Walton & Weybridge Regatta

Saturday 6th June 2015

Hide Blade Colours

RaceTimeEventStatusNext Race Middlesex Surrey
108:3030J14.1X20WGT(129) Whitgift School BC (Haslam)CHH(130) Charterhouse BC (Markus)  
208:3230J14.1X21CRA(132) Cranmore School (Harris)RDG(133) Reading RC (Rundle)  
308:3530J14.1X22CHH(136) Charterhouse BC (Hail)WLT(137) Walton (Philpott)  
408:3730J14.1X23CHH(139) Charterhouse BC (Rigg Franco)GUI(140) Guildford RC (Reckord)  
508:4026NOV.1X25SGC(107) St George's College BC (Sugrue)WBS(108) Windsor Boys School (Bodkin)  
608:4226NOV.1X26SGC(110) St George's College BC (Morrison)WBS(111) Windsor Boys School (Hunter)  
708:4526NOV.1X27SGC(114) St George's College BC (Hill)HEN(115) Henley RC (Harsant)  
808:4726NOV.1X28WBS(117) Windsor Boys School (Workman)SGC(118) St George's College BC (Asher)  
908:5019W.J15.2X31BUR(80) Burway RC (Ross/Brown)MBC(81) Molesey BC (Peters /Muller)  
1008:5219W.J15.2X33GUI(86) Guildford RC (Turner/Lambert Parsons)WLT(87) Walton (Anderson/Banks)  
1108:5519W.J15.2X34MBC(89) Molesey BC (Alexopoulos/Roper)GUI(90) Guildford RC (Davenport/Jayawickrema)  
1208:5734W.J14.1X53BUR(155) Burway RC (Lawrence)EMA(156) Emanuel School (Dibden)  
1309:0034W.J14.1X53MBC(157) Molesey BC (Dight)EMA(158) Emanuel School (Bucalossi)  
1409:0234W.J14.1X54BCS(159) Bournemouth Collegiate (Lindon-Thomas)CHR(160) Christchurch RC (Browning)  
1509:0534W.J14.1X54MBC(161) Molesey BC (Lee)EMA(162) Emanuel School (Weighill)  
1609:0733W.J16.1X56RDG(153) Reading RC (Wootton)UTC(154) Upper Thames RC (Barter)  
1709:1031W.NOV.1X58CHH(141) Charterhouse BC (Ryan)UTC(142) Upper Thames RC (Haycraft)  
1809:1231W.NOV.1X57WRC(144) Wallingford RC (Davies)UTC(145) Upper Thames RC (Earle)  
1909:1531W.NOV.1X57CHH(146) Charterhouse BC (Pite)UTC(147) Upper Thames RC (Pishock)  
2009:1730J14.1X59Winner of Race 1GUI(131) Guildford RC (Marriott)  
2109:2030J14.1X59Winner of Race 2CHH(134) Charterhouse BC (Jordan)  
2209:2230J14.1X60CHR(135) Christchurch RC (Harding Wade)Winner of Race 3  
2309:2530J14.1X60BUR(138) Burway RC (Hawkins)Winner of Race 4  
2409:2729J16.1X62ETX(127) Eton Excelsior RC (Cowan)BCS(128) Bournemouth Collegiate (Jones)  
2509:3026NOV.1X64Winner of Race 5SGC(109) St George's College BC (Russell)  
2609:3226NOV.1X64Winner of Race 6SGC(112) St George's College BC (Bevan)  
2709:3526NOV.1X65SGC(113) St George's College BC (Ody)Winner of Race 7  
2809:3726NOV.1X65SGC(116) St George's College BC (Sanderson)Winner of Race 8  
2909:4020W.J13.2X66RDG(91) Reading RC (Cookson/Threlfall)ETX(92) Eton Excelsior RC (Back/Ward)  
3009:4220W.J13.2X67STN(95) Staines BC (Knight/Mason)RDG(96) Reading RC (Brown/Paterson)  
3109:4519W.J15.2X68Winner of Race 9SGC(82) St George's College BC (Fowden/Cook)  
3209:4719W.J15.2X68GUI(83) Guildford RC (Adcock/Johnson)RDG(84) Reading RC (Pichard/Taylor)  
3309:5019W.J15.2X69CHR(85) Christchurch RC (Bark/Leach)Winner of Race 10  
3409:5219W.J15.2X69RDG(88) Reading RC (Prior/Gower)Winner of Race 11  
3509:5517W.IM3.2X72WLT(70) Walton (Dent/Denham)TWK(71) Twickenham RC (Field/Rudenko)  
3609:5717W.IM3.2X73RDG(74) Reading RC (Radu/Wilkinson)KRC(75) Kingston Rowing Club (Brunning/Dickman)  
3710:0015J15.2X75WLT(61) Walton (Sollars/Benson)WBS(62) Windsor Boys School (Ellery/Shewell)  
3810:0215J15.2X74GUI(64) Guildford RC (Perrins/Carney)WLT(65) Walton (Wilkinson/Suphi)  
3910:0515J15.2X74GUI(66) Guildford RC (Houston/Jarvis)WBS(67) Windsor Boys School (Patel/Karatayli)  
4010:0712W.J14.4X+80CHR(47) Christchurch RC (Smailes)EMA(48) Emanuel School (Salvesen)  
4110:1012W.J14.4X+81WLT(51) Walton (Poole)EMA(52) Emanuel School (Curry)  
4210:1211J14.4X+83WBS(40) Windsor Boys School (Cleare)WGT(41) Whitgift School BC (Martin)  
4310:1511J14.4X+82MBC(43) Molesey BC (Brazier)TSS(44) Tideway Scullers School (Sherratt)  
4410:1711J14.4X+82WBS(45) Windsor Boys School (Wilson)WTG(46) Wellington College (Le)  
4510:205W.NOV.4+89SGC(24) St George's College BC (Lovelock)RDG(25) Reading RC (Abrar)  
4610:224J15.4+91BRY(14) Bryanston School BC (Treichl)WLT(15) Walton (Harris)  
4710:254J15.4+90SGC(17) St George's College BC (Cullen)KGS(18) Kingston Grammar School (Holman)  
4810:274J15.4+90WGT(19) Whitgift School BC (Rogerson)BRY(20) Bryanston School BC (Fuller)  
4910:303NOV.4+92SGC(6) St George's College BC (Spunner)RDG(7) Reading RC (Garfield)  
5010:323NOV.4+92SON(8) Sons of the Thames RC (Turner)ESC(9) Eastbourne College BC (EBC First IV)  
5110:353NOV.4+93HSB(10) HSBC RC (Browne)BRY(11) Bryanston School BC (Haviland)  
5210:373NOV.4+93HIL(12) Hillingdon RC (Harris)RDG(13) Reading RC (Wooldridge)  
5310:4034W.J14.1X95Winner of Race 12Winner of Race 13  
5410:4234W.J14.1X95Winner of Race 14Winner of Race 15  
5510:4533W.J16.1X96WLT(150) Walton (Gray)BCS(151) Bournemouth Collegiate (Culpan)  
5610:4733W.J16.1X96WEY(152) Weybridge (Bailey)Winner of Race 16  
5710:5031W.NOV.1X98Winner of Race 18Winner of Race 19  
5810:5231W.NOV.1X98Winner of Race 17KRC(143) Kingston Rowing Club (Baylis)  
5910:5530J14.1X99Winner of Race 20Winner of Race 21  
6010:5730J14.1X99Winner of Race 22Winner of Race 23  
6111:0029J16.1X100HIL(124) Hillingdon RC (Lorenzato)WTG(125) Wellington College (Morrison)  
6211:0229J16.1X100WLT(126) Walton (Pickering)Winner of Race 24  
6311:0527Mas.C.1X102TSS(120) Tideway Scullers School (Bridger)ETX(121) Eton Excelsior RC (Len)  
6411:0726NOV.1X103Winner of Race 25Winner of Race 26  
6511:1026NOV.1X103Winner of Race 27Winner of Race 28  
6611:1220W.J13.2X109Winner of Race 29WEY(93) Weybridge (Lee-Wragg/Sheldon)  
6711:1520W.J13.2X109TSS(94) Tideway Scullers School (Archer/Gillibert)Winner of Race 30  
6811:1719W.J15.2X110Winner of Race 31Winner of Race 32  
6911:2019W.J15.2X110Winner of Race 33Winner of Race 34  
7011:2218W.J18.2X111STN(76) Staines BC (Shoolbread/Corkish)RDG(77) Reading RC (Leach/Dobson)  
7111:2518W.J18.2X111SGC(78) St George's College BC (Mason/Penney)WEY(79) Weybridge (Pickering/Cole)  
7211:2717W.IM3.2X112Winner of Race 35USU(72) University of Surrey (Charman/Bockelmann)  
7311:3017W.IM3.2X112SGC(73) St George's College BC (Busch/Gannon)Winner of Race 36  
7411:3215J15.2X114Winner of Race 38Winner of Race 39  
7511:3515J15.2X114Winner of Race 37MBC(63) Molesey BC (Warren/Darlow)  
7611:3714J18.2X115WTG(57) Wellington College (Hardaker/Walker)CHH(58) Charterhouse BC (Walton/Oganesyan)  
7711:4014J18.2X115BEB(59) Bewl Bridge RC (Britton/Mumford)WTG(60) Wellington College (Verden/Cooper-Brown)  
7811:4213IM3.2X116ETX(53) Eton Excelsior RC (Keir/Walker)WLT(54) Walton (Hazell/Shire)  
7911:4513IM3.2X116CHH(55) Charterhouse BC (Malmstrom/Pavoncelli)GUI(56) Guildford RC (Warden/Mogridge)  
8011:4712W.J14.4X+117Winner of Race 40GUI(49) Guildford RC (Chapman)  
8111:5012W.J14.4X+117BRY(50) Bryanston School BC (Stevens)Winner of Race 41  
8211:5211J14.4X+120Winner of Race 43Winner of Race 44  
8311:5511J14.4X+120Winner of Race 42WTG(42) Wellington College (Wigzell)  
8411:5710W.J16.4X121ETX(38) Eton Excelsior RC (Swain)STN(39) Staines BC (Mason)  
8512:009W.Mas.CD.4X123MAR(35) Marlow RC (Manley =C)MBC(36) Molesey BC (Rogers =C)  
8612:027J16.4X118WBS(30) Windsor Boys School (Smith)WEY(31) Weybridge (Cook)  
8712:056W.J15.4+119WEY(27) Weybridge (Foulkes)SGC(28) St George's College BC (Clark)  
8812:075W.NOV.4+122RDG(21) Reading RC (Jones)KRC(22) Kingston Rowing Club (Berry)  
8912:105W.NOV.4+122WEY(23) Weybridge (Haines)Winner of Race 45  
9012:124J15.4+125Winner of Race 47Winner of Race 48  
9112:154J15.4+125Winner of Race 46BRY(16) Bryanston School BC (Goodwin)  
9212:173NOV.4+126Winner of Race 49Winner of Race 50  
9312:203NOV.4+126Winner of Race 51Winner of Race 52  
9412:222W.IM3.8+127ETX(4) Eton Excelsior RC (Bartoletti)WMN/QBC(5) Westminster/Quintin  
9512:2534W.J14.1X Winner of Race 53Winner of Race 54  
9612:2733W.J16.1X Winner of Race 55Winner of Race 56  
9712:3032W.Mas.AB.1X GUI(148) Guildford RC (Smoothy =A)GUI(149) Guildford RC (Rowland =B)  
9812:3231W.NOV.1X Winner of Race 58Winner of Race 57  
9912:3530J14.1X Winner of Race 59Winner of Race 60  
10012:3729J16.1X Winner of Race 61Winner of Race 62  
10112:4028Mas.EF.1X STN(122) Staines BC (Tollett =F)WLT(123) Walton (Everington =E)  
10212:4227Mas.C.1X MHD(119) Maidenhead RC (Macrae)Winner of Race 63  
10312:4526NOV.1X Winner of Race 64Winner of Race 65  
10412:4725IM2.1X SGC(105) St George's College BC (Notter)SGC(106) St George's College BC (Youngblood-Costa)  
10512:5024Mx.Mas.EF.2X WEY(103) Weybridge (Lawson/Kornberg =E)TWK(104) Twickenham RC (Bailey/Macnaught =F)  
10612:5223Mx.Mas.D.NOV.2X WLT(101) Walton (Gillespie/Harris)WEY(102) Weybridge (McAnena/Gray)  
10712:5522Mx.Mas.C.2X WLT(99) Walton (Della Casa/Jackson)WLT(100) Walton (Flowerdew/Penney)  
10812:5721Mx.Mas.B.NOV.2X WLT(97) Walton (Murfin/Adams)WLT(98) Walton (Heywood/Gill)  
10913:0020W.J13.2X Winner of Race 66Winner of Race 67  
11013:0219W.J15.2X Winner of Race 68Winner of Race 69  
11113:0518W.J18.2X Winner of Race 70Winner of Race 71  
11213:0717W.IM3.2X Winner of Race 72Winner of Race 73  
11313:1016J13.2X TSS(68) Tideway Scullers School (Cossey/Gillibert)STN(69) Staines BC (Artis/McLaughlin)  
11413:1215J15.2X Winner of Race 75Winner of Race 74  
11513:1514J18.2X Winner of Race 76Winner of Race 77  
11613:1713IM3.2X Winner of Race 78Winner of Race 79  
11713:2012W.J14.4X+ Winner of Race 80Winner of Race 81  
11813:227J16.4X MBC(29) Molesey BC (Gowland)Winner of Race 86  
11913:256W.J15.4+ ETX(26) Eton Excelsior RC (Payne)Winner of Race 87  
12013:2711J14.4X+ Winner of Race 83Winner of Race 82  
12113:3010W.J16.4X BEB(37) Bewl Bridge RC (Miller)Winner of Race 84  
12213:325W.NOV.4+ Winner of Race 88Winner of Race 89  
12313:359W.Mas.CD.4X WEL(34) Weybridge Ladies ARC (Thornton =D)Winner of Race 85  
12413:378W.Mas.AB.4X WEL(32) Weybridge Ladies ARC (Alcock =B)KRC(33) Kingston Rowing Club (Kugele =A)  
12513:404J15.4+ Winner of Race 91Winner of Race 90  
12613:423NOV.4+ Winner of Race 92Winner of Race 93  
12713:452W.IM3.8+ WEL(3) Weybridge Ladies ARC (Woodley)Winner of Race 94  
12813:471IM3.8+ WGT(1) Whitgift School BC (Elliott)VRC(2) Vesta RC (Radcke)  
30113:5258J15.1X318CHH(415) Charterhouse BC (Wright)WBS(416) Windsor Boys School (Ellery)  
30213:5556IM3.1X324MHD(400) Maidenhead RC (Macrae)WEY(401) Weybridge (Steel)  
30313:5761W.J15.1X339WEY(427) Weybridge (Pickering)MBC(428) Molesey BC (Dunford)  
30414:0061W.J15.1X340RDG(431) Reading RC (Richards)WEY(432) Weybridge (Foulkes)  
30514:0260W.J18.1X342RDG(420) Reading RC (Shepherd)WRC(421) Wallingford RC (Davies)  
30614:0560W.J18.1X341WEY(423) Weybridge (Feather)STN(424) Staines BC (Romp)  
30714:0760W.J18.1X341BCS(425) Bournemouth Collegiate (Young)RDG(426) Reading RC (Pooley)  
30814:1058J15.1X344CHH(408) Charterhouse BC (Wild)WTG(409) Wellington College (Wyllie)  
30914:1258J15.1X344WBS(410) Windsor Boys School (Shewell)BCS(411) Bournemouth Collegiate (Cavill)  
31014:1558J15.1X345CHH(412) Charterhouse BC (Rockingham)SGC(413) St George's College BC (Jenkinson)  
31114:1757J18.1X346BEB(402) Bewl Bridge RC (Britton)HIL(403) Hillingdon RC (Foley)  
31214:2057J18.1X347WTG(406) Wellington College (Veyder-Malberg)HIL(407) Hillingdon RC (Case)  
31314:2256IM3.1X348GUI(393) Guildford RC (Warden)WEY(394) Weybridge (Brisco)  
31414:2556IM3.1X348HEN(395) Henley RC (Harsant)BUR(396) Burway RC (Grimster)  
31514:2756IM3.1X349BRY(397) Bryanston School BC (Christie)USU(398) University of Surrey (Hopkins)  
31614:3055W.J14.2X351EMA(386) Emanuel School (Curry/Laughton)TSS(387) Tideway Scullers School (Purcell/Blackwood)  
31714:3255W.J14.2X350WEY(389) Weybridge (Sandford/Cowie)CHR(390) Christchurch RC (Berridge/Cheetham)  
31814:3558J15.1X345BUR(414) Burway RC (Levett)Winner of Race 301  
31914:3755W.J14.2X350GUI(391) Guildford RC (Chapman/Fawcett)EMA(392) Emanuel School (Hunt/Dibden)  
32014:4054W.J16.2X353STN(384) Staines BC (Russell/Webb)BEB(385) Bewl Bridge RC (Hobson/Morten)  
32114:4250J14.2X355CHH(368) Charterhouse BC (Jordan/Campell-Wilson)CHR(369) Christchurch RC (Ratcliffe/Canelas)  
32214:4550J14.2X354GUI(371) Guildford RC (Reckord/Marriott)BUR(372) Burway RC (Hawkins/Barrett)  
32314:4750J14.2X354CHH(373) Charterhouse BC (Rigg Franco/Hail)WBS(374) Windsor Boys School (Fradin de La Renaudiere/Cleare)  
32414:5056IM3.1X349STN(399) Staines BC (Tollett)Winner of Race 302  
32514:5249J16.2X356WBS(362) Windsor Boys School (Jacobs/Smith)ETX(363) Eton Excelsior RC (Smith/Cowan)  
32614:5549J16.2X357MBC(366) Molesey BC (Hardy/Gowland)WBS(367) Windsor Boys School (Haswell/Wollen)  
32714:5745W.J15.4X+362SBT(346) Surbiton High School (Pearson)MBC(347) Molesey BC (Leppard)  
32815:0045W.J15.4X+363RDG(350) Reading RC (Taylor)WEY(351) Weybridge (Clark)  
32915:0244J13.4X+365RDG(339) Reading RC (Threlfall)CRA(340) Cranmore School (Balloo)  
33015:0544J13.4X+364WLT(342) Walton (Catlin)STN(343) Staines BC (McLaughlin)  
33115:0744J13.4X+364WLT(344) Walton (Robinson)CRA(345) Cranmore School (Varoujian)  
33215:1043J15.4X+366BEB(331) Bewl Bridge RC (House)WGT(332) Whitgift School BC (Ostrowski)  
33315:1243J15.4X+366WLT(333) Walton (Lucas)STN(334) Staines BC (Uttley)  
33415:1543J15.4X+367RDG(335) Reading RC (Peters)SGC(336) St George's College BC (Lewis)  
33515:1743J15.4X+367GUI(337) Guildford RC (Perrins)WBS(338) Windsor Boys School (Bodkin)  
33615:2039W.IM3.4+371RDG(321) Reading RC (Hicks)MBC(322) Molesey BC (Williams)  
33715:2235NOV.8+377RDG(301) Reading RC (Garfield)WBS(302) Windsor Boys School (Smerin)  
33815:2535NOV.8+378WGT(305) Whitgift School BC (Hatteland-Dunn)MBC(306) Molesey BC (Taylor)  
33915:2761W.J15.1X379Winner of Race 303RDG(429) Reading RC (Ciecierska-Holmes)  
34015:3061W.J15.1X379BUR(430) Burway RC (Wells)Winner of Race 304  
34115:3260W.J18.1X380Winner of Race 306Winner of Race 307  
34215:3560W.J18.1X380Winner of Race 305WLT(422) Walton (Denham)  
34315:3759W.IM3.1X381RDG(418) Reading RC (Cambio)GUI(419) Guildford RC (Smoothy)  
34415:4058J15.1X382Winner of Race 308Winner of Race 309  
34515:4258J15.1X382Winner of Race 310Winner of Race 318  
34615:4557J18.1X383Winner of Race 311BCS(404) Bournemouth Collegiate (Quinn)  
34715:4757J18.1X383RDG(405) Reading RC (Iddon)Winner of Race 312  
34815:5056IM3.1X384Winner of Race 313Winner of Race 314  
34915:5256IM3.1X384Winner of Race 315Winner of Race 324  
35015:5555W.J14.2X385Winner of Race 317Winner of Race 319  
35115:5755W.J14.2X385Winner of Race 316EMA(388) Emanuel School (Beams/Weighill)  
35216:0054W.J16.2X386WEY(381) Weybridge (Dennis/Goochild)MBC(382) Molesey BC (Williams/Nolan)  
35316:0254W.J16.2X386HIL(383) Hillingdon RC (Woods/Freeney)Winner of Race 320  
35416:0550J14.2X390Winner of Race 322Winner of Race 323  
35516:0750J14.2X390Winner of Race 321WBS(370) Windsor Boys School (Taylor/Howse)  
35616:1049J16.2X391Winner of Race 325HIL(364) Hillingdon RC (Strutt/Lorenzato)  
35716:1249J16.2X391WEY(365) Weybridge (Cowie/Cook)Winner of Race 326  
35816:1547Mas.CDE.2X393WEY(356) Weybridge (Duffill/Curd =C)SHV(357) Shiplake Vikings RC (Bell/Gascoine =D)  
35916:1747Mas.CDE.2X393MAR(358) Marlow RC (Hyman/Parcell =E)WEY(359) Weybridge (Thomas/Gowland =D)  
36016:2046NOV.2X394MBC(352) Molesey BC (Jalili/Lawrie)WBS(353) Windsor Boys School (Workman/Hunter)  
36116:2246NOV.2X394WGT(354) Whitgift School BC (Danno/Millington)WLT(355) Walton (Wedlake/Wilkinson)  
36216:2545W.J15.4X+395Winner of Race 327SGC(348) St George's College BC (Sugrue)  
36316:2745W.J15.4X+395GUI(349) Guildford RC (Jayawickrema)Winner of Race 328  
36416:3044J13.4X+396Winner of Race 330Winner of Race 331  
36516:3244J13.4X+396Winner of Race 329WEY(341) Weybridge (Foulkes)  
36616:3543J15.4X+397Winner of Race 332Winner of Race 333  
36716:3743J15.4X+397Winner of Race 334Winner of Race 335  
36816:4042W.IM3.4X398MAA(327) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Dickson)WEY(328) Weybridge (Klaka)  
36916:4242W.IM3.4X398UTC(329) Upper Thames RC (Pishock)MAA(330) Mortlake Anglian & Alpha BC (Bruce)  
37016:4539W.IM3.4+401ETX(318) Eton Excelsior RC (Bates)EXE(319) Exeter RC (Barker)  
37116:4739W.IM3.4+401TWK(320) Twickenham RC (Frankson)Winner of Race 336  
37216:5038IM3.4+402ETX(314) Eton Excelsior RC (Scharfe)USU(315) University of Surrey (Seymour)  
37316:5238IM3.4+402WLT(316) Walton (Adams)USU(317) University of Surrey (Wiseman)  
37416:5537W.J14.8X403ETX(310) Eton Excelsior RC (Donaldson)LEH(311) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Halton)  
37517:0137W.J14.8X403EMA(312) Emanuel School (Curry)SGC(313) St George's College BC (Boxer)  
37617:0836J14.8X404WLT(308) Walton (Philpott)WGT(309) Whitgift School BC (Pringle)  
37717:1435NOV.8+405Winner of Race 337KRC(303) Kingston Rowing Club (Tunbridge)  
37817:1735NOV.8+405VRC(304) Vesta RC (Radcke)Winner of Race 338  
37917:1961W.J15.1X Winner of Race 339Winner of Race 340  
38017:2260W.J18.1X Winner of Race 342Winner of Race 341  
38117:2459W.IM3.1X GUI(417) Guildford RC (Rowland)Winner of Race 343  
38217:2758J15.1X Winner of Race 344Winner of Race 345  
38317:2957J18.1X Winner of Race 346Winner of Race 347  
38417:3256IM3.1X Winner of Race 348Winner of Race 349  
38517:3455W.J14.2X Winner of Race 351Winner of Race 350  
38617:3754W.J16.2X Winner of Race 352Winner of Race 353  
38717:3953W.Mas.CD.2X MAR(379) Marlow RC (Essa/Buckeridge =C)MAR(380) Marlow RC (Rowe/Hopley =D)  
38817:4252W.Mas.A.NOV.2X WLT(377) Walton (Murfin/Gill)WLT(378) Walton (Welch/Brooke-Barnett)  
38917:4451W.NOV.2X CHH(375) Charterhouse BC (Ryan/Pite)USU(376) University of Surrey (Ebbens/Holt)  
39017:4750J14.2X Winner of Race 355Winner of Race 354  
39117:4949J16.2X Winner of Race 356Winner of Race 357  
39217:5248Mas.FG.2X BTC(360) BTC Southampton (Green/Wardell =G)WEY(361) Weybridge (Csiki/Davidson =F)  
39317:5447Mas.CDE.2X Winner of Race 358Winner of Race 359  
39417:5746NOV.2X Winner of Race 360Winner of Race 361  
39517:5945W.J15.4X+ Winner of Race 362Winner of Race 363  
39618:0244J13.4X+ Winner of Race 365Winner of Race 364  
39718:0443J15.4X+ Winner of Race 366Winner of Race 367  
39818:0742W.IM3.4X Winner of Race 368Winner of Race 369  
39918:0941J18.4X CHH(325) Charterhouse BC (Pavoncelli)BEB(326) Bewl Bridge RC (Mayne)  
40018:1240W.Mas.D.4+ WEY(323) Weybridge (Conaway)WLT(324) Walton (Thiemann)  
40118:1439W.IM3.4+ Winner of Race 370Winner of Race 371  
40218:1738IM3.4+ Winner of Race 372Winner of Race 373  
40318:1937W.J14.8X Winner of Race 374Winner of Race 375  
40418:2636J14.8X SGC(307) St George's College BC (Davis)Winner of Race 376  
40518:3235NOV.8+ Winner of Race 377Winner of Race 378