Bedford Quarts Sprint Regatta

Sunday 9th July 2006

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Results for City of Cambridge

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Clubhouse EmbankmentTimeVerdict
9713:48S2.8+149CAM(4) City of CambridgeCNN(5) Cambridge '99 RC2:00Row Over
14916:44S2.8+ STA(3) Star ClubCAM(4) City of Cambridge1:45easily
9113:30S4.8+146SRC(10) Sudbury RCCAM(11) City of Cambridge1:541 length
9213:33S4.8+146SIM/KCB/CAM(12) Simoco/Kings/CambridgeCNN(13) Cambridge '99 RC1:591/4 length
14616:35S4.8+ SRC(10) Sudbury RCSIM/KCB/CAM(12) Simoco/Kings/Cambridge1:541 length
2110:00WS3.8+52BRX(14) Broxbourne RCCAM(15) City of Cambridge2:252/3 length
1609:45WS3.8+67STA(18) Star ClubCNN(19) Cambridge '99 RC2:081 1/2 lengths
5211:33WS3.8+121CAM(15) City of CambridgeSON(16) Sons of the Thames RC2:081 foot
6712:18WS3.8+121FSC(17) Furnivall SCSTA(18) Star Club2:081 length
12115:15WS3.8+ CAM(15) City of CambridgeSTA(18) Star Club2:151/3 length
109:00S3.4+18CAM(35) City of CambridgeHSB(36) HSBC RCNTT3/4 length
209:03S3.4+56CAB(28) Cantabrigian RCLER(29) Leicester RCNTTRow Over
1409:39S3.4+56SNE(30) St Neots RCNTN(31) Northampton RC2:041 1/2 lengths
309:06S3.4+59CNN(32) Cambridge '99 RCBDS(33) Bedford SchoolNTT1/2 length
1809:51S3.4+59PET(34) Peterborough CityCAM(35) City of Cambridge4:121/4 length
5611:45S3.4+119CAB(28) Cantabrigian RCNTN(31) Northampton RC2:031/2 length
5911:54S3.4+119BDS(33) Bedford SchoolCAM(35) City of Cambridge2:001 1/4 lengths
11915:09S3.4+ NTN(31) Northampton RCBDS(33) Bedford School2:061 1/2 lengths
709:18N.4+57BED(43) Bedford Rowing ClubCAM(44) City of CambridgeNTTRow Over
1209:33N.4+42BMS(46) Bedford Modern SchoolNTN(47) Northampton RC2:181/2 length
1309:36N.4+42MIK(48) Milton Keynes RCSUA(49) Stratford-upon-Avon BCNTT1/2 length
5711:48N.4+118BED(43) Bedford Rowing ClubCAB(45) Cantabrigian RC2:091/2 length
4211:03N.4+118BMS(46) Bedford Modern SchoolMIK(48) Milton Keynes RC2:141 1/4 lengths
11815:06N.4+ BED(43) Bedford Rowing ClubBMS(46) Bedford Modern School2:121 3/4 lengths
3510:42WN.4+107CAM(67) City of CambridgeBEC(68) Beccles Rowing Club2:314 lengths
3310:36WN.4+96CNN(70) Cambridge '99 RCHSB(71) HSBC RC2:343 feet
3810:51WN.4+96BRX(72) Broxbourne RCSRC(73) Sudbury RC2:332/3 length
10714:23WN.4+150CAM(67) City of CambridgeSTA(69) Star Club2:351/2 length
9613:45WN.4+150CNN(70) Cambridge '99 RCSRC(73) Sudbury RC2:342 lengths
15016:47WN.4+ CAM(67) City of CambridgeCNN(70) Cambridge '99 RC2:352 1/4 lengths
1509:42S2.2-73SUA(86) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gordon/Roe)MIK(87) Milton Keynes RC (Dilks/Lewington)2:234 lengths
5811:51S2.2-126XPR(83) X Press Boat Club (Cooper/Goyder)SIM(84) Simoco Rowing Club (Southgate/Watt)2:162 lengths
7312:36S2.2-126CAM(85) City of Cambridge (Thompson/Dolman)SUA(86) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gordon/Roe)2:15easily
12615:30S2.2- SIM(84) Simoco Rowing Club (Southgate/Watt)SUA(86) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gordon/Roe)2:085 lengths
7112:30S3.2X131STA(92) Star Club (Mayglothling/D Rozman)NTN(93) Northampton RC (Ingate/Fox)2:141 length
7612:45S3.2X131CAM(94) City of Cambridge (Wyborn/Lewsey)STA(95) Star Club (O Miller/A Miller)2:052/3 length
13115:45S3.2X STA(92) Star Club (Mayglothling/D Rozman)CAM(94) City of Cambridge (Wyborn/Lewsey)2:091 length
909:24S2.1X46HUN(134) Huntingdon RC (Smith)STN(135) Staines BC (Goldswain)2:131 1/2 lengths
1009:27S2.1X61CYG(138) Cygnet (Jillings)CAB(139) Cantabrigian RC (Leggott)NTTeasily
4611:15S2.1X116STN(135) Staines BC (Goldswain)CAM(136) City of Cambridge (Lawlor-Anderson)2:201 length
6112:00S2.1X116BED(137) Bedford Rowing Club (Robb)CAB(139) Cantabrigian RC (Leggott)2:144 lengths
11614:50S2.1X STN(135) Staines BC (Goldswain)CAB(139) Cantabrigian RC (Leggott)2:252 1/2 lengths