St Neots Sprint Regatta

Sunday 23rd July 2023

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Switch to Saturday 22 July 2023

Draw for Norwich RC

3) Open Coxed Fours

 107) Lea RC────────────┐ Lea RC                
 108) Globe─────────────┘ easily                │ Lea RC                
 109) Leicester─────────────────────────────────┘ easily                │ Sudbury RC            
 110) Sudbury RC────────────────────────────────┐                       │ easily                
                                                │ Sudbury RC            │
 111) Norwich───────────┐ Peterborough City     ├───────────────────────┘
                        ├───────────────────────┘ 2/3 length            
 112) Peterborough City─┘ 1 foot                

5) Masters E/F/G Quads

 117) Newark/Hollingworth Lake (=G)─┐ Newark/Hollingworth Lake (=G)     
 118) Oundle Town RC (Meads =F)─────┘ 1 1/2 lengths                     │ Newark/Hollingworth Lake (=G)     
 119) Doncaster (=F)────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2 1/4 lengths                     │ Newark/Hollingworth Lake (=G)     
 120) Peterborough City (=G)────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                   │ easily                            
                                                                        │ Norwich (=E)                      │
 121) Norwich (=E)──────────────────┐ Norwich (=E)                      ├───────────────────────────────────┘
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘ 3 lengths                         
 122) Oundle Town RC (Harland =F)───┘ 2 1/2 lengths                     

13) Junior 17 Sculls

 168) Norwich (Wood)───────┐ Huntingdon RC            
 169) Huntingdon RC────────┘ 1/2 length               │ Norwich (Frew)           
 170) St Neots (Hannah)────┐ Norwich (Frew)           │ 1 1/2 lengths            │
                           ├──────────────────────────┘                          │
 171) Norwich (Frew)───────┘ 5 lengths                                           │ Peterborough City        
 172) Peterborough City────┐ Peterborough City                                   │ 1 1/2 lengths            
                           ├──────────────────────────┐                          │
 173) St Neots (Putintsev)─┘ Not Rowed Out            │ Peterborough City        │
 174) Oundle Town RC───────┐ Oundle Town RC           │ 3 lengths                
 175) Derby────────────────┘ DNS                      

18) Mixed Eights (Band 2)

 204) Peterborough City (Ansell─Crook)─┐ Peterborough City (Ansell Crook)     
 205) Norwich──────────────────────────┘ 3/4 length                           │ Peterborough City (Marshall)         
 206) Peterborough City (Marshall)─────┐ Peterborough City (Marshall)         │ 1 length                             
 207) London Otters RC─────────────────┘ 4 1/2 lengths                        

25) Mixed Double Sculls

 239) Sudbury RC (Flynn)───┐ Sudbury RC (Flynn)       
 240) Bedford RC (Brown)───┘ 1 length                 │ Sudbury RC (Flynn)       
 241) Sudbury RC (Nichols)────────────────────────────┘ 3 1/2 lengths            │ Sudbury RC (Flynn)       
 242) Norwich─────────────────────────────────────────┐ Norwich                  │ 1/2 length               │
                                                      ├──────────────────────────┘                          │
 243) Star Club (Messling)────────────────────────────┘ 6 inches                                            │ St Neots/Star            
 244) Globe───────────────────────────────────────────┐ Bedford RC (Smith)                                  │ 3 1/2 lengths            
                                                      ├──────────────────────────┐                          │
 245) Bedford RC (Smith)──────────────────────────────┘ 5 lengths                │ St Neots/Star            │
 246) Star Club (Elder)───────────────────────────────┐ St Neots/Star            │ 2 1/2 lengths            
 247) Leeds────────────────┐ St Neots/Star            │ 2 1/2 lengths            
 248) St Neots/Star────────┘ 2 lengths                

26) Masters D/E Sculls

 249) Hollingworth Lake (=E)─┐ Maidstone Invicta (=E)     
 250) Maidstone Invicta (=E)─┘ 1 1/4 lengths              │ Norwich (=D)               
 251) Norwich (=D)────────────────────────────────────────┘ Not Rowed Out              │ St Ives RC (=D)            
 252) Ancholme (=D)───────────────────────────────────────┐                            │ easily                     
                                                          │ St Ives RC (=D)            │
 253) St Ives RC (=D)────────┐ St Ives RC (=D)            ├────────────────────────────┘
                             ├────────────────────────────┘ 1 1/2 lengths              
 254) Sudbury RC (=E)────────┘ 3 lengths                  

36) Women's Coxed Fours (Band 2)

 308) London Otters RC────────┐ Lea RC (Wood)               
 310) Lea RC (Wood)───────────┘ 2 1/2 lengths               │ Lea RC (Wood)               
 311) York City───────────────┐ Broxbourne RC (Burwood)     │ 2 1/2 lengths               │
                              ├─────────────────────────────┘                             │
 312) Broxbourne RC (Burwood)─┘ 1 1/2 lengths                                             │ Lea RC (Wood)               
 313) Globe───────────────────┐ Milton Keynes                                             │ 3/4 length                  
                              ├─────────────────────────────┐                             │
 314) Milton Keynes───────────┘ 3 lengths                   │ Milton Keynes               │
 315) Lea RC (Hassan)─────────┐ Norwich                     │ 1 1/2 lengths               
 316) Norwich─────────────────┘ 3 lengths                   

37) Mixed Quads

Sponsored by Urban&Civic

 317) Derby────────────────────────────────┐ Derby                                    
 318) Leeds (Grange)───────────────────────┘ 1/2 length                               │ Norwich                                  
 319) London Otters RC (English)───────────┐ Norwich                                  │ 1/4 length                               │
                                           ├──────────────────────────────────────────┘                                          │
 320) Norwich──────────────────────────────┘ easily                                                                              │ Norwich                                  
 321) London Otters RC (Nicholson─Russell)─┐ Leeds (Folan)                                                                       │ 3/4 length                               
                                           ├──────────────────────────────────────────┐                                          │
 322) Leeds (Folan)────────────────────────┘ easily                                   │ Leeds (Folan)                            │
 323) Milton Keynes────────────────────────┐ London Otters RC (Allen)                 │ easily                                   
 324) London Otters RC (Allen)─────────────┘ 3 lengths                                

41) Masters F/H Double Sculls

 345) Norwich (=F)────────┐ Norwich (=F)            
 346) Oundle Town RC (=H)─┘ 2 lengths               │ Norwich (=F)            
 347) St Ives RC (=F)─────┐ St Ives RC (=F)         │ 1 length                
 348) St Neots (=F)───────┘ 1 length                

47) Women's Junior 16 Sculls

 379) Norwich──────────────────────┐ Norwich                          
 380) Maidstone Invicta────────────┘ 4 lengths                        │ Peterborough City (Gilbert)      
 381) Peterborough City (Gilbert)─────────────────────────────────────┘ easily                           │ Huntingdon RC                    
 382) St Neots────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                  │ easily                           
                                                                      │ Huntingdon RC                    │
 383) Huntingdon RC────────────────┐ Huntingdon RC                    ├──────────────────────────────────┘
                                   ├──────────────────────────────────┘ DNS                              
 384) Peterborough City (Agyapong)─┘ 3 lengths