Hexham Regatta

Saturday 5th June 2010

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Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Draw for University of Northumbria BC.

Results for University of Northumbria BC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race North SouthTimeVerdict
109:00NOV.4+16SHB(10) St Hild & St Bede College BC (McLean)HAT(11) Hatfield College BC (Beresford)  
309:04NOV.4+18HAT(19) Hatfield College BC (Law)COC(20) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Beckett)  
209:02NOV.4+19HAT(27) Hatfield College BC (Tarrant)SMC(28) St Marys College BC (Grant)  
1609:30NOV.4+32Winner of Race 1SMC(12) St Marys College BC (Dixon)  
709:12NOV.4+32SJC(13) St Johns College (Durham) BC (Lake)TEE(14) Tees RC (Ronald)  
809:14NOV.4+23COC(15) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Brown)SCB(16) St Cuthbert`s Society BC (Salthouse)  
409:06NOV.4+23AID(17) St Aidans (Durham) BC (Warner)CBS(18) Cambois Arc (Patterson)  
1809:34NOV.4+33Winner of Race 3BTL(21) Butler College BC (Brook)  
509:08NOV.4+33VAN(22) Van Mildert College BC (Caster)UNO(23) University of Northumbria BC (Fletcher)  
909:16NOV.4+35TRV(24) Trevelyan College BC (Lumley)COC(25) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Cowan)  
1909:36NOV.4+35SJC(26) St Johns College (Durham) BC (Sanchez Salgado)Winner of Race 2  
3210:02NOV.4+47Winner of Race 16Winner of Race 7  
2309:44NOV.4+47Winner of Race 8Winner of Race 4  
3310:04NOV.4+50Winner of Race 18Winner of Race 5  
3510:08NOV.4+50Winner of Race 9Winner of Race 19  
4710:32NOV.4+65Winner of Race 32Winner of Race 23  
5010:38NOV.4+65Winner of Race 33Winner of Race 35  
6511:08NOV.4+ Winner of Race 47Winner of Race 50  
15215:00W.NOV.4+185UCD(230) University College Durham BC (Bradshaw)UNO(231) University of Northumbria BC (Biggins)  
15515:06W.NOV.4+185JSC(232) John Snow College (Fitzpatrick)COC(233) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Steers)  
15315:02W.NOV.4+168BTL(234) Butler College BC (Clutterbuck)SHB(235) St Hild & St Bede College BC (Narraway)  
15615:08W.NOV.4+172QEH(238) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (Robinson)VAN(239) Van Mildert College BC (Barwick)  
15815:12W.NOV.4+173UCD(240) University College Durham BC (Emsley)COC(241) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Brownlow)  
15715:10W.NOV.4+173JSC(242) John Snow College (Mole)BTL(243) Butler College BC (Hewitt)  
18516:06W.NOV.4+200Winner of Race 152Winner of Race 155  
16815:32W.NOV.4+200Winner of Race 153SMC(236) St Marys College BC (Vroobel)  
17215:40W.NOV.4+198SJC(237) St Johns College (Durham) BC (Newton)Winner of Race 156  
17315:42W.NOV.4+198Winner of Race 158Winner of Race 157  
20016:36W.NOV.4+226Winner of Race 185Winner of Race 168  
19816:32W.NOV.4+226Winner of Race 172Winner of Race 173  
22617:28W.NOV.4+ Winner of Race 200Winner of Race 198  
16015:16W.IM3.2X176TYU(281) Tyne United RC (Maddox/Mitchell)TEE(282) Tees RC (Wilkinson/Puddick)  
15915:14W.IM3.2X175TEE(277) Tees RC (Gemie/Lall)TEE(278) Tees RC (Watson/Leigh)  
2415:13W.IM3.2X175QEH/TTA(279) QEH/Talkin Tarn (Gammage/Hardy)UNO(67) University of Northumbria BC (Watson/Realey)  
17615:48W.IM3.2X207Winner of Race 160CSN/USN(280) Sunderland City/Sunderland Uni (McGuire/Bennett)  
17515:46W.IM3.2X207Winner of Race 159CSN/USN(280) Sunderland City/Sunderland Uni (McGuire/Bennett)  
20716:50W.IM3.2X Winner of Race 175Winner of Race 176