Oxford City Sprint

Sunday 19th August 2012

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Switch to Saturday 18 August 2012

RaceTimeEventStatusNext Race Oxfordshire (Town) Berkshire (Towpath)
20109:004IM3.4+214XYZ(209) Status ChangeJEC(210) Jesus College, Cambridge 
20209:034IM3.4+217WOO(215) Wolfson College, Oxford (Kirkbride)HSB(216) HSBC RC 
20309:064IM3.4+215SON(218) Sons of the Thames RC (Grimsdale)WOO(219) Wolfson College, Oxford (Berzal) 
20409:095W.IM3.4+218COX(220) City of Oxford RCLLA(221) Llandaff RC 
20509:125W.IM3.4+219OAC(224) Oxford Academicals RCKRC(225) Kingston Rowing Club 
20609:1512W.J14.2X224STN(249) Staines BC (Webb)WRC(250) Wallingford RC (Claridge) 
20709:184IM3.4+235WRO(212) Worcester CollegeHEC(213) Hertford College 
20809:2116W.NOV.1X227OAC(264) Oxford Academicals RCRDG(265) Reading RC (Gabriel) 
20909:2416W.NOV.1X228RDG(268) Reading RC (Mason)SON(269) Sons of the Thames RC (Pinheiro) 
21009:2714NOV.1X232PMB(254) Pembroke College, OxfordLLA(255) Llandaff RC (Thomas) 
21109:3014NOV.1X234TYR(257) Tyrian ClubJEC(258) Jesus College, Cambridge 
21209:3314NOV.1X234MAG(259) Magdalen College, OxfordLLA(260) Llandaff RC (Walker) 
21309:3610W.Mas.ABC.2X229ABN(242) Abingdon RC (=B)BUR(243) Burway RC (=C) 
21409:394IM3.4+235JEC(210) Jesus College, CambridgeSON(211) Sons of the Thames RC (Lund) 
21509:424IM3.4+230LLA(217) Llandaff RCSON(218) Sons of the Thames RC (Grimsdale) 
21609:457Mas.BCD.2X237COX(231) City of Oxford RC (=D)ABN(232) Abingdon RC (Keogh =D) 
21709:484IM3.4+230OAC(214) Oxford Academicals RCWOO(215) Wolfson College, Oxford (Kirkbride) 
21809:515W.IM3.4+238COX(220) City of Oxford RCHSB(222) HSBC RC 
21909:545W.IM3.4+238ABN(223) Abingdon RCKRC(225) Kingston Rowing Club 
22009:5713IM2.1X239TYR(252) Tyrian ClubABN(253) Abingdon RC 
22110:008J16.2X244COX(233) City of Oxford RCHWG(234) Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe 
22210:038J16.2X244MAR(235) Marlow RCMAV(236) Maidstone Invicta RC 
22310:0612W.J14.2X245STN(246) Staines BC (Connor)WRC(247) Wallingford RC (Walker) 
22410:0912W.J14.2X245RDG/COX(248) Reading/City of OxfordSTN(249) Staines BC (Webb) 
22510:122W.IM2.8+246XYZ(205) Status ChangeOAC(206) Oxford Academicals RC 
22610:1515W.IM2.1X241XYZ(262) Status ChangeCHR(263) Christchurch RC 
22710:1816W.NOV.1X249OAC(264) Oxford Academicals RCCHR(266) Christchurch RC 
22810:2116W.NOV.1X249SON(267) Sons of the Thames RC (Lazarevic)SON(269) Sons of the Thames RC (Pinheiro) 
22910:2410W.Mas.ABC.2X243CHR(241) Christchurch RC (=A)ABN(242) Abingdon RC (=B) 
23010:274IM3.4+248WOO(215) Wolfson College, Oxford (Kirkbride)LLA(217) Llandaff RC 
23110:3010W.Mas.ABC.2X243RDG(239) Reading RC (=B)COX(240) City of Oxford RC (=B) 
23210:3314NOV.1X247PMB(254) Pembroke College, OxfordCOX(256) City of Oxford RC 
23310:361ELI.8+250DUB(202) Durham UniversityHEC(203) Hertford College 
23410:3914NOV.1X247JEC(258) Jesus College, CambridgeLLA(260) Llandaff RC (Walker) 
23510:424IM3.4+248SON(211) Sons of the Thames RC (Lund)HEC(213) Hertford College 
23610:457Mas.BCD.2X253SWI(228) Swindon RC (=D)ABN(229) Abingdon RC (Dawes =C) 
23710:487Mas.BCD.2X253OAC(230) Oxford Academicals RC (=B)COX(231) City of Oxford RC (=D) 
23810:515W.IM3.4+ HSB(222) HSBC RCKRC(225) Kingston Rowing Club 
23910:5513IM2.1X CHR(251) Christchurch RCTYR(252) Tyrian Club 
24010:5911W.J16.2X TRT(244) Trent RCWRC(245) Wallingford RC 
24111:0315W.IM2.1X WRC(261) Wallingford RCXYZ(262) Status Change 
24211:076ELI.2- PMB/LMH(226) Pembroke/Lady MargaretCOX(227) City of Oxford RC 
24311:1110W.Mas.ABC.2X COX(240) City of Oxford RC (=B)ABN(242) Abingdon RC (=B) 
24411:158J16.2X HWG(234) Royal Grammar School, High WycombeMAV(236) Maidstone Invicta RC 
24511:1912W.J14.2X WRC(247) Wallingford RC (Walker)RDG/COX(248) Reading/City of Oxford 
24611:232W.IM2.8+ HSB(204) HSBC RCOAC(206) Oxford Academicals RC 
24711:2714NOV.1X PMB(254) Pembroke College, OxfordLLA(260) Llandaff RC (Walker) 
24811:314IM3.4+ HEC(213) Hertford CollegeWOO(215) Wolfson College, Oxford (Kirkbride) 
24911:3516W.NOV.1X CHR(266) Christchurch RCSON(269) Sons of the Thames RC (Pinheiro) 
25011:391ELI.8+ ULO(201) University of LondonDUB(202) Durham University 
25111:433IM1.4+ HSB(207) HSBC RCPMB/LMH(208) Pembroke/Lady Margaret 
25211:479J13.2X MAR(237) Marlow RCCOX(238) City of Oxford RC 
25311:517Mas.BCD.2X SWI(228) Swindon RC (=D)COX(231) City of Oxford RC (=D) 
30113:0031W.IM3.1X324RDG(366) Reading RC (Dickinson)WRC(367) Wallingford RC 
30213:0331W.IM3.1X325RDG(370) Reading RC (Gabriel)RDG(371) Reading RC (Wiesner) 
30313:0627IM3.1X329ABN(345) Abingdon RCCOX(346) City of Oxford RC 
30413:0927IM3.1X328MAG(348) Magdalen College, OxfordTYR(349) Tyrian Club 
30513:1227IM3.1X328XYZ(350) Status ChangePMB(351) Pembroke College, Oxford 
30613:1532W.J15.1X331STN(375) Staines BCCOX(376) City of Oxford RC (Rogers) 
30713:1824NOV.2X333SON(336) Sons of the Thames RCHSB(337) HSBC RC 
30813:2129J16.1X335COX(355) City of Oxford RCMAV(356) Maidstone Invicta RC (Porter) 
30913:2429J16.1X334HWG(358) Royal Grammar School, High WycombeKSE(359) King's School Ely BC 
31013:2729J16.1X334WRC(360) Wallingford RCMAV(361) Maidstone Invicta RC (Harris) 
31113:3033W.J13.1X337STN(377) Staines BC (Webb)COX(378) City of Oxford RC (Azzopardi) 
31213:3333W.J13.1X336COX(380) City of Oxford RC (Beaver)STN(381) Staines BC (Vaze) 
31313:3633W.J13.1X336COX(382) City of Oxford RC (Dale)STN(383) Staines BC (Lewis) 
31413:3920NOV.4+341COX(316) City of Oxford RC (B)SON(317) Sons of the Thames RC 
31513:4220NOV.4+342OAC(320) Oxford Academicals RC (Dean)COX(321) City of Oxford RC (A) 
31613:4518W.IM3.8+346COX(312) City of Oxford RCHSB(313) HSBC RC 
31713:4817IM3.8+347OAC(301) Oxford Academicals RCWOO(302) Wolfson College, Oxford 
31813:5117IM3.8+347HEC(303) Hertford CollegeWRO(304) Worcester College 
31913:5417IM3.8+348JEC/JEO(305) Jesus/JesusCAM(306) City of Cambridge 
32013:5717IM3.8+348LLA/WLT(307) Llandaff/WaltonPTR/CYG(308) Putney Town/Cygnet 
32114:0022IM1.2-350GTM(326) Green Templeton BCHSB(327) HSBC RC 
32214:0322IM1.2-350PMB(328) Pembroke College, OxfordABN(329) Abingdon RC 
32314:0623IM2.2X352WOC(331) Wolfson College, CambridgeXYZ(332) Status Change 
32414:0931W.IM3.1X353WRC(367) Wallingford RCABN(368) Abingdon RC 
32514:1231W.IM3.1X353COX(369) City of Oxford RCRDG(370) Reading RC (Gabriel) 
32614:1525W.NOV.2X354ABN(338) Abingdon RCCAM(339) City of Cambridge 
32714:1825W.NOV.2X354OAC(340) Oxford Academicals RCRDG(341) Reading RC 
32814:2127IM3.1X355MAG(348) Magdalen College, OxfordPMB(351) Pembroke College, Oxford 
32914:2427IM3.1X355COX(346) City of Oxford RCLLA(347) Llandaff RC 
33014:2732W.J15.1X356WRC(372) Wallingford RCCOX(373) City of Oxford RC (Passey) 
33114:3032W.J15.1X356TRT(374) Trent RCSTN(375) Staines BC 
33214:3324NOV.2X357MAR(333) Marlow RCCOX(334) City of Oxford RC 
33314:3624NOV.2X357MER(335) Merton CollegeSON(336) Sons of the Thames RC 
33414:3929J16.1X358KSE(359) King's School Ely BCWRC(360) Wallingford RC 
33514:4229J16.1X358COX(355) City of Oxford RCMAR(357) Marlow RC 
33614:4533W.J13.1X359STN(381) Staines BC (Vaze)COX(382) City of Oxford RC (Dale) 
33714:4833W.J13.1X359STN(377) Staines BC (Webb)STN(379) Staines BC (Mason) 
33814:5126Mx.ELI.2X360TRT(343) Trent RCCOX(344) City of Oxford RC (Höök) 
33914:5430J14.1X361HWG(362) Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe (Eyres)MAR(363) Marlow RC 
34014:5730J14.1X361TRT(364) Trent RCHWG(365) Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe (Patel) 
34115:0020NOV.4+362SON(317) Sons of the Thames RCOAC(318) Oxford Academicals RC (Bullard) 
34215:0320NOV.4+362GTM(319) Green Templeton BCCOX(321) City of Oxford RC (A) 
34315:0621W.NOV.4+363COX(322) City of Oxford RCHSB(323) HSBC RC 
34415:0921W.NOV.4+363OAC(324) Oxford Academicals RCLLA(325) Llandaff RC 
34515:1218W.IM3.8+364OAC(309) Oxford Academicals RCABN(310) Abingdon RC 
34615:1518W.IM3.8+364XYZ(311) Status ChangeHSB(313) HSBC RC 
34715:1817IM3.8+365WOO(302) Wolfson College, OxfordHEC(303) Hertford College 
34815:2117IM3.8+365JEC/JEO(305) Jesus/JesusLLA/WLT(307) Llandaff/Walton 
34915:2428Mas.FGH.1X366MAR(353) Marlow RC (=F)BEB(354) Bewl Bridge RC (=H) 
35015:2722IM1.2- GTM(326) Green Templeton BCPMB(328) Pembroke College, Oxford 
35115:3119ELI.4+ DUB(314) Durham UniversityPMB/LMH(315) Pembroke/Lady Margaret 
35215:3523IM2.2X WRC(330) Wallingford RCWOC(331) Wolfson College, Cambridge 
35315:3931W.IM3.1X ABN(368) Abingdon RCCOX(369) City of Oxford RC 
35415:4325W.NOV.2X ABN(338) Abingdon RCOAC(340) Oxford Academicals RC 
35515:4727IM3.1X COX(346) City of Oxford RCMAG(348) Magdalen College, Oxford 
35615:5132W.J15.1X WRC(372) Wallingford RCTRT(374) Trent RC 
35715:5524NOV.2X MAR(333) Marlow RCSON(336) Sons of the Thames RC 
35815:5929J16.1X COX(355) City of Oxford RCKSE(359) King's School Ely BC 
35916:0333W.J13.1X STN(379) Staines BC (Mason)COX(382) City of Oxford RC (Dale) 
36016:0726Mx.ELI.2X COX(342) City of Oxford RC (Pfauder)TRT(343) Trent RC 
36116:1130J14.1X MAR(363) Marlow RCTRT(364) Trent RC 
36216:1520NOV.4+ SON(317) Sons of the Thames RCCOX(321) City of Oxford RC (A) 
36316:1921W.NOV.4+ COX(322) City of Oxford RCLLA(325) Llandaff RC 
36416:2318W.IM3.8+ ABN(310) Abingdon RCHSB(313) HSBC RC 
36516:2717IM3.8+ WOO(302) Wolfson College, OxfordLLA/WLT(307) Llandaff/Walton 
36616:3128Mas.FGH.1X SWI(352) Swindon RC (=G)MAR(353) Marlow RC (=F)