Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 11th July 2009

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Switch to Sunday 12 July 2009

Draw for Vesta RC

0Womens Intermediate 1 Eights

 14) Cambridge Univ WBC (Drummond)─┐ Vesta (Ansell)                   
 15) Vesta (Ansell)────────────────┘ 3:36 3/4 length                  │
 16) Cambridge Univ WBC (Surtees)──┐                                  │
                                   │ Cambridge Univ WBC (Surtees)     │ Vesta (Ansell)                   
 17) Globe (Clark)─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────
                                   │ 3:29 easily                      │ 3:27 1/2 length                  
 18) Guildford (Patel)─────────────┘                                  │
 19) Kingston (Gilliver)───────────┐ Cambridge Univ WBC (Stewart)     │
 20) Cambridge Univ WBC (Stewart)──┘                                  

0Womens Intermediate 3 Eights

 21) Kingston (Goddard)───────────┐
                                  │ Twickenham (Holloway)           
 22) Twickenham (Holloway)────────┼─────────────────────────────────┐
                                  │ 3:43 1 1/4 lengths              │
 23) Vesta (Goodman)──────────────┘                                 │
 24) Barnes Bridge Ladies (Lucey)─┐                                 │
                                  │ Barnes Bridge Ladies (Lucey)    │ Twickenham (Holloway)           
 25) Cambridge Univ WBC (Long)────┼─────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────
                                  │ 3:40 1/4 length                 │ 3:44 2 1/4 lengths              
 26) Eton Excelsior (Richardson)──┘                                 │
 27) Walbrook (Bolton)────────────┐                                 │
                                  │ Walbrook (Bolton)               │
 28) Twickenham (West)────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┘
                                  │ 3:46 4 lengths                  
 29) Vesta (Starostina)───────────┘

0Intermediate 1 Coxless Fours

 90) Vesta (Hawkins)────┐ Vesta (Hawkins)       
 91) Kingston (Kervell)─┘ 3:28 1/2 length       │ Vesta (Ireland)       
 92) Cygnet (Henderson)─┐ Vesta (Ireland)       │ 3:31 3 feet           
 93) Vesta (Ireland)────┘ 3:29 1/3 length       

0Novice Quad Sculls

 94) Vesta (Jozwiak)────┐ Vesta (Jozwiak)       
 95) Calpe (Castle)─────┘ 2 1/2 lengths         │ Vesta (Jozwiak)       
 96) Walbrook (Poulsom)─┐ Calpe (Grech)         │ 3:24 2 lengths        
 97) Calpe (Grech)──────┘ 3:33 1 3/4 lengths    

0Intermediate 3 Double Sculls

 104) Thames (Jones/Jory)───────────────────────┐ Thames (Jones/Jory)                           
 105) Guildford (Manton/Sadler)─────────────────┘ 3:48 2 1/2 lengths                            │
 106) Vesta (Hindshaw/Henderson)────────────────┐                                               │
                                                │ Walbrook (Sawtell/Makinson)                   │ First & Third/Jesus (Gruessing/Tran Viet)     
 107) Walbrook (Sawtell/Makinson)───────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────
                                                │ 3:45 easily                                   │ 3:35 5 lengths                                
 108) Calpe (Vatvani/Grech)─────────────────────┘                                               │
 109) First & Third/Jesus (Gruessing/Tran─Viet)─┐ First & Third/Jesus (Gruessing/Tran Viet)     │
 110) Eton Excelsior (Dollimore/Swire)──────────┘ easily                                        

0Novice Double Sculls

 111) Calpe (Lett/Roman)──────────────┐
                                      │ Calpe (Lett/Roman)                  
 112) Walton (Jensma/Hulley)──────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┐
                                      │ 3:44 3 lengths                      │
 113) Vesta (Kane/Rose)───────────────┘                                     │ Calpe (Lett/Roman)                  
 114) Kingston (Hayes/Hoskin)─────────┐ Kingston (Hayes/Hoskin)             │ 3:41 2 lengths                      │
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┘                                     │
 115) Quintin (Cirmirakis/Cirmirakis)─┘ 3:43 2 1/2 lengths                                                        │ Calpe (Lett/Roman)                  
 116) Eton Excelsior (Brown/Curran)───┐                                                                           │ 4:00 1 length                       
                                      │ Eton Excelsior (Brown/Curran)                                             │
 117) Walbrook (Lukes/Davey)──────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┐                                     │
                                      │ 4:01 3 lengths                      │                                     │
 118) Tiffin School (Clarke/McArdle)──┘                                     │ Calpe (Facio Beanland/Castle)       │
 119) Calpe (Facio─Beanland/Castle)───┐ Calpe (Facio Beanland/Castle)       │ 3:56 3 1/2 lengths                  
 120) Vesta (Awad/Germadnik)──────────┘ 3:52 easily                         

0Womens Intermediate 3 Double Sculls

 121) Guildford (Poole/Shenton─Taylor)──────────┐ Vesta (Henderson Ross/McLeod More)            
 122) Vesta (Henderson─Ross/McLeod─More)────────┘ 4:14 4 lengths                                │ Tideway Scullers School (Lonergan/Phelan)     
 123) Tideway Scullers School (Lonergan/Phelan)─┐ Tideway Scullers School (Lonergan/Phelan)     │ 4:00 3 lengths                                
 124) Guildford (Stones/Muller)─────────────────┘ 4:20 3 lengths                                

0Intermediate 1 Sculls

 133) Kingston (Hall)─┐
                      │ Vesta (Bond)        
 134) Vesta (Bond)────┼─────────────────────┐
                      │ 3:45 3 1/2 lengths  │
 135) Molesey (Gare)──┘                     │ Vesta (Bond)        
 136) Henley (Hanson)─┐ Henley (Hanson)     │ 3:49 3 lengths      
 137) Vesta (Brown)───┘ 3:56 1 3/4 lengths  

0Novice Sculls

 164) Nephthys (Sadowski)────────────┐
                                     │ Tiffin School (Clarke)             
 165) Tiffin School (Clarke)─────────┼────────────────────────────────────┐
                                     │ 4:09 3 lengths                     │
 166) Vesta (Galavotti)──────────────┘                                    │
 167) Calpe (Vatvani)────────────────┐                                    │
                                     │ Kingston (Thompson)                │
 168) Eton Excelsior (Cosham)────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤
                                     │ 4:07 1/4 length                    │
 169) Kingston (Thompson)────────────┘                                    │ Kingston (Borthwick)               
 170) Globe (Hollier)────────────────┐                                    │                                    │
                                     │ Vesta (Hughes)                     │                                    │
 171) Calpe (Tilbury)────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┘                                    │
                                     │ 4:08 1 length                                                           │
 172) Vesta (Hughes)─────────────────┘                                                                         │ W09
 165) Tiffin School (Clarke)─────────┐                                                                         │ H09
                                     │ Tiffin School (Clarke)                                                  │
 169) Kingston (Thompson)────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┐                                    │
                                     │ 4:05 2 lengths                     │                                    │
 172) Vesta (Hughes)─────────────────┘                                    │ Calpe (Montero)                    │
 173) Calpe (Montero)────────────────┐ Calpe (Montero)                    │ 4 1/2 lengths                      
 175) Walton (Jensma)────────────────┘ 4:01 4 1/2 lengths                 │
 176) Molesey (Westcott)─────────────┐                                    │
                                     │ Molesey (Westcott)                 │
 177) Vesta (Kane)───────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┘
                                     │ 4:06 easily                        
 178) Calpe (Lett)───────────────────┘