St Neots Regatta

Saturday 26th July 2014

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Results for Doncaster Schools Rowing Association

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse Regatta FieldVerdict
4711:23IM3.4X130GLB(82) Globe RCLRC(83) London RCRow Over
13816:11IM3.4X189DOS(79) Doncaster Schools Rowing AssociationMAV(80) Maidstone Invicta RCeasily
13014:31IM3.4X189NWK(81) Newark RCLRC(83) London RCeasily
18918:49IM3.4X DOS(79) Doncaster Schools Rowing AssociationNWK(81) Newark RCeasily
109:00W.IM3.4X43DOS(88) Doncaster Schools Rowing AssociationGLB(89) Globe RC2 lengths
309:06W.IM3.4X44BUL(91) Burton Leander RCLCN(92) Lincoln Rowing Centre4 lengths
409:09W.IM3.4X48LEA(95) Lea Rowing ClubLRC(96) London RCRow Over
509:12W.IM3.4X45YAR(98) Yare RCCUR(99) Curlew RC4 lengths
4311:11W.IM3.4X107DOS(88) Doncaster Schools Rowing AssociationDEV(90) Devil's Elbow RC3 lengths
4411:14W.IM3.4X107BUL(91) Burton Leander RCYRK(93) York City RC1 1/2 lengths
4811:26W.IM3.4X128MIK(94) Milton Keynes RCLRC(96) London RCeasily
4511:17W.IM3.4X128NWK(97) Newark RCYAR(98) Yare RC1 length
10714:33W.IM3.4X185DOS(88) Doncaster Schools Rowing AssociationBUL(91) Burton Leander RC2 lengths
12815:41W.IM3.4X185MIK(94) Milton Keynes RCNWK(97) Newark RC1 1/4 lengths
18518:37W.IM3.4X DOS(88) Doncaster Schools Rowing AssociationMIK(94) Milton Keynes RCeasily
12615:35W.J16.4X186DOS(101) Doncaster Schools Rowing AssociationTRT(102) Trent RCeasily
18618:40W.J16.4X GLB(100) Globe RCTRT(102) Trent RCeasily
10914:39J18.2X172SIV(132) St Ives RC (Gawin/Watson)DOS(133) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Turnill/Rolt)3 lengths
17217:58J18.2X DOS(131) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Burgin/Parker)SIV(132) St Ives RC (Gawin/Watson)easily
10514:27J15.2X170HLS(137) Hollowell Scullers (Sinclair/Hunt)NTN(138) Northampton RC (Jackson/Costello)easily
11214:48J15.2X170DOS(139) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Smith/Owen)SRC(140) Sudbury RC (Bowles/Scott)2 1/2 lengths
17017:52J15.2X HLS(137) Hollowell Scullers (Sinclair/Hunt)SRC(140) Sudbury RC (Bowles/Scott)a canvas
2210:08W.J18.2X90MAV(157) Maidstone Invicta RC (Maunsell/Warren)STA(158) Star Club (Bennewith/Feltham)easily
3510:47W.J18.2X99PET(161) Peterborough City (Adams/Stoker)NWK/TYN(162) Newark/Tyne (Price/Harrison)1 length
9013:42W.J18.2X166STA(158) Star Club (Bennewith/Feltham)NWK(159) Newark RC (Owens/Wilson)3 lengths
9914:09W.J18.2X166DOS(160) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Elmy/Whitnall)PET(161) Peterborough City (Adams/Stoker)2 1/2 lengths
16617:40W.J18.2X STA(158) Star Club (Bennewith/Feltham)PET(161) Peterborough City (Adams/Stoker)1 length
7012:37J16.1X175DOS(219) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Linley)NTN(220) Northampton RC (Saxon)easily
7112:40J16.1X175SIV(221) St Ives RC (Wells)TRT(222) Trent RC (Benton)Row Over
17518:07J16.1X DOS(219) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Linley)SIV(221) St Ives RC (Wells)Row Over
1909:59J15.1X72PET(223) Peterborough City (Plumb)HLS(224) Hollowell Scullers (Hunt)3 lengths
2110:05J15.1X72TRT(225) Trent RC (Smith)DEB(226) Deben RC (Hilger)2 lengths
2310:11J15.1X68NTN(227) Northampton RC (Costello)DOS(228) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Pogmore)easily
2410:14J15.1X68SRC(229) Sudbury RC (Scott)HLS(230) Hollowell Scullers (Sinclair)easily
7212:43J15.1X151PET(223) Peterborough City (Plumb)DEB(226) Deben RC (Hilger)3 lengths
6812:31J15.1X151DOS(228) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Pogmore)SRC(229) Sudbury RC (Scott)1 length
15116:50J15.1X DEB(226) Deben RC (Hilger)SRC(229) Sudbury RC (Scott)3/4 length
1609:50W.NOV.1X67MAV(235) Maidstone Invicta RC (McGee)NWK(236) Newark RC (Price)Not Rowed Out
1709:53W.NOV.1X67PET(237) Peterborough City (Apostolidou)DOS(238) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Parsons)Row Over
2510:17W.NOV.1X62LEE(239) Leeds RC (Markendale)YRK(240) York City RC (Keding)easily
1809:56W.NOV.1X62CUW(241) Cambridge University WBC (Futoryanova)LEA(242) Lea Rowing Club (Foster)Row Over
6712:28W.NOV.1X147MAV(235) Maidstone Invicta RC (McGee)PET(237) Peterborough City (Apostolidou)1/2 length
6212:13W.NOV.1X147YRK(240) York City RC (Keding)CUW(241) Cambridge University WBC (Futoryanova)Row Over
14716:38W.NOV.1X PET(237) Peterborough City (Apostolidou)CUW(241) Cambridge University WBC (Futoryanova)1 length
6912:34W.J18.1X144BOS(243) Boston RC (Ireland)NWK(244) Newark RC (Price)1 length
6512:22W.J18.1X144PET(245) Peterborough City (Plumb)DOS(246) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Haigh)4 lengths
14416:29W.J18.1X NWK(244) Newark RC (Price)PET(245) Peterborough City (Plumb)2 1/2 lengths
6412:19W.J16.1X143SNE(247) St Neots RC (Adamson)DOS(248) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Baldwin)4 lengths
6112:10W.J16.1X143SRC(249) Sudbury RC (Burgess)DEB(250) Deben RC (Bakewell)Row Over
14316:36W.J16.1X SNE(247) St Neots RC (Adamson)SRC(249) Sudbury RC (Burgess)4 lengths
1409:44W.J15.1X59TRT(251) Trent RC (Holgate)BUL(252) Burton Leander RC (Wright)5 lengths
1509:47W.J15.1X60TRT(255) Trent RC (Harlow)SNE(256) St Neots RC (Towns)Easily
5912:04W.J15.1X141TRT(251) Trent RC (Holgate)SNE(253) St Neots RC (Harper)Row Over
6012:07W.J15.1X141DOS(254) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Beevers)SNE(256) St Neots RC (Towns)easily
14116:20W.J15.1X TRT(251) Trent RC (Holgate)SNE(256) St Neots RC (Towns)3 lengths