Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 9th July 2011

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Switch to Sunday 10 July 2011

Results for Nephthys

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Winner Second ThirdTimeVerdict 1:2Verdict 2:3
4011:36IM3.8+55GRT(1) Granta (Pryn)PAR(2) Parrs Priory (Latham)3:073 1/2 lengths 
4111:40IM3.8+55GRT(4) Granta (Gluyas)NEP(3) Nephthys (Michelberger)3:073 lengths 
5512:36IM3.8+ GRT(1) Granta (Pryn)GRT(4) Granta (Gluyas)NTT3/4 length 
8815:44NOV.8+107GRT(114) Granta (Gluyas)KGS(113) Kingston Grammar School (Harrison)PTR(112) Putney Town RC (PTRC novice eight)3:113/4 lengtheasily
8915:48NOV.8+107NEP(115) Nephthys (Rushton)WBK(116) Walbrook RC (Lonsdale)3:184 lengths 
10717:00NOV.8+ GRT(114) Granta (Gluyas)NEP(115) Nephthys (Rushton)3:033 1/2 lengths 
6814:24IM3.4+92ZER(125) English RC (Dolgov)PTR(123) Putney Town RC (PTRC coxed four)KRC(124) Kingston Rowing Club (Downes)3:18easily2 1/2 lengths
6914:28IM3.4+92WOO(127) Wolfson College, Oxford (England)AKN(126) Auriol Kensington (Wilson Im3)NTTeasily 
7014:32IM3.4+92TWK(129) Twickenham RC (Turner)KRC(128) Kingston Rowing Club (Gandy)3:403 lengths 
7114:36IM3.4+93NEP(130) Nephthys (Michelberger)OAC(132) Oxford Academicals RC (Van Der Waal)GRT(131) Granta (Paul)3:33easily
7214:40IM3.4+93KRC(135) Kingston Rowing Club (Corn)PAR(133) Parrs Priory (Cobb)PTR(134) Putney Town RC (Booth)3:421/2 length1 1/2 lengths
9216:00IM3.4+109ZER(125) English RC (Dolgov)WOO(127) Wolfson College, Oxford (England)TWK(129) Twickenham RC (Turner)3:154 lengths4 lengths
9316:04IM3.4+109NEP(130) Nephthys (Michelberger)KRC(135) Kingston Rowing Club (Corn)3:314 1/2 lengths 
10917:08IM3.4+ ZER(125) English RC (Dolgov)NEP(130) Nephthys (Michelberger)3:14easily 
3411:12NOV.4+56ZER(21) English RC (Dolgov)AKN(20) Auriol Kensington (Wilson)NEP(22) Nephthys (Rushton)3:22easily2 1/2 lengths
3511:16NOV.4+56GRT(23) Granta (Paul)COX(25) City of Oxford RC (Nov 4+ - Reimann)TWK(24) Twickenham RC (Skeels)3:38easilyRow Over
5612:40NOV.4+ ZER(21) English RC (Dolgov)GRT(23) Granta (Paul)3:214 lengths