Walton & Weybridge Regatta
Saturday 6th June 2015
Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.
Draw for Vesta RC
1) Intermediate 3 Eights
1) Whitgift School BC (Elliott)─┐
2) Vesta (Radcke)───────────────┘ Race 128 13:47
35) Novice Eights
301) Reading (Garfield)──────────────────┐
302) Windsor Boys School (Smerin)────────┘ Race 337 15:22 │
303) Kingston (Tunbridge)─────────────────────────────────┘ Race 377 17:14 │
304) Vesta (Radcke)───────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 405 18:32
│ │
305) Whitgift School BC (Hatteland─Dunn)─┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 378 17:17
306) Molesey (Taylor)────────────────────┘ Race 338 15:25