Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 12th May 2018

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
108:25Op.2.8+60ABS(14) Abingdon School (Hall)BDS(15) Bedford School (Lyon)3:321 length
208:27J18.4+42GMS(182) Great Marlow SchoolETN(183) Eton College BC (Jain)NTT2 1/2 lengths
308:29J16.8+51BMS(62) Bedford Modern SchoolSWB/GMS(63) Borlase`s/Great MarlowNTT2 lengths
408:31J15.B.8+80BMS(87) Bedford Modern School (Kroon)BDS(88) Bedford School (Lumley-Wood)3:48easily
508:33J15.A.4+36ETN(191) Eton College BC (Stevens)BDS(192) Bedford School (Toms)4:033 lengths
608:35Op.4.8+57UWK(20) Warwick University (Engwell)RAD(21) Radley College Boat Club (Adams)4:03easily
708:38Op.4.8+57BDS(22) Bedford School (Spanoudakis)UCO(23) University College, Oxford3:42easily
808:40J15.A.8+67SHR(75) Royal Shrewsbury School (Wallace)SHP(76) Shiplake College (Hunt)3:341 1/2 lengths
908:42J18.A.8+116SHR(41) Royal Shrewsbury School (Craik)KCS(42) King's College School Wimbledon3:161 1/2 lengths
1008:44J15.A.4+196KSE(201) King's School Ely BCWBS(202) Windsor Boys SchoolNTTRow Over
1108:46Op.2.8+60NSC(12) Norwich School (Ferguson)HSB(13) HSBC RC3:273/4 length
1208:48J15.B.8+143ETN(80) Eton College BC (Maevans)SHR(81) Royal Shrewsbury School (Grommit)4:13Not Rowed Out
1308:51J18.4+69BDS(176) Bedford SchoolNSC(177) Norwich School3:36a canvas
1608:57J16.4+77SHP(187) Shiplake College (Burnand)ZEZ(188) South African SchoolsNTTRow Over
1708:59J14.A.8X147KCS(136) King's College School Wimbledon (Monaghan)HAM(137) Hampton School (Platt)3:531 1/2 lengths
1809:07J18.4+105SHP(179) Shiplake CollegeKGS(180) Kingston Grammar School3:483 lengths
1909:09W.2.8+106EMA(103) Emanuel SchoolNSC(104) Norwich School4:102 1/3 lengths
2009:12J14.A.8X119NSC(127) Norwich School (Gotto)GMS(128) Great Marlow SchoolNTTeasily
2109:15J18.B.8+246ABS(49) Abingdon School (Hall)SHR(50) Royal Shrewsbury School (Moss)3:281 1/2 lengths
2209:17J15.B.8+131RAD(77) Radley College Boat Club (Adams)KCS(78) King's College School Wimbledon (Saini)NTTRow Over
2309:19J16.4+40BDS(184) Bedford SchoolSHP(185) Shiplake College (Waller)NTTRow Over
2409:21J16.8+43BDS(54) Bedford SchoolWBS(55) Windsor Boys School (King)NTTRow Over
2509:23J18.4+54BMS(173) Bedford Modern SchoolKCS(174) King's College School Wimbledon (King)4:055 lengths
2609:25J18.A.8+116GMS(39) Great Marlow SchoolABS(40) Abingdon School (Brown)NTTRow Over
2709:28W.J15.4X+55PHS(272) Putney High School RCBED(273) Bedford Rowing Club4:252 1/2 lengths
2809:30W.J15.4X+107BMS(278) Bedford Modern School (Wharton)SWB(279) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Radford)4:32easily
3009:34J16.4+77BMS(189) Bedford Modern School (Potts)NSC(190) Norwich School4:055 lengths
1509:34J15.B.8+49NSC(84) Norwich School (Hampsheir)KCH(85) Kings School Chester RC (Orme)5:57Disqualification
3109:36J15.B.4+192ETN(207) Eton College BC (Uchida)BMS(208) Bedford Modern School (Little)4:17a canvas
3309:41J14.C.8X101SPS(157) St Paul's School (Usai)SPS(158) St Paul's School (Coates)NTTRow Over
3409:44J15.A.4+114HAM(194) Hampton School (Close)SHR(195) Royal Shrewsbury School (Randell)NTT1 1/2 lengths
3509:47J14.A.8X147ABS(134) Abingdon School (Cai)BMS(135) Bedford Modern School4:003 lengths
3609:50J15.A.4+213BDS(192) Bedford School (Toms)SES(193) St Edward's SchoolNTTRow Over
3709:52J14.B.8X103SHR(138) Royal Shrewsbury School (Parsons)SPS(139) St Paul's School (Bretherton)NTTeasily
3809:55COL.8+111UWK(29) Warwick University (Okane)COR(30) Corpus Christi CollegeNTT3 lengths
3909:57J16.8+135RAD(59) Radley College Boat Club (Dreyer)WBS(60) Windsor Boys School (Van Gelderen)NTT1 length
4009:59J16.4+98BDS(184) Bedford SchoolBMS(186) Bedford Modern School (Smith)NTT1 length
4110:06J15.A.8+141KCS(71) King's College School Wimbledon (Johnson)SPS(72) St Paul's School (Ackrim)NTT2 lengths
4210:08J18.4+206KCS(181) King's College School Wimbledon (Oldroyd)GMS(182) Great Marlow SchoolNTT1 length
4310:11J16.8+130BDS(54) Bedford SchoolNSC(56) Norwich SchoolNTT1 length
4410:13Op.1.8+100SHR(1) Royal Shrewsbury School (Moss)ABS(2) Abingdon School (Brown)NTTRow Over
4510:15J14.B.8X127ABS(144) Abingdon School (Hannigan)SWB(145) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Iron)1:344 1/2 lengths
4610:18J14.B.8X92KCS(147) King's College School Wimbledon (Montefiore)NSC(148) Norwich School (Thornton)NTT2 lengths
4710:21W.J14.8X99PHS(159) Putney High School RC (Chiarotti)SHR(160) Royal Shrewsbury SchoolNTTeasily
4810:24Op.4.8+64ABS(27) Abingdon School (Rich)RAD(28) Radley College Boat Club (Trasler)NTT1 1/2 lengths
4910:26J15.B.8+122SHP(83) Shiplake College (Coles)KCH(85) Kings School Chester RC (Orme)NTT3 lengths
5010:28W.J15.4X+73NSC(275) Norwich SchoolSWB(276) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Farmer)NTTDisqualification
5110:35J16.8+135SHP(61) Shiplake CollegeSWB/GMS(63) Borlase`s/Great MarlowNTT3 lengths
5210:38J15.A.8+67ETN(73) Eton College BC (Mievans)BMS(74) Bedford Modern School (Dunning)NTT1 foot
5310:40W.J14.8X113KCH(167) Kings School Chester RCBMS(168) Bedford Modern SchoolNTTeasily
5410:43J18.4+69BMS(173) Bedford Modern SchoolETN(175) Eton College BC (Barder)NTT2 lengths
5510:45W.J15.4X+73PHS(272) Putney High School RCBMS(274) Bedford Modern School (Watson)NTT1 1/2 lengths
5610:47J14.A.8X148KCH(123) Kings School Chester RC (Hartley)SPS(124) St Paul's School (Thorogood)NTT1 1/2 lengths
5710:50Op.4.8+227RAD(21) Radley College Boat Club (Adams)UCO(23) University College, OxfordNTTeasily
5810:52J15.A.8+75BDS(64) Bedford School (Johal)KCH(65) Kings School Chester RC (Easter)NTTa canvas
5910:54J15.A.8+83NSC(67) Norwich School (Baker)LTU(68) Latymer Upper SchoolNTT4 lengths
6010:57Op.2.8+205HSB(13) HSBC RCBDS(15) Bedford School (Lyon)NTT1/2 length
6110:59J14.B.4X+167HAM(259) Hampton School (Mooi)WBS(260) Windsor Boys School (Pope)NTT3 lengths
6211:06W.COL.8+137UWK(109) Warwick University (Smith)EMM(110) Emmanuel CollegeNTTRow Over
6311:08COL.8+165ORO(37) Oriel CollegePEM(38) Pembroke College, CambridgeNTT3 lengths
6411:10Op.4.8+154COR(26) Corpus Christi CollegeRAD(28) Radley College Boat Club (Trasler)NTT1 length
6511:12W.J14.8X129KSE(162) King's School Ely BCSWB(163) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Stephens)NTTRow Over
6611:15J14.A.4X+93HAM(250) Hampton School (Radford)BMS(251) Bedford Modern SchoolNTT4 lengths
6711:18J15.A.8+158ETN(73) Eton College BC (Mievans)SHP(76) Shiplake College (Hunt)NTT3 lengths
6811:20J14.A.8X148BDS(125) Bedford School (Williams)KSE(126) King's School Ely BCNTTRow Over
6911:23J18.4+229BMS(173) Bedford Modern SchoolNSC(177) Norwich SchoolNTTeasily
7011:25J14.A.8X146RAD(130) Radley College Boat Club (Hartwright)WBS(131) Windsor Boys SchoolNTTeasily
7111:28J14.A.4X+93GMS(252) Great Marlow SchoolSPS(253) St Paul's School (Elder)NTTeasily
7211:35Op.1.8+100BDS(3) Bedford School (Hopcroft)RAD(4) Radley College Boat Club (Dreyer)NTT1 length
7311:37W.J15.4X+221PHS(272) Putney High School RCNSC(275) Norwich SchoolNTT4 lengths
7411:39J14.A.8X146SHR(132) Royal Shrewsbury School (Healy)SWB(133) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Betz)NTT1 1/2 lengths
7511:42J15.A.8+138KCH(65) Kings School Chester RC (Easter)ABS(66) Abingdon School (McNamara)NTT4 lengths
7611:45J14.B.4X+191BDS(254) Bedford School (Crowe Lamont)NSC(255) Norwich School (Tremelling)NTTeasily
7711:47J16.4+98ZEZ(188) South African SchoolsNSC(190) Norwich SchoolNTT2 feet
7811:49W.1.4+94UWK(217) Warwick University (Smith)PHS(218) Putney High School RCNTTRow Over
7911:51J14.B.4X+167KGS(257) Kingston Grammar School (Asher)SPS(258) St Paul's School (Marshall)NTTeasily
8011:53J15.B.8+122ABS(86) Abingdon School (Rich)BDS(88) Bedford School (Lumley-Wood)NTT3 lengths
8111:55W.2.8+194CAM(100) City of CambridgePHS(101) Putney High School RCNTT1/3 length
8211:58J15.B.4+186HAM(203) Hampton School (Downer)SHR(204) Royal Shrewsbury School (Judy Moody)NTT3/4 length
8312:03J15.A.8+138NSC(67) Norwich School (Baker)RAD(69) Radley College Boat Club (Trasler)NTT3/4 length
8412:05J14.A.4X+224NSC(247) Norwich School (Cooper)KGS(248) Kingston Grammar School (Middleton)4:172 lengths
8512:07J18.A.8+124ZEZ(43) South African SchoolsKCH(44) Kings School Chester RCNTT2 lengths
8612:09Op.4.8+154RAD(24) Radley College Boat Club (Sun)QCO(25) The Queen's CollegeNTTeasily
8712:11J18.A.8+124RAD(45) Radley College Boat Club (Innes-Ker)BDS(46) Bedford School (Roese)NTT1 1/2 lengths
8812:14Op.1.8+136KEB(5) Keble CollegeBMS(6) Bedford Modern SchoolNTT3/4 length
8912:16W.1.4+151SES(213) St Edward's School (Hughes)LEA(214) Lea Rowing Club (Nassieu-Maupas)5:04Row Over
9012:18Op.1.8+136RAD(7) Radley College Boat Club (Gissen)SHR(8) Royal Shrewsbury School (Craik)NTT1 3/4 lengths
3212:20J14.C.8X91RAD(149) Radley College Boat Club (O'Connell)HAM(150) Hampton School (May)NTT4 lengths
9112:20J14.C.8X236HAM(150) Hampton School (May)RAD(151) Radley College Boat Club (McCullagh)NTTRow Over
1412:20W.J14.C.4X+159BGS(295) Bedford Girls School (Santerre)SES(296) St Edward's School (West)4:29easily
9212:23J14.B.8X152HAM(146) Hampton School (Murray)NSC(148) Norwich School (Thornton)4:104 lengths
9312:26J14.A.4X+251HAM(250) Hampton School (Radford)SPS(253) St Paul's School (Elder)4:074 lengths
9412:28W.1.4+176LEA(216) Lea Rowing Club (Becker)PHS(218) Putney High School RC4:182 lengths
2912:35W.J15.4X+95KGS(281) Kingston Grammar School (Hackworth)SES(282) St Edward's School4:37easily
9512:35W.J15.4X+193KSE(280) King's School Ely BCSES(282) St Edward's SchoolNTTRow Over
9612:38W.J14.C.4X+189KSE(292) King's School Ely BC (Watson)PHS(293) Putney High School RC (Elliott)5:181 1/2 lengths
9712:40W.COL.8+137UCO(111) University College, OxfordCHU(112) Churchill College4:011 length
9812:42J16.4+ BMS(186) Bedford Modern School (Smith)ZEZ(188) South African Schools3:564 lengths
9912:44W.J14.8X129SHR(160) Royal Shrewsbury SchoolBGS(161) Bedford Girls School4:18easily
10012:47Op.1.8+195SHR(1) Royal Shrewsbury School (Moss)BDS(3) Bedford School (Hopcroft)3:282 lengths
10112:49J14.C.8X231RAD(156) Radley College Boat Club (Plumstead)SPS(157) St Paul's School (Usai)4:28Not Rowed Out
10212:52J16.4X237SWB(235) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolNSC(236) Norwich School3:431 length
10312:55J14.B.8X188SPS(139) St Paul's School (Bretherton)BDS(140) Bedford School (Tunnicliffe)4:093 1/2 lengths
10412:58COL.8+219QCO(34) The Queen's CollegeEMM(35) Emmanuel College3:192 lengths
10513:00J18.4+206RAD(178) Radley College Boat ClubSHP(179) Shiplake College3:471 foot
10613:02W.2.8+194RDG(102) Reading RCNSC(104) Norwich School4:152 1/2 lengths
10713:04W.J15.4X+193KGS(277) Kingston Grammar School (Chorley)SWB(279) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Radford)4:123 1/2 lengths
10813:06J16.8+130RAD(57) Radley College Boat Club (Macnaughtan)ZEZ(58) South African Schools3:483 1/2 lengths
10913:08Op.4-139STA(230) Star ClubRAD(231) Radley College Boat Club3:433 lengths
11013:11W.J14.C.4X+159KSE(297) King's School Ely BC (Barnham)BGS(298) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)5:263 1/2 lengths
11113:13COL.8+212COR(30) Corpus Christi CollegeKEB(31) Keble College3:421 length
11213:15W.J18.4X223BMS(237) Bedford Modern SchoolKGS(238) Kingston Grammar School (King)4:121/3 length
11313:17W.J14.8X140SWB(166) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Wood)KCH(167) Kings School Chester RCNTTRow Over
11413:20J15.A.4+213SHR(195) Royal Shrewsbury School (Randell)KCH(196) Kings School Chester RC4:081/3 length
11513:22J15.A.4+214SPS(198) St Paul's School (Galay)BMS(199) Bedford Modern School (Dunning)3:511 3/4 lengths
11613:24J18.A.8+168GMS(39) Great Marlow SchoolSHR(41) Royal Shrewsbury School (Craik)3:291 1/4 lengths
11713:27Op.4+180BMS(169) Bedford Modern SchoolBED(170) Bedford Rowing Club3:552 lengths
11813:29W.J18.4X233KSE(241) King's School Ely BC (Delta)SWB(242) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School4:161/2 length
11913:36J14.A.8X238NSC(127) Norwich School (Gotto)SHP(129) Shiplake College (Tayler)3:553 lengths
12013:39W.2.4+155SES(219) St Edward's School (McPhail)UWK(220) Warwick University (Pilling)4:39easily
12113:41W.J14.8X140SES(164) St Edward's SchoolPHS(165) Putney High School RC (Rezvani)3:532 1/2 lengths
12213:44J15.B.8+247KCH(85) Kings School Chester RC (Orme)ABS(86) Abingdon School (Rich)4:03easily
12313:46Op.2.8+144EMM(9) Emmanuel CollegeORO(10) Oriel College3:341 1/4 lengths
12413:48J18.A.8+168KCH(44) Kings School Chester RCBDS(46) Bedford School (Roese)3:383/4 length
12513:51W.J15.8+170KCH(117) Kings School Chester RCPHS(118) Putney High School RC4:081/2 length
12613:53W.2.4+155NSC(221) Norwich SchoolBMS(222) Bedford Modern School5:01easily
12713:55J14.B.8X152RAD(143) Radley College Boat Club (Farrell)ABS(144) Abingdon School (Hannigan)4:24easily
12813:58J14.C.8X236KCS(152) King's College School Wimbledon (Simpson)BDS(153) Bedford School (Iankov)3:30easily
12914:01W.J14.8X216SHR(160) Royal Shrewsbury SchoolKSE(162) King's School Ely BC4:21easily
13014:04J16.8+173NSC(56) Norwich SchoolZEZ(58) South African Schools3:291 foot
13114:06J15.B.8+160RAD(77) Radley College Boat Club (Adams)HAM(79) Hampton School (Crisan)3:542 1/4 lengths
13214:08J14.C.4X+187HAM(261) Hampton School (Hoor)KGS(262) Kingston Grammar School (Emerson)4:503/4 length
13314:10W.COL.8+203PMB(105) Pembroke College, OxfordPEM(106) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:004 lengths
13414:13J14.C.8X231ABS(154) Abingdon School (Tucker)BDS(155) Bedford School (McCutcheon)4:29a canvas
13514:16J16.8+173RAD(59) Radley College Boat Club (Dreyer)SHP(61) Shiplake College4:061/2 length
13614:18Op.1.8+195KEB(5) Keble CollegeSHR(8) Royal Shrewsbury School (Craik)3:224 lengths
13714:20W.COL.8+217EMM(110) Emmanuel CollegeCHU(112) Churchill College4:551 1/4 lengths
13814:22J15.A.8+184ABS(66) Abingdon School (McNamara)RAD(69) Radley College Boat Club (Trasler)3:39a canvas
13914:24Op.4-211HAM(229) Hampton SchoolSTA(230) Star ClubNTTRow Over
14014:26W.J14.8X216PHS(165) Putney High School RC (Rezvani)KCH(167) Kings School Chester RC4:131 1/3 lengths
14114:29J15.A.8+158HAM(70) Hampton School (Shephard)SPS(72) St Paul's School (Ackrim)3:321 1/2 lengths
14214:37W.COL.8+203DAW(107) Darwin CollegeUWK(108) Warwick University (Miller)4:57Row Over
14314:39J15.B.8+160SHR(81) Royal Shrewsbury School (Grommit)SPS(82) St Paul's School (Moore)3:531/3 length
14414:41Op.2.8+205EMM(9) Emmanuel CollegeRAD(11) Radley College Boat Club (Taylor)3:341 length
14514:43J14.B.8X188KCH(141) Kings School Chester RC (Hambleton-Davies)SHP(142) Shiplake College (Pearson)6:014 lengths
14614:46J14.A.8X172RAD(130) Radley College Boat Club (Hartwright)SHR(132) Royal Shrewsbury School (Healy)4:00easily
14714:49J14.A.8X172ABS(134) Abingdon School (Cai)HAM(137) Hampton School (Platt)3:581/2 length
14814:52J14.A.8X238SPS(124) St Paul's School (Thorogood)BDS(125) Bedford School (Williams)3:481 1/2 lengths
14914:55J15.C.8+171ETN(94) Eton College BC (Cramer)RAD(95) Radley College Boat Club (Stinton)4:203 lengths
15014:57J15.C.8+171BDS(92) Bedford School (Ayling)HAM(93) Hampton School (Webber)3:582 lengths
15114:59W.1.4+176LEA(214) Lea Rowing Club (Nassieu-Maupas)CAM/SNE(215) Cambridge/St Neots4:37easily
15215:02J14.B.8X204ABS(144) Abingdon School (Hannigan)NSC(148) Norwich School (Thornton)4:122 1/4 lengths
15315:05W.4X+225BED(268) Bedford Rowing ClubPHS(269) Putney High School RC (Pearce-Higgins)4:405 lengths
15415:07Op.4.8+227RAD(24) Radley College Boat Club (Sun)COR(26) Corpus Christi College3:454 lengths
15515:09W.2.4+ SES(219) St Edward's School (McPhail)NSC(221) Norwich School3:542 1/4 lengths
15615:11W.1.8+241ZEZ(98) South African SchoolsPEM(99) Pembroke College, Cambridge3:582 lengths
15715:13J14.C.4X+208HAM(264) Hampton School (Harrison)SPS(265) St Paul's School (Bretherton)4:24easily
15815:16J15.A.8+184SPS(72) St Paul's School (Ackrim)SHP(76) Shiplake College (Hunt)3:361 3/4 lengths
15915:18W.J14.C.4X+242SES(296) St Edward's School (West)KSE(297) King's School Ely BC (Barnham)5:10easily
16015:20J15.B.8+247HAM(79) Hampton School (Crisan)SPS(82) St Paul's School (Moore)3:501 length
16115:22Op.3.8+235ABS(16) Abingdon School (McNamara)BED(17) Bedford Rowing ClubNTT2 lengths
16215:24W.J14.A.4X+197BMS(286) Bedford Modern School (Brady)KSE(287) King's School Ely BC (Thomson)4:552 1/2 lengths
16315:26J14.C.4X+208BDS(266) Bedford School (Flatt)WBS(267) Windsor Boys School (Atkins)4:525 lengths
16415:29Op.4+180HAM(171) Hampton SchoolCAM(172) City of CambridgeNTTRow Over
16515:36COL.8+219UWK(36) Warwick University (Lorenzo Besante)ORO(37) Oriel CollegeNTT4 lengths
16615:38W.4X+225CAM(270) City of CambridgePHS(271) Putney High School RC (Saunders)4:514 lengths
16715:40J14.B.4X+218KGS(257) Kingston Grammar School (Asher)HAM(259) Hampton School (Mooi)4:40a canvas
16815:42J18.A.8+ SHR(41) Royal Shrewsbury School (Craik)BDS(46) Bedford School (Roese)3:181 1/4 lengths
16915:45J15.C.8+207ETN(89) Eton College BC (Ouwerx)HAM(90) Hampton School (Bailey)4:021/4 length
17015:47W.J15.8+250KCH(117) Kings School Chester RCBGS(119) Bedford Girls School (Ecart)4:091 length
17115:49J15.C.8+244HAM(93) Hampton School (Webber)ETN(94) Eton College BC (Cramer)4:044 lengths
17215:51J14.A.8X256SHR(132) Royal Shrewsbury School (Healy)HAM(137) Hampton School (Platt)3:562/3 length
17315:54J16.8+ NSC(56) Norwich SchoolRAD(59) Radley College Boat Club (Dreyer)3:331/2 length
17415:56J18.B.8+246BDS(47) Bedford School (Hopcroft)RAD(48) Radley College Boat Club (Gissen)3:331 1/2 lengths
17515:59COL.8+212UCO(32) University College, OxfordCHU(33) Churchill College3:352/3 length
20616:00J18.4+229SHP(179) Shiplake CollegeGMS(182) Great Marlow School3:461 1/2 lengths
17616:07W.1.4+ LEA(214) Lea Rowing Club (Nassieu-Maupas)PHS(218) Putney High School RC4:183 1/2 lengths
17716:09W.J15.8+232EMA(121) Emanuel SchoolBGS(122) Bedford Girls School (Huckett)4:154 lengths
17816:11W.J14.B.4X+239BMS(290) Bedford Modern School (Thomas)PHS(291) Putney High School RC (Conroy)5:12easily
17916:13J18.C.8+243RAD(52) Radley College Boat Club (Taylor)BDS(53) Bedford School (Chambers)3:41easily
18016:16Op.4+ BMS(169) Bedford Modern SchoolCAM(172) City of Cambridge3:524 lengths
18116:18Op.4-211CAM(227) City of CambridgeBED(228) Bedford Rowing Club3:471 1/2 lengths
18216:20W.1.8+241PMB(96) Pembroke College, OxfordUCO(97) University College, Oxford3:582 1/2 lengths
18316:22J15.4X+230KGS(245) Kingston Grammar SchoolHAM(246) Hampton School (Thomas)3:583 feet
18416:24J15.A.8+ ABS(66) Abingdon School (McNamara)SPS(72) St Paul's School (Ackrim)NTT2 1/4 lengths
18516:27W.J18.4+240GMS(225) Great Marlow SchoolPHS(226) Putney High School RC (Francis)4:141 length
18616:29J15.B.4+220SHR(204) Royal Shrewsbury School (Judy Moody)BDS(205) Bedford School (Lumley-Wood)3:331 1/2 lengths
18716:36J14.C.4X+249HAM(261) Hampton School (Hoor)SPS(263) St Paul's School (Coates)4:335 lengths
18816:38J14.B.8X204SPS(139) St Paul's School (Bretherton)KCH(141) Kings School Chester RC (Hambleton-Davies)NTT1 1/4 lengths
18916:41W.J14.C.4X+242KSE(292) King's School Ely BC (Watson)BGS(294) Bedford Girls School (Lloyd)5:01easily
19016:43J15.C.4+222SPS(209) St Paul's School (Ackrim)ETN(210) Eton College BC (Menell)4:225 lengths
19216:48J15.B.4+220SPS(206) St Paul's School (Spielmann)BMS(208) Bedford Modern School (Little)4:171 1/4 lengths
19316:50W.J15.4X+221KGS(277) Kingston Grammar School (Chorley)SES(282) St Edward's SchoolNTT2 lengths
19416:52W.2.8+ CAM(100) City of CambridgeNSC(104) Norwich School4:10easily
19516:54Op.1.8+ SHR(1) Royal Shrewsbury School (Moss)SHR(8) Royal Shrewsbury School (Craik)3:171 1/4 lengths
19616:57J15.A.4+228LTU(200) Latymer Upper SchoolWBS(202) Windsor Boys School4:03easily
19716:59W.J14.A.4X+248PHS(285) Putney High School RC (Gayner)BMS(286) Bedford Modern School (Brady)4:441 1/4 lengths
19817:01J15.C.4+222NSC(211) Norwich SchoolSPS(212) St Paul's School (Tobelem)NTTRow Over
19917:03Op.3.8+235MIK(18) Milton Keynes RCNSC(19) Norwich School (Baker)4:123 lengths
20017:05W.J14.A.4X+248KGS(283) Kingston Grammar SchoolSES(284) St Edward's School (Gibb)3:543 1/2 lengths
20117:08W.J18.8+226SHR(113) Royal Shrewsbury SchoolGMS(114) Great Marlow School4:011 length
20217:10W.J14.B.4X+239BGS(288) Bedford Girls School (Robinson)SES(289) St Edward's School (Cooper)NTT3 lengths
20317:12W.COL.8+217PMB(105) Pembroke College, OxfordUWK(108) Warwick University (Miller)3:561 1/2 lengths
20417:14J14.B.8X SPS(139) St Paul's School (Bretherton)NSC(148) Norwich School (Thornton)NTTa canvas
20517:16Op.2.8+ EMM(9) Emmanuel CollegeBDS(15) Bedford School (Lyon)3:251 length
20717:21J15.C.8+244HAM(90) Hampton School (Bailey)ABS(91) Abingdon School (McNally)3:591 1/4 lengths
20817:23J14.C.4X+249SPS(265) St Paul's School (Bretherton)WBS(267) Windsor Boys School (Atkins)3:52easily
20917:25W.J18.4+240PHS(223) Putney High School RC (Zedda James)SES(224) St Edward's SchoolNTTRow Over
21017:27W.J18.8+226ZEZ(115) South African SchoolsBGS(116) Bedford Girls SchoolNTTeasily
21117:35Op.4- BED(228) Bedford Rowing ClubSTA(230) Star Club3:373 1/2 lengths
21217:37COL.8+245KEB(31) Keble CollegeUCO(32) University College, Oxford3:244 lengths
21317:39J15.A.4+255BDS(192) Bedford School (Toms)KCH(196) Kings School Chester RC4:041 1/2 lengths
21417:41J15.A.4+228GMS(197) Great Marlow SchoolSPS(198) St Paul's School (Galay)4:152 lengths
21517:43J15.4X+230WBS(243) Windsor Boys SchoolHAM(244) Hampton School (O'Loughlin)4:06easily
21617:46W.J14.8X SHR(160) Royal Shrewsbury SchoolKCH(167) Kings School Chester RC4:093/4 length
21717:48W.COL.8+ PMB(105) Pembroke College, OxfordEMM(110) Emmanuel College3:482 1/2 lengths
19117:50J14.B.4X+218NSC(255) Norwich School (Tremelling)HAM(256) Hampton School (Cowley)4:004 lengths
21917:53COL.8+245EMM(35) Emmanuel CollegeORO(37) Oriel CollegeNTT1/3 length
22017:55J15.B.4+ BDS(205) Bedford School (Lumley-Wood)SPS(206) St Paul's School (Spielmann)4:092 lengths
22117:57W.J15.4X+ PHS(272) Putney High School RCKGS(277) Kingston Grammar School (Chorley)4:265 lengths
22217:59J15.C.4+ ETN(210) Eton College BC (Menell)NSC(211) Norwich School4:18easily
22318:07W.J18.4X253KGS(238) Kingston Grammar School (King)KSE(239) King's School Ely BC (Charlie)NTTRow Over
22418:09J14.A.4X+251NSC(247) Norwich School (Cooper)KSE(249) King's School Ely BC4:125 lengths
22518:11W.4X+ PHS(269) Putney High School RC (Pearce-Higgins)PHS(271) Putney High School RC (Saunders)4:372 lengths
24818:15W.J14.A.4X+ SES(284) St Edward's School (Gibb)BMS(286) Bedford Modern School (Brady)4:29easily
22718:16Op.4.8+ UCO(23) University College, OxfordCOR(26) Corpus Christi College3:321/2 length
22818:18J15.A.4+255SPS(198) St Paul's School (Galay)WBS(202) Windsor Boys School4:182 lengths
22918:20J18.4+ NSC(177) Norwich SchoolGMS(182) Great Marlow School3:262/3 length
23018:23J15.4X+ WBS(243) Windsor Boys SchoolHAM(246) Hampton School (Thomas)3:544 lengths
23118:25J14.C.8X254BDS(155) Bedford School (McCutcheon)RAD(156) Radley College Boat Club (Plumstead)NTT4 lengths
21818:25J14.B.4X+ NSC(255) Norwich School (Tremelling)KGS(257) Kingston Grammar School (Asher)NTTRow Over
23218:28W.J15.8+250GMS(120) Great Marlow SchoolEMA(121) Emanuel SchoolNTT1 1/4 lengths
23318:35W.J18.4X253KGS(240) Kingston Grammar School (Hedley)KSE(241) King's School Ely BC (Delta)4:04easily
23418:37J16.4X252BED(232) Bedford Rowing ClubKGS(233) Kingston Grammar School3:542 1/2 lengths
23518:39Op.3.8+ BED(17) Bedford Rowing ClubMIK(18) Milton Keynes RC3:261 3/4 lengths
23618:42J14.C.8X254HAM(150) Hampton School (May)BDS(153) Bedford School (Iankov)NTT3/4 length
23718:45J16.4X252ZEZ(234) South African SchoolsNSC(236) Norwich School3:371 length
23818:47J14.A.8X256SPS(124) St Paul's School (Thorogood)NSC(127) Norwich School (Gotto)NTT2 feet
23918:50W.J14.B.4X+ SES(289) St Edward's School (Cooper)BMS(290) Bedford Modern School (Thomas)NTT1/2 length
24018:52W.J18.4+ SES(224) St Edward's SchoolPHS(226) Putney High School RC (Francis)NTT4 lengths
24118:55W.1.8+ PMB(96) Pembroke College, OxfordZEZ(98) South African SchoolsNTT2 lengths
24218:57W.J14.C.4X+ BGS(294) Bedford Girls School (Lloyd)SES(296) St Edward's School (West)4:503 1/2 lengths
24318:59J18.C.8+ ETN(51) Eton College BCRAD(52) Radley College Boat Club (Taylor)3:273/4 length
22619:00W.J18.8+ GMS(114) Great Marlow SchoolBGS(116) Bedford Girls SchoolNTT3 lengths
24419:07J15.C.8+ HAM(90) Hampton School (Bailey)HAM(93) Hampton School (Webber)NTTRow Over
24519:09COL.8+ KEB(31) Keble CollegeORO(37) Oriel CollegeNTT4 lengths
24619:11J18.B.8+ RAD(48) Radley College Boat Club (Gissen)SHR(50) Royal Shrewsbury School (Moss)NTT3/4 length
24719:14J15.B.8+ HAM(79) Hampton School (Crisan)KCH(85) Kings School Chester RC (Orme)3:412 1/2 lengths
24919:18J14.C.4X+ SPS(263) St Paul's School (Coates)SPS(265) St Paul's School (Bretherton)NTTeasily
25019:21W.J15.8+ BGS(119) Bedford Girls School (Ecart)EMA(121) Emanuel SchoolNTT1 1/4 lengths
25119:23J14.A.4X+ NSC(247) Norwich School (Cooper)SPS(253) St Paul's School (Elder)  
25219:25J16.4X KGS(233) Kingston Grammar SchoolNSC(236) Norwich SchoolNTT2 1/2 lengths
25319:28W.J18.4X KGS(238) Kingston Grammar School (King)KSE(241) King's School Ely BC (Delta)NTT2 lengths
25419:30J14.C.8X HAM(150) Hampton School (May)RAD(156) Radley College Boat Club (Plumstead)NTT3 lengths
25519:32J15.A.4+ BDS(192) Bedford School (Toms)SPS(198) St Paul's School (Galay)NTT3 lengths
25619:35J14.A.8X NSC(127) Norwich School (Gotto)SHR(132) Royal Shrewsbury School (Healy)NTTNot Rowed Out