Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 14th May 2011

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Results for St Hildas College

RaceTimeStatusNext Race(s) Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
2809:30NOV.4+139NSC(192) Norwich School (Jermy)UEA(193) University of East Anglia (Heath)4:271/2 length
12112:56NOV.4+216BED(185) Bedford Rowing Club (Becker)NSC(186) Norwich School (Wilde)4:313/4 length
12513:07NOV.4+216BDS(187) Bedford School (Maltby)UEA(188) University of East Anglia (B)4:03easily
12212:58NOV.4+218NSC(189) Norwich School (Bell)SHI(190) St Hildas College (Phillips)4:18easily
13913:42NOV.4+218BMS(191) Bedford Modern School (Coveney)NSC(192) Norwich School (Jermy)4:25easily
21616:30NOV.4+277BED(185) Bedford Rowing Club (Becker)UEA(188) University of East Anglia (B)4:12easily
21816:35NOV.4+277NSC(189) Norwich School (Bell)BMS(191) Bedford Modern School (Coveney)4:011 length
27719:03NOV.4+ UEA(188) University of East Anglia (B)BMS(191) Bedford Modern School (Coveney)3:534 lengths
4410:10W.NOV.4+157UEA(234) University of East Anglia (Marriott)COX(235) City of Oxford RC (Ackerman)5:041 1/2 lengths
15214:10W.NOV.4+238COX(227) City of Oxford RC (Schulte)DAH(228) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Crook)5:03easily
14513:55W.NOV.4+238EMA(229) Emanuel School (Wolstenholme)BRX(230) Broxbourne RC (Gentle)5:132 lengths
15514:16W.NOV.4+236SHI(231) St Hildas College (Hewett)NSC(232) Norwich School (Hughes)5:023 lengths
15714:22W.NOV.4+236CAM(233) City of Cambridge (Fuller)COX(235) City of Oxford RC (Ackerman)4:43easily
23817:21W.NOV.4+288DAH(228) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Crook)EMA(229) Emanuel School (Wolstenholme)5:053 lengths
23617:17W.NOV.4+288SHI(231) St Hildas College (Hewett)CAM(233) City of Cambridge (Fuller)4:583 lengths
28819:10W.NOV.4+ DAH(228) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Crook)SHI(231) St Hildas College (Hewett)4:471 1/2 lengths

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