Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 14th May 2011

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Results for Bedford Rowing Club

RaceTimeStatusNext Race(s) Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
108:30NOV.8+18 / 102BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)CAM(32) City of Cambridge (Duckworth)3:571 1/2 lengths
208:32NOV.8+19 / 96RAD(47) Radley College Boat Club (Rose)BDS(48) Bedford School (Wilson)3:592 lengths
1809:05NOV.8+85BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)RAD(33) Radley College Boat Club (Bonsor)4:012 1/2 lengths
1008:48NOV.8+85 / 102ABS(34) Abingdon School (B)QCC(35) Queens' College (M2)3:571 3/4 lengths
808:44NOV.8+76 / 93UWK(36) Warwick University (Edwards)BDS(37) Bedford School (Stephenson)3:551 1/4 lengths
1108:51NOV.8+76 / 93ORA(38) The Oratory School (Langguth)BED(39) Bedford Rowing Club (Bradley)4:031/2 length
1208:53NOV.8+79 / 97NSC(40) Norwich School (Jermy)KGS(41) Kingston Grammar School (Sim)3:51easily
1308:55NOV.8+79 / 97TRH(42) Trinity Hall (Pott)SES(43) St Edward's School (Kelly)3:543/4 length
1408:57NOV.8+78 / 96MAG(44) Magdalen College, Oxford (McGhee)ABS(45) Abingdon School (Wood)3:43easily
1909:07NOV.8+78UWK(46) Warwick University (Hewlings)RAD(47) Radley College Boat Club (Rose)4:22Row Over
8511:39NOV.8+193BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)QCC(35) Queens' College (M2)3:492 lengths
7611:20NOV.8+193BDS(37) Bedford School (Stephenson)ORA(38) The Oratory School (Langguth)4:022 feet
7911:26NOV.8+197KGS(41) Kingston Grammar School (Sim)TRH(42) Trinity Hall (Pott)3:493 lengths
7811:24NOV.8+197ABS(45) Abingdon School (Wood)RAD(47) Radley College Boat Club (Rose)3:47easily
19315:38NOV.8+265BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)ORA(38) The Oratory School (Langguth)3:511 1/2 lengths
19715:46NOV.8+265KGS(41) Kingston Grammar School (Sim)ABS(45) Abingdon School (Wood)3:324 lengths
26518:18NOV.8+ BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)ABS(45) Abingdon School (Wood)3:372 lengths
10213:01NOV.8+ (P)198CAM(32) City of Cambridge (Duckworth)ABS(34) Abingdon School (B)4:03a canvas
9311:55NOV.8+ (P)198UWK(36) Warwick University (Edwards)BED(39) Bedford Rowing Club (Bradley)3:572 1/2 lengths
9714:20NOV.8+ (P)199NSC(40) Norwich School (Jermy)SES(43) St Edward's School (Kelly)4:001 3/4 lengths
9612:02NOV.8+ (P)199MAG(44) Magdalen College, Oxford (McGhee)BDS(48) Bedford School (Wilson)4:022 lengths
19815:48NOV.8+ (P)266CAM(32) City of Cambridge (Duckworth)UWK(36) Warwick University (Edwards)3:54easily
19915:51NOV.8+ (P)266SES(43) St Edward's School (Kelly)MAG(44) Magdalen College, Oxford (McGhee)4:312 1/2 lengths
26618:20NOV.8+ (P) UWK(36) Warwick University (Edwards)MAG(44) Magdalen College, Oxford (McGhee)3:561 foot
13413:30IM3.Club.4+230STA(178) Star Club (Tredget)SRC(179) Sudbury RC (Adams)4:294 lengths
13613:34IM3.Club.4+229BED(181) Bedford Rowing Club (Coles)MIK(182) Milton Keynes RC (Contini)4:36easily
13513:32IM3.Club.4+229COX(183) City of Oxford RC (Barnwell)PET(184) Peterborough City (Clow)4:092 1/2 lengths
23017:04IM3.Club.4+284SRC(179) Sudbury RC (Adams)SNE(180) St Neots RC (Sadler)4:153/4 length
22917:02IM3.Club.4+284MIK(182) Milton Keynes RC (Contini)COX(183) City of Oxford RC (Barnwell)4:03easily
28419:02IM3.Club.4+ SNE(180) St Neots RC (Sadler)COX(183) City of Oxford RC (Barnwell)4:05easily
2809:30NOV.4+139NSC(192) Norwich School (Jermy)UEA(193) University of East Anglia (Heath)4:271/2 length
12112:56NOV.4+216BED(185) Bedford Rowing Club (Becker)NSC(186) Norwich School (Wilde)4:313/4 length
12513:07NOV.4+216BDS(187) Bedford School (Maltby)UEA(188) University of East Anglia (B)4:03easily
12212:58NOV.4+218NSC(189) Norwich School (Bell)SHI(190) St Hildas College (Phillips)4:18easily
13913:42NOV.4+218BMS(191) Bedford Modern School (Coveney)NSC(192) Norwich School (Jermy)4:25easily
21616:30NOV.4+277BED(185) Bedford Rowing Club (Becker)UEA(188) University of East Anglia (B)4:12easily
21816:35NOV.4+277NSC(189) Norwich School (Bell)BMS(191) Bedford Modern School (Coveney)4:011 length
27719:03NOV.4+ UEA(188) University of East Anglia (B)BMS(191) Bedford Modern School (Coveney)3:534 lengths

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