St Neots Regatta

Saturday 23rd July 2022

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Switch to Sunday 24 July 2022

Results for Leicester RC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse Regatta FieldVerdict
4410:51B1.Op.2X128NTN(71) Northampton RC (Woodward/Lee)YRK(72) York City RC (Bray/Bray)DNS
12815:28B1.Op.2X LER(70) Leicester RC (Andrew/Caulfield)NTN(71) Northampton RC (Woodward/Lee)4 lengths
408:39B1.W.2X32ETX(107) Eton Excelsior RC (Sadler/Wood)DBY(108) Derby RC (Payne/Patrascu)Disqualification
12215:10B1.W.2X138ETX(111) Eton Excelsior RC (Mynard/Totays)SRC(112) Sudbury RC (Bentley/Burgess)easily
3210:13B1.W.2X157DBY(108) Derby RC (Payne/Patrascu)PET(109) Peterborough City (Manganiello/Watson)5 lengths
13815:58B1.W.2X157BRX(110) Broxbourne RC (Jones/Davies)SRC(112) Sudbury RC (Bentley/Burgess)2 lengths
15716:59B1.W.2X PET(109) Peterborough City (Manganiello/Watson)SRC(112) Sudbury RC (Bentley/Burgess)easily
2109:35W.J16.2X56CSH(134) City of Sheffield RC (Hawdon)PET(135) Peterborough City (Ansell-Crook/Szubzda)easily
7512:35W.J16.2X97DBY(127) Derby RC (Rumbell/Perrin)BED(128) Bedford Rowing Club (Woolley)easily
7212:25W.J16.2X97CSH(129) City of Sheffield RC (Williams)LER(130) Leicester RC (Sandhu/Van Barthold)easily
4110:41W.J16.2X70MAV(131) Maidstone Invicta RC (Clarke/Mace)BED(132) Bedford Rowing Club (Phillips)1 3/4 lengths
5611:32W.J16.2X70SNE(133) St Neots RC (La Roche/Johnson)PET(135) Peterborough City (Ansell-Crook/Szubzda)easily
9713:47W.J16.2X112BED(128) Bedford Rowing Club (Woolley)LER(130) Leicester RC (Sandhu/Van Barthold)2 lengths
7012:19W.J16.2X112BED(132) Bedford Rowing Club (Phillips)PET(135) Peterborough City (Ansell-Crook/Szubzda)3 lengths
11214:36W.J16.2X BED(128) Bedford Rowing Club (Woolley)PET(135) Peterborough City (Ansell-Crook/Szubzda)4 1/2 lengths
4811:07J18.1X114LER(171) Leicester RC (Sherman)PET(172) Peterborough City (Hand)3/4 length
11614:48J18.1X131BED(175) Bedford Rowing Club (Tomblin)LER(176) Leicester RC (Gundle)easily
11414:42J18.1X161LER(171) Leicester RC (Sherman)BED(173) Bedford Rowing Club (Moss)DNS
13115:37J18.1X161NWK(174) Newark RC (Bowes)LER(176) Leicester RC (Gundle)2 1/4 lengths
16117:15J18.1X LER(171) Leicester RC (Sherman)NWK(174) Newark RC (Bowes)3 lengths
2809:57W.1X52DOS(190) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Barnes)LEE(191) Leeds RC (Kelly)1/4 length
1309:10W.1X46PET(198) Peterborough City (Watson)COX(199) City of Oxford RC (Cherry)DNS
5211:19W.1X85DOS(190) Doncaster Schools Rowing Association (Barnes)NOR(192) Norwich RC (Haf)5 lengths
1008:57W.1X85NTN(193) Northampton RC (Morris)BBL(194) Barnes Bridge Ladies RC (Kelly)1 1/4 lengths
2610:20W.1X58LDU(195) Leeds University (Dickerson)CSH(196) City of Sheffield RC (Webb)DNS
4610:57W.1X58SNE(197) St Neots RC (Zwetsloot)PET(198) Peterborough City (Watson)5 1/2 lengths
8513:10W.1X105NOR(192) Norwich RC (Haf)NTN(193) Northampton RC (Morris)4 lengths
5811:38W.1X105CSH(196) City of Sheffield RC (Webb)PET(198) Peterborough City (Watson)1/2 length
10514:15W.1X NOR(192) Norwich RC (Haf)PET(198) Peterborough City (Watson)2/3 length
14316:17W.J17.1X166NWK(204) Newark RC (Jarvis)LER(205) Leicester RC (Stewart)1 1/2 lengths
14516:23W.J17.1X166NWK(206) Newark RC (Joyce)ETX(207) Eton Excelsior RC (Terizakis)easily
16617:30W.J17.1X NWK(204) Newark RC (Jarvis)NWK(206) Newark RC (Joyce)Row Over