St Neots Regatta

Saturday 26th July 2014

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Results for Northampton RC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse Regatta FieldVerdict
16417:29W.IM3.8+202NTN(10) Northampton RCDON(11) Doncaster RC3 1/2 lengths
20219:28W.IM3.8+ BBL(9) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCNTN(10) Northampton RCa canvas
5711:58Mx.IM3.8+153NTN(22) Northampton RCBUL(23) Burton Leander RC1/3 length
14916:44Mx.IM3.8+199SNE(19) St Neots RCLRC(20) London RC1 length
15317:10Mx.IM3.8+199LEA(21) Lea Rowing ClubBUL(23) Burton Leander RC1 1/2 lengths
19919:19Mx.IM3.8+ SNE(19) St Neots RCLEA(21) Lea Rowing Club1 1/4 lengths
209:03W.NOV.4+33LEE(60) Leeds RC (Henson)NTN(61) Northampton RC3/4 length
609:15W.NOV.4+46SRC(63) Sudbury RC (Goundry)DEV(64) Devil's Elbow RC (Turner)2 1/2 lengths
709:18W.NOV.4+38NOR(67) Norwich RCLEE(68) Leeds RC (Dalzell)3/4 length
810:02W.NOV.4+41DEV(70) Devil's Elbow RC (Greenwood)MAV(71) Maidstone Invicta RC (Marshall)3 lengths
3310:41W.NOV.4+133NTN(61) Northampton RCMAV(62) Maidstone Invicta RC (Stillwell)3 lengths
4611:20W.NOV.4+133SRC(63) Sudbury RC (Goundry)MAV(65) Maidstone Invicta RC (Maunsell)easily
3810:56W.NOV.4+134GLB(66) Globe RCLEE(68) Leeds RC (Dalzell)easily
4111:05W.NOV.4+134SRC(69) Sudbury RC (Wilkinson-Feller)MAV(71) Maidstone Invicta RC (Marshall)easily
13315:56W.NOV.4+195MAV(62) Maidstone Invicta RC (Stillwell)MAV(65) Maidstone Invicta RC (Maunsell)3/4 length
13415:59W.NOV.4+195LEE(68) Leeds RC (Dalzell)SRC(69) Sudbury RC (Wilkinson-Feller)2/3 length
19519:07W.NOV.4+ MAV(65) Maidstone Invicta RC (Maunsell)SRC(69) Sudbury RC (Wilkinson-Feller)2 1/2 lengths
12515:27Mx.IM1.4X190TRT(103) Trent RCMOS(104) Mossbourne Rowing Academyeasily
12715:38Mx.IM1.4X190NTN(105) Northampton RCBUL(106) Burton Leander RC3 lengths
19018:52Mx.IM1.4X TRT(103) Trent RCNTN(105) Northampton RC2 lengths
12315:21IM2.2-174LER(108) Leicester RC (Ogg/Orzel)NTN(109) Northampton RC (Barford/Ray)1 length
17418:04IM2.2- MOS(107) Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Mapp/Wyrwas)LER(108) Leicester RC (Ogg/Orzel)2 lengths
10514:27J15.2X170HLS(137) Hollowell Scullers (Sinclair/Hunt)NTN(138) Northampton RC (Jackson/Costello)easily
11214:48J15.2X170DOS(139) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Smith/Owen)SRC(140) Sudbury RC (Bowles/Scott)2 1/2 lengths
17017:52J15.2X HLS(137) Hollowell Scullers (Sinclair/Hunt)SRC(140) Sudbury RC (Bowles/Scott)a canvas
4211:08Mx.IM3.2X88ANC(174) Ancholme RC (Evans/Evans)STA/AID(175) Star/St Aidans (Pooley/Pooley)2 1/2 lengths
3210:38Mx.IM3.2X91NTN(178) Northampton RC (Bell/Radford)LRC(179) London RC (King/Neeld)4 lengths
8813:36Mx.IM3.2X161STA/AID(175) Star/St Aidans (Pooley/Pooley)LEE(176) Leeds RC (Assame/Kelly)easily
9113:45Mx.IM3.2X161YRK(177) York City RC (Barker/Rezacova)NTN(178) Northampton RC (Bell/Radford)3/4 length
16117:20Mx.IM3.2X LEE(176) Leeds RC (Assame/Kelly)NTN(178) Northampton RC (Bell/Radford)1/2 length
8613:25IM1.1X177PET(180) Peterborough City (Plumb)NTN(181) Northampton RC (Ray)1 length
8713:28IM1.1X177SRC(182) Sudbury RC (Bowles)MAV(183) Maidstone Invicta RC (Hynes)1 1/4 lengths
17718:13IM1.1X PET(180) Peterborough City (Plumb)MAV(183) Maidstone Invicta RC (Hynes)4 lengths
2710:23NOV.1X81NTN(194) Northampton RC (Boix)AKN(195) Auriol Kensington (Gray-Cheape)2 lengths
2810:26NOV.1X81SNE(196) St Neots RC (Vuylsteke)ANC(197) Ancholme RC (Evans)easily
2910:29NOV.1X82LER(198) Leicester RC (Townsend)MOS(199) Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Oades)2 1/2 lengths
3011:04NOV.1X82NTN(200) Northampton RC (Moran)SNE(201) St Neots RC (Clift)1 1/2 lengths
8113:10NOV.1X157NTN(194) Northampton RC (Boix)SNE(196) St Neots RC (Vuylsteke)3 feet
8213:13NOV.1X157MOS(199) Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Oades)SNE(201) St Neots RC (Clift)3 lengths
15717:08NOV.1X SNE(196) St Neots RC (Vuylsteke)MOS(199) Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Oades)easily
7012:37J16.1X175DOS(219) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Linley)NTN(220) Northampton RC (Saxon)easily
7112:40J16.1X175SIV(221) St Ives RC (Wells)TRT(222) Trent RC (Benton)Row Over
17518:07J16.1X DOS(219) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Linley)SIV(221) St Ives RC (Wells)Row Over
1909:59J15.1X72PET(223) Peterborough City (Plumb)HLS(224) Hollowell Scullers (Hunt)3 lengths
2110:05J15.1X72TRT(225) Trent RC (Smith)DEB(226) Deben RC (Hilger)2 lengths
2310:11J15.1X68NTN(227) Northampton RC (Costello)DOS(228) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Pogmore)easily
2410:14J15.1X68SRC(229) Sudbury RC (Scott)HLS(230) Hollowell Scullers (Sinclair)easily
7212:43J15.1X151PET(223) Peterborough City (Plumb)DEB(226) Deben RC (Hilger)3 lengths
6812:31J15.1X151DOS(228) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Pogmore)SRC(229) Sudbury RC (Scott)1 length
15116:50J15.1X DEB(226) Deben RC (Hilger)SRC(229) Sudbury RC (Scott)3/4 length