Maidenhead Regatta

Saturday 5th August 2023

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Click here to view the Draw for Thames RC.

Results for Thames RC

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Bucks BerksTimeVerdict
5010:18Mas.FG.4-70WBK(4) Walbrook RC (Cooke =E)TRC(5) Thames RC (Powell =F)1:583 lengths
7011:09Mas.FG.4- GUI(3) Guildford RC (Coldrick =F)TRC(5) Thames RC (Powell =F)1:591 1/2 lengths
14316:49Mas.FG.4X160TRC(141) Thames RC (Powell =G)MHD(142) Maidenhead RC (Steel =G)NTT1/2 length
16017:34Mas.FG.4X GOG(140) Goring Gap RC (Peacock =F)MHD(142) Maidenhead RC (Steel =G)2:34easily
8011:21Mas.H.2X MAR(40) Marlow RC (Hill/Buckeridge)TRC(41) Thames RC (Roberts/Mew)2:133 lengths
2509:21Mas.GH.1X55TRC(102) P Mew =H (Thames RC)MBC(103) D Jillings =G (Molesey BC)2:131 1/4 lengths
5510:30Mas.GH.1X MAR(101) D Duckworth =G (Marlow RC)TRC(102) P Mew =H (Thames RC)2:254.4 lengths