Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 7th July 2007

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Switch to Sunday 8 July 2007

RaceTimeStatusNext Race(s) Town Centre EnclosureTimeVerdict 1:2Verdict 2:3
9816:34S2.8+ MHD(2) Maidenhead RCVRC(3) Vesta RCBEB(4) Bewl Bridge RCNTT1 1/2 lengths 
8715:17S3.8+125ETX(5) Eton Excelsior RC (Ingram)TSS(6) Tideway Scullers School3:243 lengths 
8815:21S3.8+125TWK(7) Twickenham RC (Elgar)PAR(8) Parrs Priory3:161 length 
12517:55S3.8+ ETX(5) Eton Excelsior RC (Ingram)TWK(7) Twickenham RC (Elgar)NTTDisqualification 
9515:49S4.8+ KRC(9) Kingston Rowing Club (Cowan)TFN(10) Tiffin School BC (B)ETX(11) Eton Excelsior RC (Christie-Rundle)NTT6 feet 
609:35N.8+80 / 79GLB(14) Globe RCTFN(15) Tiffin School BC (A)TSS(16) Tideway Scullers School (Rogal)3:293 lengths 
709:39N.8+118 / 79GLB(17) Globe RC (Day)(603)    
509:56N.8+80 / 40KRC(12) Kingston Rowing Club (Mahoney)MAR(13) Marlow RC3:385 lengths 
8014:46N.8+411MAR(13) Marlow RCGLB(14) Globe RCTFN(15) Tiffin School BC (A)3:254 lengths 
11814:48N.8+411Winner of Race 7TSS(16) Tideway Scullers School (Rogal)3:393/4 length 
41117:27N.8+ TFN(15) Tiffin School BC (A)TSS(16) Tideway Scullers School (Rogal)NTT3 1/2 lengths 
4012:00N.8+ (E)80KRC(12) Kingston Rowing Club (Mahoney)GLB(14) Globe RC3:404 lengths 
7912:02N.8+ (E)118TSS(16) Tideway Scullers School (Rogal)2nd in Race 7NTTRow Over 
7214:14WS2.8+114MAR(18) Marlow RCPTR(19) Putney Town RCNTT1 foot 
7314:18WS2.8+114WTS(20) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Malthouse)TWK(21) Twickenham RCNTT3 1/2 lengths 
11416:42WS2.8+ PTR(19) Putney Town RCTWK(21) Twickenham RCNTT3 lengths 
6013:23WS4.8+127 / 107LEH(22) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (D)WTS(23) Walbrook Teddington SRA (B)3:542 1/4 lengths 
6113:27WS4.8+127 / 107TSS(24) Tideway Scullers School (Ashworth)TSS(25) Tideway Scullers School (Beckett)NTT2 3/4 lengths 
12718:06WS4.8+ LEH(22) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (D)TSS(24) Tideway Scullers School (Ashworth)WTS(23) Walbrook Teddington SRA (B)3:531 1/3 lengths 
10716:40WS4.8+ (E)127WTS(23) Walbrook Teddington SRA (B)TSS(25) Tideway Scullers School (Beckett)NTT1 length 
909:47WN.8+81 / 41WTS(26) Walbrook Teddington SRA (B)WTS(27) Walbrook Teddington SRA (A)3:58a canvas 
1009:51WN.8+81 / 41TWK(28) Twickenham RCKGS(29) Kingston Grammar School (Steinitz)3:571 1/4 lengths 
1110:20WN.8+85 / 41RDG(30) Reading RC (M. Albin)MAR(31) Marlow RCNTT1 3/4 lengths 
8114:50WN.8+119WTS(26) Walbrook Teddington SRA (B)TWK(28) Twickenham RCNTTNot Rowed Out 
8515:09WN.8+119RDG(30) Reading RC (M. Albin)WTS(27) Walbrook Teddington SRA (A)NTT1 1/2 lengths 
11917:31WN.8+ TWK(28) Twickenham RCWTS(27) Walbrook Teddington SRA (A)4:071 1/4 lengths 
4112:04WN.8+ (E)85WTS(27) Walbrook Teddington SRA (A)KGS(29) Kingston Grammar School (Steinitz)MAR(31) Marlow RCNTT2 lengths 
10916:48S2.4+ MAR(34) Marlow RCAKN(35) Auriol Kensington (Young)WBK(36) Walbrook RCNTT3 1/2 lengths 
6613:47S3.4+111KRC(37) Kingston Rowing ClubTSS(38) Tideway Scullers School (Browne)3:481 1/2 lengths 
6714:00S3.4+111TFN(39) Tiffin School BC (C)ETX(40) Eton Excelsior RC (A)NTT1 1/2 lengths 
11116:56S3.4+ TSS(38) Tideway Scullers School (Browne)TFN(39) Tiffin School BC (C)NTT2/3 length 
3611:41S4.4+108 / 62MAR(47) Marlow RCLEH(48) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Perkins)3:312 1/2 lengths 
3711:45S4.4+108 / 62PBD(44) Poplar, Blackwall & DistrictETX(45) Eton Excelsior RC (B)ETX(46) Eton Excelsior RC (A)3:423 feet 
10817:00S4.4+ ETX(46) Eton Excelsior RC (A)LEH(48) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Perkins)MAR(47) Marlow RC3:362 1/2 lengths 
6213:31S4.4+ (E)108ETX(45) Eton Excelsior RC (B)PBD(44) Poplar, Blackwall & DistrictMAR(47) Marlow RCNTTRow Over 
209:00N.4+63 / 35LEH(51) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Ahmad)GLB(52) Globe RCAKN(53) Auriol Kensington (Hawkins)NTT1 3/4 lengths 
109:03N.4+63 / 34TWK(49) Twickenham RCKRC(50) Kingston Rowing Club (A)3:58easily 
309:17N.4+64 / 33CUR(54) Curlew RCUTC(55) Upper Thames RC (Robinson)RDG(56) Reading RC (Rushent)3:283 lengths 
409:24N.4+65 / 33MBC(57) Molesey BCPAR(58) Parrs Priory (Lardner)BEB(59) Bewl Bridge RC (Richards)NTT1/2 length 
810:10N.4+65 / 34GLB(60) Globe RCGUI(61) Guildford RC (B)3:533/4 length 
6313:35N.4+110KRC(50) Kingston Rowing Club (A)PAR(58) Parrs Priory (Lardner)AKN(53) Auriol Kensington (Hawkins)4:004 lengths 
6413:39N.4+110CUR(54) Curlew RCMBC(57) Molesey BCNTT1/2 length 
6513:43N.4+110BEB(59) Bewl Bridge RC (Richards)GLB(52) Globe RCGLB(60) Globe RC3:471 1/2 lengths 
11016:22N.4+ PAR(58) Parrs Priory (Lardner)MBC(57) Molesey BCBEB(59) Bewl Bridge RC (Richards)NTT2 lengths 
3311:29N.4+ (E)63RDG(56) Reading RC (Rushent)LEH(51) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Ahmad)PAR(58) Parrs Priory (Lardner)4:03easily 
3411:33N.4+ (E)64MBC(57) Molesey BCTWK(49) Twickenham RCGUI(61) Guildford RC (B)NTT1 length 
3511:37N.4+ (E)65GLB(52) Globe RCUTC(55) Upper Thames RC (Robinson)4:102 feet 
9115:33WS3.4+121AKN(69) Auriol Kensington (Young)TWK(70) Twickenham RCRDG(71) Reading RC (A)NTT2 1/2 lengths 
9215:37WS3.4+121TFN(72) Tiffin School BCCUR(604) Curlew RC (A)PTR(73) Putney Town RC3:552 lengths 
12117:39WS3.4+ TWK(70) Twickenham RCTFN(72) Tiffin School BCNTT2/3 length 
1409:58WS4.4+38 / 39TFN(74) Tiffin School BCETX(75) Eton Excelsior RC (Aspey)NTT4 lengths 
1210:02WS4.4+83 / 38CUR(79) Curlew RCTFN(80) Tiffin School BCNTT 
1310:06WS4.4+82 / 39LEH(76) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (E)WTS(77) Walbrook Teddington SRAPTR(78) Putney Town RC4:12a canvas 
8214:54WS4.4+115CUR(79) Curlew RCWTS(77) Walbrook Teddington SRANTT4 lengths 
8315:01WS4.4+115TFN(74) Tiffin School BCPTR(78) Putney Town RCLEH(76) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (E)4:402/3 length 
11517:15WS4.4+ LEH(76) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (E)WTS(77) Walbrook Teddington SRA4:122 1/2 lengths 
3811:49WS4.4+ (E)82PTR(78) Putney Town RCTFN(80) Tiffin School BC4:293 lengths 
3911:53WS4.4+ (E)83ETX(75) Eton Excelsior RC (Aspey)WTS(77) Walbrook Teddington SRA4:21easily 
2210:42WN.4+104 / 58RDG(84) Reading RC (B. Albin)WTS(85) Walbrook Teddington SRAPAR(86) Parrs PrioryNTTeasily 
2310:46WN.4+105 / 57KGS(87) Kingston Grammar School (Allen-Benton)TFN(88) Tiffin School BC (B)MAR(89) Marlow RC4:232 lengths 
2410:50WN.4+106 / 57AKN(90) Auriol KensingtonETX(91) Eton Excelsior RC (Liggett)AKN(92) Auriol Kensington4:101/3 length 
3211:25WN.4+106 / 59KGS(93) Kingston Grammar SchoolTSS(94) Tideway Scullers School4:143 lengths 
10416:28WN.4+126PAR(86) Parrs PrioryAKN(90) Auriol Kensington4:231 1/4 lengths 
10516:32WN.4+126TFN(88) Tiffin School BC (B)MAR(89) Marlow RCNTT2 lengths 
10616:36WN.4+126ETX(91) Eton Excelsior RC (Liggett)TSS(94) Tideway Scullers SchoolKGS(93) Kingston Grammar School4:132 feet 
12618:02WN.4+ PAR(86) Parrs PrioryMAR(89) Marlow RCETX(91) Eton Excelsior RC (Liggett)4:222 feet 
5713:11WN.4+ (E)104AKN(90) Auriol KensingtonKGS(87) Kingston Grammar School (Allen-Benton)WTS(85) Walbrook Teddington SRA4:28easily 
5813:15WN.4+ (E)105MAR(89) Marlow RCRDG(84) Reading RC (B. Albin)NTTeasily 
5913:19WN.4+ (E)106TSS(94) Tideway Scullers SchoolAKN(92) Auriol KensingtonNTTRow Over 
10316:24S3.4- MAR/CCS(101) Marlow/Claires CourtMHD(102) Maidenhead RCPBD(103) Poplar, Blackwall & DistrictNTT1 1/2 lengths 
5513:03N.4X124 / 102TSS/_SAG(104) (Sagatuck RC)GUI(105) Guildford RC (A)NTTeasily 
5613:07N.4X124 / 102TFN(106) Tiffin School BC (A)ETX(107) Eton Excelsior RC (Hedges)NTTRow Over 
12417:51N.4X TSS/_SAG(104) (Sagatuck RC)TFN(106) Tiffin School BC (A)Winner of Race 102   
10216:20N.4X (E)124GUI(105) Guildford RC (A)2nd in Race 56   
4712:28WS4.4X122 / 93PTR(108) Putney Town RCLEH(109) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (A)NTTeasily 
5012:40WS4.4X122 / 93PTR(110) Putney Town RCWTS(111) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Warder)3:561 1/2 lengths 
12217:43WS4.4X PTR(108) Putney Town RCPTR(110) Putney Town RCWTS(111) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Warder)3:54easily 
9315:41WS4.4X (E)122LEH(109) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (A)WTS(111) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Warder)NTTRow Over 
7114:10S2.2- PBD(112) Poplar, Blackwall & DistrictPHS(113) Putney High School RC (Foulds/Beadle)PTR(114) Putney Town RC (McLoughlin)3:364 lengths 
1510:14N.2X86 / 42ETX(115) Eton Excelsior RC (Aspey)TFN(116) Tiffin School BCPHS(117) Putney High School RC (Slattery/Spingardi)NTT3 lengths 
1610:18N.2X86 / 42ETX(118) Eton Excelsior RC (B)ETX(119) Eton Excelsior RC (C)4:03easily 
8615:13N.2X ETX(115) Eton Excelsior RC (Aspey)ETX(119) Eton Excelsior RC (C)TFN(116) Tiffin School BC3:554 lengths 
4212:08N.2X (E)86PHS(117) Putney High School RC (Slattery/Spingardi)TFN(116) Tiffin School BCETX(118) Eton Excelsior RC (B)NTT1 length 
1710:22J16.2X96 / 51COX(124) City of Oxford RCKRC(125) Kingston Rowing Club (B)TFN(126) Tiffin School BCNTT5 lengths 
1810:26J16.2X96 / 51ETX(127) Eton Excelsior RC (Mourad)COX(128) City of Oxford RCNTTRow Over 
9615:53J16.2X COX(124) City of Oxford RCCOX(128) City of Oxford RCWinner of Race 51NTT1/2 length 
5112:44J16.2X (E)96TFN(126) Tiffin School BCKRC(125) Kingston Rowing Club (B)2nd in Race 18   
7414:22WS3.2X ETX(129) Eton Excelsior RC (Dovey)BEB(130) Bewl Bridge RC (Craig)MAR(131) Marlow RC4:041 length 
4411:55WS4.2X112 / 68ETX(132) Eton Excelsior RCAKN(133) Auriol Kensington (Day)NTTRow Over 
4312:12WS4.2X112 / 68MAR(134) Marlow RCBEB(135) Bewl Bridge RC4:30easily 
11216:15WS4.2X ETX(132) Eton Excelsior RCMAR(134) Marlow RCAKN(133) Auriol Kensington (Day)   
6813:55WS4.2X (E)112AKN(133) Auriol Kensington (Day)BEB(135) Bewl Bridge RC4:33easily 
2511:15WN.2X117 / 77WTS(136) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Kirkwood)MAR(137) Marlow RC4:25easily 
2611:23WN.2X117 / 77BEB(138) Bewl Bridge RC (Maunsell)ETX(139) Eton Excelsior RC (Wilson)4:14easily 
11717:23WN.2X WTS(136) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Kirkwood)BEB(138) Bewl Bridge RC (Maunsell)ETX(139) Eton Excelsior RC (Wilson)4:152 1/2 lengths 
7714:34WN.2X (E)117MAR(137) Marlow RCETX(139) Eton Excelsior RC (Wilson)4:30easily 
7814:38WJ18.2X TFN(140) Tiffin School BCPTR(141) Putney Town RC (Woolrych)COX(142) City of Oxford RCNTT1/3 length 
6914:02S3.1X113WBK(143) Walbrook RC (B)TFN(144) Tiffin School BCWLT(145) Walton RC (S)NTT 
7014:06S3.1X113RDG(146) Reading RC (Rushent)MHD(147) Maidenhead RC4:121 1/2 lengths 
11317:07S3.1X TFN(144) Tiffin School BCMHD(147) Maidenhead RC4:053 1/2 lengths 
7614:40S4.1X LEH(148) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat ClubQBC(149) Quintin BC (Ratcliffe)HAM(150) Hampton SchoolNTT2 lengths 
2711:05N.1X101 / 53KRC(165) Kingston Rowing ClubKRC(166) Kingston Rowing Club (Dare)NTT1 1/2 lengths 
3011:09N.1X99 / 54COX(156) City of Oxford RCMAR/CCS(157) Marlow/Claires CourtVRC(158) Vesta RC (McCallum)4:151/2 length 
2911:13N.1X100 / 52TSS(159) Tideway Scullers SchoolETX(160) Eton Excelsior RCTFN(161) Tiffin School BCNTT1 length 
2811:17N.1X101 / 52TSS(162) Tideway Scullers School (Simon)ETX(163) Eton Excelsior RCTFN(164) Tiffin School BC (A)NTT5 lengths 
3111:21N.1X99 / 53ETX(154) Eton Excelsior RC (Christie-Rundle)WBK(155) Walbrook RC4:205 lengths 
9916:08N.1X123ETX(154) Eton Excelsior RC (Christie-Rundle)TSS(159) Tideway Scullers SchoolVRC(158) Vesta RC (McCallum)NTT1/2 length 
10016:12N.1X123ETX(160) Eton Excelsior RCTFN(164) Tiffin School BC (A)NTT 
10116:16N.1X123TSS(162) Tideway Scullers School (Simon)COX(156) City of Oxford RCKRC(165) Kingston Rowing Club4:172 1/2 lengths 
12317:47N.1X ETX(154) Eton Excelsior RC (Christie-Rundle)ETX(160) Eton Excelsior RCTSS(162) Tideway Scullers School (Simon)4:141/2 length 
5212:48N.1X (E)99TSS(159) Tideway Scullers SchoolMAR/CCS(157) Marlow/Claires CourtETX(163) Eton Excelsior RCNTTeasily 
5312:52N.1X (E)100TFN(164) Tiffin School BC (A)WBK(155) Walbrook RCKRC(166) Kingston Rowing Club (Dare)4:22easily 
5412:56N.1X (E)101COX(156) City of Oxford RCTFN(161) Tiffin School BCNTTRow Over 
8415:05WS2.1X MAR(179) Marlow RCMAR(180) Marlow RCETX(181) Eton Excelsior RC (Wigley)NTT2 lengths 
4912:36WS4.1X116 / 75ETX(182) Eton Excelsior RC (Cook)HAM(183) Hampton School (A)5:083 feet 
4812:57WS4.1X116 / 75KRC(184) Kingston Rowing ClubHAM(185) Hampton School4:472 lengths 
11617:19WS4.1X HAM(183) Hampton School (A)KRC(184) Kingston Rowing ClubHAM(185) Hampton SchoolNTT2 lengths 
7514:26WS4.1X (E)116ETX(182) Eton Excelsior RC (Cook)HAM(185) Hampton School4:50easily 
1910:30WN.1X89 / 45HAM(191) Hampton School (B)WBK(192) Walbrook RC5:084 lengths 
2110:30WN.1X45 / 46WLT(186) Walton RCWTS(187) Walbrook Teddington SRA (A)4:50a canvas 
2010:34WN.1X90 / 46KRC(188) Kingston Rowing ClubUTC(189) Upper Thames RCWTS(190) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Wales)4:394 lengths 
8915:25WN.1X120WTS(187) Walbrook Teddington SRA (A)KRC(188) Kingston Rowing ClubWTS(190) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Wales)4:394 lengths 
9015:29WN.1X120WBK(192) Walbrook RCWLT(186) Walton RCNTT2/3 length 
12018:00WN.1X WTS(190) Walbrook Teddington SRA (Wales)WBK(192) Walbrook RCNTT5 lengths 
4512:20WN.1X (E)90KRC(188) Kingston Rowing ClubHAM(191) Hampton School (B)NTTRow Over 
4612:24WN.1X (E)89WLT(186) Walton RCUTC(189) Upper Thames RC4:334 lengths 
9716:00WJ16.1X ARD(193) Ardingly Rowing ClubKRC(194) Kingston Rowing Club (Ayling)WLT(195) Walton RC4:40easily 
9415:45J18.1X ETX(176) Eton Excelsior RCKRC(177) Kingston Rowing ClubWEL(178) Weybridge Ladies ARC4:062 lengths