Bedford Quarts Sprint Regatta

Sunday 15th July 2007

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RaceTimeStatusNext Race Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
109:15S4.2X21PET(88) Peterborough City (Armstrong/Hine)CNN(89) Cambridge '99 RC (Hale/Ingram)2:11Not Rowed Out
209:18N.1X49STA(145) Star Club (Kilby)PET(146) Peterborough City (Hurford)2:24easily
309:21S3.1X19BRX(136) Broxbourne RC (Alexander)GRO(137) Grosvenor RC (Goldsbrough)2:23Row Over
409:24S3.4+60NTN(26) Northampton RCNWK(27) Newark RC1:563/4 length
509:27WN.1X43CHA(197) Champion of the Thames (Thompson)SRC(198) Sudbury RC (Jones)NTT5 lengths
709:33N.1X50HUN(149) Huntingdon RC (Rainbird)NRC(150) Nottingham RC (Dobbs)2:164 lengths
809:36S4.2X68CUR(81) Curlew RC (Everitt/Birrell)STN(82) Staines BC (Hopper/Roser)2:023 1/2 lengths
909:39N.1X46SRC(151) Sudbury RC (Ralph)BED(152) Bedford Rowing Club (Vendy)2:173 1/2 lengths
1009:42N.1X46NRC(153) Nottingham RC (Mccormick)NTN(154) Northampton RC (Johnson)2:052 1/2 lengths
1109:45S3.4+62PET(23) Peterborough CityBDS(24) Bedford SchoolNTT2 1/2 lengths
1209:48S3.4+60BED(28) Bedford Rowing ClubSTN(29) Staines BCNTT1 length
1309:51WS4.2X64STA(102) Star Club (Thompson/Barnwell)MIK(103) Milton Keynes RC (Trouse/Hocking)NTTNot Rowed Out
1409:54WS4.2X66LER(106) Leicester RC (Owen/Prentice)BED(107) Bedford Rowing Club (Newton/Banyard-Smith)2:212 lengths
1610:00S3.1X70BED(129) Bedford Rowing Club (Lewis)CAB(130) Cantabrigian RC (Price)2:133 1/2 lengths
1710:03WN.2X88CAM(112) City of Cambridge (Howson/Court)STA(113) Star Club (Sherborne/Bygraves)NTT6 lengths
1810:06S3.1X71ABN(133) Abingdon RC (Maynard)BRX(134) Broxbourne RC (Burden)NTT4 lengths
1910:09S3.1X71TRT(135) Trent RC (Holmes)BRX(136) Broxbourne RC (Alexander)2:263 lengths
2010:12S4.2X69PET(85) Peterborough City (Bishop/Hurford)BEC(86) Beccles Rowing Club (Marler/Adcock)2:12easily
2110:15S4.2X69SIV(87) St Ives RC (Poole/Hasler)CNN(89) Cambridge '99 RC (Hale/Ingram)2:113/4 length
2210:18WJ14.2X74NOR(116) Norwich RC (Moxon/Nichols)SUA(117) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Reid/Reynolds)2:40Row Over
2310:21S3.2X80MIK(79) Milton Keynes RC (Gilet/Lawson)TRT(80) Trent RC (Levitt/Cave)2:012 1/2 lengths
2410:24S3.2X79CUR(73) Curlew RC (Everitt/Birrell)HUN(74) Huntingdon RC (Smith/Rainbird)1:561/2 length
2610:30S3.2X80SRC(77) Sudbury RC (Hamblett/Hogsbjerg)SNE(78) St Neots RC (Fox/Spring)1:594 1/2 lengths
610:30N.1X48NTN(142) Northampton RC (Debeauvais)NOR(143) Norwich RC (Fitzgerald)2:101/2 length
2710:33WS4.1X83NOR(188) Norwich RC (Evans)STA(189) Star Club (Macdonald-Smith)2:33easily
2810:36WN.2X86STA(108) Star Club (Jones/Hurrell)NOR(109) Norwich RC (Lambert/Hoogland)2:271/2 length
2910:39WJ15.1X90BED(202) Bedford Rowing Club (Rogers)SUA(203) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Hadland)NTT2/3 length
3010:42WN.2X86BED(110) Bedford Rowing Club (Newton/Banyard-Smith)ROB(111) Rob Roy BC (Knights/Webster)2:212 lengths
3110:45WJ15.1X91SUA(206) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Delaney)NOR(207) Norwich RC (Hoogland)2:58Row Over
3210:48N.2X96SUA(90) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Nichols/Navein)BRD(91) Bradford ARC (Slade/Gledhill)2:26Row Over
3310:51N.2X94CNN(93) Cambridge '99 RC (Mcarthur/Paul)SRC(94) Sudbury RC (Frost/Ralph)2:13easily
3410:54WS3.1X98CAM(178) City of Cambridge (Borchers)STA(179) Star Club (Hamshere)2:203 1/2 lengths
3510:57WS3.1X97SRC(181) Sudbury RC (Tickner)BED(182) Bedford Rowing Club (Lindsey)2:206 lengths
3611:00WS3.1X97ABN(183) Abingdon RC (Marshall)SUA(184) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Curtis)2:25a canvas
3711:03N.8+92CHA(9) Champion of the ThamesCAM(10) City of Cambridge (CE)1:483/4 length
3811:06S3.1X70NTN(131) Northampton RC (Ingate)SIV(132) St Ives RC (Hasler)2:196 lengths
3911:09S3.2X79TRT(75) Trent RC (R Gipson/Holmes)BEC(76) Beccles Rowing Club (Marler/Adcock)2:041 1/4 lengths
4011:12WN.1X103SON(190) Sons of the Thames RC (Church)NTN(191) Northampton RC (Hodgkinson)2:371 1/4 lengths
4211:18WN.1X105TRT(194) Trent RC (Barker)BED(195) Bedford Rowing Club (Orme)2:415 lengths
4111:20WN.1X103BRX(192) Broxbourne RC (Gerelle)BED(193) Bedford Rowing Club (Anstee)2:303 lengths
4311:21WN.1X105BRX(196) Broxbourne RC (Ambery)CHA(197) Champion of the Thames (Thompson)2:216 lengths
4411:24WJ14.2X75SUA(120) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Wells/Roe)LER(121) Leicester RC2:251 1/8 lengths
4511:27N.2X94TRT(95) Trent RC (P Gipson/Mills)SUA(96) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Downes/Gorick)2:053 1/2 lengths
4611:30N.1X110SRC(151) Sudbury RC (Ralph)NTN(154) Northampton RC (Johnson)2:072 1/2 lengths
4711:33WJ14.1X101MIK(211) Milton Keynes RC (Amani)SUA(212) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Hadland)2:45easily
4811:36N.1X109NTN(142) Northampton RC (Debeauvais)CAB(144) Cantabrigian RC (Simpson)2:111/2 length
4911:39N.1X109STA(145) Star Club (Kilby)CAM(147) City of Cambridge (Redman)2:141/2 length
5011:42N.1X110PET(148) Peterborough City (Lacherski)HUN(149) Huntingdon RC (Rainbird)2:081/3 length
5111:45S4.4X116STN(57) Staines BCSTA(58) Star Club (MJ)NTT2 feet
5211:48S4.4+122MIK(30) Milton Keynes RC (T)LIN(31) Linacre BC2:012 1/2 lengths
5311:51S4.4+118MIK(33) Milton Keynes RC (D)STN(34) Staines BC1:573/4 length
5411:54S4.4+118BED(35) Bedford Rowing ClubPET(36) Peterborough City2:011 1/2 lengths
5612:00S2.1X119STN(127) Staines BC (Harris)SNE(128) St Neots RC (Bell)2:031 length
5712:03NI.4+121BED(41) Bedford Rowing ClubSTA(42) Star Club (B)2:051 1/4 lengths
5812:06N.4+123PET(38) Peterborough CityBEC(39) Beccles Rowing Club2:041/2 length
5912:09WS3.8+126BRX(14) Broxbourne RCSTA(15) Star Club2:001/3 length
6012:12S3.4+124NWK(27) Newark RCBED(28) Bedford Rowing Club1:551 1/4 lengths
6112:15WN.2X88ROB(114) Rob Roy BC (Ding/Lee)LER(115) Leicester RC (Mills/Sampson)2:23easily
6212:18S3.4+124BDS(24) Bedford SchoolCNN(25) Cambridge '99 RC1:514 feet
6312:21WS3.8+126SRC(16) Sudbury RCCAB(17) Cantabrigian RC2:041 1/4 lengths
6412:24WS4.2X127STA(102) Star Club (Thompson/Barnwell)BED(104) Bedford Rowing Club (Anstee/Lindsey)2:192 1/2 lengths
6512:27WS2.8+125PET(12) Peterborough CityCAM(13) City of Cambridge1:552 1/2 lengths
6612:30WS4.2X127SON(105) Sons of the Thames RC (West/Church)BED(107) Bedford Rowing Club (Newton/Banyard-Smith)2:142 lengths
6712:33VC.1X128CYG(159) Cygnet (Jillings)STA(160) Star Club (Armstrong)2:011 1/4 lengths
7012:42S3.1X130CAB(130) Cantabrigian RC (Price)SIV(132) St Ives RC (Hasler)2:092 1/2 lengths
7112:45S3.1X130ABN(133) Abingdon RC (Maynard)BRX(136) Broxbourne RC (Alexander)2:021/3 length
7212:48J15.2X131STN(98) Staines BC (Oades/Frost)STA(99) Star Club (Beechinor/Durrant)2:041 1/4 lengths
7312:51J15.1X135STA(170) Star Club (Tysoe)TRT(171) Trent RC (Pountney)2:222 feet
7412:54WJ14.2X136SUA(117) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Reid/Reynolds)LER(118) Leicester RC2:32easily
7512:57WJ14.2X136NOR(119) Norwich RC (Ellis/Wilkinson)SUA(120) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Wells/Roe)2:183 1/2 lengths
1513:00S4.2X68PET(83) Peterborough City (Rippon/Blades)BED(84) Bedford Rowing Club (Black/Derry)1:533 lengths
5513:00S2.1X119HUN(125) Huntingdon RC (Smith)BED(126) Bedford Rowing Club (Robb)2:063 lengths
7613:00S3.2-137SUA(61) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gordon/Roe)BDS(62) Bedford School (Walton/Talboys)2:34Row Over
7713:03WS4.4+134SNE(48) St Neots RCSUA(50) Stratford-upon-Avon BCNTTNo Race
7813:06S3.2-137STN(63) Staines BC (Garrod/Cannon)STA(64) Star Club (Burns/Durrant)1:541 1/2 lengths
7913:09S3.2X138CUR(73) Curlew RC (Everitt/Birrell)BEC(76) Beccles Rowing Club (Marler/Adcock)1:592 1/2 lengths
8013:12S3.2X138SRC(77) Sudbury RC (Hamblett/Hogsbjerg)TRT(80) Trent RC (Levitt/Cave)1:593 lengths
8113:15S1.1X139SNE(123) St Neots RC (Bell)BED(124) Bedford Rowing Club (Taylor)2:002 1/2 lengths
8213:18WS4.1X140BED(185) Bedford Rowing Club (Clow)STA(186) Star Club (Heywood)2:231 length
6813:20S4.2X129CUR(81) Curlew RC (Everitt/Birrell)PET(83) Peterborough City (Rippon/Blades)1:562 1/2 lengths
8313:21WS4.1X140BED(187) Bedford Rowing Club (Swift)NOR(188) Norwich RC (Evans)2:313 1/2 lengths
8413:24WS4.4+134PET(47) Peterborough CitySTA(49) Star Club2:141 1/2 lengths
9013:30WJ15.1X144SUA(203) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Hadland)ABN(204) Abingdon RC (Van Campen)2:202 1/2 lengths
8513:37S4.1X141STN(138) Staines BC (Grant)SIV(139) St Ives RC (Robinson)2:121 1/4 lengths
8613:40WN.2X142STA(108) Star Club (Jones/Hurrell)BED(110) Bedford Rowing Club (Newton/Banyard-Smith)2:153 lengths
2513:40WS4.4+77SUA(50) Stratford-upon-Avon BCNTN(51) Northampton RC2:463 lengths
8713:43N.8+145BED(6) Bedford Rowing ClubCAM(7) City of Cambridge (F)1:442 lengths
8813:46WN.2X142CAM(112) City of Cambridge (Howson/Court)ROB(114) Rob Roy BC (Ding/Lee)3:071 length
8913:49S4.1X141STA(140) Star Club (Burns)STN(141) Staines BC (Garrod)2:011 1/2 lengths
9113:55WJ15.1X144TRT(205) Trent RC (Barker)SUA(206) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Delaney)2:324 lengths
9314:01WN.8+146LIN(19) Linacre BCCAB(20) Cantabrigian RCNTT1 length
9514:07J16.1X155SUA(165) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Downes)SIV(166) St Ives RC (Hadley)NTT
9214:10N.8+145STA(8) Star ClubCAM(10) City of Cambridge (CE)1:482 lengths
9614:10N.2X147SUA(90) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Nichols/Navein)SNE(92) St Neots RC (Ritchie/Cantell)2:061 length
9714:13WS3.1X148BED(182) Bedford Rowing Club (Lindsey)ABN(183) Abingdon RC (Marshall)2:211/2 length
6914:15S4.2X129BEC(86) Beccles Rowing Club (Marler/Adcock)CNN(89) Cambridge '99 RC (Hale/Ingram)1:583 lengths
9814:16WS3.1X148CAM(178) City of Cambridge (Borchers)SON(180) Sons of the Thames RC (West)2:191 1/2 lengths
9914:19S2.2X149TRT(71) Trent RC (R Gipson/Cave)CAM(72) City of Cambridge (Wyborn/Lewsey)1:583 1/2 lengths
10014:22WJ14.1X151SUA(208) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Raison)DEB(209) Deben RC (Aubugeau-Williams)2:36easily
10114:25WJ14.1X151TRT(210) Trent RC (Davies)SUA(212) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Hadland)2:34easily
10214:28WVN.1X152ROB(200) Rob Roy BC (Knights)BRX(201) Broxbourne RC (Taylor)3:481 length
10414:34S4.8+154CHA(4) Champion of the ThamesBDS(5) Bedford School1:423/4 length
10514:37WN.1X153TRT(194) Trent RC (Barker)BRX(196) Broxbourne RC (Ambery)2:294 lengths
11714:40S4.2-162STA(67) Star Club (Butler/Anthony)STN(68) Staines BC (Mccarthy/Lacy)2:073/4 length
10614:40S2.2X149SNE(69) St Neots RC (Porteus/Emmerson)BED(70) Bedford Rowing Club (Hardy/Thompson)2:511 length
10314:41WN.1X153SON(190) Sons of the Thames RC (Church)BED(193) Bedford Rowing Club (Anstee)2:42
10714:43J16.1X155PET(167) Peterborough City (Blades)NOR(168) Norwich RC (Walmsley)2:083 lengths
10814:46VN.1X156BED(156) Bedford Rowing Club (Dickens)STN(157) Staines BC (Tollett)2:252 lengths
11014:52N.1X157PET(148) Peterborough City (Lacherski)NTN(154) Northampton RC (Johnson)2:071/2 length
11114:55J18.1X158BED(161) Bedford Rowing Club (Beechinor)SIV(162) St Ives RC (Hadley)2:021/3 length
11214:58J18.1X158STA(163) Star Club (Durrant)MHD(164) Maidenhead RC (Wildbore)2:042 lengths
11915:00S2.1X BED(126) Bedford Rowing Club (Robb)STN(127) Staines BC (Harris)2:014 lengths
11315:01J14.1X159NOR(172) Norwich RC (Hoogland)LER(173) Leicester RC (Byrne)2:325 lengths
11415:04J14.1X159BED(174) Bedford Rowing Club (Mizen)NOR(175) Norwich RC (Neale)2:26Row Over
9415:04N.2X147SRC(94) Sudbury RC (Frost/Ralph)SUA(96) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Downes/Gorick)2:023 feet
11515:07S4.4X161STA(54) Star Club (WJ)CAM(55) City of Cambridge1:581 length
11615:10S4.4X161SNE(56) St Neots RCSTA(58) Star Club (MJ)1:513/4 length
10915:10N.1X157NTN(142) Northampton RC (Debeauvais)STA(145) Star Club (Kilby)2:162 lengths
11815:16S4.4+166MIK(33) Milton Keynes RC (D)PET(36) Peterborough City1:581 1/2 lengths
12015:22S4.2-162BDS(65) Bedford School (Watkiss/Miller)LIN(66) Linacre BC (Bumpus/Bowker)2:094 lengths
12115:35NI.4+ STA(40) Star Club (A)BED(41) Bedford Rowing Club2:092 1/2 lengths
12315:41N.4+ BED(37) Bedford Rowing ClubPET(38) Peterborough City1:574 lengths
12415:44S3.4+ BDS(24) Bedford SchoolBED(28) Bedford Rowing Club1:511/4 length
12515:47WS2.8+ BRX(11) Broxbourne RCCAM(13) City of Cambridge1:541 3/4 lengths
12615:50WS3.8+ BRX(14) Broxbourne RCCAB(17) Cantabrigian RC2:013/4 length
12715:53WS4.2X BED(104) Bedford Rowing Club (Anstee/Lindsey)SON(105) Sons of the Thames RC (West/Church)2:165 lengths
12815:56VC.1X BEC(158) Beccles Rowing Club (Benest-Bartram)CYG(159) Cygnet (Jillings)2:111 1/2 lengths
12915:59S4.2X CUR(81) Curlew RC (Everitt/Birrell)CNN(89) Cambridge '99 RC (Hale/Ingram)2:01easily
12216:00S4.4+166LIN(31) Linacre BCBDS(32) Bedford School2:011 1/3 lengths
13016:02S3.1X CAB(130) Cantabrigian RC (Price)ABN(133) Abingdon RC (Maynard)2:053 1/2 lengths
13216:08S2.2- PET(59) Peterborough City (Starkey/Wadlow)STN(60) Staines BC (Grant/Moore)2:072 1/2 lengths
13316:11WS3.2X SUA(100) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (O'Hare/Vance)BED(101) Bedford Rowing Club (Clow/Hardy)2:111 1/4 lengths
13416:14WS4.4+ PET(47) Peterborough CitySUA(50) Stratford-upon-Avon BC2:082 1/4 lengths
13516:17J15.1X BED(169) Bedford Rowing Club (Walker)TRT(171) Trent RC (Pountney)2:203 1/2 lengths
14216:20WN.2X BED(110) Bedford Rowing Club (Newton/Banyard-Smith)CAM(112) City of Cambridge (Howson/Court)2:191 length
13616:20WJ14.2X LER(118) Leicester RCNOR(119) Norwich RC (Ellis/Wilkinson)2:20easily
13716:23S3.2- SUA(61) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Gordon/Roe)STN(63) Staines BC (Garrod/Cannon)1:561/3 length
13816:26S3.2X CUR(73) Curlew RC (Everitt/Birrell)SRC(77) Sudbury RC (Hamblett/Hogsbjerg)1:552 1/4 lengths
13916:29S1.1X STA(122) Star Club (Callow)BED(124) Bedford Rowing Club (Taylor)2:012 1/4 lengths
14016:32WS4.1X STA(186) Star Club (Heywood)NOR(188) Norwich RC (Evans)2:222 lengths
14116:35S4.1X STN(138) Staines BC (Grant)STA(140) Star Club (Burns)2:28easily
14316:41WS2.4+ MIK(43) Milton Keynes RCBRX(44) Broxbourne RC2:101/2 length
14416:44WJ15.1X ABN(204) Abingdon RC (Van Campen)SUA(206) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Delaney)2:22easily
13116:45J15.2X BED(97) Bedford Rowing Club (Walker/Mizen)STA(99) Star Club (Beechinor/Durrant)2:091/2 length
14516:47N.8+ BED(6) Bedford Rowing ClubCAM(10) City of Cambridge (CE)1:441/3 length
14616:50WN.8+ HUN(18) Huntingdon RCLIN(19) Linacre BC2:072 1/2 lengths
14716:53N.2X SUA(90) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Nichols/Navein)SUA(96) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Downes/Gorick)2:081 length
14816:56WS3.1X CAM(178) City of Cambridge (Borchers)BED(182) Bedford Rowing Club (Lindsey)1:51Row Over
14916:59S2.2X SNE(69) St Neots RC (Porteus/Emmerson)CAM(72) City of Cambridge (Wyborn/Lewsey)1:561/4 length
15017:02WS1.1X STA(176) Star Club (Jenkin)ROB(177) Rob Roy BC (Caroe)2:191 foot
15117:05WJ14.1X DEB(209) Deben RC (Aubugeau-Williams)SUA(212) Stratford-upon-Avon BC (Hadland)2:283 1/2 lengths
15217:08WVN.1X SNE(199) St Neots RC (Knowles)ROB(200) Rob Roy BC (Knights)2:401 1/4 lengths
16117:10S4.4X CAM(55) City of CambridgeSTA(58) Star Club (MJ)1:551 1/3 lengths
15317:11WN.1X BED(193) Bedford Rowing Club (Anstee)BRX(196) Broxbourne RC (Ambery)2:314 lengths
15417:14S4.8+ BED(3) Bedford Rowing ClubBDS(5) Bedford School1:492 1/2 lengths
15517:17J16.1X SIV(166) St Ives RC (Hadley)NOR(168) Norwich RC (Walmsley)2:031/2 length
15617:20VN.1X STN(155) Staines BC (Twaddle)BED(156) Bedford Rowing Club (Dickens)2:241 length
15717:23N.1X NTN(142) Northampton RC (Debeauvais)NTN(154) Northampton RC (Johnson)2:051/2 length
15817:26J18.1X BED(161) Bedford Rowing Club (Beechinor)MHD(164) Maidenhead RC (Wildbore)2:072 feet
15917:29J14.1X NOR(172) Norwich RC (Hoogland)NOR(175) Norwich RC (Neale)2:191 1/4 lengths
16017:32WS3.4+ BRX(45) Broxbourne RCBED(46) Bedford Rowing Club2:123 lengths
16217:38S4.2- BDS(65) Bedford School (Watkiss/Miller)STA(67) Star Club (Butler/Anthony)2:054 lengths
16317:41S3.8+ CAM(1) City of CambridgePET(2) Peterborough City1:471 3/4 lengths
16417:44WN.4+ BED/SNE(52) Bedford/St NeotsMIK(53) Milton Keynes RC2:272 lengths
16517:47S2.4+ STA(21) Star ClubSRC(22) Sudbury RC1:561/3 length
16617:50S4.4+ BDS(32) Bedford SchoolMIK(33) Milton Keynes RC (D)1:581 length