Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 11th May 2024

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
108:30J15.4X+20NSC(264) Norwich SchoolWBS(265) Windsor Boys School (Manwaring)4:01easily
208:32W.J15.4X+17PAN(289) Pangbourne College BCBMS(290) Bedford Modern School (Batchelor)NTTDNS
308:34W.4X+101NSC(281) Norwich School (Stuart)BGS(282) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)4:235 lengths
408:36J15.4X+20BMS(266) Bedford Modern School (Troyano-Gordon)WBS(267) Windsor Boys School (Melville)3:52easily
508:39W.8+102PMB(114) Pembroke College, Oxford (Wilkinson)LEA(115) Lea Rowing Club4:361/2 length
608:41J15.4X+108WBS(262) Windsor Boys School (Sansom)BMS(263) Bedford Modern School (Lippert)3:50a canvas
708:43J15.4X+108BDS(260) Bedford SchoolGMS(261) Great Marlow School4:252 lengths
808:45W.J15.4X+24NSC(283) Norwich School (Fletcher)BGS(284) Bedford Girls School (Horn)5:25easily
908:48B4.Op.8+36SHG(30) St Hugh's CollegeABS(31) Abingdon School (Costello)3:52easily
1108:52J16.4+87PAN(200) Pangbourne College BCABS(201) Abingdon School (Millbourn)3:58easily
1208:54J16.4+86NSC(204) Norwich SchoolBMS(205) Bedford Modern SchoolNTT1 length
1308:57J16.4+86ABS(206) Abingdon School (Lethaby)BDS(207) Bedford School (Deardon)3:561 1/2 lengths
1408:59J15.1st.4+160NSC(208) Norwich School (Davies)PAN(209) Pangbourne College BC4:17easily
1509:01B4.Op.8+30WRO(33) Worcester CollegeRAD(34) Radley College Boat Club (Wenger)NTT2 lengths
1609:03W.J14.4X+59GRN(302) The Grange School, HartfordLEH(303) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Rai)NTTDNS
1709:06W.J15.4X+150BGS(288) Bedford Girls School (McCarthy)PAN(289) Pangbourne College BCNTTeasily
1809:08W.J15.4X+38BGS(292) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)NSC(293) Norwich School (Gurney)NTT4 lengths
2009:12J15.4X+123WBS(265) Windsor Boys School (Manwaring)WBS(267) Windsor Boys School (Melville)NTT2 lengths
2209:20J15.1st.8+91ABS(90) Abingdon School (Chapman)BDS(91) Bedford School (Pask)3:401 1/4 lengths
2309:22COL.B.8+89UCO(57) University College, Oxford (Bird)SPC(55) St Peter's CollegeNTTDNS
2409:24W.J15.4X+154NSC(283) Norwich School (Fletcher)BMS(285) Bedford Modern School (Saunders)4:49easily
2509:27W.J14.4X+64LEH(294) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Quaid)GMS(295) Great Marlow School5:102 1/2 lengths
7009:30J15.2nd.8+90LTU(92) Latymer Upper School (Taylor)BDS(93) Bedford School (Barrett)5:21Not Rowed Out
2809:35J16.1st.8+161ABS(75) Abingdon School (Millbourn)SES(76) St Edward's SchoolNTTDNS
2909:37B3.Op.8+109ABS(20) Abingdon School (Prodhan)NSC(21) Norwich School (Davies)3:391 1/4 lengths
3009:39B4.Op.8+51JEC(32) Jesus College, Cambridge (Rüegg)WRO(33) Worcester College4:382/3 length
3109:41B3.Op.8+109BED(22) Bedford Rowing ClubUCO(23) University College, Oxford4:111/2 length
3209:44B4.Op.8+48LEA(24) Lea Rowing ClubRAD(25) Radley College Boat Club (Xia)NTTDNS
3409:49J14.1st.8X83GRN(161) The Grange School, Hartford (Atkins)SPS(162) St Paul's School (Kumar)3:58easily
3509:53W.4+55SJO(222) St John's CollegeLEA(223) Lea Rowing ClubNTTNot recorded
3609:55B4.Op.8+51RAD(29) Radley College Boat Club (Best)ABS(31) Abingdon School (Costello)3:504 lengths
3709:57W.J14.4X+170NSC(297) Norwich School (Dixon)PAN(298) Pangbourne College BC5:03easily
3810:00W.J15.4X+150BED(291) Bedford Rowing ClubBGS(292) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)4:433 1/2 lengths
27210:02COL.A.8+203FIT(44) Fitzwilliam CollegeORO(59) Oriel CollegeNTTDNS
4010:04W.COL.A.8+79PEM(116) Pembroke College, Cambridge (Clarvis)UCO(117) University College, Oxford4:23a Bowball
4210:09J15.1st.4+151GMS(213) Great Marlow SchoolBDS(214) Bedford School4:051 1/4 lengths
4310:11J15.1st.4+151ABS(211) Abingdon School (Chapman)LTU(212) Latymer Upper School (Bradford)4:053 lengths
4410:13W.J14.4X+142LEH(299) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Chawla)NSC(300) Norwich School (Robinson)5:22easily
2710:15J14.1st.8X163SHP(152) Shiplake CollegeGMS(153) Great Marlow School1:533 1/4 lengths
4510:18J15.2nd.4+207LTU(215) Latymer Upper School (Minerva)ETN(216) Eton College BC (Warren)4:183 lengths
4610:21W.COL.A.8+129ORO(122) Oriel CollegeJEC(123) Jesus College, Cambridge4:132 1/2 lengths
4810:25B4.Op.8+117LEA(24) Lea Rowing ClubEMM(26) Emmanuel College (Winder)4:13easily
4910:27J15.1st.8+69PAN(84) Pangbourne College BCETN(85) Eton College BC (Keller)3:521 1/4 lengths
5010:30J15.1st.8+69WBS(82) Windsor Boys School (Manwaring)SPS(83) St Paul's School (Turner)3:372 lengths
5110:32B4.Op.8+214RAD(29) Radley College Boat Club (Best)WRO(33) Worcester CollegeNTT1/2 length
5210:34J14.4X+190OUN(268) Oundle School BCNSC(269) Norwich School4:561/3 length
5310:36J16.4+87BDS(202) Bedford School (Rioch)WBS(203) Windsor Boys SchoolNTT1 1/2 lengths
5410:39J15.2nd.4+75NSC(218) Norwich School (Collier)LTU(219) Latymer Upper School (Parry)4:23easily
5510:41W.4+153LEA(223) Lea Rowing ClubNSC(224) Norwich School (Stuart)NTTeasily
5610:43J15.2nd.4+75SPS(220) St Paul's School (Cui)ABS(221) Abingdon School (Bond-Smith)4:171 3/4 lengths
5710:46W.COL.A.8+77JEO(125) Jesus College, OxfordCHU(126) Churchill College (Cushing)4:11easily
5810:49COL.A.8+81TRO(42) Trinity CollegeUCO(43) University College, Oxford (Bridger)3:513 feet
5910:51W.J14.4X+142BGS(301) Bedford Girls SchoolLEH(303) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Rai)NTT5 lengths
6010:53W.8+99WRO(111) Worcester CollegePEM(112) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:13easily
1910:59J15.3rd.8+247ABS(100) Abingdon School (Anness)ETN(101) Eton College BC (Davies)NTT1 1/2 lengths
6311:01COL.A.8+103PEM(38) Pembroke College, Cambridge (Bryant)PMB(39) Pembroke College, Oxford (Smith)3:383/4 length
6411:04W.J14.4X+170LEH(294) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Quaid)LEH(296) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Baryan)5:14easily
6511:06W.J18.8+255LTU(139) Latymer Upper SchoolBGS(140) Bedford Girls School (Feiger)4:05easily
6611:08W.8+110CAM(105) City of CambridgePMB(106) Pembroke College, Oxford (Waters)NTTDNS
6711:10J15.2nd.8+90ABS(94) Abingdon School (Costello)WBS(95) Windsor Boys School (Sansom)3:503/4 length
6811:13COL.B.8+231PEM(51) Pembroke College, Cambridge (Allenby)EMM(52) Emmanuel College (Winder)NTTDNS
6911:18J15.1st.8+254SPS(83) St Paul's School (Turner)ETN(85) Eton College BC (Keller)3:423 1/2 lengths
7111:22W.COL.B.8+230TRO(129) Trinity CollegeCHU(131) Churchill College (Locks)NTTDNS
7211:25W.4X+95BED(276) Bedford Rowing Club (Lynch)NSC(277) Norwich School (Reynolds)4:532 1/2 lengths
7311:27COL.A.8+88SEL(35) Selwyn CollegeJEC(36) Jesus College, CambridgeNTT2 lengths
7411:29Op.4+133SJO(189) St John's CollegeCNN(190) Cambridge '99 RC3:34a Bowball
7511:31J15.2nd.4+220LTU(219) Latymer Upper School (Parry)ABS(221) Abingdon School (Bond-Smith)4:37easily
7711:36W.COL.A.8+222WRO(124) Worcester CollegeCHU(126) Churchill College (Cushing)4:29easily
7811:38W.4X+95BED(274) Bedford Rowing Club (De Serpa Pimentel)BMS(275) Bedford Modern SchoolNTT2 lengths
7911:40W.COL.A.8+118UCO(117) University College, OxfordEMM(118) Emmanuel College3:533 1/2 lengths
8011:43COL.B.8+126WOO(47) Wolfson College, Oxford (Brown)WRO(49) Worcester CollegeNTT2 lengths
8111:46COL.A.8+216CHU(41) Churchill CollegeUCO(43) University College, Oxford (Bridger)NTTNot recorded
8211:48B2.Op.8+200EMM(14) Emmanuel College (Smith)RAD(15) Radley College Boat Club (Buczacki)3:352 lengths
8311:50J14.1st.8X158NSC(160) Norwich SchoolSPS(162) St Paul's School (Kumar)4:044 lengths
8411:54W.4+128NSC(226) Norwich School (Gregory)MER(227) Merton CollegeNTT1/2 length
8511:56B2.Op.8+200PMB(12) Pembroke College, Oxford (Smith)STA(13) Star Club3:392 lengths
8611:58J16.4+140NSC(204) Norwich SchoolABS(206) Abingdon School (Lethaby)NTT1 1/2 lengths
8712:01J16.4+140ABS(201) Abingdon School (Millbourn)WBS(203) Windsor Boys SchoolNTT3/4 length
8812:03COL.A.8+121SEL(35) Selwyn CollegeSHG(37) St Hugh's College (Mason)4:34DNS
8912:05COL.B.8+112SHG(56) St Hugh's College (Welch)UCO(57) University College, Oxford (Bird)4:03easily
9012:07J15.2nd.8+181LTU(92) Latymer Upper School (Taylor)ABS(94) Abingdon School (Costello)3:581 length
9112:10J15.1st.8+235RAD(89) Radley College Boat Club (White)ABS(90) Abingdon School (Chapman)3:401 1/2 lengths
9212:12COL.A.8+203WOO(45) Wolfson College, Oxford (Elmestekawy)BAL(46) Balliol College3:50Row Over
9312:14COL.B.8+112MER(54) Merton CollegeSJO(58) St John's College3:533/4 length
9512:22W.4X+221BED(274) Bedford Rowing Club (De Serpa Pimentel)NSC(277) Norwich School (Reynolds)4:575 lengths
9612:24B4.Op.8+117BDS(27) Bedford School (Willson)PMB(28) Pembroke College, Oxford (Plant)3:482 3/4 lengths
9712:26W.J15.4X+154SMA(286) St Mary's School BC, CamOUN(287) Oundle School BC4:384 1/4 lengths
9812:28W.COL.A.8+118SPC(119) St Peter's CollegeSHI(120) St Hildas College4:273/4 length
9912:31W.8+134EMM(110) Emmanuel CollegePEM(112) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:041 1/2 lengths
10012:33J15.2nd.8+157SPS(98) St Paul's School (Rossbach)RAD(99) Radley College Boat Club (Wenger)3:483 1/2 lengths
10112:35W.4X+171BGS(280) Bedford Girls School (McCarthy)BGS(282) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)6:424 lengths
10212:37W.8+134UCO(113) University College, OxfordPMB(114) Pembroke College, Oxford (Wilkinson)4:273 1/4 lengths
10312:40COL.A.8+121PMB(39) Pembroke College, Oxford (Smith)EMM(40) Emmanuel College (Smith)3:363/4 length
10412:42J18.4X212OUN(246) Oundle School BCNSC(247) Norwich SchoolNTTDNS
10512:44W.4X+171BGS(278) Bedford Girls School (Sanderson)BED(279) Bedford Rowing Club (Legate)NTTeasily
10612:47W.J18.4+182BGS(228) Bedford Girls School (Ibbott)NSC(229) Norwich School4:315 lengths
10712:50J14.2nd.8X164RAD(167) Radley College Boat Club (Paxman)BDS(168) Bedford School (Thomas)4:182 lengths
10812:53J15.4X+123GMS(261) Great Marlow SchoolWBS(262) Windsor Boys School (Sansom)4:151 1/4 lengths
11012:58W.8+162PMB(106) Pembroke College, Oxford (Waters)NSC(107) Norwich School4:171 1/2 lengths
11113:00J16.1st.8+155LTU(70) Latymer Upper School (Mirrazavi)BDS(71) Bedford School (Payne)3:261/2 length
11213:02COL.B.8+259MER(54) Merton CollegeUCO(57) University College, Oxford (Bird)3:49a canvas
11313:05J16.2nd.8+257LTU(80) Latymer Upper School (West)RAD(81) Radley College Boat Club (Van Den Broek)3:44easily
11413:07J14.4X+184SHP(272) Shiplake CollegePAN(273) Pangbourne College BC4:55easily
11513:09W.J18.4X167OUN(251) Oundle School BCGMS(252) Great Marlow School4:241/2 length
11613:11W.J18.4X166BMS(255) Bedford Modern School (Norris)SMA(256) St Mary's School BC, Cam4:335 lengths
11713:14B4.Op.8+214EMM(26) Emmanuel College (Winder)BDS(27) Bedford School (Willson)3:411 3/4 lengths
11813:19W.COL.A.8+256EMM(118) Emmanuel CollegeSHI(120) St Hildas College4:215 lengths
12013:23W.J15.4+211LTU(236) Latymer Upper School (Stephenson)LEH(237) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Hinton)4:44easily
12113:26COL.A.8+240SEL(35) Selwyn CollegeEMM(40) Emmanuel College (Smith)3:333 lengths
12213:28W.J15.4+210LTU(240) Latymer Upper School (Hill)LEH(241) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Naughton)4:355 lengths
12313:30J15.4X+ WBS(262) Windsor Boys School (Sansom)WBS(267) Windsor Boys School (Melville)4:112 1/2 lengths
10913:30B3.Op.8+178NSC(21) Norwich School (Davies)UCO(23) University College, Oxford3:391/2 length
12413:32J15.1st.8+235SHP(87) Shiplake College (Shevlane)LTU(88) Latymer Upper School (Covington)3:492 lengths
12513:35W.J14.1st.8X219PAN(176) Pangbourne College BCBGS(177) Bedford Girls School (Jewers)4:40easily
12713:40J18.4+193GMS(197) Great Marlow SchoolABS(198) Abingdon School4:02a canvas
12813:43W.4+153SHG(225) St Hugh's CollegeMER(227) Merton College4:45easily
12913:46W.COL.A.8+222PMB(121) Pembroke College, Oxford (Waters)JEC(123) Jesus College, Cambridge4:132 lengths
13013:48J16.1st.8+161RAD(73) Radley College Boat Club (Sutherland)SPS(74) St Paul's School3:274 lengths
13113:50J14.1st.8X158ABS(158) Abingdon School (Lee)PAN(159) Pangbourne College BCNTT6 lengths
13213:54W.J14.1st.8X188GRN(180) The Grange School, Hartford (Shaw)LEH(181) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Cox)NTTeasily
13313:58Op.4+243UCO(188) University College, OxfordCNN(190) Cambridge '99 RCNTT5 lengths
13414:00W.8+198EMM(110) Emmanuel CollegeUCO(113) University College, Oxford4:102 lengths
13514:02J14.3rd.8X233BDS(169) Bedford School (Stevens)ABS(170) Abingdon School (Nayak)4:23easily
13614:06B3.Op.8+159LTU(18) Latymer Upper School (West)JEC(19) Jesus College, Cambridge (Cox)3:52easily
13714:08J15.2nd.8+157SHP(96) Shiplake College (Warby)ETN(97) Eton College BC (Warren)NTTeasily
13814:10W.J15.8+180NSC(146) Norwich SchoolLTU(147) Latymer Upper School (Kapur)4:20easily
12614:12COL.B.8+231WRO(49) Worcester CollegePMB(50) Pembroke College, Oxford (Plant)3:502 1/2 lengths
13914:13B3.Op.8+159WAD(16) Wadham CollegePEM(17) Pembroke College, CambridgeNTTDNS
14014:18J16.4+ ABS(201) Abingdon School (Millbourn)ABS(206) Abingdon School (Lethaby)3:593/4 length
14114:20J14.3rd.8X234RAD(172) Radley College Boat Club (McQueen)SPS(173) St Paul's School (Wong)4:23easily
14214:24W.J14.4X+199NSC(300) Norwich School (Robinson)LEH(303) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Rai)5:151 1/2 lengths
14414:28J18.4+193BDS(195) Bedford SchoolETN(196) Eton College BC (Slack)3:59easily
14514:31J18.1st.8+244LTU(60) Latymer Upper School (Corbett)ABS(61) Abingdon SchoolNTTDNS
14614:33W.J18.4+182BMS(230) Bedford Modern SchoolBGS(231) Bedford Girls School (Nelson)4:361 length
14714:35W.8+162SPC(108) St Peter's CollegeJEC(109) Jesus College, Cambridge4:293 lengths
14814:37W.COL.B.8+230PEM(132) Pembroke College, Cambridge (Badham)COR(133) Corpus Christi College4:14easily
14914:40B2.Op.8+187PHX(8) Phoenix Boat ClubLTU(9) Latymer Upper School (Vassos)3:26easily
15014:42W.J15.4X+185PAN(289) Pangbourne College BCBGS(292) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)4:383 lengths
15114:44J15.1st.4+194ABS(211) Abingdon School (Chapman)BDS(214) Bedford School4:091/2 length
15214:47J14.3rd.8X234SPS(174) St Paul's School (Stoll)BDS(175) Bedford School (Scheepers)4:23easily
15414:53W.J15.4X+185BMS(285) Bedford Modern School (Saunders)SMA(286) St Mary's School BC, Cam4:424 lengths
15514:55J16.1st.8+204LTU(70) Latymer Upper School (Mirrazavi)ZAEZ(72) South African Schools3:351/3 length
15614:58J15.3rd.8+232BDS(103) Bedford School (Burns)SPS(104) St Paul's School (Olmos)4:03easily
15315:00W.4+ NSC(224) Norwich School (Stuart)MER(227) Merton CollegeNTTeasily
15715:00J15.2nd.8+181ETN(97) Eton College BC (Warren)SPS(98) St Paul's School (Rossbach)3:55easily
6115:01J18.4+192BMS(191) Bedford Modern SchoolETN(193) Eton College BC (O'Sullivan)4:26easily
15815:02J14.1st.8X260ABS(158) Abingdon School (Lee)SPS(162) St Paul's School (Kumar)3:551 length
15915:06B3.Op.8+178PEM(17) Pembroke College, CambridgeJEC(19) Jesus College, Cambridge (Cox)3:421 length
16115:10J16.1st.8+204RAD(73) Radley College Boat Club (Sutherland)ABS(75) Abingdon School (Millbourn)3:304 lengths
16215:13W.8+198PMB(106) Pembroke College, Oxford (Waters)JEC(109) Jesus College, Cambridge4:111/2 length
16315:18J14.1st.8X205GMS(153) Great Marlow SchoolHAM(154) Hampton School (Penny)3:55easily
16415:21J14.2nd.8X252HAM(166) Hampton School (Miles)RAD(167) Radley College Boat Club (Paxman)4:10a canvas
16515:25W.J15.8+180LTU(144) Latymer Upper School (Stephenson)LEH(145) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Stalley)4:45easily
16615:27W.J18.4X201BED(254) Bedford Rowing ClubBMS(255) Bedford Modern School (Norris)4:18easily
16715:30W.J18.4X201OUN(251) Oundle School BCBMS(253) Bedford Modern School (Brock)4:222 lengths
16815:32J18.2nd.8+241LTU(65) Latymer Upper School (Vassos)BDS(66) Bedford School (Lock)3:191 length
16915:34W.J16.8+237BGS(142) Bedford Girls SchoolZAEZ(143) South African SchoolsNTTeasily
17015:36W.J14.4X+199LEH(294) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Quaid)PAN(298) Pangbourne College BC5:003 lengths
17115:39W.4X+221BED(279) Bedford Rowing Club (Legate)BGS(282) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)4:543 lengths
16015:40J15.1st.4+194NSC(208) Norwich School (Davies)ETN(210) Eton College BC (Keller)4:132/3 length
17215:41B2.Op.8+187LTU(10) Latymer Upper School (Mirrazavi)RAD(11) Radley College Boat Club (Acloque)3:351/2 length
17315:43J14.1st.8X205RAD(155) Radley College Boat Club (Thompson)BDS(157) Bedford School (Warner)4:083 lengths
17415:48B1.Op.8+189NSC(1) Norwich School (Wilkins)LTU(2) Latymer Upper School (Corbett)NTTDNS
17515:50J18.3rd.8+242RAD(68) Radley College Boat Club (Loxton-Edwards)BDS(69) Bedford School (Willson)3:412/3 length
17615:52J14.2nd.8X227SPS(163) St Paul's School (Motiani)GRN(164) The Grange School, Hartford (Varley)4:18easily
17715:56W.COL.B.8+209FIT(134) Fitzwilliam CollegePMB(136) Pembroke College, Oxford (Wilkinson)4:384 lengths
17815:58B3.Op.8+ JEC(19) Jesus College, Cambridge (Cox)UCO(23) University College, Oxford3:361 1/2 lengths
17916:00Op.4+243ABS(186) Abingdon SchoolLEA(187) Lea Rowing Club4:14easily
18016:03W.J15.8+253LEH(145) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Stalley)NSC(146) Norwich School4:28easily
18116:05J15.2nd.8+ ABS(94) Abingdon School (Costello)SPS(98) St Paul's School (Rossbach)3:464 lengths
18216:07W.J18.4+ BGS(228) Bedford Girls School (Ibbott)BGS(231) Bedford Girls School (Nelson)4:293 1/2 lengths
18316:09W.J16.4X239OUN(258) Oundle School BCZAEZ(259) South African Schools4:202 lengths
18416:11J14.4X+218GRN(271) The Grange School, HartfordSHP(272) Shiplake College4:54easily
18516:14W.J15.4X+ SMA(286) St Mary's School BC, CamBGS(292) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)4:381 1/2 lengths
18616:19W.J16.4+215GMS(234) Great Marlow SchoolBGS(235) Bedford Girls School (Julyan)4:493 1/2 lengths
18716:21B2.Op.8+217LTU(9) Latymer Upper School (Vassos)LTU(10) Latymer Upper School (Mirrazavi)3:313/4 length
18816:23W.J14.1st.8X250BGS(179) Bedford Girls School (Gautam)LEH(181) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Cox)4:28easily
18916:27B1.Op.8+258NSC(1) Norwich School (Wilkins)RAD(3) Radley College Boat Club (Theed)3:251 1/2 lengths
19016:29J14.4X+218NSC(269) Norwich SchoolBMS(270) Bedford Modern School4:494 lengths
19116:32B1.Op.8+228CNN(6) Cambridge '99 RCBDS(7) Bedford School (Black)3:231 1/2 lengths
19216:34J18.4+226BMS(191) Bedford Modern SchoolNSC(194) Norwich School4:042 lengths
19316:36J18.4+226BDS(195) Bedford SchoolGMS(197) Great Marlow School4:002 lengths
19416:38J15.1st.4+ NSC(208) Norwich School (Davies)ABS(211) Abingdon School (Chapman)4:111/4 length
19516:40W.J15.8+225SES(148) St Edward's SchoolLEH(149) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Dev)NTTDNS
19616:43W.J15.8+225LTU(150) Latymer Upper School (Matovic)LEH(151) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Backovic)4:15easily
19716:46W.COL.B.8+209PBC(135) PeterhouseSJO(137) St John's CollegeNTTDNS
19816:48W.8+ JEC(109) Jesus College, CambridgeEMM(110) Emmanuel College4:033 lengths
19916:50W.J14.4X+ PAN(298) Pangbourne College BCLEH(303) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Rai)4:584 1/2 lengths
20016:53B2.Op.8+217STA(13) Star ClubEMM(14) Emmanuel College (Smith)3:351/2 length
20116:55W.J18.4X BMS(253) Bedford Modern School (Brock)BED(254) Bedford Rowing Club4:152 1/2 lengths
20216:57W.J16.4+215BGS(232) Bedford Girls School (Moriondo)PAN(233) Pangbourne College BC4:42easily
20316:59COL.A.8+216FIT(44) Fitzwilliam CollegeWOO(45) Wolfson College, Oxford (Elmestekawy)3:341 1/2 lengths
20417:01J16.1st.8+ ZAEZ(72) South African SchoolsRAD(73) Radley College Boat Club (Sutherland)3:311 length
20517:04J14.1st.8X260HAM(154) Hampton School (Penny)BDS(157) Bedford School (Warner)3:533 lengths
20617:07J18.4X248GMS(242) Great Marlow SchoolWBS(243) Windsor Boys SchoolNTT2 lengths
20717:10J15.2nd.4+220ETN(216) Eton College BC (Warren)SPS(217) St Paul's School (Viswanathan)4:254 lengths
20817:12J18.1st.8+244BDS(62) Bedford School (Black)NSC(63) Norwich School3:191 1/4 lengths
21017:19W.J15.4+238LTU(239) Latymer Upper School (Phillips)LEH(241) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Naughton)NTTeasily
21117:22W.J15.4+238LTU(236) Latymer Upper School (Stephenson)LEH(238) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Daga)4:363/4 length
21217:24J18.4X248BMS(245) Bedford Modern SchoolNSC(247) Norwich School3:58a canvas
21317:26B1.Op.8+228ABS(4) Abingdon School (Lee)RAD(5) Radley College Boat Club (Rose)3:241 length
21417:28B4.Op.8+ EMM(26) Emmanuel College (Winder)RAD(29) Radley College Boat Club (Best)3:391/2 length
21517:30W.J16.4+ PAN(233) Pangbourne College BCBGS(235) Bedford Girls School (Julyan)4:214 lengths
21617:33COL.A.8+240CHU(41) Churchill CollegeWOO(45) Wolfson College, Oxford (Elmestekawy)3:271 1/2 lengths
21717:35B2.Op.8+ LTU(9) Latymer Upper School (Vassos)STA(13) Star Club3:301 1/4 lengths
21817:37J14.4X+ NSC(269) Norwich SchoolSHP(272) Shiplake College4:383 1/2 lengths
21917:39W.J14.1st.8X250BGS(177) Bedford Girls School (Jewers)BMS(178) Bedford Modern School (Eyton-Williams)4:35easily
22017:43J15.2nd.4+ ETN(216) Eton College BC (Warren)ABS(221) Abingdon School (Bond-Smith)4:201 1/2 lengths
22117:46W.4X+ BED(274) Bedford Rowing Club (De Serpa Pimentel)BGS(282) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)4:331 1/4 lengths
22217:48W.COL.A.8+256JEC(123) Jesus College, CambridgeCHU(126) Churchill College (Cushing)4:071 1/2 lengths
22317:50J16.4X246OUN(249) Oundle School BCZAEZ(250) South African Schools3:53easily
22417:53W.J14.2nd.8X249GRN(182) The Grange School, Hartford (Matthews)BGS(183) Bedford Girls School (Battersby)NTTDNS
22517:56W.J15.8+253LEH(149) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Dev)LEH(151) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Backovic)4:242 1/2 lengths
22617:59J18.4+ BMS(191) Bedford Modern SchoolBDS(195) Bedford School4:014 lengths
20918:00W.COL.B.8+245FIT(134) Fitzwilliam CollegePBC(135) Peterhouse4:174 lengths
22718:01J14.2nd.8X252SPS(163) St Paul's School (Motiani)ABS(165) Abingdon School (Wang)4:091/2 length
22818:04B1.Op.8+258ABS(4) Abingdon School (Lee)BDS(7) Bedford School (Black)3:37easily
22918:07W.J14.2nd.8X249BMS(184) Bedford Modern School (Blackeby)LEH(185) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Wilcox)4:31easily
23018:10W.COL.B.8+245CHU(131) Churchill College (Locks)COR(133) Corpus Christi College4:162 3/4 lengths
23118:13COL.B.8+259WRO(49) Worcester CollegeEMM(52) Emmanuel College (Winder)3:411/3 length
23218:18J15.3rd.8+247RAD(102) Radley College Boat Club (McCreanor)SPS(104) St Paul's School (Olmos)NTTDNS
23318:20J14.3rd.8X251ABS(170) Abingdon School (Nayak)HAM(171) Hampton School (Wyers)4:163 lengths
23418:24J14.3rd.8X251RAD(172) Radley College Boat Club (McQueen)SPS(174) St Paul's School (Stoll)NTT1/3 length
23518:27J15.1st.8+254LTU(88) Latymer Upper School (Covington)ABS(90) Abingdon School (Chapman)3:333/4 length
23618:30J16.2nd.8+257ABS(78) Abingdon School (Prodhan)BDS(79) Bedford School (Hughes)3:482 1/2 lengths
25518:30W.J18.8+ BGS(138) Bedford Girls School (Partridge)LTU(139) Latymer Upper School3:594 lengths
23718:32W.J16.8+ LTU(141) Latymer Upper SchoolZAEZ(143) South African Schools3:571 1/4 lengths
23818:34W.J15.4+ LTU(236) Latymer Upper School (Stephenson)LEH(241) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Naughton)4:482 1/4 lengths
23918:36W.J16.4X BED(257) Bedford Rowing ClubZAEZ(259) South African Schools4:194 lengths
24018:38COL.A.8+ SEL(35) Selwyn CollegeCHU(41) Churchill College3:244 feet
24118:41J18.2nd.8+ RAD(64) Radley College Boat Club (Cotton)BDS(66) Bedford School (Lock)3:233 feet
24218:43J18.3rd.8+ ETN(67) Eton College BCBDS(69) Bedford School (Willson)NTT2/3 length
24318:46Op.4+ ABS(186) Abingdon SchoolCNN(190) Cambridge '99 RC4:005 lengths
24418:48J18.1st.8+ ABS(61) Abingdon SchoolBDS(62) Bedford School (Black)3:197/8 length
24518:50W.COL.B.8+ COR(133) Corpus Christi CollegePBC(135) Peterhouse4:093/4 length
24618:52J16.4X WBS(248) Windsor Boys SchoolZAEZ(250) South African Schools3:412 1/2 lengths
24718:55J15.3rd.8+ ABS(100) Abingdon School (Anness)SPS(104) St Paul's School (Olmos)3:53easily
24818:57J18.4X GMS(242) Great Marlow SchoolBMS(245) Bedford Modern School3:473 lengths
24918:59W.J14.2nd.8X BGS(183) Bedford Girls School (Battersby)LEH(185) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Wilcox)4:33easily
25019:03W.J14.1st.8X BGS(177) Bedford Girls School (Jewers)LEH(181) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Cox)4:204 1/2 lengths
25119:06J14.3rd.8X HAM(171) Hampton School (Wyers)SPS(174) St Paul's School (Stoll)4:131/2 length
25219:10J14.2nd.8X SPS(163) St Paul's School (Motiani)RAD(167) Radley College Boat Club (Paxman)4:051/2 length
25319:14W.J15.8+ NSC(146) Norwich SchoolLEH(151) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Backovic)NTT4 feet
25419:16J15.1st.8+ SPS(83) St Paul's School (Turner)ABS(90) Abingdon School (Chapman)3:303 1/2 lengths
25619:20W.COL.A.8+ EMM(118) Emmanuel CollegeCHU(126) Churchill College (Cushing)3:541 1/2 lengths
25719:22J16.2nd.8+ ABS(78) Abingdon School (Prodhan)RAD(81) Radley College Boat Club (Van Den Broek)3:373 lengths
25819:24B1.Op.8+ NSC(1) Norwich School (Wilkins)BDS(7) Bedford School (Black)3:331 length
25919:27COL.B.8+ EMM(52) Emmanuel College (Winder)UCO(57) University College, Oxford (Bird)3:412 lengths
26019:29J14.1st.8X HAM(154) Hampton School (Penny)SPS(162) St Paul's School (Kumar)3:441 length