (Adams/King)WEY(151) Weybridge (Coxhead/Miller)  
8012:07VB.1X160YAR(190) Yare RC (Mulvany)SIV(191) St Ives RC (Gilbey)  
8112:10J16.2X156Winner of Race 22Winner of Race 23  
8212:12W.NOV.2X168Winner of Race 27SNE(139) St Neots RC (Brown/Hardwicke)  
8312:15W.J15.1X169Winner of Race 33Winner of Race 34  
8412:18W.J15.1X169Winner of Race 32NTN(267) Northampton RC (Tanqueray)  
8512:21Mx.IM3.2X142BRX(165) Broxbourne RC (McKellar/Moody)WEY(166) Weybridge (Bolding/Price)  
8612:23IM3.1X166Winner of Race 30GUI(173) Guildford RC (Austen)  
8712:26Mx.IM3.2X142BRX(163) Broxbourne RC (Goodwin/Gentle)WEY(164) Weybridge (Bolding/Kirk)  
8812:29J15.1X167CAB(229) Cantabrigian RC (Ashford)RDO(230) Royal Docks RC (Keech)  
8912:32J15.1X167KSR(227) Kings School Rochester BC (Hall)WEY(228) Weybridge (Capel)  
9012:34W.NOV.2X168Winner of Race 28Winner of Race 29  
9112:37J18.2X171PET(107) Peterborough City (Piper/Greenway)MIK(108) Milton Keynes RC (Engledow/Woodruff)  
9212:40W.J18.2X165NTN(145) Northampton RC (Shine/Walker)DEB(146) Deben RC (Carson/Aubugeau-Williams)  
9312:43NOV.2X172PET(91) Peterborough City (Barber/Reed)BEC(92) Beccles Rowing Club (Adcock/Taylor)  
9412:45NOV.2X172NTN(93) Northampton RC (Chandler/Webster)HLS(94) Hollowell Scullers (Scrase/Rudkin)  
9512:48W.IM2.1X161SIV(248) St Ives RC (Williams)ROB(249) Rob Roy BC (Crockford)  
9612:51IM3.1X166BRX(174) Broxbourne RC (Moody)Winner of Race 31  
9712:54J14.2X177Winner of Race 41NRC(125) Nottingham RC (McLardy/Parnell)  
9812:56IM3.4+178Winner of Race 37Winner of Race 38  
9912:59W.J14.1X179SIV(272) St Ives RC (Enticknap)RDO(273) Royal Docks RC (Morgan)  
10013:02W.J14.1X179IEL(274) Isle of Ely BC (Milne)Winner of Race 40  
10113:05J18.2X171NTN(109) Northampton RC (Davies/Bates)Winner of Race 35  
10213:07J14.2X177Winner of Race 42Winner of Race 43  
10313:10W.NOV.1X180Winner of Race 46Winner of Race 45  
10413:13W.NOV.1X180Winner of Race 44ROB(254) Rob Roy BC (Gruendken)  
10513:16J16.1X181Winner of Race 51Winner of Race 47  
10613:18J16.1X181Winner of Race 48Winner of Race 49  
10713:21IM3.4+178Winner of Race 36Winner of Race 39  
10813:24W.J16.1X162RDO(261) Royal Docks RC (O Keeffe)ROB(262) Rob Roy BC (Bedford)  
10913:27W.J16.1X162SRC(263) Sudbury RC (King)CNN(264) Cambridge '99 RC (Kent)  
11013:29J18.1X183Winner of Race 50Winner of Race 52  
11113:32NOV.4+164Winner of Race 60CAB(33) Cantabrigian RC (Morley)  
11213:35J18.1X183Winner of Race 56Winner of Race 53  
11313:38J14.1X185Winner of Race 54Winner of Race 55  
11413:40J14.1X185Winner of Race 57Winner of Race 58  
11513:43NOV.4+164Winner of Race 61Winner of Race 63  
11613:46MX.IM3.4X184MIK(65) Milton Keynes RC (Heywood)GUI(66) Guildford RC (Wehrens)  
11713:49J12.1X189RDO(243) Royal Docks RC (Keech)PET(244) Peterborough City (Rippon)  
11813:51Mx.IM3.8+175PET(13) Peterborough City (Barrows)MAV(14) Maidstone Invicta RC (Sticklee)  
11913:54J18.4X159HLS/CNN/IEL(63) Hollowell/Nines/ElyDUS(64) Durham School (Tognarelli)  
12013:57MX.IM3.4X184WEY(67) Weybridge (Beagley)CAB(68) Cantabrigian RC (Ashford)  
12114:00IM3.2-205CAB(79) Cantabrigian RC (Roddis/Tolfts)JEC(80) Jesus College, Cambridge (Jensen/White)  
12214:02IM3.2-205DUS(81) Durham School (Bartlett/McQuillan)BRX(82) Broxbourne RC (Stride/Wyatt)  
12314:05MX.IM2.4+187SNE(58) St Neots RC (Staddon)XPR(59) X Press Boat Club (Goyder)  
12414:08VD.2X182BRX(103) Broxbourne RC (Kelly/McKellar)CAB/NMS(104) Cantabrigian/Nemesis (Richardson/Moore)  
12514:11VD.4+195PBD(44) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Humphrey)MAV(45) Maidstone Invicta RC (Diessner (E+4))  
12614:13VE.1X188NOR(198) Norwich RC (Hammond)DEB(199) Deben RC (Churcher)  
12714:16W.NOV.4+186Winner of Race 64GUI(50) Guildford RC (Butling)  
12814:19VE.1X188BRX(200) Broxbourne RC (Wilson)STN(201) Staines BC (Tollett)  
12914:22W.NOV.4+186XPR(51) X Press Boat Club (Savory)Winner of Race 66  
13014:24J17.2X208DEB(113) Deben RC (Lawrence/Anscombe)DUS(114) Durham School (Evans/Holbrough)  
13114:27W.IM3.2X WEY(134) Weybridge (Bolding/Price)Winner of Race 73  
13214:30VC.2X193XPR(100) X Press Boat Club (Cooper/Oldak)ROB(101) Rob Roy BC (Parkhouse/Meadows)  
13314:33NOV.1X190Winner of Race 67Winner of Race 69  
13414:35NOV.1X190Winner of Race 62Winner of Race 70  
13514:38CRA.W.NOV.8+198CAB(8) Cantabrigian RCCAM(9) City of Cambridge (Hepburn)  
13614:41CRA.W.4+200PET(55) Peterborough City (Marsters)XPR(56) X Press Boat Club  
13714:44CRA.NOV.8+201DAW(1) Darwin CollegeCAM(2) City of Cambridge (Mars)  
13814:46VC.2X193MIK(98) Milton Keynes RC (Gilet/Heywood)PBD(99) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Humphrey/Milligan)  
13914:49CRA.W.NOV.8+198PET/NEW(10) Peterborough/Newcastle (Darlington)CHA(11) Champion of the Thames  
14014:52CRA.NOV.8+201CAB(3) Cantabrigian RC (Morley)CAM(4) City of Cambridge (Saturn)  
14114:55W.J15.2X Winner of Race 59Winner of Race 68  
14214:57Mx.IM3.2X Winner of Race 87Winner of Race 85  
14315:00VC.NOV.4+207NTN(41) Northampton RC (Webster)MAV(42) Maidstone Invicta RC (Macmanaway)  
14415:03IM3.2X Winner of Race 77Winner of Race 71  
14515:06J17.1X210MIK(213) Milton Keynes RC (Davies)Winner of Race 65  
14615:08CRA.W.8+199XPR(6) X Press Boat ClubMIK(7) Milton Keynes RC (Mills)  
14715:11IM2.4+ Winner of Race 72Winner of Race 74  
14815:14VB.NOV.2X209SIV(96) St Ives RC (Watson/Gilbey)GUI(97) Guildford RC (Aristidou/Mayhew)  
14915:17J17.1X210NTN(211) Northampton RC (Tanqueray)RDO(212) Royal Docks RC (Naveda)  
15015:19VC.1X Winner of Race 76Winner of Race 75  
15115:22IM2.1X FTT(169) First & Third Trinity (Coker)RDO(170) Royal Docks RC (O Connell)  
15215:25W.J13.2X SRC(159) Sudbury RC (Adams/Barton)PET(160) Peterborough City (Codd/Fletcher)  
15315:28W.J15.4X+ PET(73) Peterborough City (Austin)BRX(74) Broxbourne RC (Mould)  
15415:30W.J16.2X RDO(149) Royal Docks RC (Curthoys/Dampster)Winner of Race 79  
15515:33Mx.NOV.2X KSR(167) Kings School Rochester BC (McLarney/Nicholls)CAB(168) Cantabrigian RC (Westwood/Kavanagh Williamson)  
15615:36J16.2X Winner of Race 81Winner of Race 78  
15715:39W.IM3.4+ MIK(46) Milton Keynes RC (Rivett)PET(47) Peterborough City (Wallace)  
15815:41W.IM1.1X YAR(245) Yare RC (Evans)SRC(246) Sudbury RC (Moule)  
15915:44J18.4X MIK(62) Milton Keynes RC (Woodruff)Winner of Race 119  
16015:47VB.1X BED(189) Bedford Rowing Club (Robb)Winner of Race 80  
16115:50W.IM2.1X MAV(247) Maidstone Invicta RC (Ollier)Winner of Race 95  
16215:52W.J16.1X Winner of Race 108Winner of Race 109  
16315:55W.IM3.1X NOR(250) Norwich RC (Trehane)ROB(251) Rob Roy BC (Gejlsbjerg)  
16415:58NOV.4+ Winner of Race 111Winner of Race 115  
16516:01W.J18.2X RDO(144) Royal Docks RC (Chapman/Morgan)Winner of Race 92  
16616:03IM3.1X Winner of Race 86Winner of Race 96  
16716:06J15.1X Winner of Race 89Winner of Race 88  
16816:09W.NOV.2X Winner of Race 82Winner of Race 90  
16916:12W.J15.1X Winner of Race 84Winner of Race 83  
17016:14IM2.2- NOR(77) Norwich RC (Hayward/Bracey)DUS(78) Durham School (Anderson/Tognarelli)  
17116:17J18.2X Winner of Race 91Winner of Race 101  
17216:20NOV.2X Winner of Race 93Winner of Race 94  
17316:23Mx.IM1.2X SIV(161) St Ives RC (Williams/Woodford)NTN(162) Northampton RC (Japp/Tanqueray)  
17416:25W.NOV.4X+ MAV(71) Maidstone Invicta RC (Salmon)RDO/GLB(72) Royal Docks/Globe (RDO-CURTHOYS)  
17516:28Mx.IM3.8+ XPR(12) X Press Boat Club (Hall)Winner of Race 118  
17616:31W.IM1.2X ROB(132) Rob Roy BC (Meadows/Crockford)YAR/RHO(133) Yare/Royal Holloway (Forster/Evans)  
17716:34J14.2X Winner of Race 97Winner of Race 102  
17816:36IM3.4+ Winner of Race 107Winner of Race 98  
17916:39W.J14.1X Winner of Race 99Winner of Race 100  
18016:42W.NOV.1X Winner of Race 104Winner of Race 103  
18116:45J16.1X Winner of Race 105Winner of Race 106  
18216:47VD.2X PET(102) Peterborough City (Essex/Barks)Winner of Race 124  
18316:50J18.1X Winner of Race 110Winner of Race 112  
18416:53MX.IM3.4X Winner of Race 116Winner of Race 120  
18516:56J14.1X Winner of Race 113Winner of Race 114  
18616:58W.NOV.4+ Winner of Race 127Winner of Race 129  
18717:01MX.IM2.4+ MIK(57) Milton Keynes RC (Gray)Winner of Race 123  
18817:04VE.1X Winner of Race 126Winner of Race 128  
18917:07J12.1X PET(242) Peterborough City (Shah)Winner of Race 117  
19017:09NOV.1X Winner of Race 133Winner of Race 134  
19117:12J14.4X+ BRX(69) Broxbourne RC (Carter)PET(70) Peterborough City (Richardson)  
19217:15IM3.4X BRX(60) Broxbourne RC (Jenkins)DUS(61) Durham School (Smith)  
19317:18VC.2X Winner of Race 138Winner of Race 132  
19417:20J13.2X PET(130) Peterborough City (Anderson/Dodds)ROB(131) Rob Roy BC (McLuskie/Bland)  
19517:23VD.4+ PET(43) Peterborough City (Barks)Winner of Race 125  
19617:26IM3.2+ FTT(75) First & Third Trinity (Garcia/O Neill)FTT(76) First & Third Trinity (Pope/McTiernan)  
19717:29VB.NOV.4+ SRC(38) Sudbury RC (Adams)GUI/BUR(39) Guildford/Burway (Aistidou)  
19817:31CRA.W.NOV.8+ Winner of Race 135Winner of Race 139  
19917:34CRA.W.8+ CHA(5) Champion of the ThamesWinner of Race 146  
20017:37CRA.W.4+ CNN(54) Cambridge '99 RCWinner of Race 136  
20117:40CRA.NOV.8+ Winner of Race 137Winner of Race 140  
20217:42W.J17.2X DEB(147) Deben RC (Chittock/Shire)CAB(148) Cantabrigian RC (Hyde/May)  
20317:45CRA.Mx.8+ MAV(15) Maidstone Invicta RC (Sticklee)FTT(16) First & Third Trinity  
20417:48W.J17.1X ROB(259) Rob Roy BC (Meadows)RDO(260) Royal Docks RC (Morgan)  
20517:51IM3.2- Winner of Race 121Winner of Race 122  
20617:53VE.2X CAB(105) Cantabrigian RC (Ashford/Seaber)PBD(106) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Coughlan/Prentice)  
20717:56VC.NOV.4+ MAV(40) Maidstone Invicta RC (Barrett)Winner of Race 143  
20817:59J17.2X WEY(112) Weybridge (Needham/Styles)Winner of Race 130  
20918:02VB.NOV.2X BEC(95) Beccles Rowing Club (Adcock/Taylor)Winner of Race 148  
21018:04J17.1X Winner of Race 149Winner of Race 145