Weybridge Ladies Regatta

Sunday 9th June 2019

Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.
Click here to view the full Draw.

38) Junior 14 Sculls (Group B)

 351) Reading (Ramsden)─────────┐ Radnor House Sch (Brooks)     
 352) Radnor House Sch (Brooks)─┘ 4 lengths                     │ Weybridge (Manzi)             
 353) Weybridge (Manzi)─────────────────────────────────────────┘ 3 lengths                     │
                                                                                                │ Weybridge (Manzi)             
 354) Henley (O'Shea─James)─────┐ Henley (O'Shea James)                                         ├───────────────────────────────
                                ├───────────────────────────────┐                               │ 5 lengths                     
 355) Guildford (Kingerlee)─────┘ Row Over                      │ Henley (O'Shea James)         │
 356) Weybridge (Chandler)──────┐ Weybridge (Chandler)          │ 2 lengths                     
 357) Guildford (Hanin)─────────┘ 4 1/2 lengths