Walton & Weybridge Regatta

Saturday 6th June 2015

Draw for Staines BC

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Click here to view the Draw for Staines BC.
RaceTimeEventStatusNext Race Middlesex Surrey
8411:5710W.J16.4X121ETX(38) Eton Excelsior RC (Swain)STN(39) Staines BC (Mason)  
12113:3010W.J16.4X BEB(37) Bewl Bridge RC (Miller)Winner of Race 84  
33215:1043J15.4X+366BEB(331) Bewl Bridge RC (House)WGT(332) Whitgift School BC (Ostrowski)  
33315:1243J15.4X+366WLT(333) Walton RC (Lucas)STN(334) Staines BC (Uttley)  
33415:1543J15.4X+367RDG(335) Reading RC (Peters)SGC(336) St George's College BC (Lewis)  
33515:1743J15.4X+367GUI(337) Guildford RC (Perrins)WBS(338) Windsor Boys School (Bodkin)  
36616:3543J15.4X+397Winner of Race 332Winner of Race 333  
36716:3743J15.4X+397Winner of Race 334Winner of Race 335  
39718:0443J15.4X+ Winner of Race 366Winner of Race 367  
32915:0244J13.4X+365RDG(339) Reading RC (Threlfall)CRA(340) Cranmore School (Balloo)  
33015:0544J13.4X+364WLT(342) Walton RC (Catlin)STN(343) Staines BC (McLaughlin)  
33115:0744J13.4X+364WLT(344) Walton RC (Robinson)CRA(345) Cranmore School (Varoujian)  
36516:3244J13.4X+396Winner of Race 329WEY(341) Weybridge (Foulkes)  
36416:3044J13.4X+396Winner of Race 330Winner of Race 331  
39618:0244J13.4X+ Winner of Race 365Winner of Race 364  
11313:1016J13.2X TSS(68) Tideway Scullers School (Cossey/Gillibert)STN(69) Staines BC (Artis/McLaughlin)  
7011:2218W.J18.2X111STN(76) Staines BC (Shoolbread/Corkish)RDG(77) Reading RC (Leach/Dobson)  
7111:2518W.J18.2X111SGC(78) St George's College BC (Mason/Penney)WEY(79) Weybridge (Pickering/Cole)  
11113:0518W.J18.2X Winner of Race 70Winner of Race 71  
32014:4054W.J16.2X353STN(384) Staines BC (Russell/Webb)BEB(385) Bewl Bridge RC (Hobson/Morten)  
35216:0054W.J16.2X386WEY(381) Weybridge (Dennis/Goochild)MBC(382) Molesey BC (Williams/Nolan)  
35316:0254W.J16.2X386HIL(383) Hillingdon RC (Woods/Freeney)Winner of Race 320  
38617:3754W.J16.2X Winner of Race 352Winner of Race 353  
2909:4020W.J13.2X66RDG(91) Reading RC (Cookson/Threlfall)ETX(92) Eton Excelsior RC (Back/Ward)  
3009:4220W.J13.2X67STN(95) Staines BC (Knight/Mason)RDG(96) Reading RC (Brown/Paterson)  
6611:1220W.J13.2X109Winner of Race 29WEY(93) Weybridge (Lee-Wragg/Sheldon)  
6711:1520W.J13.2X109TSS(94) Tideway Scullers School (Archer/Gillibert)Winner of Race 30  
10913:0020W.J13.2X Winner of Race 66Winner of Race 67  
30213:5556IM3.1X324MHD(400) Maidenhead RC (Macrae)WEY(401) Weybridge (Steel)  
31314:2256IM3.1X348GUI(393) Guildford RC (Warden)WEY(394) Weybridge (Brisco)  
31414:2556IM3.1X348HEN(395) Henley RC (Harsant)BUR(396) Burway RC (Grimster)  
31514:2756IM3.1X349BRY(397) Bryanston School BC (Christie)USU(398) University of Surrey (Hopkins)  
32414:5056IM3.1X349STN(399) Staines BC (Tollett)Winner of Race 302  
34815:5056IM3.1X384Winner of Race 313Winner of Race 314  
34915:5256IM3.1X384Winner of Race 315Winner of Race 324  
38417:3256IM3.1X Winner of Race 348Winner of Race 349  
10112:4028Mas.EF.1X STN(122) Staines BC (Tollett =F)WLT(123) Walton RC (Everington =E)  
30514:0260W.J18.1X342RDG(420) Reading RC (Shepherd)WRC(421) Wallingford RC (Davies)  
30614:0560W.J18.1X341WEY(423) Weybridge (Feather)STN(424) Staines BC (Romp)  
30714:0760W.J18.1X341BCS(425) Bournemouth Collegiate (Young)RDG(426) Reading RC (Pooley)  
34215:3560W.J18.1X380Winner of Race 305WLT(422) Walton RC (Denham)  
34115:3260W.J18.1X380Winner of Race 306Winner of Race 307  
38017:2260W.J18.1X Winner of Race 342Winner of Race 341