Reading Town Regatta

Saturday 24th June 2017

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Results for Millfield

RaceTimeStatusNext Race Winner Second ThirdTimeVerdict 1:2Verdict 2:3
208:34W.NOV.2X18SHV(122) Shiplake Vikings RCPAN(124) Pangbourne College BCNSC(123) Norwich School3:523/4 lengtha canvas
308:38W.NOV.2X20SHV(130) Shiplake Vikings RCPAN(129) Pangbourne College BCFAL(128) Falcon RC3:515 lengths3 lengths
408:42W.NOV.2X22NSC(136) Norwich SchoolPAN(135) Pangbourne College BCSWB(134) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School4:043/4 length1 length
1809:38W.NOV.2X42RDG(125) Reading RCSHV(122) Shiplake Vikings RCSES(126) St Edward's School3:474 lengthsNot Rowed Out
2009:46W.NOV.2X42OLW(127) Oxford University Lwt Women's BCSHV(130) Shiplake Vikings RCRBL(131) Reading Blue Coat School3:411 1/2 lengths3 lengths
2209:54W.NOV.2X42BRY(133) Bryanston School BCNSC(136) Norwich SchoolWOO(132) Wolfson College, Oxford4:02Not Rowed OutNot Rowed Out
4211:14W.NOV.2X OLW(127) Oxford University Lwt Women's BCRDG(125) Reading RCBRY(133) Bryanston School BC3:533 feet3 lengths
8615:06NOV.1X120RDG(324) Reading RC (Phillips)SWB(322) Sir William Borlase's Grammar School (Clark)RAD(323) Radley College Boat Club (Lumley)4:032 lengths4 lengths
8715:10NOV.1X120SES(325) St Edward's School (Cox)ZGL(326) Green Lake, USA (Pattinson)RDU(327) Reading University (Hannam)3:591 1/2 lengthsRow Over
8815:14NOV.1X120MIL(328) Millfield (Vaughan)RAD(330) Radley College Boat Club (Thorneycroft)WIN(329) Winchester College BC (Bacchus)4:075 lengths5 lengths
12017:22NOV.1X RDG(324) Reading RC (Phillips)MIL(328) Millfield (Vaughan)SES(325) St Edward's School (Cox)3:341 1/2 lengths1 1/2 lengths
5311:58J18.1X ZIN(145) Clonmel Rowing Club, Ireland (Butler)RDG(144) Reading RC (Pratt)MIL(143) Millfield (Vaughan)3:324 lengths1 length
6112:30W.IM3.1X SHV(148) Shiplake Vikings RC (Blois-Brooke)MIL(146) Millfield (King)PAN(147) Pangbourne College BC (Allen)4:033 lengths3 lengths
9015:22W.NOV.1X135PAN(334) Pangbourne College BC (Perring)OLW(336) Oxford University Lwt Women's BC (Turner)MIL(335) Millfield (Thomas)4:285 lengths6 lengths
9115:26W.NOV.1X135BRY(339) Bryanston School BC (De Beer)RDU(338) Reading University (Regan)NSC(337) Norwich School (Wollocombe)4:292 lengths5 lengths
9215:30W.NOV.1X135PAN(342) Pangbourne College BC (Moody)ABN(341) Abingdon RC (Henderson)RDG(340) Reading RC (Richards)4:323 lengthsRow Over
13518:22W.NOV.1X PAN(334) Pangbourne College BC (Perring)BRY(339) Bryanston School BC (De Beer)PAN(342) Pangbourne College BC (Moody)NTT2 lengths2 lengths