Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 13th July 2013

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Winner Second ThirdTimeVerdict 1:2Verdict 2:3
109:00IM3.4+23TWK(15) Twickenham RC (Parker)SON(16) Sons of the Thames RCQBC(14) Quintin BC3:311/2 length3/4 length
209:05IM3.4+23PTR(17) Putney Town RC (Stott)HEC/SEH(19) Hertford/St Edmund HallPAR(18) Parrs Priory3:331 1/2 lengths1/2 length
309:10IM3.4+24GRT(22) GrantaVRC(20) Vesta RCMPS(21) Metropolitan Police RCNTTeasilyeasily
409:15IM3.4+24TWK(25) Twickenham RC (Nelson)OAC(23) Oxford Academicals RCPTR(24) Putney Town RC (Healey Lapena)3:30easilyeasily
509:20W.NOV.1X28CUW(75) Cambridge University WBC (Watkins)WRC(76) Wallingford RC (Bera)HIL(74) Hillingdon RC (McNicholas)4:205 lengths5 lengths
609:25W.NOV.1X28PTR(77) Putney Town RCGLB(78) Globe RCCUW(79) Cambridge University WBC (Wilson)4:35easilyNot Rowed Out
709:30W.NOV.1X28HIL(81) Hillingdon RC (Vodden)WRC(80) Wallingford RC (Cadoux-Hudson)NTTRow Over 
809:35NOV.1X29KGS(65) Kingston Grammar School (Hillier)GRT(66) GrantaCYG(67) Cygnet (Simpson)4:154 lengths2 lengths
909:40NOV.1X29CUR(68) Curlew RCKGS(70) Kingston Grammar School (Vine)CYG(69) Cygnet (Pugh)NTTeasilyNot Rowed Out
1009:45IM2.1X30GRT(62) GrantaTWK(61) Twickenham RCNTTeasily 
1109:50IM2.1X30WLT(64) Walton RCWRC(63) Wallingford RC3:52easily 
1209:55W.IM3.2X32FAL(52) Falcon RCWBK(53) Walbrook RC (Gallagher)4:012 1/2 lengths 
1310:00W.IM3.2X32TWK(55) Twickenham RCFSC(54) Furnivall SCMHD(56) Maidenhead RCNTT4 1/2 lengthseasily
1410:05W.IM3.2X32CUW(57) Cambridge University WBCWBK(58) Walbrook RC (Walters)NTTeasily 
1510:10IM3.2X36GRT(40) GrantaOAC(39) Oxford Academicals RCPAR(41) Parrs Priory3:521 footRow Over
1610:15IM3.2X36KRC(42) Kingston Rowing ClubTWK(43) Twickenham RCNTT2 1/2 lengths 
1710:20W.NOV.4X37PHS(36) Putney High School RCWRC(35) Wallingford RC (Bard)4:045 lengths 
1810:25W.NOV.4X37WRC(38) Wallingford RC (Ball)TWK(37) Twickenham RCNTTRow Over 
1910:30NOV.4X39TFN(32) Tiffin School BCPTR(30) Putney Town RCMAV(31) Maidstone Invicta RC3:313 lengths1/2 length
2010:35NOV.4X39TWK(33) Twickenham RCCUR(34) Curlew RC3:413 1/2 lengths 
2110:40W.IM3.4+38CUW(27) Cambridge University WBCKGS(26) Kingston Grammar School3:52easily 
2210:45W.IM3.4+38SON(28) Sons of the Thames RCWEL(29) Weybridge Ladies ARC4:051 1/2 lengths 
2310:50IM3.4+40PTR(17) Putney Town RC (Stott)TWK(15) Twickenham RC (Parker)3:352 lengths 
2410:55IM3.4+40TWK(25) Twickenham RC (Nelson)GRT(22) Granta3:301/2 length 
2511:00W.NOV.8+42KRC(5) Kingston Rowing ClubPHS(7) Putney High School RCCUR(6) Curlew RC3:334 1/2 lengthseasily
2611:05W.NOV.8+42CUW(8) Cambridge University WBCSON(9) Sons of the Thames RCBEB(10) Bewl Bridge RC3:501 1/2 lengthsRow Over
2711:10J16.1X WRC(71) Wallingford RC (Wilkinson)WRC(73) Wallingford RC (Brock)TRC(72) Thames RCNTT2 lengths3 lengths
2811:15W.NOV.1X CUW(75) Cambridge University WBC (Watkins)PTR(77) Putney Town RCHIL(81) Hillingdon RC (Vodden)4:352 lengthseasily
2911:20NOV.1X KGS(65) Kingston Grammar School (Hillier)CUR(68) Curlew RC4:131 length 
3011:25IM2.1X WLT(64) Walton RCGRT(62) Granta3:521/2 length 
3111:30W.Mas.D.2X WEL(60) Weybridge Ladies ARCWBK(59) Walbrook RC4:05easily 
3211:35W.IM3.2X CUW(57) Cambridge University WBCFAL(52) Falcon RCTWK(55) Twickenham RC3:544 lengths4 lengths
3311:40J18.2X MAV(50) Maidstone Invicta RC (Grace)MAV(49) Maidstone Invicta RC (Keech)MAV(51) Maidstone Invicta RC (Belton)3:401 lengtheasily
3411:45Mas.DE.2X WBK(47) Walbrook RC (=D)PTR(48) Putney Town RC (De Maria =D)PTR(46) Putney Town RC (Journeaux =E)4:103 lengths2 lengths
3511:50Mas.BC.2X TFP(44) Tiffin Associates RC (=C)MAV(45) Maidstone Invicta RC (=B)4:081 1/4 lengths 
3611:55IM3.2X KRC(42) Kingston Rowing ClubGRT(40) Granta4:02easily 
3712:00W.NOV.4X PHS(36) Putney High School RCWRC(38) Wallingford RC (Ball)4:10easily 
3812:05W.IM3.4+ CUW(27) Cambridge University WBCSON(28) Sons of the Thames RC4:05easily 
3912:10NOV.4X TFN(32) Tiffin School BCTWK(33) Twickenham RC3:35easily 
4012:15IM3.4+ TWK(25) Twickenham RC (Nelson)PTR(17) Putney Town RC (Stott)3:365 lengths 
4112:20W.Mas.B.8+ HSB(12) HSBC RCTWK(11) Twickenham RC (Rudenko)TWK(13) Twickenham RC (B)3:552 lengthseasily
4212:25W.NOV.8+ CUW(8) Cambridge University WBCKRC(5) Kingston Rowing Club3:492 lengths 
4312:30W.IM2.8+ CUW(3) Cambridge University WBC (Hall)CUW(4) Cambridge University WBC (Szamocki)3:381 1/2 lengths 
4412:35Mas.DE.8+ TWK(1) Twickenham RC (=D)WBK(2) Walbrook RC (=E)3:151 foot 
10114:00W.NOV.2X124FSC(148) Furnivall SCKGS(150) Kingston Grammar School (Wallich)WEL(149) Weybridge Ladies ARC (Schniepp)4:301 length1/2 length
10214:05W.NOV.2X124WEY(152) WeybridgePHS(151) Putney High School RC (Casley)NTTRow Over 
10314:10W.NOV.2X124TFN(154) Tiffin School BCHIL(155) Hillingdon RCWRC(153) Wallingford RC (Bard)NTT1 1/2 lengthseasily
10414:15W.NOV.2X125VRC(157) Vesta RCPAR(156) Parrs PrioryMHD(158) Maidenhead RCNTT5 lengthsRow Over
10514:20W.NOV.2X125CUR(159) Curlew RCKGS(160) Kingston Grammar School (Swarbrick)4:335 lengths 
10614:25W.NOV.2X125PHS(163) Putney High School RC (McNeil)WEL(162) Weybridge Ladies ARC (Thornton)WRC(161) Wallingford RC (Butler)NTT1 length3 lengths
10714:30W.NOV.4+128PAR(123) Parrs Priory (Hancock)HEC(124) Hertford CollegePHS(122) Putney High School RCNTT1 1/4 lengths4 lengths
10814:35W.NOV.4+128WEL(127) Weybridge Ladies ARCHSB(125) HSBC RCWRC(126) Wallingford RC4:381 lengthDisqualification
10914:40W.NOV.4+129KRC(129) Kingston Rowing ClubETX(130) Eton Excelsior RCMHD(128) Maidenhead RCNTTRow OverRow Over
11014:45W.NOV.4+129SON(131) Sons of the Thames RCPAR(132) Parrs Priory (Jennings)4:214 1/2 lengths 
11114:50NOV.4+130GRT(114) GrantaPTR(113) Putney Town RCCYG(112) Cygnet3:425 1/2 lengths5 1/2 lengths
11214:55NOV.4+130HEC/SEH(115) Hertford/St Edmund HallPAR(116) Parrs Priory3:595 1/2 lengths 
11315:00NOV.4+131HSB(118) HSBC RCTWK(119) Twickenham RCGLB(117) Globe RC3:595 1/2 lengths1 length
11415:05NOV.4+131WLT(120) Walton RCKRC(121) Kingston Rowing Club4:105 lengths 
11515:10W.IM3.1X137WRC(186) Wallingford RC (Bera)XPR(185) X Press Boat Club4:564 lengths 
11615:15W.IM3.1X137TRC(187) Thames RCWRC(188) Wallingford RC (Cadoux-Hudson)NTTRow Over 
11715:20Mas.EFG.1X138KRC(180) Kingston Rowing Club (Merrall =F)PTR(181) Putney Town RC (Journeaux =E)CYG(182) Cygnet (=E)4:522 lengthseasily
11815:25Mas.EFG.1X138KRC(183) Kingston Rowing Club (Dare =G)PTR(184) Putney Town RC (Rose =F)4:592 1/2 lengths 
11915:30IM3.1X141TRC(169) Thames RCWLT(168) Walton RC4:231 1/2 lengths 
12015:35IM3.1X141WRC(170) Wallingford RCQBC(172) Quintin BCCYG(171) Cygnet4:133/4 lengthRow Over
12115:40IM3.1X141OAC(173) Oxford Academicals RCTWK(174) Twickenham RCNTTRow Over 
12215:45W.J16.2X142PHS(165) Putney High School RC (Andrews)KGS(164) Kingston Grammar School4:204 1/2 lengths 
12315:50W.J16.2X142MAV(166) Maidstone Invicta RCPHS(167) Putney High School RC (Ricceri)NTTRow Over 
12415:55W.NOV.2X143FSC(148) Furnivall SCWEY(152) WeybridgeTFN(154) Tiffin School BC4:37easilyRow Over
12516:00W.NOV.2X143VRC(157) Vesta RCCUR(159) Curlew RCPHS(163) Putney High School RC (McNeil)4:361 3/4 lengthseasily
12616:05NOV.2X145KGS(145) Kingston Grammar SchoolWRC(144) Wallingford RC (Thwaites)4:115 1/2 lengths 
12716:10NOV.2X145TFN(146) Tiffin School BCWRC(147) Wallingford RC (Mee)NTTNot Rowed Out 
12816:15W.NOV.4+148PAR(123) Parrs Priory (Hancock)WEL(127) Weybridge Ladies ARC4:491 1/2 lengths 
12916:20W.NOV.4+148SON(131) Sons of the Thames RCMHD(128) Maidenhead RCNTTRow Over 
13016:25NOV.4+149GRT(114) GrantaHEC/SEH(115) Hertford/St Edmund Hall4:392 1/2 lengths 
13116:30NOV.4+149HSB(118) HSBC RCWLT(120) Walton RC3:584 1/2 lengths 
13216:35W.IM3.8+151CUW(101) Cambridge University WBC (Hall)TWK(103) Twickenham RC (McKenzie)BEB(102) Bewl Bridge RCNTTEasily3 lengths
13316:40W.IM3.8+151CUW(106) Cambridge University WBC (Desert)KRC(105) Kingston Rowing ClubTKC/TYR(104) Team Keane/Tyrian3:482 1/2 lengthsa canvas
13416:45W.IM3.8+151TWK(107) Twickenham RC (Holloway)CUW(108) Cambridge University WBC (Szamocki)NTTNot Rowed Out 
13516:50IM3.8+153GRT(97) GrantaCLA/XPR(95) Clare/X PressTWK(96) Twickenham RC3:153 lengths4 lengths
13616:55IM3.8+153MAV(100) Maidstone Invicta RCOAC(99) Oxford Academicals RCKRC(98) Kingston Rowing Club3:291 1/2 lengthsa canvas
13717:00W.IM3.1X TRC(187) Thames RCWRC(186) Wallingford RC (Bera)4:534 lengths 
13817:05Mas.EFG.1X KRC(180) Kingston Rowing Club (Merrall =F)KRC(183) Kingston Rowing Club (Dare =G)4:58Not Rowed Out 
13917:10Mas.CD.1X TWK(177) Twickenham RC (McCarter =D)TWK(179) Twickenham RC (Knox =C)GLB(178) Globe RC (=D)4:28easily2 1/2 lengths
14017:15Mas.A.1X TWK(175) Twickenham RCCUR(176) Curlew RCNTT2 lengths 
14117:20IM3.1X WRC(170) Wallingford RCTRC(169) Thames RCOAC(173) Oxford Academicals RC4:234 lengths1 1/2 lengths
14217:25W.J16.2X PHS(165) Putney High School RC (Andrews)MAV(166) Maidstone Invicta RC4:20easily 
14317:30W.NOV.2X VRC(157) Vesta RCFSC(148) Furnivall SC4:49easily 
14417:35IM2.4- TWK(138) Twickenham RCGRT(136) GrantaPTR(137) Putney Town RC3:242 1/2 lengths2 lengths
14517:40NOV.2X KGS(145) Kingston Grammar SchoolTFN(146) Tiffin School BC4:013 lengths 
14617:45Mx.Mas.D.4X TWK(142) Twickenham RCKGV(143) KGS Veterans BC4:143 lengths 
14717:50Mas.EF.4- WBK(139) Walbrook RC (=F)PTR(140) Putney Town RC (=E)TFP(141) Tiffin Associates RC (=E)4:034 lengths5 lengths
14817:55W.NOV.4+ SON(131) Sons of the Thames RCPAR(123) Parrs Priory (Hancock)  4:18easily 
14918:00NOV.4+ GRT(114) GrantaHSB(118) HSBC RC3:44easily 
15018:05Mx.Mas.BC.8+ TWK(111) Twickenham RC (Bottomley =C)HSB(110) HSBC RC (=B)TWK(109) Twickenham RC (Rudenko =C)3:471 1/2 lengths2 lengths
15118:10W.IM3.8+ CUW(101) Cambridge University WBC (Hall)TWK(107) Twickenham RC (Holloway)CUW(106) Cambridge University WBC (Desert)3:411 length2 1/2 lengths
15218:15SEN.4- TKC(135) Team KeaneKRC(134) Kingston Rowing ClubPTR(133) Putney Town RC3:242 lengths4 lengths
15318:20IM3.8+ GRT(97) GrantaMAV(100) Maidstone Invicta RC3:51easily 

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