Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 10th May 2014

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race(s) Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
108:15NOV.8+37 / 165ABS(42) Abingdon School (A)WIN(43) Winchester College BCNTT3 lengths
208:17NOV.8+37 / 54ORA(44) The Oratory School (Espana Font)BDS(45) Bedford SchoolNTT4 lengths
308:19NOV.8+42 / 60SHP(51) Shiplake CollegeUWK(52) Warwick UniversityNTT1 1/2 lengths
408:21NOV.8+41 / 58HAM(53) Hampton SchoolBMS(54) Bedford Modern School (Tillett)NTTeasily
508:23NOV.8+72 / 54BMS(46) Bedford Modern School (Nicholls)LEA(47) Lea Rowing ClubNTT2 lengths
608:25NOV.8+42 / 60SWB(49) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolLMB(50) Lady Margaret BC3:392 1/2 lengths
708:28NOV.8+41 / 58ABS(55) Abingdon School (B)ORA(56) The Oratory School (Camilleri)NTT5 lengths
808:30J15.8+55BDS(79) Bedford SchoolABS(80) Abingdon SchoolNTT1 length
908:32J15.8+63NSC(82) Norwich SchoolLTU(83) Latymer Upper SchoolNTTRow Over
1008:34J15.8+53HAM(88) Hampton SchoolORA(89) The Oratory SchoolNTTRow Over
1108:36NOV.4+67NSC(194) Norwich School (White)UWK(195) Warwick University4:33Row Over
1208:38J14.4X+62ORA(271) The Oratory SchoolHAM(272) Hampton School (Butler)NTTRow Over
1408:43NOV.4+65COX(203) City of Oxford RCNSC(204) Norwich School (Arthurton)4:02easily
1508:45COL.8+69WAD(11) Wadham College (A)DOW(12) Downing College (M1)NTTRow Over
1608:47COL.8+71DOW(17) Downing College (M2)PMB(18) Pembroke College, OxfordNTTRow Over
1708:49COL.8+73ORO(20) Oriel CollegeLMB(21) Lady Margaret BC3:264 lengths
1808:51NOV.4+90WIN(200) Winchester College BCRAD(201) Radley College Boat ClubNTTUnknown
1908:54J16.8+107RAD(77) Radley College Boat Club (Brocklebank-Fowler)BDS(78) Bedford School (Jackson)4:264 lengths
2008:56J16.8+66ABS(69) Abingdon SchoolSHP(70) Shiplake College3:491 1/2 lengths
2108:58W.IM3.8+76DOW(115) Downing CollegeUWK(116) Warwick University (Preece)NTTRow Over
2209:00J15.8+56BMS(86) Bedford Modern SchoolWIN(87) Winchester College BC3:35easily
2309:02W.IM3.8+80LEA(123) Lea Rowing ClubUWK(124) Warwick University (Lindsay)4:161 3/4 lengths
2409:04J14.8X177BDS(134) Bedford SchoolGMS(135) Great Marlow School3:531/2 length
2509:09IM3.8+93UWK(37) Warwick University (Krupke)HAM(38) Hampton School (A)3:33easily
2609:11J14.8X84RAD(140) Radley College Boat ClubOUN(141) Oundle School BC3:582 lengths
2709:15IM3.8+94ABS(26) Abingdon SchoolHAM(27) Hampton School (B)3:192 1/4 lengths
2809:17IM3.8+95UWK(29) Warwick University (Clark)EMM(30) Emmanuel College3:261 1/4 lengths
3009:24W.NOV.8+133UWK(127) Warwick University (Brittain-Long)SCO(133) St Catherine's College (Nortz)NTTRow Over
3109:26W.J15.4X+97BGS(280) Bedford Girls School (Monaghan)HEN(281) Henley RC4:14easily
3209:28W.J14.8X120BGS(163) Bedford Girls SchoolGMS(164) Great Marlow School4:101 1/4 lengths
3309:33W.J14.8X134BMS(171) Bedford Modern SchoolOUN(172) Oundle School BC (Wilson)4:305 lengths
3409:37J14.2nd.8X129BDS(145) Bedford SchoolOUN(146) Oundle School BC4:44Row Over
3509:41J14.2nd.8X131SES(153) St Edward's SchoolHAM(154) Hampton SchoolNTTRow Over
3609:46J15.2nd.8+143SES(99) St Edward's SchoolORA(97) The Oratory SchoolNTTRow Over
3709:48NOV.8+148ABS(42) Abingdon School (A)BDS(45) Bedford School3:371 1/4 lengths
3809:50IM3.8+108WIN(33) Winchester College BCBDS(34) Bedford School3:263/4 length
3909:52IM3.8+93LMB(35) Lady Margaret BCDOW(36) Downing College (M1)3:243/4 length
4009:54ELI.8+144CHB(1) Christ ChurchIMP(4) Imperial CollegeNTTRow Over
4109:56NOV.8+145HAM(53) Hampton SchoolORA(56) The Oratory School (Camilleri)3:221 1/4 lengths
4209:59NOV.8+145LMB(50) Lady Margaret BCUWK(52) Warwick University3:302 lengths
4310:01ELI.8+149LRH(9) Lady Rohesia Boat ClubSTA(10) Star Club3:171 1/4 lengths
4410:03IM2.4+150RDG(173) Reading RC (Batchelor)STA(174) Star ClubNTT2 lengths
4510:05IM2.4+150RAD(175) Radley College Boat ClubRDG(176) Reading RC (Robinson)3:542 lengths
4610:07IM2.4+159LEA(177) Lea Rowing ClubWGA(178) UrsusNTT3/4 length
4710:09IM2.4+159RDG(179) Reading RC (Paterson)ORO(180) Oriel College3:431 length
4910:14W.J15.4X+96BGS(288) Bedford Girls School (Swain)OUN(289) Oundle School BC (James)NTT2 lengths
5010:16IM3.4+156UWK(184) Warwick UniversityNSC(185) Norwich SchoolNTT2 lengths
5110:18W.COL.8+153WAD(111) Wadham CollegeEMM(112) Emmanuel CollegeNTTRow Over
5210:20W.COL.8+153DOW(113) Downing CollegeGTM(114) Green Templeton BCNTTRow Over
5310:22J15.8+147ORA(89) The Oratory SchoolSES(91) St Edward's SchoolNTTRow Over
5410:25NOV.8+165ORA(44) The Oratory School (Espana Font)LEA(47) Lea Rowing Club3:501 1/2 lengths
5510:27J15.8+152ABS(80) Abingdon SchoolRAD(81) Radley College Boat Club3:362 lengths
5610:29J15.8+147KGS(85) Kingston Grammar SchoolWIN(87) Winchester College BC3:374 lengths
5710:31J14.4X+157SWB(264) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolHAM(265) Hampton School (Stucke)4:10easily
5810:33NOV.8+155BMS(54) Bedford Modern School (Tillett)ABS(55) Abingdon School (B)3:441 1/2 lengths
5910:35J14.4X+157SES(266) St Edward's SchoolGMS(267) Great Marlow SchoolNTTRow Over
6110:40J14.4X+158WIN(268) Winchester College BCNSC(269) Norwich School4:071/2 length
6210:42J14.4X+158HIN(270) Hinksey Sculling SchoolHAM(272) Hampton School (Butler)4:20easily
6310:44J15.8+152NSC(82) Norwich SchoolSWB(84) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School3:422 1/2 lengths
6410:46NOV.4+160BED(197) Bedford Rowing ClubSTA(198) Star Club4:09easily
6510:48NOV.4+161SHP(202) Shiplake CollegeCOX(203) City of Oxford RC3:59easily
6610:51J16.8+163ABS(69) Abingdon SchoolHAM(71) Hampton School (Sandford)3:302 1/2 lengths
6710:53NOV.4+160UWK(195) Warwick UniversityMIK(196) Milton Keynes RC3:57easily
6910:57COL.8+167DOW(12) Downing College (M1)COR(13) Corpus Christi College3:301 1/2 lengths
7010:59COL.8+167SHU(14) Sheffield University RCEMM(15) Emmanuel College3:291/4 length
7111:01COL.8+169CHB(16) Christ ChurchPMB(18) Pembroke College, Oxford3:183/4 length
7211:04NOV.8+148BMS(46) Bedford Modern School (Nicholls)RAD(48) Radley College Boat Club3:341 length
6011:05NOV.8+155SWB(49) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolSHP(51) Shiplake College3:402 1/2 lengths
7311:06COL.8+169WAD(19) Wadham College (B)ORO(20) Oriel CollegeNTTRow Over
7411:08J15.4+174HAM(211) Hampton SchoolBDS(212) Bedford School4:09easily
7511:10J18.8+168WIN(57) Winchester College BCRAD(58) Radley College Boat ClubNTT1 1/2 lengths
7611:12W.IM3.8+173UWK(116) Warwick University (Preece)AKN(117) Auriol Kensington3:541 1/2 lengths
7711:14W.IM3.8+173EMM(118) Emmanuel CollegeCOX(119) City of Oxford RC4:072 1/2 lengths
7811:17W.IM3.8+175GTM(120) Green Templeton BCWRR(121) Worcester RCNTTRow Over
7911:19W.J15.4X+180HIN(283) Hinksey Sculling School (Carruthers)KCH(284) Kings School Chester RC4:372 lengths
8011:21W.IM3.8+175SWB(122) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolUWK(124) Warwick University (Lindsay)NTT2 lengths
8111:23J15.4+171GMS(215) Great Marlow SchoolNSC(216) Norwich SchoolNTTRow Over
8211:25J14.8X177BMS(137) Bedford Modern SchoolKCH(139) Kings School Chester RC3:42easily
8311:30J14.8X179KGS(138) Kingston Grammar SchoolSHP(142) Shiplake CollegeNTT1 1/2 lengths
8411:34J14.8X179ABS(136) Abingdon SchoolRAD(140) Radley College Boat Club4:143 lengths
8611:43W.J14.4X+183HEN(290) Henley RCBMS(291) Bedford Modern School4:32easily
8711:45W.J14.4X+181BGS(293) Bedford Girls SchoolGMS(294) Great Marlow School4:341 length
8811:47W.J14.4X+181HIN(295) Hinksey Sculling SchoolSES(296) St Edward's School4:40easily
8911:49W.NOV.4+192CHB(235) Christ ChurchMIK(236) Milton Keynes RC4:34easily
9011:51NOV.4+161BDS(199) Bedford SchoolWIN(200) Winchester College BC4:34Row Over
9111:53J16.8+166BMS(74) Bedford Modern SchoolSWB(75) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School3:271 length
9211:56J18.8+184ABS(61) Abingdon SchoolBMS(62) Bedford Modern SchoolNTT2 lengths
9311:58IM3.8+185DOW(36) Downing College (M1)HAM(38) Hampton School (A)4:191/3 length
1312:00J15.8+53SHP(90) Shiplake CollegeSES(91) St Edward's SchoolNTT2 1/2 lengths
9412:00IM3.8+172ABS(26) Abingdon SchoolDOW(28) Downing College (M2)NTTRow Over
9512:02IM3.8+172UWK(29) Warwick University (Clark)STA(31) Star Club3:292 lengths
9612:04W.J15.4X+186HIN(287) Hinksey Sculling School (Pearce)OUN(289) Oundle School BC (James)4:08easily
9712:06W.J15.4X+180HEN(281) Henley RCOUN(282) Oundle School BC (Glover)4:27easily
9812:09W.J18.4+187HEN(242) Henley RCKCH(243) Kings School Chester RC4:40easily
9912:11W.J15.4X+186STA(285) Star ClubBMS(286) Bedford Modern School4:262 1/2 lengths
10012:13J14.2nd.4X+189HAM(273) Hampton School (O Loughlin)SES(274) St Edward's SchoolNTTRow Over
6812:13J16.8+163RAD(72) Radley College Boat Club (Adams)BDS(73) Bedford School (Hunt)3:453 lengths
10112:15J14.2nd.4X+188WIN(276) Winchester College BCBDS(277) Bedford School4:481/2 length
10212:17J14.2nd.4X+188NSC(278) Norwich SchoolHAM(279) Hampton School (Cockett)4:241/4 length
10312:19W.J15.4+190KGS(248) Kingston Grammar SchoolSWB(249) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School4:151 1/4 lengths
10412:22W.J15.4+198SES(252) St Edward's SchoolGMS(253) Great Marlow SchoolNTTRow Over
10512:24W.NOV.4+196SES(238) St Edward's SchoolUWK(239) Warwick UniversityNTTRow Over
10612:26W.J18.4+193GMS(246) Great Marlow SchoolBGS(247) Bedford Girls School (Ilic)4:194 lengths
10712:28J16.8+166HAM(76) Hampton School (Bryan-Isaacs)RAD(77) Radley College Boat Club (Brocklebank-Fowler)3:251 1/2 lengths
10812:30IM3.8+185SWB(32) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolBDS(34) Bedford School3:281 length
10912:32W.IM3.4+195WRR(229) Worcester RCGMS(230) Great Marlow School4:221 1/2 lengths
11012:35J15.2nd.4+199NSC(217) Norwich School (Arthurton)RAD(218) Radley College Boat Club3:58easily
11112:37W.IM3.4+195MIK(227) Milton Keynes RCAKN(228) Auriol Kensington (Rodgers)4:242 1/2 lengths
11212:39J15.2nd.4+197WIN(220) Winchester College BCGMS(221) Great Marlow SchoolNTTRow Over
11312:41J15.2nd.4+197LTU(222) Latymer Upper SchoolNSC(223) Norwich School (Anholt)NTTRow Over
11412:43IM3.Club.4+209BED(186) Bedford Rowing Club (Dickens)AKN(187) Auriol Kensington (Masters)4:162 1/4 lengths
11512:45W.IM3.4+205BGS(233) Bedford Girls SchoolUWK(234) Warwick University3:58easily
11612:48IM3.Club.4+209MIK(188) Milton Keynes RCRDG(189) Reading RC4:021 1/2 lengths
11712:50W.NOV.4+196BMS(240) Bedford Modern SchoolHEN(500) Henley RCNTTRow Over
11812:52IM3.Club.4+194COX(190) City of Oxford RCBED(191) Bedford Rowing Club (Vincent)3:291 1/4 lengths
11912:54IM3.Club.4+194AKN(192) Auriol Kensington (Fishlock)LEA(193) Lea Rowing ClubNTTRow Over
12012:56W.J14.8X200BGS(163) Bedford Girls SchoolKCH(165) Kings School Chester RC (Wade-Jones)4:205 lengths
12113:01W.J14.8X200OUN(166) Oundle School BC (Asquith)SWB(167) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Hudson)5:09Row Over
12213:05W.J14.8X201SES(168) St Edward's SchoolKCH(169) Kings School Chester RC (Beardwood)NTTRow Over
12313:09J14.3rd.8X203BDS(155) Bedford SchoolRAD(156) Radley College Boat Club (Dickie)NTTRow Over
12413:14W.IM3.4+205AKN(231) Auriol Kensington (Marques)HEN(241) Henley RCNTTRow Over
12513:16J14.3rd.8X203ABS(157) Abingdon School (D)RAD(158) Radley College Boat Club (Turner)4:252 lengths
12613:20J14.3rd.8X204KCH(159) Kings School Chester RCHAM(160) Hampton SchoolNTT1 1/4 lengths
12713:24J16.4+219GMS(209) Great Marlow SchoolORA(210) The Oratory School4:16easily
12813:27J14.3rd.8X204RAD(161) Radley College Boat Club (Maciejewski)ABS(162) Abingdon School (C)4:22easily
12913:31J14.2nd.8X206BDS(145) Bedford SchoolGMS(147) Great Marlow School4:09easily
13013:35J14.2nd.8X207ABS(150) Abingdon SchoolBMS(151) Bedford Modern School4:13easily
13113:40J14.2nd.8X207KCH(152) Kings School Chester RCHAM(154) Hampton School4:002 1/2 lengths
13213:44W.NOV.8+208SCO(125) St Catherine's College (Watson)KCH(126) Kings School Chester RCNTTeasily
13313:46W.NOV.8+210UCO(131) University College, OxfordSCO(133) St Catherine's College (Nortz)4:065 lengths
13413:48W.J14.8X201SWB(170) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Moreton)BMS(171) Bedford Modern SchoolNTT2 1/4 lengths
13513:53W.NOV.8+208UWK(132) Warwick University (Tucker)BMS(128) Bedford Modern School4:153 lengths
13613:55W.ELI.8+212TRC(106) Thames RCGMS(107) Great Marlow School3:533 lengths
13713:57J15.2nd.8+214SWB(92) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolBDS(93) Bedford SchoolNTT5 lengths
13813:59J15.2nd.8+214SHP(94) Shiplake CollegeRAD(95) Radley College Boat ClubNTT4 lengths
13914:01J15.2nd.8+216ABS(96) Abingdon SchoolKGS(100) Kingston Grammar SchoolNTT3 lengths
14014:03J14.2nd.8X206RAD(148) Radley College Boat ClubSHP(149) Shiplake College4:223/4 length
14114:08ELI.8+230ORO(2) Oriel CollegeLEA(5) Lea Rowing Club3:193/4 length
14214:10W.NOV.8+210SWB(129) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolSES(130) St Edward's School4:073 lengths
14314:12J15.2nd.8+216HAM(98) Hampton SchoolSES(99) St Edward's School3:51easily
14414:14ELI.8+230CHB(1) Christ ChurchTRC(3) Thames RC3:201/3 length
14514:16NOV.8+223LMB(50) Lady Margaret BCHAM(53) Hampton School3:281 1/2 lengths
14614:19ELI.8+221ABS(6) Abingdon SchoolSIP(7) Sport Imperial BC3:133/4 length
14714:21J15.8+226WIN(87) Winchester College BCSES(91) St Edward's SchoolNTT4 lengths
14814:23NOV.8+223BDS(45) Bedford SchoolBMS(46) Bedford Modern School (Nicholls)3:152/3 length
14914:25ELI.8+221NEW(8) Newcastle University BCSTA(10) Star Club3:162 lengths
15014:27IM2.4+231RDG(173) Reading RC (Batchelor)RAD(175) Radley College Boat Club3:521 length
15114:29J18.4+225RAD(206) Radley College Boat ClubBDS(207) Bedford School3:534 lengths
15214:32J15.8+226RAD(81) Radley College Boat ClubSWB(84) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School3:383/4 length
15314:34W.COL.8+222EMM(112) Emmanuel CollegeGTM(114) Green Templeton BC4:071 1/2 lengths
4814:36W.COL.8+154UCO(108) University College, OxfordSCO(109) St Catherine's College4:06easily
24514:36J15.3rd.8+266 / 265BDS(102) Bedford SchoolHAM(499) Hampton School4:024 lengths
15414:36W.COL.8+222UCO(108) University College, OxfordCOR(110) Corpus Christi CollegeNTTRow Over
15514:38NOV.8+224SHP(51) Shiplake CollegeABS(55) Abingdon School (B)3:453 feet
15614:40IM3.4+227BDS(183) Bedford SchoolUWK(184) Warwick University3:582 1/2 lengths
15714:42J14.4X+228HAM(265) Hampton School (Stucke)GMS(267) Great Marlow School4:122 lengths
15814:45J14.4X+228NSC(269) Norwich SchoolHAM(272) Hampton School (Butler)4:093 lengths
15914:47IM2.4+231LEA(177) Lea Rowing ClubRDG(179) Reading RC (Paterson)3:521/2 length
16014:49NOV.4+232UWK(195) Warwick UniversityBED(197) Bedford Rowing Club3:571 1/2 lengths
16114:51NOV.4+232WIN(200) Winchester College BCCOX(203) City of Oxford RC4:01easily
16214:53IM3.4+227GTM(181) Green Templeton BCORA(182) The Oratory School4:043 lengths
16314:55J16.8+236HAM(71) Hampton School (Sandford)BDS(73) Bedford School (Hunt)3:331 3/4 lengths
16414:58J15.4X+229WIN(260) Winchester College BCOUN(261) Oundle School BC (Birksy)3:58easily
16615:02J16.8+236SWB(75) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolRAD(77) Radley College Boat Club (Brocklebank-Fowler)3:271 length
16715:04COL.8+235DOW(12) Downing College (M1)EMM(15) Emmanuel College3:273/4 length
16915:08COL.8+235PMB(18) Pembroke College, OxfordORO(20) Oriel College3:193 lengths
17015:11J15.4X+229BDS(262) Bedford SchoolOUN(263) Oundle School BC (Botty)4:073 lengths
17115:13J15.4+233BMS(214) Bedford Modern SchoolNSC(216) Norwich School4:10easily
17315:17W.IM3.8+237UWK(116) Warwick University (Preece)EMM(118) Emmanuel College3:571/2 length
17415:19J15.4+233BDS(212) Bedford SchoolLTU(213) Latymer Upper SchoolNTTRow Over
17515:21W.IM3.8+237WRR(121) Worcester RCSWB(122) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School3:593 lengths
17615:24W.J14.2nd.4X+243BGS(297) Bedford Girls School (McDonagh)GMS(298) Great Marlow School4:441/2 length
17715:26J14.8X238BDS(134) Bedford SchoolKCH(139) Kings School Chester RC3:571 1/2 lengths
18715:30W.J18.4+250HEN(242) Henley RCBGS(244) Bedford Girls School (Mason)4:151 1/4 lengths
17815:30W.J15.2nd.4+248BMS(255) Bedford Modern SchoolHEN(256) Henley RCNTT2 lengths
16515:31NOV.8+224WIN(43) Winchester College BCLEA(47) Lea Rowing Club3:463/4 length
17915:32J14.8X238KGS(138) Kingston Grammar SchoolRAD(140) Radley College Boat Club3:57easily
18015:37W.J15.4X+234HEN(281) Henley RCKCH(284) Kings School Chester RC4:20easily
18115:39W.J14.4X+239GMS(294) Great Marlow SchoolHIN(295) Hinksey Sculling School4:324 1/2 lengths
18215:41W.J14.2nd.4X+243HEN(299) Henley RCBGS(300) Bedford Girls School (Garrigue)4:342 1/2 lengths
18315:43W.J14.4X+239HEN(290) Henley RCKGS(292) Kingston Grammar School4:245 lengths
18415:45J18.8+240HAM(60) Hampton SchoolABS(61) Abingdon School3:071/2 length
17215:46IM3.8+241ABS(26) Abingdon SchoolUWK(29) Warwick University (Clark)3:20a canvas
18515:47IM3.8+241BDS(34) Bedford SchoolHAM(38) Hampton School (A)3:253/4 length
18615:50W.J15.4X+234STA(285) Star ClubOUN(289) Oundle School BC (James)4:14a canvas
18815:54J14.2nd.4X+246WIN(276) Winchester College BCHAM(279) Hampton School (Cockett)4:324 lengths
18915:56J14.2nd.4X+246HAM(273) Hampton School (O Loughlin)SWB(275) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School4:352 1/2 lengths
19015:58W.J15.4+249SWB(249) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolBMS(250) Bedford Modern School4:16easily
19116:00J18.4X247RAD(258) Radley College Boat ClubSTA(259) Star Club3:43easily
19216:03W.NOV.4+251CHB(235) Christ ChurchBED(237) Bedford Rowing Club4:251 length
19316:05W.J18.4+250SES(245) St Edward's SchoolBGS(247) Bedford Girls School (Ilic)4:184 lengths
19416:07IM3.Club.4+244BED(191) Bedford Rowing Club (Vincent)LEA(193) Lea Rowing Club3:473/4 length
19516:09W.IM3.4+252AKN(228) Auriol Kensington (Rodgers)GMS(230) Great Marlow School4:203/4 length
19616:11W.NOV.4+251SES(238) St Edward's SchoolBMS(240) Bedford Modern School4:213 1/2 lengths
19716:13J15.2nd.4+254WIN(220) Winchester College BCNSC(223) Norwich School (Anholt)4:134 lengths
19816:16W.J15.4+249HEN(251) Henley RCSES(252) St Edward's School4:36easily
19916:18J15.2nd.4+254NSC(217) Norwich School (Arthurton)HAM(219) Hampton School4:053 lengths
20116:24W.J14.8X255SES(168) St Edward's SchoolBMS(171) Bedford Modern School4:321 1/4 lengths
26516:26J15.3rd.8+266BDS(102) Bedford SchoolABS(101) Abingdon School3:514 lengths
20216:29J18.2nd.8+260BDS(65) Bedford SchoolGMS(66) Great Marlow School3:321 1/4 lengths
16816:30J18.8+240RAD(58) Radley College Boat ClubBDS(59) Bedford SchoolNTTRow Over
20316:31J14.3rd.8X242BDS(155) Bedford SchoolRAD(158) Radley College Boat Club (Turner)4:141 1/2 lengths
20416:35J14.3rd.8X242HAM(160) Hampton SchoolABS(162) Abingdon School (C)4:39Not Rowed Out
20516:39W.IM3.4+252AKN(231) Auriol Kensington (Marques)UWK(234) Warwick University4:21easily
20616:42J14.2nd.8X256BDS(145) Bedford SchoolSHP(149) Shiplake College4:093 lengths
20716:46J14.2nd.8X256ABS(150) Abingdon SchoolKCH(152) Kings School Chester RC3:574 lengths
20816:50W.NOV.8+257KCH(126) Kings School Chester RCBMS(128) Bedford Modern School4:033 1/2 lengths
20916:52IM3.Club.4+244AKN(187) Auriol Kensington (Masters)RDG(189) Reading RC4:063 1/2 lengths
21016:55W.NOV.8+257SES(130) St Edward's SchoolUCO(131) University College, Oxford4:012 lengths
21116:57W.ELI.8+258NEW(103) Newcastle University BCLEA(104) Lea Rowing Club3:412 lengths
21216:59W.ELI.8+258SWB(105) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolTRC(106) Thames RC3:493 lengths
20017:00W.J14.8X255BGS(163) Bedford Girls SchoolSWB(167) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Hudson)4:25easily
21317:01IM3.Club.8+261LEA(40) Lea Rowing ClubBED(41) Bedford Rowing Club3:323/4 length
21417:03J15.2nd.8+263BDS(93) Bedford SchoolSHP(94) Shiplake College3:313 lengths
21517:05W.IM2.4+253UWK(225) Warwick UniversityMIK(226) Milton Keynes RC4:26easily
21617:08J15.2nd.8+263ABS(96) Abingdon SchoolHAM(98) Hampton School3:421 1/4 lengths
21717:10J18.2nd.8+260ABS(63) Abingdon SchoolHAM(64) Hampton School3:053/4 length
21817:12IM2.8+262BMS(22) Bedford Modern SchoolPMB(23) Pembroke College, Oxford3:241/2 length
22017:17IM2.8+262HAM(24) Hampton SchoolCOX(25) City of Oxford RCNTTRow Over
22117:19ELI.8+264SIP(7) Sport Imperial BCNEW(8) Newcastle University BC3:101 length
22217:21W.COL.8+ UCO(108) University College, OxfordEMM(112) Emmanuel College3:561 3/4 lengths
22317:23NOV.8+ BMS(46) Bedford Modern School (Nicholls)HAM(53) Hampton School3:312 1/2 lengths
22417:26NOV.8+ WIN(43) Winchester College BCABS(55) Abingdon School (B)3:481 1/2 lengths
22517:28J18.4+ GMS(205) Great Marlow SchoolRAD(206) Radley College Boat Club3:341 length
22617:31J15.8+ SWB(84) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolWIN(87) Winchester College BC3:293 lengths
22717:33IM3.4+ ORA(182) The Oratory SchoolUWK(184) Warwick University3:511 1/2 lengths
22817:36J14.4X+ HAM(265) Hampton School (Stucke)NSC(269) Norwich School4:081 1/4 lengths
23017:41ELI.8+264TRC(3) Thames RCLEA(5) Lea Rowing Club3:081 length
23117:43IM2.4+ RAD(175) Radley College Boat ClubRDG(179) Reading RC (Paterson)3:333/4 length
23217:46NOV.4+ UWK(195) Warwick UniversityCOX(203) City of Oxford RC3:331/2 length
23317:48J15.4+ BDS(212) Bedford SchoolNSC(216) Norwich School4:02easily
23417:51W.J15.4X+ HEN(281) Henley RCOUN(289) Oundle School BC (James)4:114 1/2 lengths
23517:53COL.8+ DOW(12) Downing College (M1)ORO(20) Oriel College3:042 1/2 lengths
23617:56J16.8+ HAM(71) Hampton School (Sandford)RAD(77) Radley College Boat Club (Brocklebank-Fowler)3:233/4 length
23717:58W.IM3.8+ EMM(118) Emmanuel CollegeSWB(122) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School3:51easily
22918:00J15.4X+ WIN(260) Winchester College BCOUN(263) Oundle School BC (Botty)3:504 lengths
21918:01J16.4+ BMS(208) Bedford Modern SchoolGMS(209) Great Marlow School3:551 1/2 lengths
23818:01J14.8X KCH(139) Kings School Chester RCRAD(140) Radley College Boat Club3:514 lengths
23918:05W.J14.4X+ HEN(290) Henley RCHIN(295) Hinksey Sculling School4:202 1/2 lengths
24018:08J18.8+ BDS(59) Bedford SchoolABS(61) Abingdon School3:154 lengths
24218:13J14.3rd.8X BDS(155) Bedford SchoolHAM(160) Hampton School4:022 3/4 lengths
24318:17W.J14.2nd.4X+ GMS(298) Great Marlow SchoolHEN(299) Henley RC4:34easily
24418:20IM3.Club.4+ RDG(189) Reading RCLEA(193) Lea Rowing Club3:572 1/2 lengths
26618:22J15.3rd.8+ HAM(499) Hampton SchoolABS(101) Abingdon School3:591 1/2 lengths
24618:25J14.2nd.4X+ HAM(273) Hampton School (O Loughlin)HAM(279) Hampton School (Cockett)4:283/4 length
24718:27J18.4X SHP(257) Shiplake CollegeSTA(259) Star Club3:393 lengths
24818:30W.J15.2nd.4+ SWB(254) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolHEN(256) Henley RC4:16easily
25018:35W.J18.4+ HEN(242) Henley RCBGS(247) Bedford Girls School (Ilic)NTT1 1/2 lengths
25118:37W.NOV.4+ BED(237) Bedford Rowing ClubBMS(240) Bedford Modern School4:261 foot
25218:40W.IM3.4+ GMS(230) Great Marlow SchoolUWK(234) Warwick University4:212 lengths
25318:42W.IM2.4+ BGS(224) Bedford Girls SchoolUWK(225) Warwick University4:192 1/4 lengths
25418:45J15.2nd.4+ HAM(219) Hampton SchoolNSC(223) Norwich School (Anholt)4:012 lengths
25518:47W.J14.8X BGS(163) Bedford Girls SchoolBMS(171) Bedford Modern School4:233 lengths
25618:52J14.2nd.8X BDS(145) Bedford SchoolKCH(152) Kings School Chester RC3:574 lengths
25718:57W.NOV.8+ KCH(126) Kings School Chester RCUCO(131) University College, Oxford3:581 1/2 lengths
25818:59W.ELI.8+ NEW(103) Newcastle University BCTRC(106) Thames RC3:382 lengths
24119:00IM3.8+ UWK(29) Warwick University (Clark)BDS(34) Bedford School3:193/4 length
24919:00W.J15.4+ BMS(250) Bedford Modern SchoolHEN(251) Henley RC4:141 1/3 lengths
25919:02J18.3rd.8+ BDS(67) Bedford SchoolHAM(68) Hampton School3:291 3/4 lengths
26019:04J18.2nd.8+ ABS(63) Abingdon SchoolGMS(66) Great Marlow School3:213/4 length
26119:07IM3.Club.8+ COX(39) City of Oxford RCBED(41) Bedford Rowing Club3:253/4 length
26219:09IM2.8+ PMB(23) Pembroke College, OxfordHAM(24) Hampton School3:042 1/2 lengths
26319:12J15.2nd.8+ BDS(93) Bedford SchoolHAM(98) Hampton School3:442 1/2 lengths
26419:14ELI.8+ LEA(5) Lea Rowing ClubNEW(8) Newcastle University BC3:093 lengths