Walton & Weybridge Regatta

Saturday 6th June 2015

Draw for Walton RC

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Click here to view the Draw for Walton RC.
RaceTimeEventStatusNext Race Middlesex Surrey
37617:0836J14.8X404WLT(308) Walton RC (Philpott)WGT(309) Whitgift School BC (Pringle)  
40418:2636J14.8X SGC(307) St George's College BC (Davis)Winner of Race 376  
37216:5038IM3.4+402ETX(314) Eton Excelsior RC (Scharfe)USU(315) University of Surrey (Seymour)  
37316:5238IM3.4+402WLT(316) Walton RC (Adams)USU(317) University of Surrey (Wiseman)  
40218:1738IM3.4+ Winner of Race 372Winner of Race 373  
4610:224J15.4+91BRY(14) Bryanston School BC (Treichl)WLT(15) Walton RC (Harris)  
4710:254J15.4+90SGC(17) St George's College BC (Cullen)KGS(18) Kingston Grammar School (Holman)  
4810:274J15.4+90WGT(19) Whitgift School BC (Rogerson)BRY(20) Bryanston School BC (Fuller)  
9112:154J15.4+125Winner of Race 46BRY(16) Bryanston School BC (Goodwin)  
9012:124J15.4+125Winner of Race 47Winner of Race 48  
12513:404J15.4+ Winner of Race 91Winner of Race 90  
40018:1240W.Mas.D.4+ WEY(323) Weybridge (Conaway)WLT(324) Walton RC (Thiemann)  
33215:1043J15.4X+366BEB(331) Bewl Bridge RC (House)WGT(332) Whitgift School BC (Ostrowski)  
33315:1243J15.4X+366WLT(333) Walton RC (Lucas)STN(334) Staines BC (Uttley)  
33415:1543J15.4X+367RDG(335) Reading RC (Peters)SGC(336) St George's College BC (Lewis)  
33515:1743J15.4X+367GUI(337) Guildford RC (Perrins)WBS(338) Windsor Boys School (Bodkin)  
36616:3543J15.4X+397Winner of Race 332Winner of Race 333  
36716:3743J15.4X+397Winner of Race 334Winner of Race 335  
39718:0443J15.4X+ Winner of Race 366Winner of Race 367  
32915:0244J13.4X+365RDG(339) Reading RC (Threlfall)CRA(340) Cranmore School (Balloo)  
33015:0544J13.4X+364WLT(342) Walton RC (Catlin)STN(343) Staines BC (McLaughlin)  
33115:0744J13.4X+364WLT(344) Walton RC (Robinson)CRA(345) Cranmore School (Varoujian)  
36516:3244J13.4X+396Winner of Race 329WEY(341) Weybridge (Foulkes)  
36416:3044J13.4X+396Winner of Race 330Winner of Race 331  
39618:0244J13.4X+ Winner of Race 365Winner of Race 364  
4010:0712W.J14.4X+80CHR(47) Christchurch RC (Smailes)EMA(48) Emanuel School (Salvesen)  
4110:1012W.J14.4X+81WLT(51) Walton RC (Poole)EMA(52) Emanuel School (Curry)  
8011:4712W.J14.4X+117Winner of Race 40GUI(49) Guildford RC (Chapman)  
8111:5012W.J14.4X+117BRY(50) Bryanston School BC (Stevens)Winner of Race 41  
11713:2012W.J14.4X+ Winner of Race 80Winner of Race 81  
7811:4213IM3.2X116ETX(53) Eton Excelsior RC (Keir/Walker)WLT(54) Walton RC (Hazell/Shire)  
7911:4513IM3.2X116CHH(55) Charterhouse BC (Malmstrom/Pavoncelli)GUI(56) Guildford RC (Warden/Mogridge)  
11613:1713IM3.2X Winner of Race 78Winner of Race 79  
36016:2046NOV.2X394MBC(352) Molesey BC (Jalili/Lawrie)WBS(353) Windsor Boys School (Workman/Hunter)  
36116:2246NOV.2X394WGT(354) Whitgift School BC (Danno/Millington)WLT(355) Walton RC (Wedlake/Wilkinson)  
39417:5746NOV.2X Winner of Race 360Winner of Race 361  
3710:0015J15.2X75WLT(61) Walton RC (Sollars/Benson)WBS(62) Windsor Boys School (Ellery/Shewell)  
3810:0215J15.2X74GUI(64) Guildford RC (Perrins/Carney)WLT(65) Walton RC (Wilkinson/Suphi)  
3910:0515J15.2X74GUI(66) Guildford RC (Houston/Jarvis)WBS(67) Windsor Boys School (Patel/Karatayli)  
7511:3515J15.2X114Winner of Race 37MBC(63) Molesey BC (Warren/Darlow)  
7411:3215J15.2X114Winner of Race 38Winner of Race 39  
11413:1215J15.2X Winner of Race 75Winner of Race 74  
3509:5517W.IM3.2X72WLT(70) Walton RC (Dent/Denham)TWK(71) Twickenham RC (Field/Rudenko)  
3609:5717W.IM3.2X73RDG(74) Reading RC (Radu/Wilkinson)KRC(75) Kingston Rowing Club (Brunning/Dickman)  
7211:2717W.IM3.2X112Winner of Race 35USU(72) University of Surrey (Charman/Bockelmann)  
7311:3017W.IM3.2X112SGC(73) St George's College BC (Busch/Gannon)Winner of Race 36  
11213:0717W.IM3.2X Winner of Race 72Winner of Race 73  
38817:4252W.Mas.A.NOV.2X WLT(377) Walton RC (Murfin/Gill)WLT(378) Walton RC (Welch/Brooke-Barnett)  
908:5019W.J15.2X31BUR(80) Burway RC (Ross/Brown)MBC(81) Molesey BC (Peters /Muller)  
1008:5219W.J15.2X33GUI(86) Guildford RC (Turner/Lambert Parsons)WLT(87) Walton RC (Anderson/Banks)  
1108:5519W.J15.2X34MBC(89) Molesey BC (Alexopoulos/Roper)GUI(90) Guildford RC (Davenport/Jayawickrema)  
3109:4519W.J15.2X68Winner of Race 9SGC(82) St George's College BC (Fowden/Cook)  
3209:4719W.J15.2X68GUI(83) Guildford RC (Adcock/Johnson)RDG(84) Reading RC (Pichard/Taylor)  
3309:5019W.J15.2X69CHR(85) Christchurch RC (Bark/Leach)Winner of Race 10  
3409:5219W.J15.2X69RDG(88) Reading RC (Prior/Gower)Winner of Race 11  
6811:1719W.J15.2X110Winner of Race 31Winner of Race 32  
6911:2019W.J15.2X110Winner of Race 33Winner of Race 34  
11013:0219W.J15.2X Winner of Race 68Winner of Race 69  
10812:5721Mx.Mas.B.NOV.2X WLT(97) Walton RC (Murfin/Adams)WLT(98) Walton RC (Heywood/Gill)  
10712:5522Mx.Mas.C.2X WLT(99) Walton RC (Della Casa/Jackson)WLT(100) Walton RC (Flowerdew/Penney)  
10612:5223Mx.Mas.D.NOV.2X WLT(101) Walton RC (Gillespie/Harris)WEY(102) Weybridge (McAnena/Gray)  
10112:4028Mas.EF.1X STN(122) Staines BC (Tollett =F)WLT(123) Walton RC (Everington =E)  
2409:2729J16.1X62ETX(127) Eton Excelsior RC (Cowan)BCS(128) Bournemouth Collegiate (Jones)  
6111:0029J16.1X100HIL(124) Hillingdon RC (Lorenzato)WTG(125) Wellington College (Morrison)  
6211:0229J16.1X100WLT(126) Walton RC (Pickering)Winner of Race 24  
10012:3729J16.1X Winner of Race 61Winner of Race 62  
108:3030J14.1X20WGT(129) Whitgift School BC (Haslam)CHH(130) Charterhouse BC (Markus)  
208:3230J14.1X21CRA(132) Cranmore School (Harris)RDG(133) Reading RC (Rundle)  
308:3530J14.1X22CHH(136) Charterhouse BC (Hail)WLT(137) Walton RC (Philpott)  
408:3730J14.1X23CHH(139) Charterhouse BC (Rigg Franco)GUI(140) Guildford RC (Reckord)  
2009:1730J14.1X59Winner of Race 1GUI(131) Guildford RC (Marriott)  
2109:2030J14.1X59Winner of Race 2CHH(134) Charterhouse BC (Jordan)  
2209:2230J14.1X60CHR(135) Christchurch RC (Harding Wade)Winner of Race 3  
2309:2530J14.1X60BUR(138) Burway RC (Hawkins)Winner of Race 4  
5910:5530J14.1X99Winner of Race 20Winner of Race 21  
6010:5730J14.1X99Winner of Race 22Winner of Race 23  
9912:3530J14.1X Winner of Race 59Winner of Race 60  
30514:0260W.J18.1X342RDG(420) Reading RC (Shepherd)WRC(421) Wallingford RC (Davies)  
30614:0560W.J18.1X341WEY(423) Weybridge (Feather)STN(424) Staines BC (Romp)  
30714:0760W.J18.1X341BCS(425) Bournemouth Collegiate (Young)RDG(426) Reading RC (Pooley)  
34215:3560W.J18.1X380Winner of Race 305WLT(422) Walton RC (Denham)  
34115:3260W.J18.1X380Winner of Race 306Winner of Race 307  
38017:2260W.J18.1X Winner of Race 342Winner of Race 341  
1609:0733W.J16.1X56RDG(153) Reading RC (Wootton)UTC(154) Upper Thames RC (Barter)  
5510:4533W.J16.1X96WLT(150) Walton RC (Gray)BCS(151) Bournemouth Collegiate (Culpan)  
5610:4733W.J16.1X96WEY(152) Weybridge (Bailey)Winner of Race 16  
9612:2733W.J16.1X Winner of Race 55Winner of Race 56