Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 15th May 2010

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race(s) Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
3700:00NOV.8+89RAD(29) Radley College Boat ClubMAG(31) Magdalen College, OxfordNTTRow Over
5400:00COL.8+142TRO(61) Trinity CollegeUCO(60) University College, OxfordNTTRow Over
2600:00NOV.8+97SES(45) St Edward's SchoolABS(43) Abingdon SchoolNTTRow Over
6000:00IM2.8+154HEC(4) Hertford CollegeHSB(5) HSBC RCNTTRow Over
15600:00IM2.8+242PMB(11) Pembroke College, OxfordWIN(13) Winchester College BCNTTRow Over
5100:00COL.8+145CAI(54) Caius CollegeMAG(55) Magdalen College, Oxford (M2)NTTRow Over
3600:00NOV.8+91SHP(34) Shiplake CollegeWAD(35) Wadham CollegeNTTRow Over
2900:00NOV.8+92DOW(48) Downing CollegeMER(46) Merton CollegeNTTRow Over
22100:00IM3.4+288PEM(194) Pembroke College, CambridgeRAD(195) Radley College Boat ClubNTTRow Over
6100:00COL.8+137PMB(69) Pembroke College, OxfordMAG(72) Magdalen College, Oxford (M1)NTTRow Over
308:19NOV.8+22 / 108BDS(38) Bedford School (Satchwill)CAM(39) City of CambridgeNTTeasily
408:21NOV.8+28 / 114CAB(40) Cantabrigian RCBDS(41) Bedford School (Clifton)NTT1 length
708:27NOV.8+25 / 42ETN(51) Eton College BC (A)CCO(52) Christ's CollegeNTT3 lengths
808:29NOV.8+25 / 42TRH(49) Trinity HallWRO(50) Worcester College (Mayaud)NTT2 1/2 lengths
1008:33COL.8+55 / 166KCB(63) King's CollegeLMH(64) Lady Margaret HallNTT1 1/2 lengths
1208:37J16.4+88OUN(226) Oundle School BCRAD(227) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)NTTeasily
1308:39W.COL.8+96 / 113LMB/GIR(141) Lady Margaret/GirtonCHB(142) Christ ChurchNTT3/4 length
1408:41W.COL.8+96 / 113KCB(143) King's CollegeBAL(144) Balliol CollegeNTT2 1/2 lengths
1508:43W.COL.8+94 / 111CLA(145) ClareLMH(146) Lady Margaret HallNTT3 1/4 lengths
1608:46W.COL.8+85 / 103WRO(149) Worcester CollegeSID(150) Sidney Sussex College BCNTT3 lengths
1708:48W.COL.8+94 / 111MAG(147) Magdalen College, Oxford (Treasure)PEM(148) Pembroke College, CambridgeNTTeasily
1808:50W.COL.8+85 / 103WOO(151) Wolfson College, OxfordPMB(152) Pembroke College, Oxford4:09easily
2008:54J16.4+95RAD(234) Radley College Boat Club (Bromfield)NSC(235) Norwich School (Payne)3:521/2 length
2108:56W.COL.8+98 / 115SPC(153) St Peter's CollegeSJO(154) St John's CollegeNTT1 length
2208:58NOV.8+91WOO(37) Wolfson College, OxfordBDS(38) Bedford School (Satchwill)NTTRow Over
2309:00W.COL.8+98 / 115WAD(155) Wadham CollegeMAG(156) Magdalen College, Oxford (Raphael)4:073/4 length
2509:04NOV.8+92WRO(50) Worcester College (Mayaud)ETN(51) Eton College BC (A)3:323/4 length
2709:08NOV.8+89 / 106WRO(32) Worcester College (Calder-Smith)ETN(33) Eton College BC (B)3:45easily
2809:10NOV.8+97BDS(41) Bedford School (Clifton)BED(42) Bedford Rowing Club4:002 lengths
609:12NOV.8+29 / 109MER(46) Merton CollegeBDS(47) Bedford School (Maltby)3:49easily
3009:14W.NOV.8+101 / 238MBC(126) Molesey BC (Walsom-Brock)TRH(127) Trinity Hall (W1)4:063 lengths
3109:17W.NOV.8+101 / 120SES(128) St Edward's SchoolDAH(129) Dame Alice Harpur BC4:294 lengths
3209:19W.NOV.8+99 / 116CHA(135) Champion of the ThamesWRO(136) Worcester College4:271 1/2 lengths
3309:21W.NOV.8+110 / 129TRH(139) Trinity Hall (W2)MBC(140) Molesey BC (Hughes)4:11easily
3409:23NOV.4+127 / 143UKE(202) University of KentSES(203) St Edward's School (Bosman)NTTRow Over
3509:25W.NOV.8+110 / 129HAB(137) Haberdashers MonmouthPMB(138) Pembroke College, OxfordNTTRow Over
209:27NOV.8+36 / 108WAD(35) Wadham CollegeSPS(36) St Paul's School3:481 1/2 lengths
109:29NOV.8+37 / 106RAD(29) Radley College Boat ClubBDS(30) Bedford School (Elson)3:454 lengths
3809:31NOV.4+123 / 140CNN(208) Cambridge '99 RCNSC(209) Norwich School (Wistow)4:16easily
3909:33W.NOV.8+141 / 120CCA(130) Anglia RuskinWOO(131) Wolfson College, Oxford4:25easily
4009:35NOV.4+127 / 143NSC(204) Norwich School (Jermy)BDS(205) Bedford School (Tam)4:081 1/4 lengths
4109:37NOV.4+138 / 152BMS(210) Bedford Modern SchoolPET(211) Peterborough CityNTTRow Over
4209:39NOV.8+ (P)109TRH(49) Trinity HallCCO(52) Christ's College3:484 lengths
4309:41NOV.4+138 / 152OUN(212) Oundle School BCRAD(213) Radley College Boat Club4:24easily
4409:43NOV.4+123 / 140SHI(206) St Hildas CollegeHSB(207) HSBC RC4:39Disqualified
4509:45NOV.4+135 / 149CAM(214) City of CambridgeSES(215) St Edward's School (Burrows)3:541 length
4609:48J14S.8X139SES(165) St Edward's SchoolBDS(166) Bedford School (B)4:312 1/2 lengths
4709:52NOV.4+135 / 149BDS(216) Bedford School (Clifton)NSC(217) Norwich School (Fear-Segal)3:392 lengths
4809:54J14S.8X146RAD(171) Radley College Boat Club (Pascall)ABS(172) Abingdon School (B)4:161 length
4909:58W.NOV.4+171CHA(269) Champion of the ThamesSES(270) St Edward's School (Atkinson)NTTRow Over
5010:00J14S.8X147SPS(174) St Paul's School (C)RAD(175) Radley College Boat Club (Ringer)NTT2 1/2 lengths
1910:04COL.8+51 / 160WAD(53) Wadham College (Schreiner)CAI(54) Caius College3:46easily
5210:06COL.8+145 / 160BAL(56) Balliol CollegeCLA(57) Clare (M1)3:59Row Over
5310:08COL.8+142 / 157WOO(58) Wolfson College, OxfordMER(59) Merton College3:344 lengths
910:10COL.8+54 / 157UCO(60) University College, OxfordSJO(62) St John's College3:34a canvas
5510:12COL.8+148LMH(64) Lady Margaret HallWRO(65) Worcester College3:331 1/2 lengths
5710:16COL.8+137 / 151CHB(68) Christ ChurchCLA(70) Clare (M2)3:471 1/4 lengths
5810:19COL.8+148 / 166ULO(66) University of LondonSPC(67) St Peter's College3:363 1/2 lengths
5910:21W.IM3.8+175CHB(116) Christ ChurchPEM(117) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:052 1/2 lengths
2410:25W.NOV.8+99 / 116SHI(133) St Hildas CollegeHSB(134) HSBC RC4:36easily
1110:25COL.8+61 / 151WAD(71) Wadham College (Clark)MAG(72) Magdalen College, Oxford (M1)3:361/2 length
6210:27W.IM3.8+173WRO(122) Worcester CollegeMBC(123) Molesey BC4:054 1/2 lengths
6310:29W.IM3.8+172SID(110) Sidney Sussex College BCRDG(111) Reading RC (Condie)4:053 1/2 lengths
510:30NOV.8+26 / 114SHI(44) St Hildas CollegeSES(45) St Edward's SchoolNTTRow Over
6410:31W.IM3.8+172DAH(112) Dame Alice Harpur BCMAG(113) Magdalen College, Oxford4:32easily
6510:33W.IM3.8+175BAL(114) Balliol CollegeCCA(115) Anglia Ruskin4:20easily
6610:35W.IM3.8+176CHA(118) Champion of the ThamesSTA(119) Star Club4:231/2 length
6710:37W.IM3.8+176WRR(120) Worcester RCLMB/CUW(121) Lady Margaret/CUWBC4:142 lengths
6810:39W.IM3.8+173DOW(124) Downing CollegeRDG(125) Reading RC (King)4:133 lengths
6910:41W.J14S.4X+189HAB(316) Haberdashers MonmouthOUN(317) Oundle School BC (Yu)5:01easily
7010:43W.J14S.4X+192OUN(324) Oundle School BC (Christopoulos)SES(325) St Edward's School (Miesegaes)NTT3/4 length
7110:45IM3.8+193TRO(14) Trinity CollegeBDS(15) Bedford SchoolNTTRow Over
7210:47IM3.8+193RAD(16) Radley College Boat ClubBAL(17) Balliol CollegeNTTRow Over
7310:50IM3.8+195DOW(21) Downing CollegeUCO(22) University College, OxfordNTTRow Over
7410:52IM3.8+195ABS(23) Abingdon SchoolCHB(24) Christ Church3:432 1/2 lengths
7510:54IM3.8+200TRH(25) Trinity HallSPC(26) St Peter's College3:384 lengths
7610:56ELI.4+204CHB(184) Christ ChurchMBC(185) Molesey BC (Haworth)NTTRow Over
7710:58IM2.4+187BDS(186) Bedford SchoolNSC(187) Norwich School3:52easily
7811:00W.IM3.4+202STA(258) Star ClubSES(259) St Edward's School4:333 1/2 lengths
8011:04IM3.8+196HEC(18) Hertford CollegeCCA(19) Anglia RuskinNTTRow Over
8111:06IM3.8+200WAD(27) Wadham CollegeHSB(28) HSBC RC3:371/2 length
8211:08IM2.4+197ULO(190) University of LondonRAD(191) Radley College Boat Club3:572 lengths
8311:10W.IM3.4+202CHA(260) Champion of the ThamesWRR(261) Worcester RC (Moran)NTTeasily
8411:12W.J15.4X+218OUN(306) Oundle School BCDAH(307) Dame Alice Harpur BC4:334 lengths
8511:14W.COL.8+237SID(150) Sidney Sussex College BCPMB(152) Pembroke College, Oxford4:063 lengths
8611:16ELI.4+215ULO(180) University of LondonMBC(181) Molesey BC (Cadoux-Hudson)NTT1 length
8711:18W.IM3.4+205SRC(255) Sudbury RCWRR(256) Worcester RC (Watts)5:121 length
8811:21J16.4+208RAD(227) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)NSC(228) Norwich School (Page)4:01easily
8911:23NOV.8+213RAD(29) Radley College Boat ClubETN(33) Eton College BC (B)3:352 lengths
9011:25J16.4+208BMS(229) Bedford Modern SchoolABS(230) Abingdon SchoolNTTeasily
9111:27NOV.8+213WAD(35) Wadham CollegeBDS(38) Bedford School (Satchwill)3:451 length
9211:29NOV.8+212MER(46) Merton CollegeETN(51) Eton College BC (A)3:442 lengths
9311:31J16.4+203ETN(231) Eton College BCWIN(232) Winchester College BC4:231 length
9411:33W.COL.8+209CLA(145) ClarePEM(148) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:09easily
9511:35J16.4+203SES(233) St Edward's SchoolRAD(234) Radley College Boat Club (Bromfield)3:594 lengths
9611:37W.COL.8+209LMB/GIR(141) Lady Margaret/GirtonBAL(144) Balliol College4:032 1/2 lengths
9711:39NOV.8+212BDS(41) Bedford School (Clifton)SES(45) St Edward's School3:422 feet
9811:41W.COL.8+237SPC(153) St Peter's CollegeWAD(155) Wadham College4:103 1/2 lengths
9911:43W.NOV.8+225SHI(133) St Hildas CollegeCHA(135) Champion of the Thames4:311/4 length
10011:45J18.4+224OUN(218) Oundle School BC (Hunt)RAD(219) Radley College Boat Club3:57easily
10111:47W.NOV.8+219TRH(127) Trinity Hall (W1)DAH(129) Dame Alice Harpur BC4:194 lengths
10211:49J18.4+224BDS(220) Bedford SchoolSTA(221) Star ClubNTTRow Over
10311:52W.COL.8+ (P)211WRO(149) Worcester CollegeWOO(151) Wolfson College, Oxford4:303/4 length
10411:54J18.4+199SES(222) St Edward's SchoolBMS(223) Bedford Modern School3:551 length
10511:56J18.4+199NSC(224) Norwich SchoolOUN(225) Oundle School BC (Dennison)3:58easily
10611:58NOV.8+ (P)214BDS(30) Bedford School (Elson)WRO(32) Worcester College (Calder-Smith)4:00a canvas
10812:02NOV.8+ (P)214SPS(36) St Paul's SchoolCAM(39) City of Cambridge4:01easily
10912:04NOV.8+ (P)217BDS(47) Bedford School (Maltby)CCO(52) Christ's College3:55easily
11012:06W.NOV.8+225HAB(137) Haberdashers MonmouthMBC(140) Molesey BC (Hughes)4:133 lengths
11112:08W.COL.8+ (P)210LMH(146) Lady Margaret HallMAG(147) Magdalen College, Oxford (Treasure)4:363 1/2 lengths
11212:10J15S.8+228ABS(101) Abingdon SchoolSPS(102) St Paul's School3:543 lengths
11312:12W.COL.8+ (P)210CHB(142) Christ ChurchKCB(143) King's College4:123/4 length
11412:14NOV.8+ (P)217CAB(40) Cantabrigian RCSHI(44) St Hildas College3:463 1/2 lengths
11512:16W.COL.8+ (P)211SJO(154) St John's CollegeMAG(156) Magdalen College, Oxford (Raphael)4:123 lengths
11612:18W.NOV.8+ (P)226HSB(134) HSBC RCWRO(136) Worcester College4:41easily
11712:20J15S.8+227BMS(97) Bedford Modern SchoolETN(98) Eton College BC (B)3:56easily
11812:23J15S.8+227RAD(99) Radley College Boat Club (Bonsor)SHP(100) Shiplake CollegeNTTRow Over
11912:25J15S.8+228ETN(103) Eton College BC (C)RAD(104) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)3:544 lengths
12012:27W.NOV.8+ (P)238SES(128) St Edward's SchoolCCA(130) Anglia Ruskin4:422 lengths
12112:29J15.8+230SES(89) St Edward's SchoolETN(90) Eton College BC3:451/2 length
12212:31J15.8+230RAD(91) Radley College Boat ClubSPS(92) St Paul's School3:356 feet
12412:35J14.4X+231NSC(279) Norwich SchoolHWG(280) Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe4:14easily
12512:37J14.4X+231OUN(281) Oundle School BCSHP(282) Shiplake College4:35easily
12612:39J14.4X+232SPS(283) St Paul's SchoolWIN(284) Winchester College BC4:291 length
12712:41NOV.4+241SES(203) St Edward's School (Bosman)NSC(204) Norwich School (Jermy)4:033 lengths
12812:43J14.4X+232GMS(285) Great Marlow SchoolSES(286) St Edward's School4:224 lengths
12912:45W.NOV.8+ (P)226PMB(138) Pembroke College, OxfordTRH(139) Trinity Hall (W2)4:45Row Over
13012:47W.NOV.4X+239STA(295) Star Club (Doney)DAH(296) Dame Alice Harpur BCNTTRow Over
13112:49J15.8+229BMS(93) Bedford Modern SchoolABS(94) Abingdon SchoolNTT2 lengths
13212:51W.NOV.4X+239BHS(297) Bedford High School RCSTA(298) Star Club (Viczko)4:483 lengths
13312:54W.NOV.4X+240OUN(299) Oundle School BCIEL(300) Isle of Ely BCNTTeasily
12312:55NOV.4+241SHI(206) St Hildas CollegeCNN(208) Cambridge '99 RC4:214 lengths
13412:56W.NOV.4X+240BED(301) Bedford Rowing ClubSTA(302) Star Club (Elliott)4:531 length
13512:58NOV.4+248CAM(214) City of CambridgeNSC(217) Norwich School (Fear-Segal)NTT4 lengths
7913:00W.IM2.8+222MBC(108) Molesey BCBED(109) Bedford Rowing Club (Banyard-Smith)NTTeasily
13613:00J15.8+229SHP(95) Shiplake CollegeOUN(96) Oundle School BC3:49easily
13713:02COL.8+253CHB(68) Christ ChurchMAG(72) Magdalen College, Oxford (M1)3:374 lengths
13813:04NOV.4+248BMS(210) Bedford Modern SchoolRAD(213) Radley College Boat ClubNTT2 1/2 lengths
13913:06J14S.8X247BDS(166) Bedford School (B)ABS(167) Abingdon School (C)4:111 3/4 lengths
14013:10NOV.4+ (P)243HSB(207) HSBC RCNSC(209) Norwich School (Wistow)NTTDisqualified
14113:12W.NOV.8+219WOO(131) Wolfson College, OxfordBHS(132) Bedford High School RC4:19easily
14213:14COL.8+252WOO(58) Wolfson College, OxfordUCO(60) University College, Oxford3:312 1/2 lengths
14313:16NOV.4+ (P)243UKE(202) University of KentBDS(205) Bedford School (Tam)NTTRow Over
14413:18J14S.8X247SHP(168) Shiplake CollegeRAD(169) Radley College Boat Club (Manners)4:074 lengths
14513:22COL.8+252CAI(54) Caius CollegeCLA(57) Clare (M1)3:332 lengths
14613:25J14S.8X249SPS(170) St Paul's School (B)ABS(172) Abingdon School (B)4:11easily
14713:29J14S.8X249BDS(173) Bedford School (C)RAD(175) Radley College Boat Club (Ringer)4:223/4 length
14813:33COL.8+253LMH(64) Lady Margaret HallULO(66) University of LondonNTT4 lengths
14913:35NOV.4+ (P)244SES(215) St Edward's School (Burrows)BDS(216) Bedford School (Clifton)4:094 lengths
15013:37J16.8+251ABS(87) Abingdon SchoolETN(88) Eton College BC (A)3:291/2 length
15113:39COL.8+ (P)255CLA(70) Clare (M2)WAD(71) Wadham College (Clark)3:37easily
15313:43IM3C.4+258PET(200) Peterborough CitySTA(201) Star Club (Barton)4:14easily
15413:45IM2.8+259HSB(5) HSBC RCRAD(6) Radley College Boat Club3:352 lengths
15513:47IM2.8+242BDS(9) Bedford SchoolBED(10) Bedford Rowing Club3:434 1/2 lengths
5613:49IM2.8+156DOW(12) Downing CollegeWIN(13) Winchester College BCNTTRow Over
15713:51COL.8+ (P)254MER(59) Merton CollegeSJO(62) St John's College3:31easily
15813:53J15S.4+260SHP(243) Shiplake CollegeNSC(244) Norwich School (Wistow)4:263 lengths
15913:56J15S.4+260ETN(245) Eton College BC (A)RAD(246) Radley College Boat Club4:06easily
16013:58COL.8+ (P)254WAD(53) Wadham College (Schreiner)BAL(56) Balliol College4:53easily
16114:00J15S.4+263SES(247) St Edward's SchoolBMS(248) Bedford Modern School4:271 1/2 lengths
16214:02IM2.8+259ULO(7) University of LondonCAI(8) Caius College3:271 length
16314:04J15S.4+263NSC(249) Norwich School (Fear-Segal)ETN(250) Eton College BC (B)5:052 1/2 lengths
16414:06J15.4+262SHP(236) Shiplake CollegeETN(237) Eton College BC (A)4:083/4 length
16514:08J15.4+261NSC(239) Norwich SchoolBMS(240) Bedford Modern SchoolNTT2 1/2 lengths
16614:10COL.8+ (P)255KCB(63) King's CollegeSPC(67) St Peter's CollegeNTT1 1/3 lengths
16714:12J15.4+261BDS(241) Bedford SchoolETN(242) Eton College BC (B)4:29Not Rowed Out
16814:14W.NOV.4+264SES(262) St Edward's School (Hunt)HSB(263) HSBC RCNTTRow Over
16914:16W.NOV.4+264NSC(264) Norwich SchoolSOM(265) Somerville College5:48easily
17014:18W.NOV.4+265SHI(266) St Hildas CollegeUKE(267) University of Kent4:39easily
17114:20W.NOV.4+265LEA(268) Lea Rowing ClubSES(270) St Edward's School (Atkinson)NTTeasily
17214:22W.IM3.8+266RDG(111) Reading RC (Condie)DAH(112) Dame Alice Harpur BC4:103 1/2 lengths
17314:24W.IM3.8+267MBC(123) Molesey BCDOW(124) Downing College3:591/2 length
17414:27J14.8X270RAD(159) Radley College Boat ClubBMS(160) Bedford Modern School3:564 lengths
15214:30NOV.4+ (P)244PET(211) Peterborough CityOUN(212) Oundle School BC4:47easily
17514:31W.IM3.8+266BAL(114) Balliol CollegePEM(117) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:021 1/4 length
17614:33W.IM3.8+267CHA(118) Champion of the ThamesLMB/CUW(121) Lady Margaret/CUWBC4:172 1/2 lengths
17714:35W.J14.4X+269OUN(314) Oundle School BCBHS(315) Bedford High School RC5:012 1/2 lengths
17814:37W.J14.4X+268SES(308) St Edward's SchoolMBC(309) Molesey BC4:41a canvas
17914:39W.J14.4X+268HAB(310) Haberdashers MonmouthNSC(311) Norwich School5:31Row Over
18014:41W.J14.4X+269IEL(312) Isle of Ely BCDAH(313) Dame Alice Harpur BC4:381 length
18114:43J14.8X270SHP(157) Shiplake CollegeSES(158) St Edward's School4:062 lengths
18214:47J18.8+273SES(77) St Edward's SchoolRAD(78) Radley College Boat Club3:331 length
18314:49J14.8X271ABS(161) Abingdon SchoolWIN(162) Winchester College BC4:18easily
18414:53J14.8X271SPS(163) St Paul's SchoolBDS(164) Bedford School4:011 1/4 lengths
18514:58J18.8+257BMS(73) Bedford Modern SchoolETN(74) Eton College BC3:221 1/4 lengths
18615:00J14S.4X+274SPS(287) St Paul's School (B)BMS(288) Bedford Modern School4:44easily
18715:02IM2.4+280NSC(187) Norwich SchoolMBC(188) Molesey BC3:49a canvas
18815:04J14S.4X+274NSC(289) Norwich SchoolBDS(290) Bedford School4:32easily
18915:06W.J14S.4X+276HAB(316) Haberdashers MonmouthDAH(318) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Rainbow)4:59easily
19015:08W.J14S.4X+276BMS(319) Bedford Modern SchoolSES(320) St Edward's School (Simpson)5:21easily
19115:10W.J14S.4X+277MBC(321) Molesey BCBHS(322) Bedford High School RC4:501 length
19215:12W.J14S.4X+277DAH(323) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Moule)SES(325) St Edward's School (Miesegaes)5:212 lengths
19315:14IM3.8+290BDS(15) Bedford SchoolRAD(16) Radley College Boat Club3:352 lengths
19415:16W.IM2.8+284BED(105) Bedford Rowing Club (Hardy)MAG(106) Magdalen College, Oxford4:132 1/2 lengths
19515:18IM3.8+278UCO(22) University College, OxfordABS(23) Abingdon School3:313/4 length
19615:20IM3.8+290CCA(19) Anglia RuskinMAG(20) Magdalen College, Oxford3:351 1/2 lengths
19715:22IM2.4+280CAM(189) City of CambridgeRAD(191) Radley College Boat Club5:01Row Over
19815:24J14S.4X+275SHP(293) Shiplake CollegeSPS(294) St Paul's School (C)4:56Row Over
19915:26J18.4+291SES(222) St Edward's SchoolNSC(224) Norwich School3:523/4 length
20015:29IM3.8+278TRH(25) Trinity HallHSB(28) HSBC RCNTT1 length
23715:30W.COL.8+285PMB(152) Pembroke College, OxfordWAD(155) Wadham College4:041 length
20115:31J14S.4X+275SES(291) St Edward's SchoolWIN(292) Winchester College BCNTTRow Over
20215:33W.IM3.4+279SES(259) St Edward's SchoolWRR(261) Worcester RC (Moran)4:191 3/4 lengths
20315:35J16.4+283WIN(232) Winchester College BCSES(233) St Edward's School4:04easily
20415:37ELI.4+281MBC(183) Molesey BC (Brent)MBC(185) Molesey BC (Haworth)NTT3 feet
20515:39W.IM3.4+279SRC(255) Sudbury RCMIK(257) Milton Keynes RCNTT1 1/4 lengths
20615:41J18.4X282ETN(271) Eton College BCSTA(272) Star Club (Tapley)3:573/4 length
20715:43J18.4X282STA(273) Star Club (Mizen)SES(274) St Edward's School3:44easily
20815:45J16.4+283RAD(227) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)ABS(230) Abingdon School3:523/4 length
20915:47W.COL.8+285BAL(144) Balliol CollegePEM(148) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:061 1/4 lengths
21015:49W.COL.8+ (P)286CHB(142) Christ ChurchLMH(146) Lady Margaret Hall4:17easily
21115:51W.COL.8+ (P)286WRO(149) Worcester CollegeMAG(156) Magdalen College, Oxford (Raphael)4:173 lengths
21215:53NOV.8+287BDS(41) Bedford School (Clifton)ETN(51) Eton College BC (A)3:381/2 length
21315:55NOV.8+287RAD(29) Radley College Boat ClubWAD(35) Wadham College3:412 lengths
21415:57NOV.8+ (P)289BDS(30) Bedford School (Elson)SPS(36) St Paul's School3:553 lengths
21516:00ELI.4+281MBC(181) Molesey BC (Cadoux-Hudson)ULO/TYR(182) London University/Tyrian3:473/4 length
21616:02W.J15.4X+292STA(303) Star ClubBMS(304) Bedford Modern School4:421 1/2 lengths
21716:04NOV.8+ (P)289CAB(40) Cantabrigian RCCCO(52) Christ's College3:431/2 length
21816:06W.J15.4X+292BED(305) Bedford Rowing ClubOUN(306) Oundle School BC4:393 lengths
21916:08W.NOV.8+293TRH(127) Trinity Hall (W1)BHS(132) Bedford High School RC4:141/3 length
22016:10IM3.4+288NSC(192) Norwich School (Payne)ULO(193) University of London4:001 1/2 lengths
10716:12IM3.4+221RAD(195) Radley College Boat ClubNSC(196) Norwich School (Page)4:022 1/2 lengths
22216:14W.IM2.8+284WAD(107) Wadham CollegeMBC(108) Molesey BC4:19easily
22316:16W.IM2.4+297BED(253) Bedford Rowing ClubMIK(254) Milton Keynes RC4:242 lengths
22416:18J18.4+291RAD(219) Radley College Boat ClubSTA(221) Star Club4:003 1/2 lengths
22516:20W.NOV.8+293SHI(133) St Hildas CollegeMBC(140) Molesey BC (Hughes)4:17easily
22616:22W.NOV.8+ (P)294WRO(136) Worcester CollegeTRH(139) Trinity Hall (W2)4:304 lengths
22716:24J15S.8+295ETN(98) Eton College BC (B)RAD(99) Radley College Boat Club (Bonsor)3:572 1/2 lengths
22816:26J15S.8+295SPS(102) St Paul's SchoolRAD(104) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)3:451/2 length
22916:28J15.8+296ABS(94) Abingdon SchoolSHP(95) Shiplake College3:422 1/4 lengths
23016:31J15.8+296SES(89) St Edward's SchoolRAD(91) Radley College Boat Club3:421 1/4 lengths
23116:33J14.4X+299HWG(280) Royal Grammar School, High WycombeSHP(282) Shiplake College4:243 lengths
23216:35J14.4X+299WIN(284) Winchester College BCSES(286) St Edward's School4:233 lengths
23316:37W.J14.8X300BMS(176) Bedford Modern SchoolGMS(177) Great Marlow School4:203 lengths
23416:41W.J14.8X300OUN(178) Oundle School BCSES(179) St Edward's School4:33easily
23516:45ELI.8+298ULO/TYR(2) London University/TyrianMBC(3) Molesey BC (Pring)3:282 lengths
23616:47W.IM2.4+297LEA(251) Lea Rowing ClubSES(252) St Edward's School4:292 1/2 lengths
23816:51W.NOV.8+ (P)294MBC(126) Molesey BC (Walsom-Brock)CCA(130) Anglia Ruskin4:043 lengths
23916:53W.NOV.4X+301DAH(296) Dame Alice Harpur BCSTA(298) Star Club (Viczko)4:373 lengths
24016:55W.NOV.4X+301IEL(300) Isle of Ely BCBED(301) Bedford Rowing ClubNTT3 lengths
24116:57NOV.4+302SES(203) St Edward's School (Bosman)CNN(208) Cambridge '99 RC4:11easily
24216:59IM2.8+312BDS(9) Bedford SchoolWIN(13) Winchester College BC2:523/4 length
24317:02NOV.4+ (P)303BDS(205) Bedford School (Tam)NSC(209) Norwich School (Wistow)4:214 lengths
24417:04NOV.4+ (P)303PET(211) Peterborough CitySES(215) St Edward's School (Burrows)4:28easily
24517:06J15.4X+304WIN(277) Winchester College BCBMS(278) Bedford Modern School (Walsh)4:284 lengths
24617:08J15.4X+304BMS(275) Bedford Modern School (Charman)MBC(276) Molesey BC5:08Row Over
24717:10J14S.8X307BDS(166) Bedford School (B)RAD(169) Radley College Boat Club (Manners)4:033 lengths
24817:14NOV.4+302BMS(210) Bedford Modern SchoolCAM(214) City of Cambridge3:591 1/2 lengths
24917:16J14S.8X307SPS(170) St Paul's School (B)RAD(175) Radley College Boat Club (Ringer)4:143 lengths
25017:20J16.8+308RAD(84) Radley College Boat ClubETN(85) Eton College BC (B)3:383/4 length
25117:22J16.8+308SPS(86) St Paul's SchoolABS(87) Abingdon School3:371 1/4 lengths
25217:24COL.8+309CAI(54) Caius CollegeWOO(58) Wolfson College, Oxford3:281/2 length
25317:26COL.8+309ULO(66) University of LondonMAG(72) Magdalen College, Oxford (M1)3:30easily
25417:28COL.8+ (P)310WAD(53) Wadham College (Schreiner)SJO(62) St John's College3:344 lengths
25517:30COL.8+ (P)310KCB(63) King's CollegeWAD(71) Wadham College (Clark)NTTRow Over
25617:33IM3C.4+311MBC(197) Molesey BCSTA(198) Star Club (Chillingsworth)4:14easily
25717:35J18.8+319BMS(73) Bedford Modern SchoolWIN(75) Winchester College BC3:282 lengths
25917:39IM2.8+312RAD(6) Radley College Boat ClubCAI(8) Caius College3:321/3 length
26017:41J15S.4+313SHP(243) Shiplake CollegeRAD(246) Radley College Boat Club4:154 lengths
26117:43J15.4+314NSC(239) Norwich SchoolBDS(241) Bedford School4:112 lengths
29217:45W.J15.4X+ BMS(304) Bedford Modern SchoolOUN(306) Oundle School BC4:30easily
26217:45J15.4+314SHP(236) Shiplake CollegeRAD(238) Radley College Boat Club4:091 foot
26317:47J15S.4+313BMS(248) Bedford Modern SchoolNSC(249) Norwich School (Fear-Segal)4:174 lengths
26417:49W.NOV.4+315SES(262) St Edward's School (Hunt)SOM(265) Somerville College4:42easily
26517:51W.NOV.4+315UKE(267) University of KentSES(270) St Edward's School (Atkinson)4:333 lengths
26617:53W.IM3.8+316RDG(111) Reading RC (Condie)BAL(114) Balliol College4:021 1/2 lengths
26717:55W.IM3.8+316LMB/CUW(121) Lady Margaret/CUWBCDOW(124) Downing College4:081 1/2 lengths
26817:57W.J14.4X+317SES(308) St Edward's SchoolHAB(310) Haberdashers MonmouthNTTNot Rowed Out
26917:59W.J14.4X+317IEL(312) Isle of Ely BCBHS(315) Bedford High School RC4:393/4 length
25818:00IM3C.4+311BED(199) Bedford Rowing ClubPET(200) Peterborough City4:11easily
27018:01J14.8X318SES(158) St Edward's SchoolBMS(160) Bedford Modern School3:59easily
27118:06J14.8X318WIN(162) Winchester College BCBDS(164) Bedford School4:07easily
27218:10JS.8+305ETN(80) Eton College BCRAD(81) Radley College Boat Club3:322 lengths
27318:12J18.8+319OUN(76) Oundle School BCRAD(78) Radley College Boat Club3:43Row Over
27418:14J14S.4X+320SPS(287) St Paul's School (B)NSC(289) Norwich School4:282 1/2 lengths
27618:18W.J14S.4X+321DAH(318) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Rainbow)SES(320) St Edward's School (Simpson)5:08easily
27718:20W.J14S.4X+321MBC(321) Molesey BCDAH(323) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Moule)4:58easily
27818:22IM3.8+322ABS(23) Abingdon SchoolTRH(25) Trinity Hall3:321 length
27918:24W.IM3.4+ SRC(255) Sudbury RCWRR(261) Worcester RC (Moran)4:24easily
28218:30J18.4X ETN(271) Eton College BCSTA(273) Star Club (Mizen)3:49easily
27518:30J14S.4X+320SES(291) St Edward's SchoolSPS(294) St Paul's School (C)4:552 lengths
28318:32J16.4+ ABS(230) Abingdon SchoolSES(233) St Edward's School3:552 lengths
28018:35IM2.4+ MBC(188) Molesey BCRAD(191) Radley College Boat Club3:53easily
28418:35W.IM2.8+ BED(105) Bedford Rowing Club (Hardy)MBC(108) Molesey BC4:02easily
28518:37W.COL.8+ BAL(144) Balliol CollegeWAD(155) Wadham College4:021 length
28618:39W.COL.8+ (P) CHB(142) Christ ChurchMAG(156) Magdalen College, Oxford (Raphael)4:141/2 length
28718:41NOV.8+ RAD(29) Radley College Boat ClubETN(51) Eton College BC (A)3:374 lengths
28818:43IM3.4+ ULO(193) University of LondonRAD(195) Radley College Boat Club  
28918:45NOV.8+ (P) SPS(36) St Paul's SchoolCCO(52) Christ's College3:472 lengths
29018:47IM3.8+322BDS(15) Bedford SchoolMAG(20) Magdalen College, Oxford3:323/4 length
29118:49J18.4+ RAD(219) Radley College Boat ClubNSC(224) Norwich School3:483 lengths
29318:53W.NOV.8+ BHS(132) Bedford High School RCMBC(140) Molesey BC (Hughes)4:102 lengths
29418:55W.NOV.8+ (P) MBC(126) Molesey BC (Walsom-Brock)TRH(139) Trinity Hall (W2)4:292 lengths
29518:57J15S.8+ ETN(98) Eton College BC (B)RAD(104) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)4:121 1/2 lengths
29618:59J15.8+ RAD(91) Radley College Boat ClubABS(94) Abingdon School3:37a canvas
29719:01W.IM2.4+ SES(252) St Edward's SchoolBED(253) Bedford Rowing Club4:221/2 length
29819:03ELI.8+ MBC(1) Molesey BC (Neary)MBC(3) Molesey BC (Pring)3:233/4 length
29919:06J14.4X+ HWG(280) Royal Grammar School, High WycombeSES(286) St Edward's School4:14easily
30019:08W.J14.8X GMS(177) Great Marlow SchoolSES(179) St Edward's School4:20easily
30119:12W.NOV.4X+ DAH(296) Dame Alice Harpur BCIEL(300) Isle of Ely BC4:252 1/2 lengths
30219:14NOV.4+ SES(203) St Edward's School (Bosman)CAM(214) City of Cambridge3:573/4 length
30319:16NOV.4+ (P) BDS(205) Bedford School (Tam)SES(215) St Edward's School (Burrows)4:101 1/2 lengths
30419:18J15.4X+ BMS(275) Bedford Modern School (Charman)WIN(277) Winchester College BC4:06easily
30519:20JS.8+ ABS(79) Abingdon SchoolETN(80) Eton College BC3:331 length
30619:22JT.8+ ETN(82) Eton College BCRAD(83) Radley College Boat Club3:451 1/2 lengths
30719:24J14S.8X RAD(169) Radley College Boat Club (Manners)SPS(170) St Paul's School (B)2:171 1/2 lengths
30819:28J16.8+ ETN(85) Eton College BC (B)ABS(87) Abingdon School3:361 1/2 lengths
30919:30COL.8+ WOO(58) Wolfson College, OxfordULO(66) University of London3:252 lengths
31019:32COL.8+ (P) SJO(62) St John's CollegeWAD(71) Wadham College (Clark)3:333/4 length
31119:34IM3C.4+ MBC(197) Molesey BCPET(200) Peterborough City3:50easily
28119:35ELI.4+ MBC(181) Molesey BC (Cadoux-Hudson)MBC(185) Molesey BC (Haworth)3:453/4 length
31219:37IM2.8+ CAI(8) Caius CollegeWIN(13) Winchester College BC3:311 length
31319:39J15S.4+ RAD(246) Radley College Boat ClubNSC(249) Norwich School (Fear-Segal)4:102 lengths
31419:41J15.4+ SHP(236) Shiplake CollegeNSC(239) Norwich School4:07easily
31519:43W.NOV.4+ SOM(265) Somerville CollegeUKE(267) University of Kent4:292 lengths
31619:45W.IM3.8+ BAL(114) Balliol CollegeDOW(124) Downing College4:011 1/2 lengths
31719:47W.J14.4X+ SES(308) St Edward's SchoolBHS(315) Bedford High School RC4:42easily
31819:49J14.8X BMS(160) Bedford Modern SchoolBDS(164) Bedford School3:56easily
31919:53J18.8+ BMS(73) Bedford Modern SchoolRAD(78) Radley College Boat Club3:22a canvas
32019:55J14S.4X+ NSC(289) Norwich SchoolSPS(294) St Paul's School (C)4:34easily
32119:57W.J14S.4X+ DAH(318) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Rainbow)MBC(321) Molesey BC4:562 lengths
32219:59IM3.8+ BDS(15) Bedford SchoolABS(23) Abingdon School3:303/4 length