Hexham Regatta

Saturday 4th June 2011

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Results for Durham ARC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race North SouthTimeVerdict
9313:02Mas.D.8+111DUR(94) Durham ARC (Sowerby)TEE(95) Tees RC (York)  
11113:38Mas.D.8+ CBS/TYN(93) Cambois/Tyne (Hardy)Winner of Race 93  
409:07W.NOV.8+21HAT/DUB(3) Durham Uni/Hatfield (Pike)HAT(4) Hatfield College BC (Fletcher)  
509:10W.NOV.8+22AID(7) St Aidans (Durham) BC (Warden)BTL(8) Butler College BC (Lansdowne)  
2109:50W.NOV.8+41Winner of Race 4DUR(5) Durham ARC (Adair)  
2209:52W.NOV.8+41COC(6) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Brownlow)Winner of Race 5  
4110:40W.NOV.8+ Winner of Race 21Winner of Race 22  
16015:56W.J18.8+190QEH/TTA(196) QEH/Talkin TarnDUR(197) Durham ARC (Ford-Senior)  
19016:56W.J18.8+ CLS(195) Chester Le Street ARC (Carr)Winner of Race 160  
209:02NOV.A.4+17SCB(16) St Cuthbert`s Society BC (Spencer)HAT(17) Hatfield College BC (Beresford)  
1309:30NOV.A.4+34HAT(9) Hatfield College BC (Milnes)SHB(10) St Hild & St Bede College BC (Selby)  
1409:32NOV.A.4+34VAN(11) Van Mildert College BC (Crosland-Mills)COC(12) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Yates)  
1509:35NOV.A.4+35TRV(13) Trevelyan College BC (Hewitt)JSC(14) John Snow College (Welsh)  
1709:40NOV.A.4+35DUR(15) Durham ARC (Richard)Winner of Race 2  
3410:22NOV.A.4+59Winner of Race 13Winner of Race 14  
3510:25NOV.A.4+59Winner of Race 15Winner of Race 17  
5911:25NOV.A.4+ Winner of Race 34Winner of Race 35  
7112:18W.IM3.A.4+98SCB(96) St Cuthbert`s Society BC (Reid)SHB(97) St Hild & St Bede College BC (Hampton)  
7212:20W.IM3.A.4+95HAT(99) Hatfield College BC (Hooley)AID(100) St Aidans (Durham) BC (Reavie)  
7512:26W.IM3.A.4+95DUR(101) Durham ARC (Phillips)SHB(102) St Hild & St Bede College BC (Benstead)  
9813:12W.IM3.A.4+116Winner of Race 71COC(98) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Horton)  
9513:06W.IM3.A.4+116Winner of Race 72Winner of Race 75  
11613:48W.IM3.A.4+ Winner of Race 98Winner of Race 95  
6912:14W.IM3.B.4+100HAT(103) Hatfield College BC (Walters)BTL(104) Butler College BC (Hewitt)  
7312:22W.IM3.B.4+99DUR(106) Durham ARC (Drury)JSC(107) John Snow College (Pender)  
7012:16W.IM3.B.4+99UCD(108) University College Durham BC (Webber)CSN/USN(109) Sunderland City/Sunderland Uni (Bennett)  
10013:16W.IM3.B.4+118Winner of Race 69SHB(105) St Hild & St Bede College BC (Davey)  
9913:14W.IM3.B.4+118Winner of Race 73Winner of Race 70  
11813:52W.IM3.B.4+ Winner of Race 100Winner of Race 99  
13515:06W.NOV.A.4+155DUR(214) Durham ARC (Adair)COC(215) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Brownlow)  
13615:08W.NOV.A.4+159SCB(220) St Cuthbert`s Society BC (Venables)GSC(221) Stephenson College BC (McNeill)  
14015:16W.NOV.A.4+158UCD(223) University College Durham BC (Shurety)COC(224) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Molter)  
15515:46W.NOV.A.4+179Winner of Race 135JSC(216) John Snow College (Ellis)  
14515:26W.NOV.A.4+179TRV(217) Trevelyan College BC (Helvert)VAN(218) Van Mildert College BC (Armfield)  
15915:54W.NOV.A.4+180SMC(219) St Marys College BC (Wright)Winner of Race 136  
15815:52W.NOV.A.4+180SCH(222) St Chads College BC (Haywood)Winner of Race 140  
17916:34W.NOV.A.4+211Winner of Race 155Winner of Race 145  
18016:36W.NOV.A.4+211Winner of Race 159Winner of Race 158  
21117:38W.NOV.A.4+ Winner of Race 179Winner of Race 180  
13315:02W.NOV.B.4+152SCB(225) St Cuthbert`s Society BC (Morris)COC(226) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Rigby)  
13415:04W.NOV.B.4+153COC(233) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (Hamilton)SCB(234) St Cuthbert`s Society BC (Thatcher)  
15215:40W.NOV.B.4+177Winner of Race 133VAN(227) Van Mildert College BC (Felton)  
14315:22W.NOV.B.4+177SCH(228) St Chads College BC (Hooper-Kay)DUR(229) Durham ARC (Newcombe)  
14415:24W.NOV.B.4+178SMC(230) St Marys College BC (Jones)SJC(231) St Johns College (Durham) BC (Brewer)  
15315:42W.NOV.B.4+178UCD(232) University College Durham BC (Coogan)Winner of Race 134  
17716:30W.NOV.B.4+210Winner of Race 152Winner of Race 143  
17816:32W.NOV.B.4+210Winner of Race 144Winner of Race 153  
21017:36W.NOV.B.4+ Winner of Race 177Winner of Race 178  
5711:20W.J18B.4+ TEE(27) Tees RC (Mellor)DUR(28) Durham ARC (Ford-Senior)  
5811:22W.J17.4+ QEH(29) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (Robinson)DUR(30) Durham ARC (Polos)  
19317:02J18.4X DUR(235) Durham ARC (Roberts)TYU(236) Tyne United RC (Kelly)  
2610:02J15.4X+51DUS(44) Durham School (Ward)DUR(45) Durham ARC (Cutts)  
2710:05J15.4X+51TYN(46) Tyne RC (Pedersen)SLS(47) St Leonards School BC (Ed)  
5111:05J15.4X+ Winner of Race 26Winner of Race 27  
9012:56J14.4X+119QEH(116) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (Stanford)NTH(117) Nithsdale ARC (Dunse)  
11913:54J14.4X+ DUR(115) Durham ARC (Mathewson)Winner of Race 90  
20117:18W.J13.4X+ DUR(250) Durham ARC (Phillips)TTA(251) Talkin Tarn ARC (Lewis)  
2510:00IM3.2-48DUR(49) Durham ARC (Trotman/Trotman)DUR/AID(50) St Aidans/Durham ARC (Dobson/Dobson)  
4810:57IM3.2- COC(48) Collingwood College BC (Durham) (King/Cockcroft)Winner of Race 25  
20917:34Mas.C.2X DUR(252) Durham ARC (McCarthy/Robinson)TEE(253) Tees RC (Olver/Heath)  
17216:20Mas.D.2X205NTH(254) Nithsdale ARC (Kerr/Kerr)DUR(255) Durham ARC (Lyons/Tully)  
17316:22Mas.D.2X205CBS(256) Cambois Arc (Routledge/Freeman)CLS(257) Chester Le Street ARC (Harrison/Doherty)  
20517:26Mas.D.2X Winner of Race 172Winner of Race 173  
21617:48J17.2X TTA(261) Talkin Tarn ARC (Rose/Glenholmes)DUR(262) Durham ARC (Wallace/Hryniv)  
15715:50J15B.2X189QEH(268) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (Walton/Nixon)SCP/NTH(269) Strathclyde/Nithsdale (Kerr/Meinicke)  
18916:54J15B.2X DUR(267) Durham ARC (Palucha/Beeby)Winner of Race 157  
2309:55J14.2X43QEH(60) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (Henderson/Stanford)CBS(61) Cambois Arc (Lowes/Shiel)  
2409:57J14.2X43SCP/NTH(62) Strathclyde/Nithsdale (Kerr/Meinicke)DUR(63) Durham ARC (Wallace/Mathewson)  
4310:45J14.2X Winner of Race 23Winner of Race 24  
14615:28W.J15B.2X183SLS(285) St Leonards School BC (Cole/McPhail)DUR(286) Durham ARC (Hughes/Crompton)  
18316:42W.J15B.2X NTH(284) Nithsdale ARC (Davidson/McKeown)Winner of Race 146  
6212:00IM1.1X80QEH(158) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (Mole)CLS(159) Chester Le Street ARC (Curry)  
7612:28IM1.1X104DUR(155) Durham ARC (Dobson)CSN(156) City of Sunderland (Webb)  
8012:36IM1.1X104TTA(157) Talkin Tarn ARC (Wilson)Winner of Race 62  
10413:24IM1.1X Winner of Race 76Winner of Race 80  
13715:10IM3.1X164QEH(292) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (Samson)DUR(293) Durham ARC (Dobson)  
16316:02IM3.1X194CSN(289) City of Sunderland (Beadling)GSC(290) Stephenson College BC (Hawkins)  
16416:04IM3.1X194TYU(291) Tyne United RC (Trickle)Winner of Race 137  
19417:04IM3.1X Winner of Race 163Winner of Race 164  
609:12NOV.1X30CLS(72) Chester Le Street ARC (French)GSC(73) Stephenson College BC (Cleland)  
709:15NOV.1X30BTL(74) Butler College BC (Jaffe)DUR(75) Durham ARC (Hall)  
809:17NOV.1X31QEH(76) Queen Elizabeth High School BC (Benjamin)HEX(77) Hexham RC (Howorth)  
909:20NOV.1X31UCD(78) University College Durham BC (McKenna)GSC(79) Stephenson College BC (Cox)  
3010:12NOV.1X54Winner of Race 6Winner of Race 7  
3110:15NOV.1X54Winner of Race 8Winner of Race 9  
5411:12NOV.1X Winner of Race 30Winner of Race 31  
8612:48J15.1X113DUR(170) Durham ARC (Trotman)TYN(171) Tyne RC (Miller)  
8712:50J15.1X113TYU(172) Tyne United RC (Kelly)CLS(173) Chester Le Street ARC (Clark)  
11313:42J15.1X Winner of Race 86Winner of Race 87  
17116:18J14.1X204CBS(300) Cambois Arc (Duff)TYN(301) Tyne RC (Bratley)  
20417:24J14.1X DUR(299) Durham ARC (Wallace)Winner of Race 171  
3810:32W.IM1.1X DUR(80) Durham ARC (Curry)CBS(81) Cambois Arc (Peace)  
8512:46W.J15B.1X112CBS(184) Cambois Arc (Jobling)NTH(185) Nithsdale ARC (Davidson)  
11213:40W.J15B.1X DUR(183) Durham ARC (Storey)Winner of Race 85