Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 6th May 2017

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
108:20W.J15.4X+45BGS(300) Bedford Girls School (Simester)BMS(301) Bedford Modern School (Wharton)NTT4 lengths
208:22Open.2.8+80UWK(20) Warwick University (Dawson)RAD(21) Radley College Boat Club (B)NTT1 1/2 lengths
308:24W.J15.4X+64OUN(306) Oundle School BC (Broadbent)BGS(307) Bedford Girls School (Mahoney)NTTeasily
508:28W.J18.4X52PHS(238) Putney High School RCGMS(239) Great Marlow SchoolNTTRow Over
1008:39J15.A.4X+97BMS(246) Bedford Modern School (Cook)OUN(247) Oundle School BCNTTRow Over
1108:42J14.A.8X62MOS(114) Mossbourne Rowing AcademyBDS(115) Bedford School (A)4:07easily
1208:45J14.A.8X78SPS(122) St Paul's School (A)WBS(123) Windsor Boys SchoolNTT3 feet
1308:47Open.2.8+77UWK(10) Warwick University (Abercrombie)RAD(11) Radley College Boat Club (E)NTTDisqualification
1408:49Open.2.8+83ZEZ(13) South African SchoolsUCO(14) University College, OxfordNTTeasily
408:50W.J15.4X+47NSC(309) Norwich School (Peachment)BMS(310) Bedford Modern School (McWilliams)NTTeasily
1508:52J15.1st.8+128BDS(62) Bedford SchoolABS(63) Abingdon SchoolNTT1 3/4 lengths
1608:54J14.C.4X+82SPS(283) St Paul's School (Coughlan)WBS(284) Windsor Boys School (Asquith-Evans)4:572 lengths
1808:58J14.C.4X+87WBS(292) Windsor Boys School (Lara-Akhtar)HAM(293) Hampton School (Bezzant)4:512/3 length
3308:59J14.C.8X130HAM(140) Hampton School (Haji)BDS(141) Bedford School (D)5:371 1/2 lengths
1909:00J14.B.4X+88SWB(273) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Gladstone)HAM(274) Hampton School (Walter)NTTeasily
2109:05J14.A.4X+94BMS(271) Bedford Modern SchoolKGS(272) Kingston Grammar School (Agbaba)4:425 lengths
2309:09J15.A.4X+100WBS(255) Windsor Boys School (Viotto)MOS(256) Mossbourne Rowing Academy4:21easily
2409:11W.4+101CHE(196) Cheltenham College (Corbett)BGS(197) Bedford Girls School (Greene)5:053 lengths
2509:13W.4+107PHS(202) Putney High School RC (Butterworth)UWK(203) Warwick University (Turner)5:33Row Over
2609:15W.4+108CHE(205) Cheltenham College (McLaren)LEA(206) Lea Rowing Club (Saunders)4:431 1/4 lengths
2809:20Open.2.8+91COR(17) Corpus Christi CollegeEMM(18) Emmanuel College3:441 length
3109:26J14.A.4X+93SWB(268) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Jackson)WBS(269) Windsor Boys School (King)4:304 1/2 lengths
3209:29J14.C.8X123ABS(132) Abingdon School (C)RAD(133) Radley College Boat Club (D)4:381 3/4 lengths
3409:34J16.4+163RAD(172) Radley College Boat Club (D)BMS(173) Bedford Modern School (Harding)5:27Row Over
2009:35J14.B.4X+102WBS(281) Windsor Boys School (Fearnley)NSC(282) Norwich School (Baker)4:552 lengths
3609:39J15.1st.8+147SPS(59) St Paul's SchoolSHR(60) Royal Shrewsbury School3:451/2 length
3709:41J15.1st.8+138RAD(66) Radley College Boat ClubHAM(67) Hampton School3:401 length
3809:43J15.1st.8+145SHP(68) Shiplake CollegeWIN(69) Winchester College BC4:392 lengths
3909:45NOV.B.8+149PEM(42) Pembroke College, CambridgeBDS(43) Bedford School (Lyon)3:473/4 length
4009:47NOV.B.8+156BDS(45) Bedford School (Broens)BMS(46) Bedford Modern School (Szeto)4:052 1/2 lengths
4109:50Open.1.8+152SHP(8) Shiplake College (Holbrough)ABS(9) Abingdon School (A)3:311 3/4 lengths
1709:51J14.C.4X+86NSC(289) Norwich School (Brown)SWB(290) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Visintin)5:034 lengths
4209:52W.J14.4X+153SWB(311) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolKGS(312) Kingston Grammar School (Halliwell)5:075 lengths
4309:54NOV.B.8+150NSC(36) Norwich SchoolBDS(37) Bedford School (Whitcombe)4:001/2 length
4509:58W.J15.4X+157BGS(300) Bedford Girls School (Simester)SWB(302) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Watkins)4:515 lengths
4610:00W.J15.4X+157MOS(303) Mossbourne Rowing AcademyOUN(304) Oundle School BC (Neame)4:57easily
610:00J14.A.4X+90HAM(262) Hampton School (Patient)WIN(263) Winchester College BC4:321 1/4 lengths
4710:03W.J15.4X+170SWB(308) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Reike)BMS(310) Bedford Modern School (McWilliams)4:523 lengths
4810:05W.J18.4X158BMS(231) Bedford Modern SchoolOUN(232) Oundle School BC4:262 1/2 lengths
4910:07W.J18.4X158SHP(233) Shiplake CollegeNSC(234) Norwich School4:285 lengths
5010:09J15.1st.8+145SWB(70) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolKGS(71) Kingston Grammar School4:08easily
5110:11W.J18.4X160EMA(235) Emanuel SchoolSTA(236) Star Club4:54Row Over
5210:13W.J18.4X160KSE(237) King's School Ely BCGMS(239) Great Marlow School4:172 1/2 lengths
5310:16J18.4X161OUN(221) Oundle School BCKSE(222) King's School Ely BCNTTRow Over
5410:18J18.4X162BMS(225) Bedford Modern SchoolBDS(226) Bedford School (A)4:041 1/2 lengths
5510:20J16.4+163KGS(170) Kingston Grammar School (Schomberg)NSC(171) Norwich School4:073 1/2 lengths
5610:22J16.4+164CHE(175) Cheltenham CollegeRAD(176) Radley College Boat Club (B)4:123/4 length
5710:24J16.4+164KGS(177) Kingston Grammar School (Mahnke)BMS(178) Bedford Modern School (Wilde)4:28easily
5810:27W.J14.8X178BGS(142) Bedford Girls School (Dempsey)KGS(143) Kingston Grammar School4:444 lengths
5910:29J16.8+172RAD(57) Radley College Boat Club (C)ZEZ(58) South African Schools3:51easily
6010:32W.J14.8X165SWB(145) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolMOS(146) Mossbourne Rowing Academy4:522 lengths
6110:40W.J14.8X165BMS(147) Bedford Modern SchoolBGS(148) Bedford Girls School (Ecart)4:474 lengths
2210:41J15.A.4X+84GMS(252) Great Marlow SchoolNSC(253) Norwich School (A)4:202 1/4 lengths
6210:43J14.A.8X175BDS(115) Bedford School (A)HAM(116) Hampton School (Lyon)3:402 1/2 lengths
6410:48W.J15.4X+170NSC(305) Norwich School (Coventry)BGS(307) Bedford Girls School (Mahoney)4:532 1/2 lengths
6510:50COL.8+166SCO(24) St Catherine's CollegePEM(25) Pembroke College, Cambridge3:37easily
6610:52COL.8+181CHB(26) Christ ChurchCOR(27) Corpus Christi College3:402 1/2 lengths
6710:54COL.8+181ORO(29) Oriel CollegeEMM(30) Emmanuel College3:372 1/2 lengths
6810:56W.NOV.8+146UWK(108) Warwick University (Yates)KGS(109) Kingston Grammar SchoolNTTRow Over
7011:01W.J18.4+167CHE(207) Cheltenham CollegeBGS(208) Bedford Girls School (McDonagh)4:481 1/4 lengths
7111:03W.COL.8+169JEC(99) Jesus College, Cambridge (W1)PEM(100) Pembroke College, Cambridge (W1)4:393 1/2 lengths
7211:05W.COL.8+169EMM(102) Emmanuel CollegeGTM(105) Green Templeton BC4:062 lengths
7311:07W.COL.8+171NEC(103) New CollegeUCO(104) University College, Oxford4:251/2 length
7411:09W.COL.8+171JEC(106) Jesus College, Cambridge (W2)PEM(107) Pembroke College, Cambridge (W2)NTTRow Over
7511:12J14.A.8X175KGS(117) Kingston Grammar SchoolRAD(118) Radley College Boat Club (A)4:09easily
7611:15J14.A.8X177BMS(119) Bedford Modern School (Carr)ABS(120) Abingdon School (A)4:08easily
7711:18Open.2.8+185RAD(11) Radley College Boat Club (E)NSC(12) Norwich School3:494 1/2 lengths
7811:21J14.A.8X177NSC(121) Norwich School (Red)SPS(122) St Paul's School (A)4:051 1/4 lengths
7911:23W.J18.4+168GMS(211) Great Marlow SchoolBGS(212) Bedford Girls School (Greene)4:42easily
8011:25Open.2.8+179LOT(19) London Otters RCRAD(21) Radley College Boat Club (B)3:56easily
8111:27W.4X+182BGS(298) Bedford Girls School (Knight)NSC(299) Norwich School (Clements)4:381 1/4 lengths
8211:29J14.C.4X+184SPS(283) St Paul's School (Coughlan)HAM(285) Hampton School (Murray)4:453 lengths
8311:31Open.2.8+185UCO(14) University College, OxfordSHP(15) Shiplake College (Green)4:171 1/4 lengths
8411:39J15.A.4X+197SPS(251) St Paul's SchoolGMS(252) Great Marlow SchoolNTTRow Over
8511:41J14.C.4X+184BDS(286) Bedford School (C)HAM(287) Hampton School (Holland)4:465 lengths
8611:43J14.C.4X+176WBS(288) Windsor Boys School (Finnis)SWB(290) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Visintin)4:453 1/2 lengths
4411:44W.J14.4X+154KSE(315) King's School Ely BCBMS(316) Bedford Modern School5:404 lengths
8711:45J14.C.4X+176SPS(291) St Paul's School (Firoozye)WBS(292) Windsor Boys School (Lara-Akhtar)4:443 lengths
8911:49J14.B.4X+187KGS(278) Kingston Grammar School (Ant)HAM(279) Hampton School (Beaker)4:35easily
9111:54Open.2.8+179CAM(16) City of Cambridge (Ware)EMM(18) Emmanuel College3:532 1/4 lengths
9211:56J14.A.4X+190NSC(265) Norwich School (Parsons)GMS(266) Great Marlow School (McMahon-Tynan)4:283 lengths
9311:58J14.A.4X+191SPS(267) St Paul's School (A)SWB(268) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Jackson)5:38easily
8812:00J14.B.4X+186HAM(274) Hampton School (Walter)NSC(275) Norwich School (Hockley)4:37easily
9412:00J14.A.4X+191HAM(270) Hampton School (Breadmore)KGS(272) Kingston Grammar School (Agbaba)4:283 lengths
9512:02W.J16.4X208BMS(240) Bedford Modern SchoolSWB(241) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Rolfe)4:382 3/4 lengths
9612:05W.J16.4X219OUN(244) Oundle School BCKSE(245) King's School Ely BCNTTRow Over
9712:07J15.A.4X+196OUN(247) Oundle School BCHAM(248) Hampton School (Trevor)4:144 1/2 lengths
9812:09J15.A.4X+196RAD(249) Radley College Boat ClubSTA(250) Star Club4:33easily
9912:11J15.B.4+201CHE(190) Cheltenham College (Stevens)HAM(191) Hampton School (Mason)4:393 lengths
10012:13J15.A.4X+197SWB(254) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolWBS(255) Windsor Boys School (Viotto)4:041 length
10112:15W.4+210BGS(197) Bedford Girls School (Greene)LEA(198) Lea Rowing Club (Constable)NTTRow Over
10212:18J14.B.4X+187GMS(280) Great Marlow School (Kelly)NSC(282) Norwich School (Baker)NTTRow Over
10312:20J15.A.4+205HAM(183) Hampton School (Emerson)NSC(184) Norwich School4:13easily
10412:22W.4X+183NSC(294) Norwich School (Apergi)BGS(295) Bedford Girls School (Pillai)4:553 1/2 lengths
10512:24W.4+210UWK(199) Warwick University (Crook)PHS(200) Putney High School RC (Zedda James)NTTRow Over
10612:26J14.B.4X+186SPS(276) St Paul's School (B)BDS(277) Bedford School (B)4:454 lengths
10712:28W.4+204CHE(201) Cheltenham College (Kemp)UWK(203) Warwick University (Turner)4:505 lengths
10812:31W.4+204BGS(204) Bedford Girls School (Hudson)LEA(206) Lea Rowing Club (Saunders)4:421 length
9012:32J14.A.4X+190HAM(262) Hampton School (Patient)BDS(264) Bedford School (A)4:252 1/2 lengths
10912:38J15.B.4+201KCH(188) Kings School Chester RCSPS(189) St Paul's School (Ahmad)4:304 lengths
11012:40J15.B.4+173WIN(192) Winchester College BC (B)KGS(193) Kingston Grammar School (Stroud)4:382 lengths
11112:42J15.B.4+173SPS(194) St Paul's School (Earle)HAM(195) Hampton School (Green)NTTRow Over
11212:44J15.A.4+202SPS(179) St Paul's School (Langstone-Bolt)CHE(180) Cheltenham College (Taylor-Kimmins)NTTRow Over
11312:46J15.B.4X+195BMS(260) Bedford Modern School (Hogben)WBS(261) Windsor Boys School (Potts)NTTeasily
11412:49J15.A.4+205SWB(186) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolKGS(187) Kingston Grammar School (Finn Farrer)4:43Not Rowed Out
11512:51Open.3.4+200BED(168) Bedford Rowing ClubSTA(169) Star Club (Gowing)4:245 lengths
11612:53Open.2.4+189LOT(159) London Otters RC (Li Kim Khiook)RAD(160) Radley College Boat Club4:19easily
11712:55Open.2.4+227KGS(163) Kingston Grammar School (Reed)LEA(164) Lea Rowing Club (van Leuven)4:15easily
11812:57Open.1.4+198UWK(149) Warwick University (A)BDS(150) Bedford School (Liggins)6:31easily
11912:59Open.1.4+198KGS(152) Kingston Grammar School (Spurling)NSC(154) Norwich SchoolNTT3 lengths
12013:02Open.1.4+207UWK(155) Warwick University (B)BDS(156) Bedford School (Sivills)4:41Not Rowed Out
12113:04J15.2nd.8+224RAD(75) Radley College Boat ClubSPS(76) St Paul's School4:012 1/2 lengths
12213:06Open.1.4+207BMS(157) Bedford Modern SchoolLEA(158) Lea Rowing Club (Larkin)4:251 1/2 lengths
12313:09J14.C.8X212RAD(133) Radley College Boat Club (D)HAM(134) Hampton School (Holland)4:43a canvas
12513:14J14.C.8X212SPS(135) St Paul's School (C)RAD(136) Radley College Boat Club (C)4:354 lengths
12613:16J15.2nd.8+224KCH(77) Kings School Chester RCBDS(78) Bedford School4:011/3 length
12713:18J15.A.4+202GMS(181) Great Marlow SchoolWIN(185) Winchester College BC (A)4:04easily
12813:21J15.1st.8+203BDS(62) Bedford SchoolCHE(64) Cheltenham College3:511 3/4 lengths
12913:24J14.C.8X213BDS(137) Bedford School (C)ABS(138) Abingdon School (D)4:213 lengths
13013:27J14.C.8X213RAD(139) Radley College Boat Club (E)BDS(141) Bedford School (D)NTTeasily
13113:29W.ELI.2.8+221PEM(94) Pembroke College, CambridgeZEZ(95) South African Schools (Buckle)4:212 1/2 lengths
13213:32J14.B.8X215BMS(124) Bedford Modern School (Roberts)HAM(125) Hampton School (Van't Hoff)4:12easily
13313:40J14.B.8X215ABS(126) Abingdon School (B)RAD(127) Radley College Boat Club (B)3:171/2 length
13413:42NOV.B.8+252RAD(39) Radley College Boat ClubABS(40) Abingdon School (J15 B)3:151 1/4 lengths
13513:45J14.B.8X216SPS(128) St Paul's School (B)NSC(129) Norwich School (Blue)4:325 lengths
13613:48J14.B.8X216BDS(130) Bedford School (B)HAM(131) Hampton School (Bezzant)4:181/2 length
13713:50W.ELI.2.8+220JEC(98) Jesus College, Cambridge (W1)NEC(91) New College4:152 1/2 lengths
12413:51J15.2nd.8+226HAM(72) Hampton SchoolNSC(73) Norwich School3:493/4 length
13813:52J15.1st.8+211NSC(65) Norwich SchoolHAM(67) Hampton School3:411/2 length
13913:54W.ELI.2.8+220FSC(92) Furnivall SC (B)EMM(93) Emmanuel College4:18easily
14013:57W.ELI.2.8+221KRC(96) Kingston Rowing ClubUCO(97) University College, Oxford4:201 length
14113:59W.ELI.1.8+234FSC(83) Furnivall SC (A)GMS(84) Great Marlow School4:121 length
6914:00W.NOV.8+188LEA(112) Lea Rowing ClubUWK(113) Warwick University (Hickling)4:291 length
14214:01Open.1.8+237RAD(1) Radley College Boat Club (A)ABS(2) Abingdon School (B)3:321 foot
14314:03W.ELI.1.8+222CAM(86) City of CambridgeKGS(87) Kingston Grammar School4:173 1/2 lengths
14414:05Open.1.8+232CAM(5) City of Cambridge (Lawlor-Anderson)BMS(6) Bedford Modern School3:411 length
14514:07J15.1st.8+211SHP(68) Shiplake CollegeKGS(71) Kingston Grammar School3:593 1/2 lengths
14614:10W.NOV.8+241KGS(109) Kingston Grammar SchoolPEM(110) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:321/3 length
14714:12J15.1st.8+203SPS(59) St Paul's SchoolKCH(61) Kings School Chester RCNTTDisqualification
14814:14W.ELI.1.8+222EMA(88) Emanuel SchoolZEZ(89) South African Schools (Ritson)4:163 feet
14914:16NOV.B.8+236BDS(41) Bedford School (Bhamra)PEM(42) Pembroke College, Cambridge3:442 1/2 lengths
15014:18NOV.B.8+252NSC(36) Norwich SchoolBMS(38) Bedford Modern School (Wilde)3:551.00 lengths
15114:20Open.1.8+237SPS(3) St Paul's SchoolORO(4) Oriel College3:322 1/2 lengths
15214:23Open.1.8+232CHB(7) Christ ChurchABS(9) Abingdon School (A)3:281 1/4 lengths
15314:25W.J14.4X+229KGS(312) Kingston Grammar School (Halliwell)NSC(313) Norwich School5:015 lengths
15414:27W.J14.4X+229KGS(314) Kingston Grammar School (Rabheru)BMS(316) Bedford Modern School5:451 1/4 lengths
15514:29NOV.A.8+238RAD(34) Radley College Boat ClubSPS(35) St Paul's School3:455.00 lengths
15614:31NOV.B.8+236ABS(44) Abingdon School (J15 A)BMS(46) Bedford Modern School (Szeto)3:533 1/2 lengths
15714:38W.J15.4X+230BGS(300) Bedford Girls School (Simester)MOS(303) Mossbourne Rowing Academy4:401 1/4 lengths
15814:41W.J18.4X231BMS(231) Bedford Modern SchoolSHP(233) Shiplake College4:123.00 lengths
15914:43J16.8+258SHP(54) Shiplake CollegeRAD(55) Radley College Boat Club (A)3:571 1/4 lengths
16114:47J18.4X233OUN(221) Oundle School BCBDS(223) Bedford School (B)3:22Easily
16214:49J18.4X233SPS(224) St Paul's SchoolBDS(226) Bedford School (A)3:561 1/2 lengths
16314:51J16.4+235NSC(171) Norwich SchoolRAD(172) Radley College Boat Club (D)4:27Easily
16414:54J16.4+235CHE(175) Cheltenham CollegeBMS(178) Bedford Modern School (Wilde)4:102.00 lengths
16614:59COL.8+240SCO(24) St Catherine's CollegeUCO(28) University College, Oxford3:372.00 lengths
16715:01W.J18.4+242BGS(208) Bedford Girls School (McDonagh)KGS(209) Kingston Grammar School4:341 1/4 lengths
16815:03W.J18.4+242PHS(210) Putney High School RCGMS(211) Great Marlow School4:301/2 length
16015:04W.J18.4X231STA(236) Star ClubGMS(239) Great Marlow School4:202.00 lengths
16915:05W.COL.8+243JEC(99) Jesus College, Cambridge (W1)GTM(105) Green Templeton BC4:042 1/2 lengths
17015:07W.J15.4X+230NSC(305) Norwich School (Coventry)BMS(310) Bedford Modern School (McWilliams)4:441 3/4 lengths
17115:10W.COL.8+243UCO(104) University College, OxfordPEM(107) Pembroke College, Cambridge (W2)4:281 1/2 lengths
17215:12J16.8+258BDS(56) Bedford SchoolZEZ(58) South African Schools3:391 3/4 lengths
17315:14J15.B.4+260WIN(192) Winchester College BC (B)HAM(195) Hampton School (Green)4:303 1/2 lengths
17415:16W.J16.4+256KGS(215) Kingston Grammar SchoolCHE(216) Cheltenham College4:443/4 length
17515:19J14.A.8X244HAM(116) Hampton School (Lyon)RAD(118) Radley College Boat Club (A)3:561/2 length
16515:20W.J14.8X239MOS(146) Mossbourne Rowing AcademyBMS(147) Bedford Modern School4:35Easily
17615:21J14.C.4X+247WBS(288) Windsor Boys School (Finnis)SPS(291) St Paul's School (Firoozye)4:371/2 length
17715:24J14.A.8X244ABS(120) Abingdon School (A)SPS(122) St Paul's School (A)3:551.00 lengths
17815:27W.J14.8X239BGS(142) Bedford Girls School (Dempsey)GMS(144) Great Marlow School4:422 feet
17915:29Open.2.8+245EMM(18) Emmanuel CollegeRAD(21) Radley College Boat Club (B)3:321.00 lengths
18015:32W.J15.4+255CHE(219) Cheltenham CollegeKGS(220) Kingston Grammar School (Kinzler)4:43easily
18115:39COL.8+240CHB(26) Christ ChurchORO(29) Oriel College3:142 1/2 lengths
18215:41W.4X+246SHP(297) Shiplake CollegeBGS(298) Bedford Girls School (Knight)4:392.00 lengths
18315:43W.4X+246BGS(295) Bedford Girls School (Pillai)NSC(296) Norwich School (Coventry)4:432 lengths
18415:45J14.C.4X+247HAM(285) Hampton School (Murray)BDS(286) Bedford School (C)4:383.00 lengths
18515:47Open.2.8+245NSC(12) Norwich SchoolSHP(15) Shiplake College (Green)3:452.00 lengths
18615:50J14.B.4X+248HAM(274) Hampton School (Walter)BDS(277) Bedford School (B)4:313/4 length
18715:52J14.B.4X+248HAM(279) Hampton School (Beaker)NSC(282) Norwich School (Baker)4:284.00 lengths
18815:54W.NOV.8+241SWB(111) Sir William Borlase's Grammar SchoolUWK(113) Warwick University (Hickling)4:41Row Over/o
18915:56Open.2.4+263RAD(160) Radley College Boat ClubABS(161) Abingdon School4:112.00 lengths
19015:58J14.A.4X+249BDS(264) Bedford School (A)GMS(266) Great Marlow School (McMahon-Tynan)4:201 1/4 lengths
19116:00J14.A.4X+249SWB(268) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Jackson)HAM(270) Hampton School (Breadmore)4:262.00 lengths
19216:03W.J16.4+256PHS(213) Putney High School RCEMA(214) Emanuel School4:361/3 length
19316:05J16.4X251STA(227) Star ClubWBS(228) Windsor Boys School (Mulligan)3:58Easily
19416:07J16.4X251KSE(229) King's School Ely BCWBS(230) Windsor Boys School (Tebbit)NTTRow Over
19516:09J15.B.4X+253HAM(259) Hampton School (Santiano)WBS(261) Windsor Boys School (Potts)4:40Row Over/o
19616:11J15.A.4X+254HAM(248) Hampton School (Trevor)STA(250) Star Club4:214.00 lengths
19816:16Open.1.4+264BDS(150) Bedford School (Liggins)KGS(152) Kingston Grammar School (Spurling)4:002 1/2 lengths
19916:18W.J15.4+255GMS(217) Great Marlow SchoolKGS(218) Kingston Grammar School (Garbett)4:57Easily
23516:20J16.4+ NSC(171) Norwich SchoolBMS(178) Bedford Modern School (Wilde)4:013 1/2 lengths
20016:20Open.3.4+262LOT(167) London Otters RC (Himpe)STA(169) Star Club (Gowing)4:26Easily
20116:22J15.B.4+260SPS(189) St Paul's School (Ahmad)CHE(190) Cheltenham College (Stevens)4:272 1/2 lengths
20216:24J15.A.4+261CHE(180) Cheltenham College (Taylor-Kimmins)WIN(185) Winchester College BC (A)4:101.00 lengths
20316:26J15.1st.8+271KCH(61) Kings School Chester RCBDS(62) Bedford School3:481 1/4 lengths
20416:29W.4+257CHE(201) Cheltenham College (Kemp)BGS(204) Bedford Girls School (Hudson)4:341 1/4 lengths
20516:31J15.A.4+261NSC(184) Norwich SchoolSWB(186) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School4:133.00 lengths
20616:38Open.3.4+262CHE(165) Cheltenham CollegeSTA(166) Star Club (Sharp)4:092 1/2 lengths
20716:40Open.1.4+264BDS(156) Bedford School (Sivills)BMS(157) Bedford Modern School3:541 1/4 lengths
20816:42W.J16.4X250BMS(240) Bedford Modern SchoolPHS(242) Putney High School RC4:372.00 lengths
20916:44J15.B.4X+253NSC(257) Norwich School (B)WBS(258) Windsor Boys School (Stephenson)4:19Easily
21016:47W.4+257LEA(198) Lea Rowing Club (Constable)UWK(199) Warwick University (Crook)4:423 1/2 lengths
21116:49J15.1st.8+271HAM(67) Hampton SchoolSHP(68) Shiplake College3:403/4 length
21216:52J14.C.8X265RAD(133) Radley College Boat Club (D)RAD(136) Radley College Boat Club (C)4:322.00 lengths
21316:55J14.C.8X265BDS(137) Bedford School (C)BDS(141) Bedford School (D)4:403 1/2 lengths
21416:57J18.2nd.8+272RAD(52) Radley College Boat ClubSHP(53) Shiplake College3:331 3/4 lengths
21517:00J14.B.8X266HAM(125) Hampton School (Van't Hoff)RAD(127) Radley College Boat Club (B)4:091/2 length
21617:03J14.B.8X266SPS(128) St Paul's School (B)BDS(130) Bedford School (B)4:183 1/2 lengths
21717:05J15.3rd.8+269BDS(81) Bedford SchoolHAM(82) Hampton School (C)4:054 1/2 lengths
21817:07J18.2nd.8+272SPS(50) St Paul's SchoolABS(51) Abingdon School3:361/2 length
21917:09W.J16.4X250SWB(243) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Helin)OUN(244) Oundle School BC4:35Easily
19717:10J15.A.4X+254GMS(252) Great Marlow SchoolSWB(254) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School4:193.00 lengths
22917:11W.J14.4X+ NSC(313) Norwich SchoolBMS(316) Bedford Modern School4:58Easily
22017:12W.ELI.2.8+267JEC(98) Jesus College, Cambridge (W1)EMM(93) Emmanuel College4:101/2 length
22117:14W.ELI.2.8+267ZEZ(95) South African Schools (Buckle)KRC(96) Kingston Rowing Club4:084.00 lengths
22217:16W.ELI.1.8+268KGS(87) Kingston Grammar SchoolEMA(88) Emanuel School4:112 1/2 lengths
22317:18J15.3rd.8+269ABS(79) Abingdon SchoolHAM(80) Hampton School (D)4:153 1/2 lengths
22417:20J15.2nd.8+270SPS(76) St Paul's SchoolKCH(77) Kings School Chester RC3:551 1/2 lengths
22517:22J18.1st.8+259BDS(48) Bedford SchoolWIN(49) Winchester College BC3:273/4 length
22617:25J15.2nd.8+270NSC(73) Norwich SchoolABS(74) Abingdon School3:572 1/2 lengths
22717:27Open.2.4+263LOT(162) London Otters RC (Askew)LEA(164) Lea Rowing Club (van Leuven)4:15Easily
22817:29NOV.A.8+274SHR(31) Royal Shrewsbury SchoolBDS(32) Bedford School3:412.00 lengths
23017:39W.J15.4X+ BGS(300) Bedford Girls School (Simester)BMS(310) Bedford Modern School (McWilliams)4:361 1/2 lengths
23117:41W.J18.4X SHP(233) Shiplake CollegeGMS(239) Great Marlow School4:112.00 lengths
23217:43Open.1.8+275BMS(6) Bedford Modern SchoolABS(9) Abingdon School (A)3:332 lengths
23317:45J18.4X OUN(221) Oundle School BCBDS(226) Bedford School (A)3:47Easily
23617:52NOV.B.8+273PEM(42) Pembroke College, CambridgeABS(44) Abingdon School (J15 A)NTT3 lengths
23717:54Open.1.8+275ABS(2) Abingdon School (B)ORO(4) Oriel College3:372 lengths
23817:56NOV.A.8+274SHP(33) Shiplake CollegeRAD(34) Radley College Boat ClubNTT3 lengths
23917:59W.J14.8X BGS(142) Bedford Girls School (Dempsey)BMS(147) Bedford Modern School4:324 lengths
24118:04W.NOV.8+ PEM(110) Pembroke College, CambridgeSWB(111) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School4:26easily
24218:06W.J18.4+ BGS(208) Bedford Girls School (McDonagh)PHS(210) Putney High School RC4:274 lengths
24318:09W.COL.8+ GTM(105) Green Templeton BCUCO(104) University College, Oxford4:084 lengths
24418:12J14.A.8X HAM(116) Hampton School (Lyon)SPS(122) St Paul's School (A)3:531/2 length
24518:14Open.2.8+ SHP(15) Shiplake College (Green)RAD(21) Radley College Boat Club (B)3:352 1/2 lengths
23418:15W.ELI.1.8+268GMS(84) Great Marlow SchoolLEA(85) Lea Rowing Club4:172 1/2 lengths
24618:16W.4X+ NSC(296) Norwich School (Coventry)SHP(297) Shiplake College4:38easily
24718:19J14.C.4X+ BDS(286) Bedford School (C)SPS(291) St Paul's School (Firoozye)4:40easily
24018:20COL.8+ SCO(24) St Catherine's CollegeORO(29) Oriel College3:292 lengths
24818:21J14.B.4X+ BDS(277) Bedford School (B)HAM(279) Hampton School (Beaker)4:294 lengths
24918:23J14.A.4X+ BDS(264) Bedford School (A)SWB(268) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Jackson)4:181/2 length
25018:26W.J16.4X BMS(240) Bedford Modern SchoolOUN(244) Oundle School BC4:331/2 length
25118:28J16.4X STA(227) Star ClubWBS(230) Windsor Boys School (Tebbit)3:461 1/2 lengths
25218:30NOV.B.8+273BMS(38) Bedford Modern School (Wilde)ABS(40) Abingdon School (J15 B)3:573 1/2 lengths
25318:36J15.B.4X+ WBS(258) Windsor Boys School (Stephenson)WBS(261) Windsor Boys School (Potts)4:042 lengths
25418:38J15.A.4X+ HAM(248) Hampton School (Trevor)SWB(254) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School4:033 1/2 lengths
25518:40W.J15.4+ GMS(217) Great Marlow SchoolKGS(220) Kingston Grammar School (Kinzler)4:392 1/2 lengths
25618:43W.J16.4+ PHS(213) Putney High School RCCHE(216) Cheltenham College4:383 lengths
25718:45W.4+ UWK(199) Warwick University (Crook)BGS(204) Bedford Girls School (Hudson)4:301 length
25818:47J16.8+ RAD(55) Radley College Boat Club (A)BDS(56) Bedford School3:314 lengths
26418:50Open.1.4+ BDS(150) Bedford School (Liggins)BDS(156) Bedford School (Sivills)4:001 1/2 lengths
26018:52J15.B.4+ CHE(190) Cheltenham College (Stevens)HAM(195) Hampton School (Green)4:23a canvas
26118:54J15.A.4+ WIN(185) Winchester College BC (A)NSC(184) Norwich School4:022 1/2 lengths
26218:57Open.3.4+ STA(166) Star Club (Sharp)STA(169) Star Club (Gowing)4:073/4 length
26318:59Open.2.4+ RAD(160) Radley College Boat ClubLEA(164) Lea Rowing Club (van Leuven)4:043 1/2 lengths
25919:01J18.1st.8+ ABS(47) Abingdon SchoolBDS(48) Bedford School3:221/2 length
26519:06J14.C.8X RAD(136) Radley College Boat Club (C)BDS(137) Bedford School (C)4:134 lengths
26619:09J14.B.8X HAM(125) Hampton School (Van't Hoff)BDS(130) Bedford School (B)4:112 1/2 lengths
26719:12W.ELI.2.8+ JEC(98) Jesus College, Cambridge (W1)ZEZ(95) South African Schools (Buckle)NTTRow Over
26819:14W.ELI.1.8+ GMS(84) Great Marlow SchoolEMA(88) Emanuel School4:091/2 length
26919:16J15.3rd.8+ HAM(80) Hampton School (D)HAM(82) Hampton School (C)4:043 lengths
27019:19J15.2nd.8+ NSC(73) Norwich SchoolSPS(76) St Paul's School3:491 1/4 lengths
27119:21J15.1st.8+ BDS(62) Bedford SchoolHAM(67) Hampton School3:402 lengths
27219:23J18.2nd.8+ ABS(51) Abingdon SchoolSHP(53) Shiplake CollegeNTT2 1/2 lengths
27319:26NOV.B.8+ BMS(38) Bedford Modern School (Wilde)PEM(42) Pembroke College, Cambridge3:41easily
27419:28NOV.A.8+ BDS(32) Bedford SchoolRAD(34) Radley College Boat Club3:373/4 length
27519:30Open.1.8+ ORO(4) Oriel CollegeABS(9) Abingdon School (A)3:251 foot