Kingston Amateur Regatta

Saturday 9th July 2011

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Switch to Sunday 10 July 2011

Draw for Cambridge University Lightweights

14) Intermediate 1 Sculls

 69) Cambridge Lightweights (Kerr)─┐ Cambridge Lightweights (Kerr)    
 70) Tiffin School (Nottidge)──────┘ 3:46 2 lengths                   │ Cambridge Lightweights (Kerr)    
 71) University of Surrey (Mee)────┐ University of Surrey (Mee)       │ 1 length                         
 72) Tiffin School (Clarke)────────┘ 3:49 2 1/2 lengths               

15) Intermediate 3 Sculls

 73) Kingston (Miyake─Mark)───────────┐ Kingston (Miyake Mark)              
 74) Fitzwilliam College (Marron)─────┘ Row Over                            │
 75) City of Oxford (Anderson)────────┐                                     │
                                      │ Walton (Shire)                      │ Cambridge Lightweights (Tedbury)    
 76) Walton (Shire)───────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────
                                      │ 3:58 5 lengths                      │ 4:03 4 lengths                      
 77) Auriol Kensington (Gracey)───────┘                                     │
 78) Cambridge Lightweights (Tedbury)─┐ Cambridge Lightweights (Tedbury)    │
 79) Vesta (Galavotti)────────────────┘ 3:58 easily                         

27) Intermediate 1 Double Sculls

 159) Cambridge Lightweights (Kerr/Hale)───────┐
                                               │ Kingston (Mackinney/Wiley)                   
 160) Kingston (Mackinney/Wiley)───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────┐
                                               │ 3:27 3 1/2 lengths                           │
 161) Twickenham (Calvin/Nelson)───────────────┘                                              │ Kingston (Mackinney/Wiley)                   
 162) Guildford (Manton/Sadler)────────────────┐ Cambridge Lightweights (Blackwell/Price)     │ 3:20 1 1/4 lengths                           
 163) Cambridge Lightweights (Blackwell/Price)─┘ 3:36 2 1/2 lengths