Bedford Quarts Sprint Regatta

Sunday 10th July 2011

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse EmbankmentTimeVerdict
109:00W.IM3.2X25STA(106) Star Club (Jafarifar/Stockton)NTN(107) Northampton RC (Hodgkinson/King)NTT1/2 length
209:03W.J15.1X28STA(214) Star Club (Davies)KSE(217) King's School Ely BC (Bradbury)NTTRow Over
309:06W.IM3.2X18STA(114) Star Club (May/Seddon)BRX(115) Broxbourne RC (Watling/Morris)NTT3/4 length
409:09J15.1X30STA(169) Star Club (Tugulu)KSE(170) King's School Ely BC (Rudkin)NTT2 1/2 lengths
509:12W.NOV.1X33BHS(180) Bedford High School RC (Bruce)STA(181) Star Club (Thompson)NTT2 1/2 lengths
609:15J15.2X41SNE(102) St Neots RC (Shorten/Page)BRX(103) Broxbourne RC (Crowley/Carter)NTT2 lengths
709:19W.NOV.1X34SRC(183) Sudbury RC (Brown)BRX(184) Broxbourne RC (Molesworth)NTTeasily
809:22W.NOV.1X37AKN(187) Auriol Kensington (Burfoot)GLB(188) Globe RC (French)NTT4 lengths
909:25W.NOV.1X39STN(190) Staines BC (Walker)BRX(191) Broxbourne RC (Burden)NTT3/4 length
1009:28IM2.1X60CUR(134) Curlew RC (Askin)NTN(135) Northampton RC (Wolstenholme)NTT3 lengths
1109:31J15.2X52STA(99) Star Club (Sonsino/Beers)MIK(100) Milton Keynes RC (King/Baines)NTTeasily
17609:32J15.2X52NTN(101) Northampton RC (Coomber/Tobin)BMS(225) Bedford Modern School (Sonpal/Harper)NTTeasily
1309:38NOV.1X54PBD(156) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Bartlett)BED(157) Bedford Rowing Club (Phelps)NTTRow Over
1409:41W.IM3.2X63BED(109) Bedford Rowing Club (Larkworthy/Crouch)DAH(110) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Jeffery-Sinclair/Ginn)NTT4 lengths
1509:44IM3.2X73SUA(85) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gittus-Smith/Henry)PBD(86) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Le Neve Foster/Joynes)NTT1/3 length
1609:47J15.2X41STA(104) Star Club (Morgan/Stratton)NTN(105) Northampton RC (Gill/Van Sminia)NTTeasily
1709:50W.IM3.2X56BRX/SRC(111) Broxbourne/Sudbury (Taylor/Insull)CHA(112) Champion of the Thames (Christy/Jacklin)NTTeasily
1809:53W.IM3.2X56GLB/PBD(113) Globe/Poplar Blackwall (Turner/Baggs)STA(114) Star Club (May/Seddon)2:131/2 length
1909:57IM3.1X71COX(146) City of Oxford RC (Anderson)STA(147) Star Club (Merriman)NTTRow Over
2010:00W.J15.1X70KSE(209) King's School Ely BC (Sibson)ETM(210) Eton Mission RC (Mitchell)NTT2 1/2 lengths
2110:03IM3.2X65MIK(80) Milton Keynes RC (Smith/Engledow)CAB(81) Cantabrigian RC (Ouroussoff/McBirnie)NTTRow Over
2210:06IM3.1X71CAM(144) City of Cambridge (Marron)NTN(145) Northampton RC (Wolstenholme)2:101 1/2 lengths
2310:09W.J15.1X70BED(211) Bedford Rowing Club (Mynett)SIV(212) St Ives RC (Enticknap)2:332 1/2 lengths
2410:12IM3.2X73BED(83) Bedford Rowing Club (Vincent/Macintyre)CAM(84) City of Cambridge (Valiant/Kirk)2:032 1/2 lengths
2510:16W.IM3.2X63NTN(107) Northampton RC (Hodgkinson/King)BRX(108) Broxbourne RC (Holmes/Kitchener)2:262 lengths
2610:19IM2.1X89GUI(138) Guildford RC (Sadler)SUA(139) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gittus-Smith)2:133/4 length
2710:22W.J15.1X74GLB(213) Globe RC (Dwyer)BED(216) Bedford Rowing Club (Crouch)2:33easily
2810:25W.J15.1X74GLB(215) Globe RC (Pritchard)KSE(217) King's School Ely BC (Bradbury)2:061/2 length
2910:28J15.1X93SNE(164) St Neots RC (Page)NTN(165) Northampton RC (Tobin)2:233 1/2 lengths
3010:31J15.1X87CHA(168) Champion of the Thames (Haynes)KSE(170) King's School Ely BC (Rudkin)2:131 1/2 lengths
3110:35W.J14.1X84BHS(221) Bedford High School RC (Armstrong)SRC(222) Sudbury RC (Shaw)2:33easily
3210:38IM3.1X83MIK(140) Milton Keynes RC (Engledow)STA(141) Star Club (Mulkerrins)2:172 1/2 lengths
3310:41W.NOV.1X81BHS(180) Bedford High School RC (Bruce)STN(182) Staines BC (Benavente)2:353 1/2 lengths
3410:44W.NOV.1X81BRX(184) Broxbourne RC (Molesworth)CUR(185) Curlew RC (Roy)2:06a canvas
3510:47J15.1X87BED(166) Bedford Rowing Club (Vincent)GLB(167) Globe RC (Blanchard)2:114 lengths
3610:50IM3.1X83CUR(142) Curlew RC (Askin)BED(143) Bedford Rowing Club (Macintyre)2:123 1/2 lengths
3710:54W.NOV.1X82COX(186) City of Oxford RC (Longman)GLB(188) Globe RC (French)2:30easily
3810:57IM3.2-104BED/UWK(72) Bedford/Warwick Uni (Middleton/Drake)BMS(73) Bedford Modern School (Brooks/Tamkin)2:05easily
3911:00W.NOV.1X82STA(189) Star Club (Goodes)BRX(191) Broxbourne RC (Burden)2:462 1/2 lengths
4011:03W.J16.1X96SRC(207) Sudbury RC (Insull)GLB(208) Globe RC (Dwyer)2:25easily
4111:06J15.2X108SNE(102) St Neots RC (Shorten/Page)STA(104) Star Club (Morgan/Stratton)2:041 foot
4211:09J15.1X93BMS(162) Bedford Modern School (Clarke)MIK(163) Milton Keynes RC (Baines)2:213 lengths
4311:13J14.1X99NTN(175) Northampton RC (Salt)KSE(176) King's School Ely BC (Openshaw)2:243 lengths
4411:16W.J18.1X116NRC(197) Nottingham RC (Wilson)DAH(198) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Wright)2:252 lengths
4511:19J14.1X105KSE(171) King's School Ely BC (Bridgman)GLB(172) Globe RC (Blanchard)2:162 lengths
4611:22W.NOV.4+98DAH(41) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Crook)BRX(42) Broxbourne RC (Leithead)2:181/3 length
4711:25W.J18.1X115BHS(200) Bedford High School RC (Huckle)STA(201) Star Club (Grimley)NTTNot Rowed Out
4811:28Mas.CDE.8+124BED(8) Bedford Rowing Club (Aldred =C)NTN(9) Northampton RC (Tanqueray =D)1:541 length
4911:32W.J18.1X115NRC(202) Nottingham RC (Padbury)GLB(203) Globe RC (French)2:252 1/2 lengths
5011:35NOV.1X148PBD(151) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Rodway)SNE(148) St Neots RC (Mackie)NTTRow Over
5111:38NOV.1X133CAM(153) City of Cambridge (Dixon)BRU(154) Brunel University (Stainer)2:143/4 length
5211:41J15.2X108MIK(100) Milton Keynes RC (King/Baines)NTN(101) Northampton RC (Coomber/Tobin)2:12easily
5311:44NOV.1X148BED(149) Bedford Rowing Club (Drake)PET(150) Peterborough City (Shelley)2:59easily
5411:47NOV.1X133STA(155) Star Club (Tapley)BED(157) Bedford Rowing Club (Phelps)2:14easily
5511:51W.J14.2X130MIK(128) Milton Keynes RC (Powell/Williamson)DAH(129) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Pryer/O Kane)2:411 1/2 lengths
5611:54W.IM3.2X118BRX/SRC(111) Broxbourne/Sudbury (Taylor/Insull)GLB/PBD(113) Globe/Poplar Blackwall (Turner/Baggs)2:203 feet
5711:57W.Mas.AB.1X126PET(195) Peterborough City (Smith =A)GUI(196) Guildford RC (Hough =A)2:261/2 length
5812:00IM1.1X144STA(130) Star Club (Callow)PBD(131) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Samuel)2:061 1/2 lengths
5912:03W.J15.2X125NTN(123) Northampton RC (White/Von Widekind)DAH(124) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Stephens/Crook)2:291 1/4 lengths
6012:06IM2.1X140NTN(135) Northampton RC (Wolstenholme)CAM(136) City of Cambridge (Marron)NTTeasily
6112:10IM1.1X144NTN(132) Northampton RC (Japp)BED(133) Bedford Rowing Club (Robb)2:121/2 length
6212:13W.J15.2X125BHS(125) Bedford High School RC (Armstrong/Bruce)DAH(126) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Hamilton-Briscoe/Walters)2:204 lengths
6312:16W.IM3.2X118NTN(107) Northampton RC (Hodgkinson/King)BED(109) Bedford Rowing Club (Larkworthy/Crouch)2:165 lengths
6412:19W.IM3.4+121BRX(36) Broxbourne RC (Willett)CHB/XPR(37) Christ Church/X-Press2:162 1/2 lengths
6512:22IM3.2X150MIK(80) Milton Keynes RC (Smith/Engledow)GLB(82) Globe RC (French/Davidson)2:033 1/2 lengths
6612:25W.J14.1X135SRC(218) Sudbury RC (Adams)MIK(219) Milton Keynes RC (Williamson)2:441 foot
6712:29W.IM3.1X131AKN(178) Auriol Kensington (Burfoot)GLB(179) Globe RC (Curthoys)2:31easily
6912:35W.J18.2X134STA(121) Star Club (Bennewith/Grimley)GLB/PBD(122) Globe/Poplar Blackwall (Turner/Baggs)2:553/4 length
7012:38W.J15.1X129ETM(210) Eton Mission RC (Mitchell)SIV(212) St Ives RC (Enticknap)3:161 1/2 lengths
7112:41IM3.1X160NTN(145) Northampton RC (Wolstenholme)STA(147) Star Club (Merriman)2:203 lengths
7212:44W.J18.2X134BHS(119) Bedford High School RC (Davis/Bruce)NRC(120) Nottingham RC (Wilson/Padbury)2:181 foot
7312:48IM3.2X150BED(83) Bedford Rowing Club (Vincent/Macintyre)PBD(86) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Le Neve Foster/Joynes)2:042/3 length
7412:51W.J15.1X129BED(216) Bedford Rowing Club (Crouch)GLB(215) Globe RC (Pritchard)2:321 length
7512:54NOV.4+147BRX(22) Broxbourne RC (Crowley)BED(23) Bedford Rowing Club (Evans)2:231/2 length
7612:57J18.2X159GLB(97) Globe RC (French/Davidson)STA(98) Star Club (Mizen/Stockton)2:024 lengths
7713:00W.IM2.4+122MIK(33) Milton Keynes RC (Mills)CUR(34) Curlew RC (Jeff)NTTRow Over
7813:03NOV.4+147SRC(24) Sudbury RC (Bridle)BED(25) Bedford Rowing Club (Denny)1:58easily
7913:07IM3.4+158PET(20) Peterborough City (Holmes)SNE(21) St Neots RC (Sadler)2:061 1/2 lengths
8013:10J18.2X159STA(95) Star Club (Jacobs/Grzegorzewski)SUA(96) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gordon/Edkins)2:071 1/4 lengths
8113:13W.NOV.1X138BHS(180) Bedford High School RC (Bruce)BRX(184) Broxbourne RC (Molesworth)2:323 lengths
8213:16W.NOV.1X138GLB(188) Globe RC (French)STA(189) Star Club (Goodes)2:32easily
8313:19IM3.1X160STA(141) Star Club (Mulkerrins)BED(143) Bedford Rowing Club (Macintyre)2:111 1/4 lengths
8413:22W.J14.1X135STA(220) Star Club (Bennewith)BHS(221) Bedford High School RC (Armstrong)2:40easily
8513:26NOV.2X164CHA(87) Champion of the Thames (Watrasiewicz/Hutchison)SUA(88) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Picken/Cameron)NTTRow Over
11113:28W.Mas.AB.4+156BED/AKN/FSC(44) Bedford/Auriol Kensington/Furnivall (Mitchell =B)PET(45) Peterborough City (Marsters =B)2:131 length
8613:29W.IM3.4X145DAH(56) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Colman)STA(57) Star Club (Bennewith)NTTRow Over
8713:32J15.1X137BED(166) Bedford Rowing Club (Vincent)KSE(170) King's School Ely BC (Rudkin)2:073/4 length
8813:35Mx.IM3.8+136NOR(15) Norwich RC (Lister)BED(16) Bedford Rowing Club (Shipley)2:014 lengths
8913:38IM2.1X140KSE(137) King's School Ely BC (Mitchell)SUA(139) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gittus-Smith)2:061 length
9013:41IM3.4X152STA(46) Star Club (Barton)MED(47) Medway Towns RC (Player)2:044 lengths
9113:45J14.4X+155BMS(58) Bedford Modern School (Clarke)BMS(59) Bedford Modern School (Comber)2:15easily
9213:48W.IM3.4X145STA(54) Star Club (Barnwell)MIK(55) Milton Keynes RC (Draper)2:153 lengths
9313:51J15.1X137BMS(162) Bedford Modern School (Clarke)SNE(164) St Neots RC (Page)2:161 1/2 lengths
9413:54J14.4X+155STA(60) Star Club (Bennewith)BMS(61) Bedford Modern School (Hewitt)NTT3 lengths
9513:57W.J16.1X154GLB(204) Globe RC (Pritchard)BED(205) Bedford Rowing Club (Larkworthy)2:31easily
9614:00W.J16.1X154BRX(206) Broxbourne RC (Taylor)SRC(207) Sudbury RC (Insull)3:05Row Over
9714:04NOV.2X164CAM(89) City of Cambridge (Valiant/Kirk)KSE(90) King's School Ely BC (Cotterll/Rudkin)2:061 1/2 lengths
9814:07W.NOV.4+165NOR(40) Norwich RC (Lister)BRX(42) Broxbourne RC (Leithead)2:182 1/2 lengths
9914:10J14.1X170SIV(174) St Ives RC (Gawin)KSE(176) King's School Ely BC (Openshaw)2:191 length
10014:13Mx.IM3.8+136SNE(13) St Neots RC (Sadler)BED(14) Bedford Rowing Club (Thomas)1:592 1/2 lengths
10114:16Mas.CDE.2-142MIK(74) Milton Keynes RC (Lawson/Gilet =C)STA(75) Star Club (Talboys/Lamb =D)2:143/4 length
10214:19IM3.2-161BMS(69) Bedford Modern School (Dingley/Kroon)BMS(70) Bedford Modern School (Carstairs/Edwards)2:07easily
10314:23Mas.CDE.2-167PET(76) Peterborough City (Dolby/Davis =D)CAM(77) City of Cambridge (Shepherd/Watson =C)2:20easily
10414:26IM3.2-161NOR(71) Norwich RC (Ives-Keeler/Negus)BMS(73) Bedford Modern School (Brooks/Tamkin)2:33easily
10514:29J14.1X170GLB(172) Globe RC (Blanchard)STA(173) Star Club (White)2:221 1/2 lengths
10614:32IM3.4X152MIK(48) Milton Keynes RC (Funge)NTN(49) Northampton RC (Sentance)2:053 lengths
10714:35W.NOV.4+165BRX(38) Broxbourne RC (Gentle)CUR(39) Curlew RC (Feix)2:332 lengths
10814:38J15.2X NTN(101) Northampton RC (Coomber/Tobin)SNE(102) St Neots RC (Shorten/Page)2:043/4 length
10914:42Mas.D.4+143CAM(30) City of Cambridge (Nelder)PET(31) Peterborough City (Fox)2:002 lengths
11014:45W.IM3.8+132CAM(11) City of Cambridge (Barnes)BRX(12) Broxbourne RC (Willett)2:062/3 length
11214:51Mas.BC.4+168MIK(27) Milton Keynes RC (Gilet =C)SRC(28) Sudbury RC (Adams =B)2:03a canvas
11314:54Mas.DE.4X162STA(52) Star Club (Barton =D)MED(53) Medway Towns RC (Player =D)2:014 lengths
11414:57W.J14.4X+157BHS(63) Bedford High School RC (robnahlidnayet)DAH(64) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Raban)2:19easily
11515:01W.J18.1X149BHS(200) Bedford High School RC (Huckle)GLB(203) Globe RC (French)2:253 lengths
11615:04W.J18.1X149DAH(198) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Wright)GLB(199) Globe RC (Curthoys)2:241 length
11715:07W.Mas.AB.1X169GUI(192) Guildford RC (Avis =A)FAL(193) Falcon RC (Sharma =B)2:29easily
11815:10W.IM3.2X BED(109) Bedford Rowing Club (Larkworthy/Crouch)GLB/PBD(113) Globe/Poplar Blackwall (Turner/Baggs)2:012 lengths
11915:13IM3.8+151NOR(1) Norwich RC (Negus)BMS(2) Bedford Modern School (Brooks)1:461/2 length
12015:16IM3.8+151BED(3) Bedford Rowing Club (Farrer)CAM(4) City of Cambridge (Duckworth)1:50a canvas
12115:20W.IM3.4+ PET(35) Peterborough City (Rushton-Thorpe)CHB/XPR(37) Christ Church/X-Press2:16easily
16715:20Mas.CDE.2-142NOR(79) Norwich RC (Heron/Friend =E)PET(76) Peterborough City (Dolby/Davis =D)2:073/4 length
12215:23W.IM2.4+ SNE(32) St Neots RC (Wilson)MIK(33) Milton Keynes RC (Mills)2:173 1/2 lengths
12315:26Mas.DE.4X162OUT(50) Oundle Town RC (Carpenter =D)NOR(51) Norwich RC (Ashcroft =E)2:011 1/2 lengths
12415:29Mas.CDE.8+173STA(7) Star Club (Hunt =D)NTN(9) Northampton RC (Tanqueray =D)1:543/4 length
12515:32W.J15.2X NTN(123) Northampton RC (White/Von Widekind)BHS(125) Bedford High School RC (Armstrong/Bruce)2:19easily
12615:35W.Mas.AB.1X169BRX(194) Broxbourne RC (Gilliver =A)PET(195) Peterborough City (Smith =A)2:313 lengths
12715:39J17.1X174STA(160) Star Club (Jacobs)KSE(161) King's School Ely BC (Cotterll)2:181 1/2 lengths
12815:42J17.1X174STA(158) Star Club (Grzegorzewski)KSE(159) King's School Ely BC (Kumar)2:202 lengths
12915:45W.J15.1X SIV(212) St Ives RC (Enticknap)GLB(215) Globe RC (Pritchard)2:291 1/2 lengths
13015:48W.J14.2X DAH(127) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Hambleton-Jewell/Chandler)DAH(129) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Pryer/O Kane)2:311/2 length
13115:51W.IM3.1X PET(177) Peterborough City (Lamming)GLB(179) Globe RC (Curthoys)2:364 lengths
13215:54W.IM3.8+ CUR(10) Curlew RC (Jeff)CAM(11) City of Cambridge (Barnes)2:042 lengths
13315:58NOV.1X171BRU(154) Brunel University (Stainer)STA(155) Star Club (Tapley)2:114 lengths
13416:06W.J18.2X BHS(119) Bedford High School RC (Davis/Bruce)STA(121) Star Club (Bennewith/Grimley)2:152 lengths
13516:09W.J14.1X SRC(218) Sudbury RC (Adams)BHS(221) Bedford High School RC (Armstrong)2:323 1/2 lengths
13616:12Mx.IM3.8+ SNE(13) St Neots RC (Sadler)NOR(15) Norwich RC (Lister)1:541 length
13716:15J15.1X BMS(162) Bedford Modern School (Clarke)BED(166) Bedford Rowing Club (Vincent):49easily
13816:18W.NOV.1X BHS(180) Bedford High School RC (Bruce)GLB(188) Globe RC (French)2:241 1/4 lengths
15616:20W.Mas.AB.4+ BRX(43) Broxbourne RC (Gilliver =A)PET(45) Peterborough City (Marsters =B)2:141 1/2 lengths
13916:22IM2.4+ MIK(17) Milton Keynes RC (Funge)PET(18) Peterborough City (Barrows)1:561 1/4 lengths
14016:25IM2.1X NTN(135) Northampton RC (Wolstenholme)KSE(137) King's School Ely BC (Mitchell)2:071 length
14116:28ELI.2- BMS(65) Bedford Modern School (Edwards/Robertson)STA(66) Star Club (Miller/Kempsell)1:571/3 length
14216:31Mas.CDE.2- MIK(74) Milton Keynes RC (Lawson/Gilet =C)PET(76) Peterborough City (Dolby/Davis =D)2:081 1/2 lengths
14316:34Mas.D.4+ NOR(29) Norwich RC (Weston)PET(31) Peterborough City (Fox)2:003/4 length
14716:36NOV.4+ BRX(22) Broxbourne RC (Crowley)BED(25) Bedford Rowing Club (Denny)1:59easily
14416:37IM1.1X STA(130) Star Club (Callow)NTN(132) Northampton RC (Japp)2:072 lengths
14516:41W.IM3.4X STA(54) Star Club (Barnwell)STA(57) Star Club (Bennewith)2:093 1/2 lengths
14616:44W.NOV.Inv.2X BED(116) Bedford Rowing Club (Griffiths/Preston)BED(118) Bedford Rowing Club (Dunbar/Henman)2:283 lengths
14816:50NOV.1X171PET(150) Peterborough City (Shelley)SNE(148) St Neots RC (Mackie)2:221/2 length
14916:53W.J18.1X GLB(199) Globe RC (Curthoys)GLB(203) Globe RC (French)2:272 feet
15016:56IM3.2X MIK(80) Milton Keynes RC (Smith/Engledow)PBD(86) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Le Neve Foster/Joynes)1:591/3 length
15117:05IM3.8+ BMS(2) Bedford Modern School (Brooks)CAM(4) City of Cambridge (Duckworth)1:483/4 length
15217:08IM3.4X MED(47) Medway Towns RC (Player)MIK(48) Milton Keynes RC (Funge)1:583 feet
15317:11IM2.2- PBD(67) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Blin/Taylor)SRC(68) Sudbury RC (Frost/Adams)NTTRow Over
15417:14W.J16.1X BED(205) Bedford Rowing Club (Larkworthy)SRC(207) Sudbury RC (Insull)2:282 lengths
15517:17J14.4X+ BMS(59) Bedford Modern School (Comber)BMS(61) Bedford Modern School (Hewitt)2:141 3/4 lengths
16317:20Mas.CDE.8+173BED/HON(5) Bedford/Hornets (Wisbey =E)PET(6) Peterborough City (Barks =D)1:521 length
15717:24W.J14.4X+ DAH(62) Dame Alice Harpur BC (Chandler)BHS(63) Bedford High School RC (robnahlidnayet)2:164 1/2 lengths
15817:27IM3.4+ NTN(19) Northampton RC (Tanqueray)SNE(21) St Neots RC (Sadler)2:103 1/2 lengths
15917:30J18.2X SUA(96) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gordon/Edkins)STA(98) Star Club (Mizen/Stockton)1:592/3 length
16017:33IM3.1X BED(143) Bedford Rowing Club (Macintyre)NTN(145) Northampton RC (Wolstenholme)2:132 lengths
16117:36IM3.2- BMS(69) Bedford Modern School (Dingley/Kroon)NOR(71) Norwich RC (Ives-Keeler/Negus)2:14easily
16217:39Mas.DE.4X NOR(51) Norwich RC (Ashcroft =E)MED(53) Medway Towns RC (Player =D)2:022/3 length
16417:46NOV.2X SUA(88) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Picken/Cameron)KSE(90) King's School Ely BC (Cotterll/Rudkin)2:28easily
16517:49W.NOV.4+ BRX(38) Broxbourne RC (Gentle)NOR(40) Norwich RC (Lister)2:223 1/2 lengths
16617:52Mas.EF.2X SRC(93) Sudbury RC (Wasse/Milbank =F)PBD(94) Poplar, Blackwall & District (Coughlan/Prentice =E)2:142 lengths
16817:58Mas.BC.4+ XPR(26) X Press Boat Club (Martin =B)MIK(27) Milton Keynes RC (Gilet =C)2:041 length
16918:02W.Mas.AB.1X GUI(192) Guildford RC (Avis =A)PET(195) Peterborough City (Smith =A)2:282 lengths
17018:05J14.1X GLB(172) Globe RC (Blanchard)SIV(174) St Ives RC (Gawin)2:251 length
17118:08NOV.1X PET(150) Peterborough City (Shelley)STA(155) Star Club (Tapley)2:164 1/2 lengths
17218:11Mas.CD.2X NOR(91) Norwich RC (Bound/Audinis =D)MIK(92) Milton Keynes RC (Klewpatinond/Bidgood =B)2:11easily
17318:14Mas.CDE.8+ PET(6) Peterborough City (Barks =D)STA(7) Star Club (Hunt =D)1:501 3/4 lengths
17418:17J17.1X STA(158) Star Club (Grzegorzewski)STA(160) Star Club (Jacobs)2:191 1/4 lengths
17518:20W.Mas.CD.4+ BED(223) Bedford Rowing Club (Thomas =C)SNE(224) St Neots RC (Brown =D)2:32Disqualified

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