Cambridge Autumn Regatta

Sunday 11th September 2022

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Globe RC

6) Open Coxed Fours

 13) Huntingdon RC────────────────────────────┐ Huntingdon RC        
 14) Devil's Elbow RC─────────────────────────┘ 1 1/2 lengths        │ Huntingdon RC        
 15) Peterborough City────────────────────────┐                      │ 2 feet               
                                              │ Peterborough City    │
 16) Globe─────────────┐ Globe                ├──────────────────────┘
                       ├──────────────────────┘ 2 lengths            
 17) City of Cambridge─┘ easily               

8) Women's Coxed Fours

 20) Cantabrigian (Cardno)─┐ Cantabrigian (Cardno)    
 21) United Hospitals──────┘ easily                   │ Cantabrigian (Cardno)    
 22) Cantabrigian (Cooper)─┐ Cantabrigian (Cooper)    │ a canvas                 
 23) Globe─────────────────┘ 1 1/3 lengths            

13) Women's Quads

 32) Peterborough City────────────────────────┐
                                              │ Peterborough City    
 33) Cantabrigian──────┐ Globe                ├──────────────────────
                       ├──────────────────────┘ 1/2 length           
 34) Globe─────────────┘ DNS                  

14) Women's Junior 17 Quads

 35) Peterborough City─┐ Globe                
 36) Globe─────────────┘ Not Rowed Out        

15) Open Coxless Pairs

 37) Jesus College, Cam────┐ Jesus College, Cam       
 38) City of Cambridge─────┘ 3 1/2 lengths            │ Jesus College, Cam       
 39) Globe─────────────────┐ Cambridge/Durham Univ    │ 2 1/2 lengths            
 40) Cambridge/Durham Univ─┘ 1 1/4 lengths            

18) Masters C/D Double Sculls

 49) Marlow RC (=D)───────────────────────────┐
                                              │ Marlow RC (=D)       
 50) Loughborough (=D)─┐ Loughborough (=D)    ├──────────────────────
                       ├──────────────────────┘ easily               
 51) Globe (=C)────────┘ 2 lengths            

20) Junior 17 Double Sculls

 55) Globe────────────────────────────────────┐ Sudbury              
 56) Sudbury──────────────────────────────────┘ Not Rowed Out        │ Peterborough City    
 57) Huntingdon RC────────────────────────────┐                      │ 1 length             
                                              │ Peterborough City    │
 58) Peterborough City─┐ Peterborough City    ├──────────────────────┘
                       ├──────────────────────┘ 2 feet               
 59) Cantabrigian──────┘ easily               

21) Junior 16 Double Sculls

 60) Peterborough City────────────────────────┐ Peterborough City    
 61) Sudbury (Johns)──────────────────────────┘ 2 1/4 lengths        │ Globe                
 62) Globe────────────────────────────────────┐                      │ 2 lengths            
                                              │ Globe                │
 63) Sudbury (Lunn)────┐ Huntingdon RC        ├──────────────────────┘
                       ├──────────────────────┘ 1 1/4 lengths        
 64) Huntingdon RC─────┘ easily               

23) Women's Double Sculls

 71) Cantabrigian─┐ Cantabrigian    
 72) Globe────────┘ 4 lengths       

24) Women's Masters A/B/C Double Sculls

 73) St Ives (Quest =C)───────────────────────────────┐ Devil's Elbow RC (=C)    
 74) Devil's Elbow RC (=C)────────────────────────────┘ 4 lengths                │ Maidenhead RC (=C)       
 75) Maidenhead RC (=C)───────────────────────────────┐                          │ 2 lengths                
                                                      │ Maidenhead RC (=C)       │
 76) Globe (=B)────────────┐ St Ives (Ashmore =A)     ├──────────────────────────┘
                           ├──────────────────────────┘ 4 lengths                
 77) St Ives (Ashmore =A)──┘ 3 lengths                

26) Women's Junior 16 Double Sculls

 82) Peterborough City (Treharne)─┐ Huntingdon RC                   
 83) Huntingdon RC────────────────┘ 2 1/2 lengths                   │ Huntingdon RC                   
 84) City of Cambridge (Mitchell)───────────────────────────────────┘ 2 lengths                       │ Globe                           
 85) Peterborough City (Bramwell)───────────────────────────────────┐                                 │ 1 length                        
                                                                    │ Globe                           │
 86) Globe────────────────────────┐ Globe                           ├─────────────────────────────────┘
                                  ├─────────────────────────────────┘ 5 lengths                       
 87) City of Cambridge (Randall)──┘ easily                          

27) Women's Junior 15 Double Sculls

 88) City of Cambridge─┐ Peterborough City    
 89) Peterborough City─┘ 3/4 length           │ Peterborough City    
 90) Cantabrigian──────┐ Cantabrigian         │ 2 lengths            
 91) Globe─────────────┘ easily               

28) Women's Junior 14 Double Sculls

 92) Cantabrigian (Huff)──────────────────────────────┐
                                                      │ Cantabrigian (Hutton)    
 93) Globe─────────────────┐ Cantabrigian (Hutton)    ├──────────────────────────
                           ├──────────────────────────┘ easily                   
 94) Cantabrigian (Hutton)─┘ 5 lengths                

29) Mixed Masters A/B/C Double Sculls

 95) St Ives (=C)───────────────────────────────────────┐
                                                        │ St Ives (=C)              
 96) Globe (=A)─────────────┐ Globe (=A)                ├───────────────────────────
                            ├───────────────────────────┘ easily                    
 97) City of Cambridge (=B)─┘ easily                    

31) Open Sculls (Band 2)

 101) St Ives (Gilbey)──────────────────────────────────┐
                                                        │ St Ives (Heylen)          
 102) St Ives (Heylen)──────┐ St Ives (Heylen)          ├───────────────────────────
                            ├───────────────────────────┘ 2 lengths                 
 103) Globe (Eustance Cole)─┘ 3/4 length                

33) Open Sculls (Band 3 Group B)

 109) City of Cambridge (Wheeler)───┐ Jesus College, Cam (Rericha)      
 110) Jesus College, Cam (Rericha)──┘ Row Over                          │ Huntingdon RC (Starling)          
 111) Huntingdon RC (Starling)──────────────────────────────────────────┘ 4 lengths                         │ Huntingdon RC (Starling)          
 112) Jesus College, Cam (Von Behr)─────────────────────────────────────┐                                   │ easily                            
                                                                        │ Jesus College, Cam (Von Behr)     │
 113) Globe (Kaszas)────────────────┐ Globe (Kaszas)                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘ 2 1/2 lengths                     
 114) Peterborough City (Woolf)─────┘ easily                            

39) Junior 16 Sculls (Band 1)

 132) Peterborough City (Barber)────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
                                                                                        │ Globe (Brooks)                            
 133) Globe (Brooks)────────────────────────┐ Globe (Brooks)                            ├───────────────────────────────────────────
                                            ├───────────────────────────────────────────┘ 1 length                                  
 134) Peterborough City (Read Moreira Lima)─┘ Not Rowed Out                             

40) Junior 16 Sculls (Band 2)

 135) Peterborough City (Evison─Williams)─┐ Peterborough City (Evison Williams)     
 136) Huntingdon RC (Foy)─────────────────┘ easily                                  │ Peterborough City (Evison Williams)     
 137) Loughborough──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2 1/2 lengths                           │ Huntingdon RC (O'Kane)                  
 138) Huntingdon RC (O'Kane)────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                         │ 1/3 length                              
                                                                                    │ Huntingdon RC (O'Kane)                  │
 139) Globe (Zatsarnyy)───────────────────┐ Cantabrigian                            ├─────────────────────────────────────────┘
                                          ├─────────────────────────────────────────┘ 4 lengths                               
 140) Cantabrigian────────────────────────┘ easily                                  

43) Women's Junior 17 Sculls (Band 1)

 150) Loughborough──────────────────────────────┐
                                                │ Peterborough City     
 148) Peterborough City─┐ Peterborough City     ├───────────────────────
                        ├───────────────────────┘ easily                
 149) Globe─────────────┘ 2 1/2 lengths         

45) Women's Junior 15 Sculls

 152) City of Cambridge──────────┐ City of Cambridge              
 153) Globe (Beasley─Murray)─────┘ 2 lengths                      │ Peterborough City (Bosma)      
 154) Peterborough City (Bosma)───────────────────────────────────┘ 1 length                       │ Peterborough City (Bosma)      
 155) Huntingdon RC───────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                │ 3/4 length                     
                                                                  │ Peterborough City (Dennis)     │
 156) Peterborough City (Dennis)─┐ Peterborough City (Dennis)     ├────────────────────────────────┘
                                 ├────────────────────────────────┘ 4 lengths                      
 157) Globe (Amlani)─────────────┘ 3 lengths