Bedford Autumn Small Boats Head

Sunday 9th October 2011

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Overall Results are also available.

Intermediate 1 Coxed Fours

306:18129SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Marshall) 
706:46 (+0:28)380BDSBedford School (Suthers) 
7DNS381MAGMagdalen College, Oxford (Abdalla) 

Intermediate 2 Coxed Fours

606:30329SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Marshall) 
406:41 (+0:11)196SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Morgan) 
506:57 (+0:27)259BDSBedford School (Olds) 
5DNS258MAGMagdalen College, Oxford (Abdalla) 

Intermediate 3 Coxed Fours

406:52201SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Dodson-Wells) 
306:56 (+0:04)133SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Gadsden) 
107:00 (+0:08)6BEDBedford Rowing Club (Farrer) 
307:00 (+0:08)132SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Lane Fox) 
607:02 (+0:10)340SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Dodson-Wells) 
507:04 (+0:12)264SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Clarke) 
407:05 (+0:13)202SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Rhodes-Bell) 
507:05 (+0:13)265BDSBedford School (Stewart) 
607:05 (+0:13)333SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Peter) 
107:09 (+0:17)7BMSBedford Modern School (Edwards) 
707:12 (+0:20)386STAStar Club (Richter) 
507:26 (+0:34)266SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Chapman) 
608:03 (+1:11)334GUIGuildford RC (Stevens) 

Novice Coxed Fours

407:06204SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Chapman) 
307:15 (+0:09)137BEDBedford Rowing Club (Evans) 
607:18 (+0:12)337SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Hammond) 
607:26 (+0:20)336SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Lloyd) 
207:37 (+0:31)63BDSBedford School (Trustram Eve) 
607:51 (+0:45)335SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Johnston) 
507:55 (+0:49)267SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Morgan) 
308:09 (+1:03)136OUTOundle Town RC (Lawson) 
408:28 (+1:22)205OUTOundle Town RC (Stratton) 

Masters C Coxed Fours

707:31385MIKMilton Keynes RC (Grossey) 
107:32 (+0:01)3STAStar Club (Chillingsworth) 
407:32 (+0:01)200GUIGuildford RC (Johnson) 
407:35 (+0:04)199STAStar Club (Osgood) 
507:36 (+0:05)261MARMarlow RC (Faulkner) 
107:37 (+0:06)4SRCSudbury RC (Adams) 
607:42 (+0:11)331STAStar Club (Rainbow) 
108:19 (+0:48)62BEDBedford Rowing Club (Spyropoulos) 

Masters D Coxed Fours

307:21135MARMarlow RC (Faulkner) 
407:21203STAStar Club (Barton) 
307:33 (+0:12)141STAStar Club (Taylor) 

Masters E Coxed Fours

107:239STAStar Club (Hunt) 
607:38 (+0:15)342SRCSudbury RC (Arnott) 
307:51 (+0:28)142GUIGuildford RC (Warne) 

Junior 18 Coxed Fours

506:41260SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Kimpton-Smith) 
606:46 (+0:05)330BDSBedford School (Hayes) 
107:05 (+0:24)2BMSBedford Modern School (Pang) 
407:10 (+0:29)198EMAEmanuel School (Foreshew) 
407:31 (+0:50)197BVGBishop Vesey's Grammar School (Shaikh) 

Junior 15 Coxed Fours

307:14140SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Hammond) 
507:36 (+0:22)269BMSBedford Modern School (Hewett) 
507:39 (+0:25)270SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Johnston) 
307:44 (+0:30)139BMSBedford Modern School (Johnson) 
307:46 (+0:32)138SHRRoyal Shrewsbury School (Morgan) 

Womens Intermediate 2 Coxed Fours

207:2664SWPSir William Perkins School (Pike) 
707:52 (+0:26)389MIKMilton Keynes RC (Jones) 

Womens Intermediate 3 Coxed Fours

207:5765SWPSir William Perkins School (Ward) 
608:08 (+0:11)341MARMarlow RC (Moran) 
309:00 (+1:03)144GUIGuildford RC (Irvine) 

Womens Novice Coxed Fours

608:04344SWPSir William Perkins School (Ward) 
408:06 (+0:02)206MARMarlow RC (Moran) 
209:01 (+0:57)66GUIGuildford RC (Irvine) 
5DNS271GUIGuildford RC (Little) 

Women's Masters C Coxed Fours

607:56339MIKMilton Keynes RC (Jones) 
108:28 (+0:32)11BEDBedford Rowing Club (Thomas) 

Women's Junior 16 Coxed Fours

208:0471SWPSir William Perkins School (Scott) 
708:17 (+0:13)390BMSBedford Modern School (Fish) 

Women's Junior 15 Coxed Fours

708:03398MARMarlow RC (Long) 
508:21 (+0:18)278BMSBedford Modern School (Geary) 
709:15 (+1:12)397BMSBedford Modern School (Gross) 

Mixed Intermediate 2 Coxed Fours

307:45134OUTOundle Town RC (Quigley) 
108:06 (+0:21)10OUTOundle Town RC (McCormack) 
508:12 (+0:27)268OUTOundle Town RC (Carpenter) 

Senior Coxless Fours

207:03Time Only59GUIGuildford RC (Warne) 

Novice Quad Sculls

506:5561EMAEmanuel School (Haywood) 
406:57 (+0:02)194BDSBedford School (Stephenson) 
607:02 (+0:07)328CABCantabrigian RC (Underwood) 

Masters D/F Quads

106:518HONThe Hornets Boat Club (Calcott =F)Actual Time: 07:16
107:31 (+0:40)5STAStar Club (Thompson =D) 

Junior 18 Quads

606:42327STAStar Club (Grzegorzewski) 
707:10 (+0:28)387STAStar Club (Morgan) 
607:23 (+0:41)465MIKMilton Keynes RC (King) 
1DNS1STOStowe Sculling Club (Pultr) 
6DNS195STOStowe Sculling Club (Scrase) 

Womens Intermediate 1 Quads

207:22Time Only60GUIGuildford RC (Lucas) 

Womens Intermediate 2 Quads

507:25262GUIGuildford RC (Hough) 
507:32 (+0:07)332MIKMilton Keynes RC (Grossey) 

Women's Junior 18 Quads

307:15130BGSBedford Girls School (Wright) 
307:16 (+0:01)131STAStar Club (Bennewith) 
507:24 (+0:09)263BGSBedford Girls School (Davis) 

Women's Junior 16 Quads

407:23209MARMarlow RC (Robertson) 
608:02 (+0:39)343OUTOundle Town RC (Monger) 
310:46 (+3:23)143STOStowe Sculling Club (Campbell) 

Mixed Intermediate 3 Quad Sculls

706:47382OUNOundle School BC (Cowley) 
706:54 (+0:07)383GUIGuildford RC (Van Pelt) 
707:16 (+0:29)384ROB/CABRob Roy/Cantabrigian (Wright) 
407:50 (+1:03)208OUTOundle Town RC (Dunn) 

Novice Coxed Quad Sculls

407:30Time Only210BDSBedford School (Holdsworth) 

Junior 15 Coxed Quads

207:2167EMAEmanuel School (Ansell) 
507:43 (+0:22)273BMSBedford Modern School (Sonpal) 
407:44 (+0:23)211EMAEmanuel School (Russell) 
607:50 (+0:29)347BMSBedford Modern School (Clarke) 
308:19 (+0:58)146BVGBishop Vesey's Grammar School (Stewart) 
508:22 (+1:01)272EMAEmanuel School (Bracegirdle) 
3DNS145BMSBedford Modern School (Brannan) 
4DNS212STAStar Club (White) 

Junior 14 Coxed Quads

708:10395OUNOundle School BC (Elmadbouh) 
708:16 (+0:06)396OUNOundle School BC (Craven) 
508:21 (+0:11)277MARMarlow RC (Napier-Munn) 
708:53 (+0:43)393OUNOundle School BC (Wilson) 
608:55 (+0:45)349BMSBedford Modern School (Mughal) 
609:04 (+0:54)350BMSBedford Modern School (A) 
710:27 (+2:17)394BMSBedford Modern School (Gale) 
711:27 (+3:17)437HLSHollowell Scullers 
7DNF 391OUNOundle School BC (Jacobson) 
7DNS392BMSBedford Modern School (Waugh) 

Womens Novice Coxed Quads

507:54275SWPSir William Perkins School (Lafferty) 
407:58 (+0:04)214EMAEmanuel School (Wolstenholme) 
208:49 (+0:55)69GUIGuildford RC (Slaughter) 
209:00 (+1:06)68PHSPutney High School RC (Brunskill) 
509:01 (+1:07)274GUIGuildford RC (Maentele) 

Women's Junior 15 Coxed Quads

407:37215MARMarlow RC (De Ban) 
307:41 (+0:04)147SWPSir William Perkins School (Koutas) 
607:48 (+0:11)348MARMarlow RC (Mansfield) 
107:54 (+0:17)12BGSBedford Girls School (Pryer) 
308:24 (+0:47)149SWPSir William Perkins School (Chaturvedi) 
408:25 (+0:48)216EMAEmanuel School (Palengat) 
508:48 (+1:11)276SWPSir William Perkins School (Quarrie) 
309:14 (+1:37)148EMAEmanuel School (Pittam) 
2DNS70PHSPutney High School RC (Myskovets) 
3DQL150BKMBerkhamsted Collegiate School BC (Dight) 

Women's Junior 14 Coxed Quads

607:56352SWPSir William Perkins School (Dawson) 
508:10 (+0:14)279MARMarlow RC (Hornett) 
608:37 (+0:41)351SWPSir William Perkins School (Apthorpe) 
508:39 (+0:43)281EMAEmanuel School (Stuff) 
508:50 (+0:54)280SWPSir William Perkins School (Spencer) 
709:01 (+1:05)399SRCSudbury RC (Stringer) 
409:06 (+1:10)218BGSBedford Girls School (Gibbs Charles) 
209:10 (+1:14)72EMAEmanuel School (Vidal-Hall) 
309:23 (+1:27)151EMAEmanuel School (Archer) 
209:35 (+1:39)73STAStar Club (Osgood) 
110:03 (+2:07)13BMSBedford Modern School (Garvey) 
410:14 (+2:18)217SWPSir William Perkins School (Johncock) 

Women's Junior 13 Coxed Quads

708:42462MARMarlow RC (Morris) 
708:44 (+0:02)439PHSPutney High School RC (Hammond) 
608:59 (+0:17)353MARMarlow RC (Morris) 
409:21 (+0:39)220SWPSir William Perkins School (Beddoe) 
709:22 (+0:40)438PHSPutney High School RC (McCann) 
409:35 (+0:53)219SWPSir William Perkins School (Fountain) 

Senior Coxless Pairs

706:45Time Only388STAStar Club (Eason/Taylor) 
607:06338STAStar Club (Miller/Bland) 
507:26 (+0:20)345MIKMilton Keynes RC (Klewpatinond/Grossey) 
407:30 (+0:24)207GUIGuildford RC (Carter/Austen) 

Intermediate 2 Coxless Pairs

307:09154BDSBedford School (Satchwill/Hayes) 
707:29 (+0:20)442SRCSudbury RC (Frost/Adams) 
508:02 (+0:53)282COX/STAOxford/Star (Simmonds/Rainbow) 

Intermediate 3 Coxless Pairs

307:14162BDSBedford School (Howard/Hufeld) 
107:20 (+0:06)18BDSBedford School (Stewart/Leach) 
107:41 (+0:27)19BDSBedford School (Cooper/Forsythe) 
207:43 (+0:29)80GUIGuildford RC (Hopwood/Van Pelt) 
507:51 (+0:37)288BEDBedford Rowing Club (Macintyre/Bradley) 
407:56 (+0:42)228BEDBedford Rowing Club (Farrer/Tusting) 
3DNS163BDSBedford School (Chiang/Olds) 

Novice Coxless Pairs

207:5977BDSBedford School (Mills/Maltby) 
108:30 (+0:31)20SRCSudbury RC (Cooper/Rhodes) 

Masters C/D Coxless Pairs

507:40287OUTOundle Town RC (Heaney/Quigley =D)Actual Time: 07:54
407:50 (+0:10)227COXCity of Oxford RC (Thomson/Simmonds =C) 
208:00 (+0:20)81COX/STAOxford/Star (Simmonds/Rainbow =C) 

Intermediate 3 Double Sculls

507:22283GUIGuildford RC (Boast/Stevens) 
407:25 (+0:03)222MEDMedway Towns RC (Powell/Kergall) 
707:58 (+0:36)461MIKMilton Keynes RC (Klewpatinond/Smith) 
108:06 (+0:44)25SRCSudbury RC (Wasse/Milbank) 

Novice Double Sculls

307:13157GUIGuildford RC (Hopwood/Van Pelt) 
307:21 (+0:08)156MEDMedway Towns RC (Powell/Kergall) 
407:54 (+0:41)225HUNHuntingdon RC (Bacon/Davies) 
107:57 (+0:44)16BMSBedford Modern School (Coveney/Titmas) 
508:00 (+0:47)285OUTOundle Town RC (Craike-Pickering/Lawson) 
1DNS15CURCurlew RC (Donaldson/Dixon) 
1DNS14BMSBedford Modern School (Hewett/Kumar) 

Masters C/D Double Sculls

407:19224MIKMilton Keynes RC (Lawson/Heywood =D)Actual Time: 07:33
507:38 (+0:19)284STAStar Club (Talboys/Lamb =D)Actual Time: 07:52
307:41 (+0:22)155OUTOundle Town RC (Efford/Carpenter =D)Actual Time: 07:55
608:00 (+0:41)354SRCSudbury RC (Hunt/Milbank =C)Actual Time: 08:20
7DNS440MARMarlow RC (McCartney/Robertson =C) 

Junior 18 Double Sculls

207:0675STOStowe Sculling Club (Rudkin/Scrase) 
707:19 (+0:13)441GUIGuildford RC (Sylvester/Kulczyk) 
207:31 (+0:25)76STAStar Club (Rhodes-Hook/Merriman) 
407:56 (+0:50)152BVGBishop Vesey's Grammar School (Breithaupt/Heckels) 
308:33 (+1:27)153BKMBerkhamsted Collegiate School BC (Cousins/Gurdon) 
208:57 (+1:51)74BKMBerkhamsted Collegiate School BC (Ferris/Tidey) 
409:11 (+2:05)221BVGBishop Vesey's Grammar School (Riley/Kohli) 

Junior 16 Double Sculls

307:27158STAStar Club (Stratton/Morgan) 
307:35 (+0:08)159STAStar Club (Beers/Colbert) 
307:50 (+0:23)161STAStar Club (Sonsino/Tugulu) 
408:26 (+0:59)226EMAEmanuel School (McLoughlin/Krause) 
308:45 (+1:18)160STOStowe Sculling Club (Roxburgh/Parsonson) 
208:48 (+1:21)78STOStowe Sculling Club (Desmond/Anderson) 
209:46 (+2:19)79BKMBerkhamsted Collegiate School BC (Bentley/Hodkinson) 

Junior 15 Double Sculls

507:57286EMAEmanuel School (Green/Russell) 
709:15 (+1:18)444MARMarlow RC (Rajapakse/McGibbon) 

Junior 14 Double Sculls

508:21293HWGRoyal Grammar School, High Wycombe (Howlett/Williams) 
709:09 (+0:48)445MARMarlow RC (Kendall/Tate) 

Womens Intermediate 1 Double Sculls

707:55443MIKMilton Keynes RC (Tatman/Grossey) 
408:18 (+0:23)223GUIGuildford RC (Lucas/Shenton-Taylor) 
608:29 (+0:34)355GUIGuildford RC (Johnson/Patel) 

Womens Intermediate 3 Double Sculls

407:58229SWPSir William Perkins School (Brown/Locke) 
608:00 (+0:02)357ROBRob Roy BC (Gejlsbjerg/Webster) 
208:20 (+0:22)82SWPSir William Perkins School (Joyce/Hatto) 
608:34 (+0:36)356STAStar Club (Seddon/Thompson) 

Womens Novice Double Sculls

208:2486GUIGuildford RC (Patel/Gleichmann) 
208:43 (+0:19)87EMAEmanuel School (Alsina-Olaizola/Philcox) 
108:46 (+0:22)23OUTOundle Town RC (Birchall/Milborne) 
209:05 (+0:41)85EMAEmanuel School (Wolstenholme/Cox) 
109:06 (+0:42)26STAStar Club (French/Swain) 
510:37 (+2:13)292GUIGuildford RC (Irvine/Tasker) 

Women's Junior 16 Double Sculls

207:3584BGSBedford Girls School (Armstrong/Bruce) 
408:22 (+0:47)230MARMarlow RC (Rajapakse/Taylor) 
508:28 (+0:53)290BMSBedford Modern School (Fulford/White) 
108:47 (+1:12)21OUTOundle Town RC (Birchall/Monger) 
508:56 (+1:21)289BMSBedford Modern School (Fish/Goodman) 
309:58 (+2:23)164BKMBerkhamsted Collegiate School BC (Brandon/Frost) 
210:20 (+2:45)83BKMBerkhamsted Collegiate School BC (Barker/O Grady) 
110:40 (+3:05)22STOStowe Sculling Club (Wild/Williamson) 
3DNS165MARMarlow RC (Croll/Gill) 

Women's Junior 15 Double Sculls

608:04358MARMarlow RC (Foister/De Ban) 
308:16 (+0:12)167MARMarlow RC (Simon/Wilson) 
708:31 (+0:27)446BMSBedford Modern School (Sandy/Geary) 
208:57 (+0:53)90BGSBedford Girls School (Hambleton-Jewell/Paymaster) 
109:20 (+1:16)24OUTOundle Town RC (Lawson/Stokes) 
309:21 (+1:17)166EMAEmanuel School (Cattaneo/Vidal-Hall) 
209:24 (+1:20)89EMAEmanuel School (Konig/Palengat) 
609:24 (+1:20)359MARMarlow RC (Goodman/Whyman) 
209:38 (+1:34)88BKMBerkhamsted Collegiate School BC (Dight/Kent) 
409:49 (+1:45)231EMAEmanuel School (Pittam/Salmon) 

Women's Junior 14 Double Sculls

507:59295MARMarlow RC (Devereux/Harding) 
708:18 (+0:19)448SRCSudbury RC (Adams/Bowles) 
608:44 (+0:45)360MARMarlow RC (Napier-Munn/Dean) 
708:54 (+0:55)449MARMarlow RC (Taylor/Hornett) 
708:59 (+1:00)447MARMarlow RC (Croll/Bruce) 
209:00 (+1:01)91EMAEmanuel School (Stuff/McIntosh) 
309:00 (+1:01)168MARMarlow RC (Bruce/Taylor) 
209:11 (+1:12)92BGSBedford Girls School (Harris/Osgood) 
5DNS294MARMarlow RC (Pearce/Morris) 

Mixed Masters A Double Sculls

607:32346BDSBedford School (Palmer/Palmer) 

Elite Sculls

407:43213HUNHuntingdon RC (Adams) 
107:48 (+0:05)17BULBurton Leander RC (Arnold) 

Intermediate 1 Sculls

107:2228STAStar Club (Miller) 
607:22365IELIsle of Ely BC (Hughes) 
1DNS27BIDBideford Amateur RC (Dancer) 

Intermediate 2 Sculls

107:0630STAStar Club (Eason) 
307:24 (+0:18)170IELIsle of Ely BC (Hughes) 
107:29 (+0:23)29STAStar Club (Kempsell) 

Intermediate 3 Sculls

107:3235STAStar Club (Bavington) 
107:37 (+0:05)36BDSBedford School (Hayes) 
107:46 (+0:14)34BDSBedford School (Satchwill) 
107:59 (+0:27)37STAStar Club (Richter) 

Novice Sculls

307:55173BDSBedford School (Stewart) 
507:56 (+0:01)298GUIGuildford RC (Van Pelt) 
508:02 (+0:07)297GUIGuildford RC (Hopwood) 
608:07 (+0:12)366OUNOundle School BC (Irvine) 
208:08 (+0:13)96GUIGuildford RC (Cooper) 
308:10 (+0:15)174BDSBedford School (Forsythe) 
108:16 (+0:21)42BDSBedford School (Hufeld) 
108:18 (+0:23)43BDSBedford School (Olds) 
308:20 (+0:25)171BDSBedford School (Cooper) 
308:26 (+0:31)172BDSBedford School (Maltby) 
208:29 (+0:34)95HUNHuntingdon RC (Bacon) 
408:32 (+0:37)237STAStar Club (Rhodes-Hook) 
409:47 (+1:52)257STAStar Club (Swan-Brown) 
1DNS41BDSBedford School (Chiang) 

Masters D Single Sculls

108:0538STAStar Club (Higgins) 
208:12 (+0:07)94HLSHollowell Scullers (Rudkin) 
108:15 (+0:10)39OUTOundle Town RC (Milborne) 
708:32 (+0:27)450STAStar Club (Cook) 

Masters F/G Sculls

108:1040BEDBedford Rowing Club (Harris =F) 
508:36 (+0:26)312GUIGuildford RC (Hall =G)Actual Time: 08:52
508:46 (+0:36)311GUIGuildford RC (Woowat =F) 

Junior 18 Sculls

107:2133IELIsle of Ely BC (Hughes) 
607:32 (+0:11)364OUNOundle School BC (Bolle-Jones) 
107:44 (+0:23)31BDSBedford School (Howard) 
507:44 (+0:23)291BEDBedford Rowing Club (Vincent) 
107:50 (+0:29)32BULBurton Leander RC (Roe) 
507:50 (+0:29)296GUIGuildford RC (Sylvester) 
407:53 (+0:32)235STAStar Club (Jacobs) 
608:04 (+0:43)363GUIGuildford RC (Kulczyk) 
408:08 (+0:47)232STAStar Club (Grzegorzewski) 
408:25 (+1:04)234STAStar Club (Merriman) 
308:43 (+1:22)169BVGBishop Vesey's Grammar School (Huskisson) 
409:27 (+2:06)233BVGBishop Vesey's Grammar School (Davies) 
2DNS93STAStar Club (Rhodes-Hook) 
4DNS236STAStar Club (Jobling) 

Junior 16 Sculls

107:4044BEDBedford Rowing Club (Vincent) 
107:46 (+0:06)46BULBurton Leander RC (Roe) 
307:56 (+0:16)176BDSBedford School (Leach) 
207:57 (+0:17)98STOStowe Sculling Club (Marston) 
208:02 (+0:22)45NTNNorthampton RC (Tobin) 
208:04 (+0:24)97BDSBedford School (Bruce) 
508:10 (+0:30)299STAStar Club (Morgan) 
508:11 (+0:31)300STAStar Club (Stratton) 
708:13 (+0:33)464CHAChampion of the Thames (Haynes) 
408:21 (+0:41)240EMAEmanuel School (Chauhan-Sims) 
508:22 (+0:42)301STAStar Club (Tugulu) 
408:25 (+0:45)239EMAEmanuel School (Little) 
408:31 (+0:51)238EMAEmanuel School (Haywood) 
308:32 (+0:52)175BVGBishop Vesey's Grammar School (Higgins) 
408:36 (+0:56)241EMAEmanuel School (Naudi) 
708:43 (+1:03)451MIKMilton Keynes RC (Baines) 
508:51 (+1:11)302STAStar Club (Sonsino) 

Junior 15 Sculls

108:1247STAStar Club (White) 
208:20 (+0:08)100HUNHuntingdon RC (Davies) 
208:35 (+0:23)101STAStar Club (McCarthy) 
508:47 (+0:35)303EMAEmanuel School (Slingsby) 
309:11 (+0:59)178BVGBishop Vesey's Grammar School (Huskisson) 
709:37 (+1:25)453MIKMilton Keynes RC (Takacs) 
709:55 (+1:43)452HLSHollowell Scullers (Sinclair) 
310:15 (+2:03)177BKMBerkhamsted Collegiate School BC (Hodkinson) 
2DNS99STAStar Club (Owen) 

Junior 14 Sculls

108:5454BEDBedford Rowing Club (Bunday) 
712:01 (+3:07)455HLSHollowell Scullers (Hunt) 
612:06 (+3:12)369HLSHollowell Scullers (Webb) 

Womens Senior Sculls

608:27Time Only362GUIGuildford RC (Hough) 
608:43Time Only361GUIGuildford RC (Lucas) 

Womens Intermediate 3 Sculls

508:21309DURDurham ARC (Prescott) 
408:23 (+0:02)242MARMarlow RC (Armstrong) 
208:36 (+0:15)105MARMarlow RC (Smart) 
508:47 (+0:26)310SWPSir William Perkins School (West) 
708:57 (+0:36)454CHAChampion of the Thames (Jacklin) 
609:40 (+1:19)368GUIGuildford RC (Shenton-Taylor) 
2DNF 103MARMarlow RC (Newman-Smith) 
2DNS104STAStar Club (Seddon) 

Womens Novice Sculls

608:44371OUNOundle School BC (Seymour) 
608:45 (+0:01)370SWPSir William Perkins School (Pike) 
208:56 (+0:12)107EMAEmanuel School (Zigic) 
410:02 (+1:18)247GUIGuildford RC (Rason) 

Women's Masters B Single Sculls

408:34245MIKMilton Keynes RC (Marshall) 
408:49 (+0:15)246GUIGuildford RC (Johnson) 

Women's Masters D Sculls

208:16114DURDurham ARC (Prescott) 
508:31 (+0:15)313BEDBedford Rowing Club (Reay) 

Women's Junior 18 Sculls

608:04367OUNOundle School BC (Cowley) 
108:13 (+0:09)50BGSBedford Girls School (Wright) 
208:19 (+0:15)102MARMarlow RC (Armstrong) 
108:28 (+0:24)51BGSBedford Girls School (Bruce) 
108:34 (+0:30)48BGSBedford Girls School (Swann) 
508:36 (+0:32)308STAStar Club (Bennewith) 
408:38 (+0:34)244BEDBedford Rowing Club (Crouch) 
508:56 (+0:52)307STAStar Club (Cusack) 
508:59 (+0:55)305STAStar Club (Stockton) 
509:00 (+0:56)306EMAEmanuel School (Zigic) 
109:02 (+0:58)52BGSBedford Girls School (Davis) 
109:09 (+1:05)49BGSBedford Girls School (Ginn) 
309:09 (+1:05)179STAStar Club (Jafarifar) 
509:23 (+1:19)304STAStar Club (Goodes) 
1DNS53BGSBedford Girls School (Gledhill) 
4DNS243BEDBedford Rowing Club (Larkworthy) 

Women's Junior 16 Sculls

408:01106BEDBedford Rowing Club (Larkworthy) 
508:34 (+0:33)315BGSBedford Girls School (Bruce) 
208:38 (+0:37)113BEDBedford Rowing Club (Crouch) 
208:44 (+0:43)108BGSBedford Girls School (Harbinson) 
608:55 (+0:54)373SWPSir William Perkins School (Smith) 
208:56 (+0:55)109MARMarlow RC (Rajapakse) 
608:56 (+0:55)374SWPSir William Perkins School (Fjortoft) 
209:06 (+1:05)112BGSBedford Girls School (Stephens) 
209:06 (+1:05)111MARMarlow RC (Taylor) 
409:10 (+1:09)248SWPSir William Perkins School (Nearcou) 
109:12 (+1:11)55STAStar Club (Jafarifar) 
509:13 (+1:12)314SWPSir William Perkins School (Dent) 
609:20 (+1:19)372SWPSir William Perkins School (Scott) 
113:16 (+5:15)56STOStowe Sculling Club (Campbell) 
2DNS110BGSBedford Girls School (Walters) 
5DNS316BMSBedford Modern School (McCraith) 

Women's Junior 15 Sculls

508:16318BGSBedford Girls School (Armstrong) 
208:27 (+0:11)115MARMarlow RC (Jemielity) 
208:27 (+0:11)117MARMarlow RC (Wright) 
608:28 (+0:12)376MARMarlow RC (Long) 
208:37 (+0:21)120SWPSir William Perkins School (Binnion) 
508:40 (+0:24)320SWPSir William Perkins School (Atkinson) 
208:42 (+0:26)123MARMarlow RC (Foister) 
608:50 (+0:34)378MARMarlow RC (Holmes) 
608:56 (+0:40)377SWPSir William Perkins School (Hannaby) 
208:58 (+0:42)119MARMarlow RC (De Ban) 
209:00 (+0:44)121MARMarlow RC (Mansfield) 
509:00 (+0:44)321BGSBedford Girls School (Osborne-Walker) 
509:02 (+0:46)322SWPSir William Perkins School (Aitchison) 
209:05 (+0:49)463BGSBedford Girls School (Selvey) 
509:06 (+0:50)317SWPSir William Perkins School (Koutas) 
209:09 (+0:53)116MARMarlow RC (Cox) 
309:10 (+0:54)182SWPSir William Perkins School (McLeod) 
609:14 (+0:58)375SWPSir William Perkins School (Stevens) 
609:15 (+0:59)457SRCSudbury RC (Shaw) 
209:27 (+1:11)122EMAEmanuel School (Rogerson) 
109:28 (+1:12)57STAStar Club (Bennewith) 
709:28 (+1:12)456MIKMilton Keynes RC (Williamson) 
709:29 (+1:13)458MIKMilton Keynes RC (Powell) 
309:32 (+1:16)180SWPSir William Perkins School (Byard) 
109:34 (+1:18)58OUTOundle Town RC (Leer) 
409:36 (+1:20)250SWPSir William Perkins School (Hatch) 
609:37 (+1:21)379SWPSir William Perkins School (Wiggins) 
209:39 (+1:23)118SWPSir William Perkins School (Anderson) 
409:42 (+1:26)249SWPSir William Perkins School (Chaturvedi) 
509:43 (+1:27)323SWPSir William Perkins School (Black) 
309:54 (+1:38)181SWPSir William Perkins School (Quarrie) 
710:13 (+1:57)459MIKMilton Keynes RC (Gibbard) 
4DNS251SWPSir William Perkins School (Lafferty) 
5DNS319PHSPutney High School RC (Myskovets) 

Women's Junior 14 Sculls

308:26185MARMarlow RC (Harding) 
208:43 (+0:17)124SWPSir William Perkins School (Yetman) 
308:52 (+0:26)191MARMarlow RC (Devereux) 
309:04 (+0:38)187MARMarlow RC (Hornett) 
209:18 (+0:52)127SWPSir William Perkins School (Brown) 
309:30 (+1:04)183EMAEmanuel School (Slater) 
209:31 (+1:05)128SWPSir William Perkins School (Dawson) 
509:31 (+1:05)324BGSBedford Girls School (Harris) 
509:38 (+1:12)326SWPSir William Perkins School (Apthorpe) 
409:48 (+1:22)255SWPSir William Perkins School (Pepall) 
409:51 (+1:25)254EMAEmanuel School (Mickley) 
309:55 (+1:29)192EMAEmanuel School (Shaw) 
309:58 (+1:32)188SWPSir William Perkins School (Spencer) 
310:12 (+1:46)186SWPSir William Perkins School (Lindsay) 
310:14 (+1:48)184SWPSir William Perkins School (Contopoulos) 
510:22 (+1:56)325EMAEmanuel School (Vidal-Hall) 
210:36 (+2:10)125SWPSir William Perkins School (Sharps) 
310:38 (+2:12)189EMAEmanuel School (Clouston) 
710:40 (+2:14)460HLSHollowell Scullers (Bright) 
411:22 (+2:56)256EMAEmanuel School (Donlan) 
2DNS126SWPSir William Perkins School (Sharma) 
3DNS193MARMarlow RC (Croll) 
3DNS190SWPSir William Perkins School (Hopkins) 
4DNS253SWPSir William Perkins School (Glover) 
4DNS252SWPSir William Perkins School (Walmsley)