Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 9th July 2011

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Switch to Sunday 10 July 2011

Results for City of Oxford RC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Winner Second ThirdTimeVerdict 1:2Verdict 2:3
1009:36W.IM3.8+38OSI(9) Osiris BC (Bruger)CUW(10) Cambridge University WBC (Moir-Porteous)LEH(8) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Richard)NTT1 3/4 lengths1/2 length
1109:40W.IM3.8+38COX(11) City of Oxford RC (Keir)TYS(13) Tethys BC (Bera)PTR(12) Putney Town RC (Morrissey)3:381 1/2 lengths1 1/2 lengths
1209:44W.IM3.8+39KRC(14) Kingston Rowing Club (Hughes)PAR(16) Parrs Priory (Ellens)TWK(15) Twickenham RC (Coley)3:38easily1/4 length
1309:48W.IM3.8+39OAC(17) Oxford Academicals RC (Hauschild)CUW(19) Cambridge University WBC (Atherton)LEH(18) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Robson)3:351/2 length1/4 length
3811:28W.IM3.8+54OSI(9) Osiris BC (Bruger)COX(11) City of Oxford RC (Keir)3:253 1/2 lengths 
3911:32W.IM3.8+54KRC(14) Kingston Rowing Club (Hughes)OAC(17) Oxford Academicals RC (Hauschild)3:391 3/4 lengths 
5412:32W.IM3.8+ OSI(9) Osiris BC (Bruger)KRC(14) Kingston Rowing Club (Hughes)3:314 lengths 
3411:12NOV.4+56ZER(21) English RC (Dolgov)AKN(20) Auriol Kensington (Wilson)NEP(22) Nephthys (Rushton)3:22easily2 1/2 lengths
3511:16NOV.4+56GRT(23) Granta (Paul)COX(25) City of Oxford RC (Nov 4+ - Reimann)TWK(24) Twickenham RC (Skeels)3:38easilyRow Over
5612:40NOV.4+ ZER(21) English RC (Dolgov)GRT(23) Granta (Paul)3:214 lengths 
6214:00W.IM3.4+77OSI(136) Osiris BC (Robb)KGS(138) Kingston Grammar School (Crocker)VRC(137) Vesta RC (Hartley)NTT3 lengths1 1/2 lengths
6314:04W.IM3.4+77CUW(139) Cambridge University WBC (Lane)PTR(141) Putney Town RC (Higgins)PAR(140) Parrs Priory (Carroll)NTTeasily1 1/2 lengths
6414:08W.IM3.4+78LEH(142) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Stuart)KRC(143) Kingston Rowing Club (Long)HSB(144) HSBC RC (Francis)3:471 length4 lengths
6514:12W.IM3.4+78OAC(147) Oxford Academicals RC (Hauschild)COX(145) City of Oxford RC (Keir)BBL(146) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Fox)NTT1 length4 lengths
6614:16W.IM3.4+79OSI(150) Osiris BC (Bruger)KGS(149) Kingston Grammar School (Kenneally)PTR(148) Putney Town RC (Swanton)NTT4 lengthseasily
6714:20W.IM3.4+79CUW(152) Cambridge University WBC (Moir-Porteous)PAR(151) Parrs Priory (Ross)2:564 lengths 
7715:00W.IM3.4+102OSI(136) Osiris BC (Robb)CUW(139) Cambridge University WBC (Lane)3:541 3/4 lengths 
7815:04W.IM3.4+102LEH(142) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Stuart)OAC(147) Oxford Academicals RC (Hauschild)NTT1 1/2 lengths 
7915:08W.IM3.4+102OSI(150) Osiris BC (Bruger)CUW(152) Cambridge University WBC (Moir-Porteous)3:462 1/4 lengths 
10216:40W.IM3.4+ OSI(150) Osiris BC (Bruger)OSI(136) Osiris BC (Robb)LEH(142) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Stuart)3:461 1/4 lengths1 1/4 lengths
2310:28IM3.1X46KRC(73) Kingston Rowing Club (Miyake-Mark)FIT(74) Fitzwilliam College (Marron)NTTRow Over 
2410:32IM3.1X46WLT(76) Walton RC (Shire)AKN(77) Auriol Kensington (Gracey)COX(75) City of Oxford RC (Anderson)3:585 lengths4 lengths
2510:36IM3.1X46CLR(78) Cambridge University Lightweights (Tedbury)VRC(79) Vesta RC (Galavotti)3:58easily 
4612:00IM3.1X CLR(78) Cambridge University Lightweights (Tedbury)KRC(73) Kingston Rowing Club (Miyake-Mark)WLT(76) Walton RC (Shire)4:034 lengths
6113:00Mas.BD.1X121DAC(80) Dacre BC (Webb =B)PTR(81) Putney Town RC (De Maria =D)4:241/2 length 
12013:04Mas.BD.1X121COX(365) City of Oxford RC (Murray =B)KRC(82) Kingston Rowing Club (Peters =D)4:293 1/2 lengths 
12113:56Mas.BD.1X DAC(80) Dacre BC (Webb =B)COX(365) City of Oxford RC (Murray =B)3:592 lengths