Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 14th May 2005

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
208:32WS3.8+78EMM(115) Emmanuel CollegeBED(116) Bedford Rowing ClubNTT1 length
108:33WS3.8+89SON(123) Sons of the Thames RCPMB(124) Pembroke College, OxfordNTT2 1/2 lengths
308:34S4.8+85UCO(30) University College, OxfordHAR(31) Harrow School BCNTT2 1/2 lengths
408:36S4.8+83HEC(40) Hertford CollegeBDS(41) Bedford School (B)NTT1 1/2 lengths
608:40S4.8+84SPC(36) St Peter's CollegeMAG(37) Magdalen College, OxfordNTTeasily
708:42S4.8+84SAC(34) St Anne's CollegePMB(35) Pembroke College, Oxford (B)NTT1 length
808:44S4.8+85CHB(32) Christ ChurchRBL(33) Reading Blue Coat SchoolNTT1 1/2 lengths
908:46S4.8+86WIN(28) Winchester College BCIMP(29) Imperial CollegeNTT1 length
1008:48S4.8+86BDS(26) Bedford School (A)MAR(27) Marlow RCNTT1/2 length
1108:50WJ14.4X+87DAH(319) Dame Alice Harpur BC (A)BHS(320) Bedford High School RC (B)NTTeasily
1208:52WJ14.4X+88MAR(316) Marlow RCKCA(317) The King's School Canterbury BC (A)NTTRow Over
1308:54WJ14.4X+91BHS(310) Bedford High School RC (A)SES(311) St Edward's School (A)NTTRow Over
508:55S4.8+83WRO(38) Worcester CollegeKCA(39) The King's School Canterbury BCNTT3 lengths
1408:56N.4+100BRX(220) Broxbourne RCWIN(221) Winchester College BCNTTRow Over
1508:58N.4+100CAM(218) City of CambridgeBDS(219) Bedford SchoolNTT2 lengths
1609:00N.4+101PET(208) Peterborough City (A)RDG(209) Reading RCNTT3 lengths
1709:02N.4+96BMS(216) Bedford Modern SchoolUYO(217) University of York Boat ClubNTTRow Over
1809:04S2.4+102KCA(195) The King's School Canterbury BCRDG(196) Reading RC (C)NTTRow Over
1909:06N.4+97PET(212) Peterborough City (B)HAR(213) Harrow School BCNTTNot Rowed Out
2009:08N.4+101STA(210) Star ClubBED(211) Bedford Rowing ClubNTT2 1/2 lengths
2109:10S2.4+103MIK(192) Milton Keynes RCFAL(193) Falcon RCNTT4 lengths
2209:12S3.8+106BDS(24) Bedford SchoolLIC(25) Lincoln College BCNTT1 length
2309:14S2.4+105RDG(186) Reading RC (A)NWK(187) Newark RCNTT1/4 length
2409:16S3.8+109SJO(12) St John's CollegeSEH(13) St Edmund HallNTT2 lengths
2509:18S3.8+106BMS(22) Bedford Modern SchoolBRD(23) Bradford ARCNTT3/4 length
2609:20S3.8+107OUN(18) Oundle School BCPEM(19) Pembroke College, CambridgeNTT1 1/2 lengths
2709:22S3.8+107RBL(20) Reading Blue Coat SchoolETN(21) Eton College BCNTT1 1/2 lengths
2909:26S3.8+109SES(10) St Edward's School (A)RAD(11) Radley College Boat ClubNTT1/2 length
3009:28S4.4+111OUN(206) Oundle School BCKCA(207) The King's School Canterbury BC (A)NTTRow Over
3109:30WN.4+115SES(256) St Edward's SchoolCAM(257) City of CambridgeNTT3 lengths
3209:32S4.4+114KCA(197) The King's School Canterbury BC (B)OXL(198) Oxford Institute of Legal Practice Boat ClubNTTRow Over
3309:34WN.4+116STA(253) Star Club (B)BRX(254) Broxbourne RCNTT3 lengths
3409:36S3.8+108RDG(14) Reading RCKCA(15) The King's School Canterbury BCNTTRow Over
3509:38WN.4+117DAH(249) Dame Alice Harpur BC (A)FAL(250) Falcon RCNTTRow Over
3609:40WN.4+118STA(246) Star Club (A)MHD(247) Maidenhead RCNTT2 lengths
3709:42C.8+123WIN(69) Winchester College BCSAC(70) St Anne's CollegeNTT3 lengths
3809:44C.8+124LIC(65) Lincoln College BCMGD(66) Magdalene CollegeNTT1/4 length
3909:46WN.8+134STN(147) Staines BCSAC(148) St Anne's CollegeNTT1/2 length
4009:48C.8+123MAG(67) Magdalen College, OxfordSEH(68) St Edmund HallNTT4 lengths
4209:52C.8+124PMB(63) Pembroke College, Oxford (A)WRO(64) Worcester CollegeNTT2 1/2 lengths
4309:54C.8+125PEM(61) Pembroke College, CambridgeHEC(62) Hertford CollegeNTTeasily
4409:56C.8+125SPC(59) St Peter's CollegePMB(60) Pembroke College, OxfordNTT1/3 length
4509:58C.8+126LMH(57) Lady Margaret HallKCB(58) King's CollegeNTT1 length
4610:00C.8+126UCO(55) University College, OxfordCHU(56) Churchill CollegeNTT1 1/2 lengths
2810:01S3.8+108SES(16) St Edward's School (B)PET(17) Peterborough CityNTTeasily
4710:02J15.4+130BDS(230) Bedford School (B)SHP(231) Shiplake College (B)NTTNot Rowed Out
4810:04J15.4+133SHP(222) Shiplake College (A)BDS(223) Bedford School (A)NTT1 length
4910:06WS4.8+147CAM(138) City of CambridgeNNM(139) Newnham College BCNTT3 lengths
5010:08WS4.8+147PEM(136) Pembroke College, CambridgeOXL(137) Oxford Institute of Legal Practice Boat ClubNTTeasily
5110:10WS4.8+148WRO(134) Worcester CollegeCAI(135) Caius College (A)NTT3 1/2 lengths
5210:12WS4.8+148MAG(132) Magdalen College, OxfordSTA(133) Star Club4:28easily
5310:14WS4.8+143OSG(129) Osler House Boat ClubCAI(130) Caius College (B)4:242 1/2 lengths
5410:16J15.8+150ETN(101) Eton College BCHAR(102) Harrow School BC3:563 lengths
5510:18J15.8+151SES(98) St Edward's SchoolBDS(99) Bedford School4:062 lengths
5610:20WS4.8+149SAC(127) St Anne's CollegeYRK(128) York City RC4:431/4 length
4110:21S4.4+112SJO(203) St John's CollegeRAD(204) Radley College Boat Club4:102 lengths
5710:22WS4.8+149STN(125) Staines BCUCO(126) University College, Oxford4:302 lengths
5810:24J15.8+152KGS(94) Kingston Grammar SchoolBMS(95) Bedford Modern School3:583 lengths
5910:26J15.8+153PAN(91) Pangbourne College BCWIN(92) Winchester College BC4:041 3/4 lengths
6010:28WS3.4+154BHS(244) Bedford High School RCOUN(245) Oundle School BC4:462 lengths
6110:30N.8+162SES(53) St Edward's SchoolETN(54) Eton College BC (A)3:534 lengths
6210:32N.8+162BDS(51) Bedford SchoolWRO(52) Worcester College3:593/4 length
6310:34N.8+158UWK(49) Warwick UniversityETN(50) Eton College BC (B)3:513/4 length
6410:36N.8+159BMS(45) Bedford Modern SchoolIMP(46) Imperial College3:552 1/2 lengths
6510:38N.8+160CHB(42) Christ ChurchRAD(43) Radley College Boat Club3:491 length
6610:40J14.8X169ABS(173) Abingdon SchoolRAD(174) Radley College Boat Club4:13a canvas
6710:42J14.8X172SHP(165) Shiplake CollegeSES(166) St Edward's School4:132 lengths
6810:44WC.8+177MGD(163) Magdalene CollegeWRO(164) Worcester College4:183 lengths
6910:46WC.8+177EMM(161) Emmanuel CollegePMB(162) Pembroke College, Oxford (A)4:121 length
7010:48WC.8+178OSG(159) Osler House Boat ClubTRH(160) Trinity Hall4:241/4 length
7110:50WC.8+178PEM(157) Pembroke College, Cambridge (B)MAG(158) Magdalen College, Oxford4:221 length
7210:52WC.8+179PMB(155) Pembroke College, Oxford (B)MER(156) Merton CollegeNTTRow Over
7310:54WC.8+180ORO(151) Oriel CollegeUCO(152) University College, Oxford4:232 lengths
7410:56WC.8+179CAI(153) Caius College (A)SPC(154) St Peter's College4:17easily
7510:58WC.8+180PEM(149) Pembroke College, Cambridge (A)CAI(150) Caius College (B)4:211 1/2 lengths
7611:00WS3.8+191YRK(120) York City RCFAL(121) Falcon RC4:27Not Rowed Out
7711:02WS3.8+192UYO(118) University of York Boat ClubNNM(119) Newnham College BC4:24Not Rowed Out
7811:04WS3.8+192EMM(115) Emmanuel CollegeLIN(117) Linacre BC4:121 length
7911:06S4.8+ (P)193KCA(39) The King's School Canterbury BCBDS(41) Bedford School (B)4:003 lengths
8011:08S4.8+ (P)193PMB(35) Pembroke College, Oxford (B)SPC(36) St Peter's College3:543/4 length
8111:10S4.8+ (P)194HAR(31) Harrow School BCRBL(33) Reading Blue Coat School3:554 lengths
8211:12S4.8+ (P)194MAR(27) Marlow RCWIN(28) Winchester College BCNTTNo Race
8311:14S4.8+195WRO(38) Worcester CollegeHEC(40) Hertford College3:421/3 length
8411:16S4.8+195SAC(34) St Anne's CollegeMAG(37) Magdalen College, Oxford3:41easily
8511:18S4.8+196UCO(30) University College, OxfordCHB(32) Christ Church3:44easily
8611:20S4.8+196BDS(26) Bedford School (A)IMP(29) Imperial College3:462 1/2 lengths
8711:22WJ14.4X+197SES(318) St Edward's School (B)BHS(320) Bedford High School RC (B)4:55easily
8811:24WJ14.4X+197DAH(315) Dame Alice Harpur BC (B)MAR(316) Marlow RC4:423 lengths
8911:26WS3.8+191ORO(122) Oriel CollegePMB(124) Pembroke College, Oxford4:183/4 length
9011:28WJ14.4X+198STA/SUA(313) Star Club/StratfordBRX(314) Broxbourne RC5:024 lengths
9111:30WJ14.4X+198BHS(310) Bedford High School RC (A)KCA(312) The King's School Canterbury BC (B)4:39easily
9211:32J15.4X+199WBS(281) Windsor Boys School (B)KGS(282) Kingston Grammar SchoolNTTRow Over
9311:34J15.4X+199WIN(279) Winchester College BCSES(321) St Edward's SchoolNTTNo Race
32611:34WJ15.4X+229DAH(307) Dame Alice Harpur BCSES(280) St Edward's School4:37easily
9411:36J15.4X+200WBS(277) Windsor Boys School (A)BDS(278) Bedford School (A)4:10easily
9511:38J15.4X+200WBS(275) Windsor Boys School (C)CCS(276) Claires Court School BC4:213 lengths
9611:40N.4+206MGD(215) Magdalene CollegeBMS(216) Bedford Modern School4:133 feet
9711:42N.4+207PET(212) Peterborough City (B)OXL(214) Oxford Institute of Legal Practice Boat ClubNTTRow Over
9811:44N.4+ (P)204BDS(219) Bedford SchoolWIN(221) Winchester College BCNTTRow Over
9911:46N.4+ (P)205BED(211) Bedford Rowing ClubHAR(213) Harrow School BC4:323 lengths
10011:48N.4+206CAM(218) City of CambridgeBRX(220) Broxbourne RCNTTeasily
10111:50N.4+207RDG(209) Reading RCSTA(210) Star ClubNTT1/2 length
10311:54S2.4+208STA(191) Star ClubMIK(192) Milton Keynes RCNTTeasily
10411:56S2.4+209RDG(189) Reading RC (B)UWK(190) Warwick University4:041/2 length
10511:58S2.4+209NWK(187) Newark RCWGA(188) Ursus4:18easily
10612:00S3.8+210BMS(22) Bedford Modern SchoolBDS(24) Bedford SchoolNTT1/3 length
10712:02S3.8+210OUN(18) Oundle School BCETN(21) Eton College BCNTT1 length
10812:04S3.8+211KCA(15) The King's School Canterbury BCSES(16) St Edward's School (B)3:373 lengths
10912:06S3.8+211RAD(11) Radley College Boat ClubSEH(13) St Edmund Hall3:453/4 length
11012:08WJ18.4X215MAR(269) Marlow RCDAH(270) Dame Alice Harpur BC (A)4:171/3 length
11112:10S4.4+216MAR(205) Marlow RCOUN(206) Oundle School BC4:212 lengths
11212:12S4.4+216MIK(202) Milton Keynes RCRAD(204) Radley College Boat Club4:18easily
11312:14S4.4+217HAR(200) Harrow School BCRDG(201) Reading RC4:071 1/4 lengths
11512:18WN.4+221UYO(255) University of York Boat ClubCAM(257) City of Cambridge5:18easily
11712:22WN.4+222DAH(249) Dame Alice Harpur BC (A)UWK(251) Warwick University4:563 lengths
11812:24WN.4+222STA(246) Star Club (A)MIK(248) Milton Keynes RC5:07easily
11912:26C.8+ (P)223SEH(68) St Edmund HallSAC(70) St Anne's College3:492 lengths
12012:28C.8+ (P)223WRO(64) Worcester CollegeLIC(65) Lincoln College BC3:493/4 length
12112:30C.8+ (P)224PMB(60) Pembroke College, OxfordPEM(61) Pembroke College, Cambridge3:54easily
12212:32C.8+ (P)224CHU(56) Churchill CollegeKCB(58) King's CollegeNTTRow Over
12312:34C.8+225MAG(67) Magdalen College, OxfordWIN(69) Winchester College BC3:371/2 length
12412:36C.8+225PMB(63) Pembroke College, Oxford (A)MGD(66) Magdalene College3:522 1/2 lengths
12512:38C.8+226SPC(59) St Peter's CollegeHEC(62) Hertford College3:56easily
12612:40C.8+226UCO(55) University College, OxfordLMH(57) Lady Margaret Hall3:423 lengths
12712:42WS2.4+227RDG(235) Reading RCBHS(236) Bedford High School RC4:383/4 length
11412:43S4.4+217KCA(197) The King's School Canterbury BC (B)BMS(199) Bedford Modern SchoolNTTeasily
12812:44WJ15.4X+229MAR(308) Marlow RCPAN(309) Pangbourne College BC4:52easily
11612:45WN.4+221DAH(252) Dame Alice Harpur BC (B)STA(253) Star Club (B)5:214 lengths
12912:46WJ15.4X+236OUN(304) Oundle School BCKCA(305) The King's School Canterbury BC4:55easily
13012:48J15.4+230RAD(229) Radley College Boat ClubBDS(230) Bedford School (B)4:45easily
13112:50J15.4+230SES(227) St Edward's School (B)WIN(228) Winchester College BCNTTeasily
10212:52S2.4+208UYO(194) University of York Boat ClubKCA(195) The King's School Canterbury BC4:051 length
13212:52J15.4+231BMS(225) Bedford Modern SchoolHAR(226) Harrow School BC4:38easily
13312:54J15.4+231BDS(223) Bedford School (A)SES(224) St Edward's School (A)4:373 lengths
13412:56WN.8+232PAN(146) Pangbourne College BCSAC(148) St Anne's College4:35easily
13512:58WN.8+232PMB(144) Pembroke College, OxfordMHD(145) Maidenhead RC4:391 1/2 lengths
13613:00WN.8+233CCA(142) Anglia RuskinBHS(143) Bedford High School RC4:431 foot
13713:02WN.8+233NNM(140) Newnham College BCTRH(141) Trinity HallNTT4 lengths
13813:04S2.8+234PMB(8) Pembroke College, OxfordRDG(9) Reading RC3:351 1/2 lengths
13913:06J14.4X+237BDS(289) Bedford SchoolWIN(290) Winchester College BC4:52easily
14013:08J14.4X+237WBS(287) Windsor Boys SchoolKCA(288) The King's School Canterbury BC4:29easily
14113:10J14.4X+238SES(285) St Edward's SchoolCCS(286) Claires Court School BC4:33easily
14213:12J14.4X+238SHP(283) Shiplake CollegeBMS(284) Bedford Modern School4:28easily
14313:14WS4.8+242CAI(130) Caius College (B)MER(131) Merton CollegeNTTRow Over
14413:16WS4.8+ (P)239OXL(137) Oxford Institute of Legal Practice Boat ClubCAM(138) City of CambridgeNTTRow Over
14513:18WS4.8+ (P)239STA(133) Star ClubWRO(134) Worcester College4:30easily
14613:20WS4.8+ (P)240YRK(128) York City RCOSG(129) Osler House Boat ClubNTTeasily
14713:22WS4.8+241PEM(136) Pembroke College, CambridgeNNM(139) Newnham College BC4:224 lengths
14813:24WS4.8+241MAG(132) Magdalen College, OxfordCAI(135) Caius College (A)4:183 lengths
14913:26WS4.8+242UCO(126) University College, OxfordSAC(127) St Anne's College4:324 lengths
15013:28J15.8+245RAD(100) Radley College Boat ClubETN(101) Eton College BC3:431/2 length
15113:30J15.8+245ABS(97) Abingdon SchoolSES(98) St Edward's School3:583 lengths
15213:32J15.8+246KGS(94) Kingston Grammar SchoolOUN(96) Oundle School BCNTT2 1/2 lengths
15313:34J15.8+246PAN(91) Pangbourne College BCRBL(93) Reading Blue Coat SchoolNTT2 lengths
15413:36WS3.4+247UWK(243) Warwick UniversityBHS(244) Bedford High School RC4:461 length
15513:38WS3.4+247STN(241) Staines BCTRC(242) Thames RC4:322 lengths
15613:40WS3.4+248MGD(239) Magdalene CollegeMIK(240) Milton Keynes RC4:37easily
15713:42WS3.4+248RDG(237) Reading RCCAM(238) City of Cambridge4:521/2 length
15813:44N.8+251UYO(48) University of York Boat ClubETN(50) Eton College BC (B)NTTRow Over
16013:48N.8+252CHB(42) Christ ChurchMGD(44) Magdalene College4:021 1/2 lengths
16113:50N.8+ (P)249WRO(52) Worcester CollegeETN(54) Eton College BC (A)NTT2 lengths
16213:52N.8+251BDS(51) Bedford SchoolSES(53) St Edward's School3:571 1/4 lengths
16413:56J16.8+254ETN(87) Eton College BC (A)RAD(88) Radley College Boat Club (A)3:451 1/4 lengths
16513:58J16.8+253ETN(84) Eton College BC (C)RAD(85) Radley College Boat Club (B)NTTRow Over
15913:58N.8+252IMP(46) Imperial CollegePAN(47) Pangbourne College BC4:162 lengths
16614:00J14S.8X256RAD(180) Radley College Boat Club (A)BDS(181) Bedford School (A)4:252 1/2 lengths
16714:02J14S.8X256RBL(178) Reading Blue Coat SchoolABS(179) Abingdon School4:241 length
16814:04J14S.8X255BDS(175) Bedford School (C)RAD(176) Radley College Boat Club (B)4:434 lengths
16914:06J14.8X257BDS(172) Bedford SchoolRAD(174) Radley College Boat Club4:121/2 length
17014:08J14.8X257OUN(170) Oundle School BCWIN(171) Winchester College BC4:244 lengths
17114:10J14.8X258PAN(168) Pangbourne College BCRBL(169) Reading Blue Coat School4:10easily
17214:12J14.8X258SHP(165) Shiplake CollegeBMS(167) Bedford Modern School4:16easily
17314:14WC.8+ (P)259PMB(162) Pembroke College, Oxford (A)WRO(164) Worcester College4:181/3 length
21314:15JS.8+292SES(77) St Edward's SchoolBDS(78) Bedford School3:401 length
17414:16WC.8+ (P)259PEM(157) Pembroke College, Cambridge (B)TRH(160) Trinity Hall4:231/3 length
17514:18WC.8+ (P)260SPC(154) St Peter's CollegeMER(156) Merton CollegeNTTRow Over
17614:20WC.8+ (P)260CAI(150) Caius College (B)UCO(152) University College, Oxford4:272 1/2 lengths
17714:22WC.8+261EMM(161) Emmanuel CollegeMGD(163) Magdalene College4:121 1/4 lengths
17814:24WC.8+261MAG(158) Magdalen College, OxfordOSG(159) Osler House Boat Club4:241 1/4 lengths
17914:26WC.8+262CAI(153) Caius College (A)PMB(155) Pembroke College, Oxford (B)4:245 lengths
18014:28WC.8+262PEM(149) Pembroke College, Cambridge (A)ORO(151) Oriel CollegeNTTRow Over
18114:30J15S.8+265ETN(109) Eton College BC (B)RAD(110) Radley College Boat Club (B)NTTeasily
18214:32J15S.8+265KGS(107) Kingston Grammar SchoolPAN(108) Pangbourne College BC4:222 lengths
18314:34J15S.8+266BDS(105) Bedford SchoolRAD(106) Radley College Boat Club (A)NTT4 lengths
18414:36J15S.8+266ABS(103) Abingdon SchoolETN(104) Eton College BC (A)NTT1/3 length
18514:38WN.4X+269KCA(302) The King's School Canterbury BCBED(303) Bedford Rowing Club4:363/4 length
18614:40J14S.4X+271SHP(297) Shiplake CollegeWIN(298) Winchester College BCNTTeasily
18714:42J14S.4X+271BDS(295) Bedford SchoolKCA(296) The King's School Canterbury BC (A)NTTRow Over
18814:44J14S.4X+272KCA(293) The King's School Canterbury BC (B)BMS(294) Bedford Modern School4:59easily
18914:46J14S.4X+272SES(291) St Edward's SchoolWBS(292) Windsor Boys School4:364 lengths
19014:48JT.8+277BDS(82) Bedford School (B)ETN(83) Eton College BC (B)4:031/3 length
19114:50WS3.8+281FAL(121) Falcon RCPMB(124) Pembroke College, Oxford4:212 lengths
19214:52WS3.8+281LIN(117) Linacre BCNNM(119) Newnham College BC4:183 lengths
19314:54S4.8+ (P)282SPC(36) St Peter's CollegeBDS(41) Bedford School (B)3:542 lengths
19414:56S4.8+ (P)282WIN(28) Winchester College BCHAR(31) Harrow School BC3:442 lengths
19514:58S4.8+283MAG(37) Magdalen College, OxfordWRO(38) Worcester College3:422 lengths
19615:00S4.8+283IMP(29) Imperial CollegeUCO(30) University College, Oxford3:353/4 length
19715:02WJ14.4X+284MAR(316) Marlow RCBHS(320) Bedford High School RC (B)4:451/2 length
19815:04WJ14.4X+284BHS(310) Bedford High School RC (A)STA/SUA(313) Star Club/Stratford4:545 lengths
19915:06J15.4X+285WIN(279) Winchester College BCWBS(281) Windsor Boys School (B)4:20easily
20015:08J15.4X+285CCS(276) Claires Court School BCWBS(277) Windsor Boys School (A)3:59easily
20115:10WS2.4X291RDG(264) Reading RCDAH(265) Dame Alice Harpur BC4:252 lengths
20215:12WS2.8+286YRK(113) York City RCTRC(114) Thames RC3:59easily
20315:14WS2.8+286BED(111) Bedford Rowing ClubSON(112) Sons of the Thames RC4:41
16315:15J16.8+254SES(89) St Edward's SchoolETN(90) Eton College BC (B)3:513/4 length
20415:16N.4+ (P)287UYO(217) University of York Boat ClubBDS(219) Bedford SchoolNTTRow Over
20515:18N.4+ (P)287PET(208) Peterborough City (A)HAR(213) Harrow School BC3:47Not Rowed Out
20615:20N.4+288BMS(216) Bedford Modern SchoolCAM(218) City of Cambridge4:291/2 length
20715:22N.4+288RDG(209) Reading RCPET(212) Peterborough City (B)3:471 length
20815:24S2.4+289MIK(192) Milton Keynes RCUYO(194) University of York Boat Club3:592/3 length
20915:26S2.4+289NWK(187) Newark RCUWK(190) Warwick University4:033/4 length
21015:28S3.8+290ETN(21) Eton College BCBDS(24) Bedford School3:37a canvas
21215:32WS2.4X291STA/SHH(262) Star/Sheffield HallamPET(263) Peterborough City4:251 1/3 lengths
21515:38WJ18.4X293KCA(268) The King's School Canterbury BCMAR(269) Marlow RCNTT3 feet
21615:40S4.4+294RAD(204) Radley College Boat ClubMAR(205) Marlow RCNTT2 lengths
21715:42S4.4+294BMS(199) Bedford Modern SchoolRDG(201) Reading RCNTT2 lengths
21915:46WN.4+ (P)295BRX(254) Broxbourne RCSES(256) St Edward's SchoolNTT4 lengths
22015:48WN.4+ (P)295MHD(247) Maidenhead RCFAL(250) Falcon RCNTTRow Over
22115:50WN.4+296DAH(252) Dame Alice Harpur BC (B)CAM(257) City of Cambridge5:202 lengths
22215:52WN.4+296MIK(248) Milton Keynes RCUWK(251) Warwick University4:501 1/2 lengths
22315:54C.8+ (P)297WRO(64) Worcester CollegeSEH(68) St Edmund Hall3:491/4 length
22415:56C.8+ (P)297KCB(58) King's CollegePEM(61) Pembroke College, CambridgeNTT1 1/4 lengths
22515:58C.8+298PMB(63) Pembroke College, Oxford (A)WIN(69) Winchester College BC3:393/4 length
22616:00C.8+298UCO(55) University College, OxfordHEC(62) Hertford College3:402 lengths
21116:01S3.8+290RAD(11) Radley College Boat ClubSES(16) St Edward's School (B)3:293/4 length
23916:01WS4.8+ (P)305WRO(134) Worcester CollegeOXL(137) Oxford Institute of Legal Practice Boat Club4:393 lengths
22716:02WS2.4+299YRK(234) York City RCRDG(235) Reading RC4:353 lengths
22816:04WS2.4+299STN(232) Staines BCSON(233) Sons of the Thames RC4:371 1/2 lengths
22916:06WJ15.4X+300DAH(307) Dame Alice Harpur BCMAR(308) Marlow RC4:323 lengths
23016:08J15.4+301WIN(228) Winchester College BCRAD(229) Radley College Boat Club4:32easily
23116:10J15.4+301SES(224) St Edward's School (A)HAR(226) Harrow School BC4:302 feet
23216:12WN.8+302MHD(145) Maidenhead RCPAN(146) Pangbourne College BC4:281 length
23316:14WN.8+302TRH(141) Trinity HallBHS(143) Bedford High School RC4:502/3 length
23416:16S2.8+303ULO(7) University of LondonPMB(8) Pembroke College, OxfordNTTNot Rowed Out
23516:18S2.8+303MAG(5) Magdalen College, OxfordBED(6) Bedford Rowing ClubNTT1 1/3 lengths
23616:20WJ15.4X+300KCA(305) The King's School Canterbury BCBHS(306) Bedford High School RC4:324 lengths
23716:22J14.4X+304WBS(287) Windsor Boys SchoolBDS(289) Bedford SchoolNTTRow Over
23816:24J14.4X+304SHP(283) Shiplake CollegeCCS(286) Claires Court School BCNTTRow Over
24016:28WS4.8+ (P)305STN(125) Staines BCOSG(129) Osler House Boat Club4:251 1/3 lengths
24116:30WS4.8+306CAI(135) Caius College (A)PEM(136) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:062 lengths
24216:32WS4.8+306UCO(126) University College, OxfordCAI(130) Caius College (B)4:144 lengths
24316:34J15.8+ (P)307BDS(99) Bedford SchoolHAR(102) Harrow School BC4:001 length
24416:36J15.8+ (P)307WIN(92) Winchester College BCBMS(95) Bedford Modern School4:04easily
24516:38J15.8+308ABS(97) Abingdon SchoolRAD(100) Radley College Boat Club3:561 1/4 lengths
24616:40J15.8+308PAN(91) Pangbourne College BCKGS(94) Kingston Grammar School4:181 2/3 lengths
24716:42WS3.4+309TRC(242) Thames RCBHS(244) Bedford High School RC4:432 1/2 lengths
24816:44WS3.4+309RDG(237) Reading RCMGD(239) Magdalene CollegeNTTeasily
21816:45WJ18.4X293DAH(266) Dame Alice Harpur BC (B)STA(267) Star Club3:482 1/2 lengths
24916:46N.8+ (P)310UWK(49) Warwick UniversityWRO(52) Worcester CollegeNTT2/3 length
25016:48N.8+ (P)310RAD(43) Radley College Boat ClubBMS(45) Bedford Modern SchoolNTTRow Over
25216:52N.8+311CHB(42) Christ ChurchIMP(46) Imperial College3:432 1/2 lengths
25316:54J16.8+312ETN(84) Eton College BC (C)BMS(86) Bedford Modern SchoolNTTeasily
25416:56J16.8+312RAD(88) Radley College Boat Club (A)SES(89) St Edward's SchoolNTTeasily
25516:58J14S.8X313RAD(176) Radley College Boat Club (B)BDS(177) Bedford School (B)NTTeasily
25617:00J14S.8X313ABS(179) Abingdon SchoolBDS(181) Bedford School (A)NTT1 foot
21417:01JS.8+292ETN(75) Eton College BCRAD(76) Radley College Boat ClubNTTeasily
27517:01S3.4X323BED(260) Bedford Rowing ClubKCA(261) The King's School Canterbury BCNTTNot Rowed Out
25717:02J14.8X314WIN(171) Winchester College BCBDS(172) Bedford School4:032 1/2 lengths
25817:04J14.8X314SHP(165) Shiplake CollegeRBL(169) Reading Blue Coat SchoolNTT2 1/2 lengths
25917:06WC.8+ (P)315PEM(157) Pembroke College, Cambridge (B)PMB(162) Pembroke College, Oxford (A)NTT2 1/2 lengths
26017:08WC.8+ (P)315CAI(150) Caius College (B)SPC(154) St Peter's CollegeNTT2 1/2 lengths
28017:09J18.8+325SES(71) St Edward's SchoolRAD(72) Radley College Boat ClubNTT1 length
26117:10WC.8+316MAG(158) Magdalen College, OxfordMGD(163) Magdalene College4:103 lengths
26217:12WC.8+316ORO(151) Oriel CollegeCAI(153) Caius College (A)NTT1/2 length
26317:14S1.8+317MAG(3) Magdalen College, OxfordBED(4) Bedford Rowing ClubNTT2 lengths
26417:16S1.8+317ULO(1) University of LondonETN(2) Eton College BCNTT3 lengths
26517:18J15S.8+318KGS(107) Kingston Grammar SchoolETN(109) Eton College BC (B)4:121 1/4 lengths
26617:20J15S.8+318ETN(104) Eton College BC (A)RAD(106) Radley College Boat Club (A)NTT2/3 length
26717:22MJ14.8X319BHS(184) Bedford High School RCKCA(185) The King's School Canterbury BC (A)NTTRow Over
26817:24MJ14.8X319DAH(182) Dame Alice Harpur BCKCA(183) The King's School Canterbury BC (B)4:212 lengths
26917:26WN.4X+320DAH(301) Dame Alice Harpur BC (A)KCA(302) The King's School Canterbury BC4:441 length
27017:28WN.4X+320DAH(299) Dame Alice Harpur BC (B)BRX(300) Broxbourne RC5:01easily
27117:30J14S.4X+321KCA(296) The King's School Canterbury BC (A)SHP(297) Shiplake CollegeNTTRow Over
27217:32J14S.4X+321WBS(292) Windsor Boys SchoolKCA(293) The King's School Canterbury BC (B)NTTRow Over
27317:34N.4X+322STA(273) Star ClubBDS(274) Bedford School (C)4:43easily
25117:35N.8+311ETN(50) Eton College BC (B)SES(53) St Edward's School3:541 1/2 lengths
27417:36N.4X+322BDS(271) Bedford School (A)BDS(272) Bedford School (B)NTTRow Over
27617:40S3.4X323STA/WYC(258) Star Club/WycliffeULO(259) University of London3:512 lengths
27717:42JT.8+324RAD(81) Radley College Boat ClubETN(83) Eton College BC (B)4:05easily
27917:46J18.8+325ETN(73) Eton College BCBDS(74) Bedford School3:274 lengths
28117:50WS3.8+ LIN(117) Linacre BCPMB(124) Pembroke College, Oxford4:151 1/4 lengths
28217:52S4.8+ (P) WIN(28) Winchester College BCBDS(41) Bedford School (B)3:47easily
28317:54S4.8+ IMP(29) Imperial CollegeMAG(37) Magdalen College, Oxford3:297/8 length
28417:56WJ14.4X+ BHS(310) Bedford High School RC (A)MAR(316) Marlow RC4:32Row Over
28517:58J15.4X+ WBS(277) Windsor Boys School (A)WBS(281) Windsor Boys School (B)4:00easily
28618:00WS2.8+ SON(112) Sons of the Thames RCTRC(114) Thames RCNTTeasily
28718:02N.4+ (P) PET(208) Peterborough City (A)BDS(219) Bedford School4:212 1/2 lengths
28818:04N.4+ RDG(209) Reading RCCAM(218) City of Cambridge4:232 lengths
28918:06S2.4+ NWK(187) Newark RCMIK(192) Milton Keynes RC4:012 1/2 lengths
29018:08S3.8+ RAD(11) Radley College Boat ClubBDS(24) Bedford School3:323/4 length
29118:10WS2.4X PET(263) Peterborough CityRDG(264) Reading RC4:263 lengths
29318:14WJ18.4X STA(267) Star ClubMAR(269) Marlow RC4:192 lengths
29418:16S4.4+ RDG(201) Reading RCRAD(204) Radley College Boat Club4:03easily
29518:18WN.4+ (P) MHD(247) Maidenhead RCSES(256) St Edward's SchoolNTTRow Over
27818:19JT.8+324ETN(79) Eton College BC (A)BDS(80) Bedford School (A)3:583 lengths
29618:20WN.4+ MIK(248) Milton Keynes RCCAM(257) City of Cambridge4:48easily
29718:22C.8+ (P) PEM(61) Pembroke College, CambridgeSEH(68) St Edmund HallNTT1/4 length
29818:24C.8+ UCO(55) University College, OxfordPMB(63) Pembroke College, Oxford (A)3:341 length
29918:26WS2.4+ SON(233) Sons of the Thames RCRDG(235) Reading RC4:37easily
30018:28WJ15.4X+ DAH(307) Dame Alice Harpur BCBHS(306) Bedford High School RC4:33easily
30118:30J15.4+ HAR(226) Harrow School BCWIN(228) Winchester College BC5:06easily
30218:32WN.8+ TRH(141) Trinity HallPAN(146) Pangbourne College BCNTT1 length
30318:34S2.8+ MAG(5) Magdalen College, OxfordPMB(8) Pembroke College, Oxford3:221 length
30418:36J14.4X+ CCS(286) Claires Court School BCWBS(287) Windsor Boys School4:19easily
30518:38WS4.8+ (P) OSG(129) Osler House Boat ClubWRO(134) Worcester College4:223 lengths
30618:40WS4.8+ CAI(130) Caius College (B)PEM(136) Pembroke College, Cambridge4:11easily
30718:42J15.8+ (P) BMS(95) Bedford Modern SchoolHAR(102) Harrow School BC4:022 lengths
30818:44J15.8+ KGS(94) Kingston Grammar SchoolRAD(100) Radley College Boat Club3:463 lengths
29218:45JS.8+ ETN(75) Eton College BCSES(77) St Edward's School3:341/2 length
30918:46WS3.4+ MGD(239) Magdalene CollegeTRC(242) Thames RC4:323/4 length
31018:48N.8+ (P) BMS(45) Bedford Modern SchoolUWK(49) Warwick University3:563 lengths
31118:50N.8+ IMP(46) Imperial CollegeSES(53) St Edward's School3:38easily
31218:52J16.8+ BMS(86) Bedford Modern SchoolRAD(88) Radley College Boat Club (A)3:373 lengths
31318:54J14S.8X BDS(177) Bedford School (B)BDS(181) Bedford School (A)4:41easily
31418:56J14.8X RBL(169) Reading Blue Coat SchoolBDS(172) Bedford School4:031 1/2 lengths
31518:58WC.8+ (P) CAI(150) Caius College (B)PMB(162) Pembroke College, Oxford (A)4:211 1/2 lengths
31619:00WC.8+ ORO(151) Oriel CollegeMGD(163) Magdalene College4:083 lengths
31719:02S1.8+ ETN(2) Eton College BCMAG(3) Magdalen College, Oxford3:173/4 length
31819:04J15S.8+ ETN(104) Eton College BC (A)ETN(109) Eton College BC (B)4:04easily
31919:06MJ14.8X DAH(182) Dame Alice Harpur BCBHS(184) Bedford High School RC4:22easily
32019:08WN.4X+ DAH(299) Dame Alice Harpur BC (B)KCA(302) The King's School Canterbury BC4:37easily
32119:10J14S.4X+ WBS(292) Windsor Boys SchoolSHP(297) Shiplake College4:14easily
32219:12N.4X+ BDS(271) Bedford School (A)STA(273) Star Club4:251/4 length
32319:14S3.4X ULO(259) University of LondonBED(260) Bedford Rowing Club3:51easily
32419:16JT.8+ BDS(80) Bedford School (A)RAD(81) Radley College Boat Club3:472/3 length
32519:18J18.8+ SES(71) St Edward's SchoolETN(73) Eton College BC3:243 lengths