Oxford City Royal Regatta

Saturday 18th August 2012

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Switch to Sunday 19 August 2012

RaceTimeEventStatusNext Race Oxfordshire (Town) Berkshire (Towpath)
109:007W.IM3.4+11CBR(24) City of Bristol RC (Shelley-Smith)HEC(25) Hertford College 
209:047W.IM3.4+12LIC(30) Lincoln College BCABN(31) Abingdon RC 
309:087W.IM3.4+13XYZ(33) Status ChangeCBR(34) City of Bristol RC (Mabbett) 
409:126IM3.4+17FSC(12) Furnivall SC (Vaklev)LLA(13) Llandaff RC 
509:166IM3.4+18JEC/JEO(15) Jesus/JesusPTR(16) Putney Town RC 
609:206IM3.4+19XYZ(19) Status ChangeWRO(20) Worcester College 
709:246IM3.4+20SON(22) Sons of the Thames RCFSC(23) Furnivall SC (Jenkins) 
809:2816W.NOV.1X24COX(71) City of Oxford RC (Winder)NUT(72) Nautics Boat Club (Webb) 
909:327W.IM3.4+25LLA(27) Llandaff RCBBL(28) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC 
1009:368IM3.2X30SWI(35) Swindon RCPHY(36) Phyllis Court Rowing & River Section 
1109:407W.IM3.4+25HEC(25) Hertford CollegeKRC(26) Kingston Rowing Club 
1209:447W.IM3.4+26COX(29) City of Oxford RCLIC(30) Lincoln College BC 
1309:487W.IM3.4+26HSB(32) HSBC RCCBR(34) City of Bristol RC (Mabbett) 
1409:528IM3.2X29COX(38) City of Oxford RCKRC(39) Kingston Rowing Club 
1509:568IM3.2X29XYZ(40) Status ChangeJEC(41) Jesus College, Cambridge 
1610:0013IM2.1X32BEW(57) Bewdley RCCHR(58) Christchurch RC 
1710:046IM3.4+34LLA(13) Llandaff RCHEC(14) Hertford College 
1810:086IM3.4+34PTR(16) Putney Town RCOAC(17) Oxford Academicals RC 
1910:126IM3.4+35CBR(18) City of Bristol RCWRO(20) Worcester College 
2010:166IM3.4+35WOO(21) Wolfson College, OxfordFSC(23) Furnivall SC (Jenkins) 
2110:2016W.NOV.1X36RDG(64) Reading RCCOX(65) City of Oxford RC (Pfauder) 
2210:2416W.NOV.1X36NUT(66) Nautics Boat Club (Webb)CHR(67) Christchurch RC 
2310:2816W.NOV.1X37BBL(68) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCSON(69) Sons of the Thames RC 
2410:3216W.NOV.1X37ABN(70) Abingdon RCNUT(72) Nautics Boat Club (Webb) 
2510:367W.IM3.4+41KRC(26) Kingston Rowing ClubBBL(28) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC 
2610:407W.IM3.4+41LIC(30) Lincoln College BCCBR(34) City of Bristol RC (Mabbett) 
2710:4411W.IM3.2X42PTR(46) Putney Town RCRDG(47) Reading RC 
2810:4811W.IM3.2X42NUT(48) Nautics Boat ClubKRC(49) Kingston Rowing Club 
2910:528IM3.2X43KRC(39) Kingston Rowing ClubJEC(41) Jesus College, Cambridge 
3010:568IM3.2X43SWI(35) Swindon RCWRC(37) Wallingford RC 
3111:0013IM2.1X44TVP(54) Thames Valley Park RCCOX(55) City of Oxford RC 
3211:0413IM2.1X44ABN(56) Abingdon RCBEW(57) Bewdley RC 
3311:083W.IM2.8+45GTM(6) Green Templeton BCWOO(7) Wolfson College, Oxford 
3411:126IM3.4+48HEC(14) Hertford CollegeOAC(17) Oxford Academicals RC 
3511:166IM3.4+48CBR(18) City of Bristol RCWOO(21) Wolfson College, Oxford 
3611:2016W.NOV.1X51COX(65) City of Oxford RC (Pfauder)CHR(67) Christchurch RC 
3711:2416W.NOV.1X51BBL(68) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCABN(70) Abingdon RC 
3811:2814NOV.1X54TYR(60) Tyrian ClubLLA(61) Llandaff RC 
3911:3212W.Mas.ABC.2X50CHR(50) Christchurch RC (=A)ABN(51) Abingdon RC (=B) 
4011:3612W.Mas.ABC.2X50BUR(52) Burway RC (=C)BBL(53) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (=A) 
4111:407W.IM3.4+ BBL(28) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCLIC(30) Lincoln College BC 
4211:4411W.IM3.2X RDG(47) Reading RCNUT(48) Nautics Boat Club 
4311:488IM3.2X WRC(37) Wallingford RCKRC(39) Kingston Rowing Club 
4411:5213IM2.1X TVP(54) Thames Valley Park RCBEW(57) Bewdley RC 
4511:563W.IM2.8+ HSB(5) HSBC RCGTM(6) Green Templeton BC 
4612:002NOV.8+ FAL(3) Falcon RCOAC(4) Oxford Academicals RC 
4712:0415W.IM2.1X CHR(62) Christchurch RCCOX(63) City of Oxford RC 
4812:086IM3.4+ HEC(14) Hertford CollegeWOO(21) Wolfson College, Oxford 
4912:124W.NOV.8+ FAL(8) Falcon RCOAC(9) Oxford Academicals RC 
5012:1612W.Mas.ABC.2X ABN(51) Abingdon RC (=B)BBL(53) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (=A) 
5112:2016W.NOV.1X COX(65) City of Oxford RC (Pfauder)BBL(68) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC 
5212:241IM2.8+ PMB/LMH/MAG(1) Pembroke/Lady Margaret/MagdalenWGA(2) Ursus 
5312:2810Mas.F.2X ABN(44) Abingdon RCBTC(45) BTC Southampton 
5412:3214NOV.1X MAG(59) Magdalen College, OxfordTYR(60) Tyrian Club 
5512:365IM1.4+ HSB(10) HSBC RCWOO(11) Wolfson College, Oxford 
5612:409Mas.C.2X SON(42) Sons of the Thames RCABN(43) Abingdon RC 
10114:0018W.IM3.8+118XYZ(116) Status ChangeWOO(117) Wolfson College, Oxford 
10214:0433W.IM3.1X128XYZ(175) Status ChangeRDG(176) Reading RC 
10314:0833W.IM3.1X129BBL(179) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCCOX(180) City of Oxford RC 
10414:1227W.NOV.2X126RDG(149) Reading RCMHD(150) Maidenhead RC 
10514:1627W.NOV.2X130BBL(153) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCABN(154) Abingdon RC 
10614:2030IM3.1X132WGA(163) UrsusCOX(164) City of Oxford RC 
10714:2430IM3.1X131ABN(166) Abingdon RCTYR(167) Tyrian Club 
10814:2830IM3.1X131XYZ(168) Status ChangeCOX(169) City of Oxford RC 
10914:3225NOV.2X136COX(141) City of Oxford RCLRH/MRT(142) Lady Rohesia/Martyrs 
11014:3625NOV.2X133PTR(145) Putney Town RCWGA(146) Ursus 
11114:4020NOV.4+140COX(120) City of Oxford RC (A)CBR(121) City of Bristol RC 
11214:4420NOV.4+140PTR/CYG(122) Putney Town/CygnetOAC(123) Oxford Academicals RC 
11314:4820NOV.4+141WRO(124) Worcester CollegeFSC(125) Furnivall SC 
11414:5220NOV.4+141HSB(126) HSBC RCCOX(127) City of Oxford RC (B) 
11514:5618W.IM3.8+143HSB(109) HSBC RCBBL(110) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC 
11615:0018W.IM3.8+143TYS(111) Tethys BCCBR(112) City of Bristol RC 
11715:0418W.IM3.8+144GTM(113) Green Templeton BCCOX(114) City of Oxford RC 
11815:0818W.IM3.8+144ABN(115) Abingdon RCWOO(117) Wolfson College, Oxford 
11915:1217IM3.8+145XYZ(101) Status ChangeSON(102) Sons of the Thames RC 
12015:1617IM3.8+145HEC(103) Hertford CollegeWOO(104) Wolfson College, Oxford 
12115:2017IM3.8+146JEC(105) Jesus College, CambridgeFSC(106) Furnivall SC 
12215:2417IM3.8+146LLA(107) Llandaff RCMHD(108) Maidenhead RC 
12315:2828W.J16.2X147NUT(155) Nautics Boat ClubWRC(156) Wallingford RC 
12415:3228W.J16.2X147TRT(157) Trent RCWRC(158) Wallingford RC 
12515:3623IM1.2-148GTM(135) Green Templeton BCPMB/LMH(136) Pembroke/Lady Margaret 
12615:4027W.NOV.2X153RDG(149) Reading RCCAM(151) City of Cambridge 
12715:4422W.IM1.4X151BBL(132) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCCHR(133) Christchurch RC 
12815:4833W.IM3.1X152RDG(176) Reading RCCOX(177) City of Oxford RC 
12915:5233W.IM3.1X152FAL(178) Falcon RCCOX(180) City of Oxford RC 
13015:5627W.NOV.2X153WRC(152) Wallingford RCABN(154) Abingdon RC 
13116:0030IM3.1X154TYR(167) Tyrian ClubCOX(169) City of Oxford RC 
13216:0430IM3.1X154COX(164) City of Oxford RCMAG(165) Magdalen College, Oxford 
13316:0825NOV.2X155MER(144) Merton CollegeWGA(146) Ursus 
13416:1229Mx.ELI.2X156PMB/LMH(159) Pembroke/Lady MargaretCOX(160) City of Oxford RC 
13516:1629Mx.ELI.2X156SWI(161) Swindon RCFAL(162) Falcon RC 
13616:2025NOV.2X155LRH/MRT(142) Lady Rohesia/MartyrsCAM(143) City of Cambridge 
13716:2432J18.1X157HWG(173) Royal Grammar School, High WycombeKRC(174) Kingston Rowing Club (Hoskin) 
13816:2824ELI.2X158HIN(137) Hinksey Sculling School (Bowen)WRC(138) Wallingford RC 
13916:3224ELI.2X158HEN/GRI(139) Henley/GriffenHIN(140) Hinksey Sculling School (Purchase) 
14016:3620NOV.4+159COX(120) City of Oxford RC (A)OAC(123) Oxford Academicals RC 
14116:4020NOV.4+159FSC(125) Furnivall SCCOX(127) City of Oxford RC (B) 
14216:4421W.NOV.4+160HSB(129) HSBC RCLLA(130) Llandaff RC 
14316:4818W.IM3.8+161BBL(110) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCTYS(111) Tethys BC 
14416:5218W.IM3.8+161COX(114) City of Oxford RCWOO(117) Wolfson College, Oxford 
14516:5617IM3.8+162SON(102) Sons of the Thames RCWOO(104) Wolfson College, Oxford 
14617:0017IM3.8+162JEC(105) Jesus College, CambridgeMHD(108) Maidenhead RC 
14717:0428W.J16.2X WRC(156) Wallingford RCTRT(157) Trent RC 
14817:0823IM1.2- HSB(134) HSBC RCPMB/LMH(136) Pembroke/Lady Margaret 
14917:1219ELI.4+ WGA(118) UrsusPMB(119) Pembroke College, Oxford 
15017:1626J16.2X COX(147) City of Oxford RCMAV(148) Maidstone Invicta RC 
15117:2022W.IM1.4X FAL(131) Falcon RCCHR(133) Christchurch RC 
15217:2433W.IM3.1X COX(177) City of Oxford RCCOX(180) City of Oxford RC 
15317:2827W.NOV.2X RDG(149) Reading RCWRC(152) Wallingford RC 
15417:3230IM3.1X COX(164) City of Oxford RCCOX(169) City of Oxford RC 
15517:3625NOV.2X LRH/MRT(142) Lady Rohesia/MartyrsWGA(146) Ursus 
15617:4029Mx.ELI.2X COX(160) City of Oxford RCFAL(162) Falcon RC 
15717:4432J18.1X KRC(172) Kingston Rowing Club (Bedford)HWG(173) Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe 
15817:4824ELI.2X WRC(138) Wallingford RCHEN/GRI(139) Henley/Griffen 
15917:5220NOV.4+ COX(120) City of Oxford RC (A)FSC(125) Furnivall SC 
16017:5621W.NOV.4+ COX(128) City of Oxford RCHSB(129) HSBC RC 
16118:0018W.IM3.8+ BBL(110) Barnes Bridge Ladies RCCOX(114) City of Oxford RC 
16218:0417IM3.8+ WOO(104) Wolfson College, OxfordMHD(108) Maidenhead RC 
16318:0831Mas.DE.1X ABN(170) Abingdon RC (=D)CAM(171) City of Cambridge (=E)