Walton & Weybridge Regatta
Saturday 6th June 2015
Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.
Draw for Kingston Rowing Club
5) Womens Novice Coxed Fours
21) Reading (Jones)──────────────────────────────┐
22) Kingston (Berry)─────────────────────────────┘ Race 88 12:07 │
23) Weybridge (Haines)───────────────────────────┐ │ Race 122 13:32
│ │
24) St George's Coll (Lovelock)─┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 89 12:10
25) Reading (Abrar)─────────────┘ Race 45 10:20
8) Women's Masters A/B Quads
32) Weybridge Ladies (Alcock =B)─┐
33) Kingston (Kugele =A)─────────┘ Race 124 13:37
17) Womens Intermediate 3 Double Sculls
70) Walton (Dent/Denham)──────────────────────┐
71) Twickenham (Field/Rudenko)────────────────┘ Race 35 09:55 │
72) University of Surrey (Charman/Bockelmann)──────────────────┘ Race 72 11:27 │
73) St George's Coll (Busch/Gannon)────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 112 13:07
│ │
74) Reading (Radu/Wilkinson)──────────────────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 73 11:30
75) Kingston (Brunning/Dickman)───────────────┘ Race 36 09:57
31) Womens Novice Sculls
141) Charterhouse (Ryan)─────┐
142) Upper Thames (Haycraft)─┘ Race 17 09:10 │
143) Kingston (Baylis)────────────────────────┘ Race 58 10:52 │
144) Wallingford RC (Davies)─┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┐ │ Race 98 12:32
145) Upper Thames (Earle)────┘ Race 18 09:12 │ │
146) Charterhouse (Pite)─────┐ │ Race 57 10:50
147) Upper Thames (Pishock)──┘ Race 19 09:15
35) Novice Eights
301) Reading (Garfield)──────────────────┐
302) Windsor Boys School (Smerin)────────┘ Race 337 15:22 │
303) Kingston (Tunbridge)─────────────────────────────────┘ Race 377 17:14 │
304) Vesta (Radcke)───────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 405 18:32
│ │
305) Whitgift School BC (Hatteland─Dunn)─┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 378 17:17
306) Molesey (Taylor)────────────────────┘ Race 338 15:25