Bedford Amateur Regatta

Sunday 7th May 2023

Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

1) Open Eights (Band 1)

Sponsored by Handelsbanken

For the Bedford Grand Challenge Cup

 1) Bedford School (Black)────────┐ Bedford School (Black)          
 2) Latymer Upper School (Chueca)─┘ 3:21 easily                     │ Bedford School (Black)          
                                    3) Abingdon School (Forrest)────┘ DNS                             │ Bedford School (Black)          
                                    4) Cambridge 99 (Harris)────────┐                                 │ 3:04 3/4 length                 
                                                                    │ Hampton School                  │
 5) Oriel College─────────────────┐ Hampton School                  ├─────────────────────────────────┘
                                  ├─────────────────────────────────┘ 3:19 2 lengths                  
 6) Hampton School────────────────┘ 3:18 1/3 length                 

2) Open Eights (Band 2)

For the B.S.B.C. Quindodecicential Cup

                                       7) University College, Oxf (Hudson)┐ University College, Oxf (Hudson)   
                                       8) Radley College (Southall)───────┘ 3:33 easily                        │ Phoenix Boat Club                  
                                       9) Phoenix Boat Club───────────────┐ Phoenix Boat Club                  │ 3:29 2 1/2 lengths                 │
                                                                          ├────────────────────────────────────┘                                    │
                                       10) Latymer Upper School (Ede─Bray)┘ 3:34 2 1/2 lengths                                                      │ Phoenix Boat Club                  
                                       11) Abingdon School (Monaghan)─────┐ Latymer Upper School (Corbett)                                          │ 3:16 easily                        
                                                                          ├────────────────────────────────────┐                                    │
                                       12) Latymer Upper School (Corbett)─┘ 3:26 3 lengths                     │ Latymer Upper School (Corbett)     │
                                       13) Christ Church──────────────────┐ Star Club                          │ 3:23 1/2 length                    
 14) Radley College (Hoar)───────────┐ Star Club                          │ 3:30 1 1/4 lengths                 
 15) Star Club───────────────────────┘ 3:24 2 lengths                     

3) Open Eights (Band 3)

For the Bedford R.C. Centenary Cup

                                      16) Emmanuel College──────────────┐ Emmanuel College                  
                                      17) University College, Oxf (Cuff)┘ 3:34 2 lengths                    │ Emmanuel College                  
                                      18) Abingdon School (Botha)───────┐ Abingdon School (Botha)           │ NTT 1 1/2 lengths                 │
                                                                        ├───────────────────────────────────┘                                   │
                                      19) St Edmund Hall────────────────┘ 3:37 1 length                                                         │ Lady Margaret Hall                
                                      20) Abingdon School (Haynes)──────┐ Lady Margaret Hall                                                    │ 3:26 1 foot                       
                                                                        ├───────────────────────────────────┐                                   │
                                      21) Lady Margaret Hall────────────┘ 3:30 4 lengths                    │ Lady Margaret Hall                │
                                      22) Bedford School (Lock)─────────┐ Jesus College, Cam (Hey)          │ 3:28 1/2 length                   
 23) Abingdon School (Fannon)───────┐ Jesus College, Cam (Hey)          │ 3:29 2/3 length                   
 24) Jesus College, Cam (Hey)───────┘ NTT 2 lengths                     

4) Open Eights (Band 4)

For the John Bull & Co. Punch Bowl

 25) Bedford School (Willson)──────────┐ 1st & 3rd Trinity (Pilecki Silva)    
 26) 1st & 3rd Trinity (Pilecki─Silva)─┘ 3:35 1 3/4 lengths                   │ 1st & 3rd Trinity (Pilecki Silva)    
                                         27) Jesus College, Cam (Ratcliffe)───┘ DNS                                  │ Pembroke Cambridge                   
                                         28) Worcester College────────────────┐ Pembroke Cambridge                   │ 3:35 a canvas                        │
                                                                              ├──────────────────────────────────────┘                                      │
                                         29) Pembroke Cambridge───────────────┘ 3:38 2 lengths                                                              │ Keble College                        
                                         30) 1st & 3rd Trinity (Farquharson)──┐ 1st & 3rd Trinity (Farquharson)                                             │ 2:55 3 lengths                       
                                                                              ├──────────────────────────────────────┐                                      │
                                         31) Cambridge 99 (Sepanski)──────────┘ 3:40 3/4 length                      │ Keble College                        │
                                         32) Radley College (Murphy)──────────┐ Keble College                        │ 3:32 3 lengths                       
 33) Christ Church─────────────────────┐ Keble College                        │ 3:35 easily                          
 34) Keble College─────────────────────┘ 3:36 easily                          

5) College Eights (Group A)

For the Jum Beckett Cup

 35) Oriel College──────────────────────┐ Oriel College                         
 36) Magdalene College──────────────────┘ DNS                                   │ Corpus Christi College                
                                          37) Corpus Christi College────────────┘ 3:21 6 feet                           │ Wolfson College, Oxf (Aufderheide)    
                                          38) Jesus College, Cam (Hey)──────────┐ Wolfson College, Oxf (Aufderheide)    │ 3:19 1/2 length                       │
                                                                                ├───────────────────────────────────────┘                                       │
                                          39) Wolfson College, Oxf (Aufderheide)┘ 3:23 2 1/2 lengths                                                            │ Wolfson College, Oxf (Aufderheide)    
                                          40) Pembroke Cambridge────────────────┐ Keble College                                                                 │ 3:18 1 3/4 lengths                    
                                                                                ├───────────────────────────────────────┐                                       │
                                          41) Keble College─────────────────────┘ 3:31 2 lengths                        │ Emmanuel College                      │
                                          42) Christ Church─────────────────────┐ Emmanuel College                      │ NTT 2 lengths                         
 43) University College, Oxf (Hudson)───┐ Emmanuel College                      │ 3:30 1 1/4 lengths                    
 44) Emmanuel College───────────────────┘ 3:23 3/4 length                       

6) College Eights (Group B)

For the Watermans Bedford Regatta Shield

 45) St Peter's College──────────────────┐ Wolfson College, Oxf (Van Der Lugt)    
 46) Wolfson College, Oxf (Van Der Lugt)─┘ NTT easily                             │ Green Templeton (Argentieri)           
                                           47) Green Templeton (Argentieri)───────┘ 3:38 1 3/4 lengths                     │ St Hugh's College                      
                                           48) Selwyn College─────────────────────┐ St Hugh's College                      │ 3:40 1 1/4 lengths                     │
                                                                                  ├────────────────────────────────────────┘                                        │
                                           49) St Hugh's College──────────────────┘ 3:37 1 2/3 lengths                                                              │ Lady Margaret Hall                     
                                           50) Hertford College───────────────────┐ Hertford College                                                                │ 3:27 2 feet                            │
                                                                                  ├────────────────────────────────────────┐                                        │                                        │
                                           51) 1st & 3rd Trinity (Farquharson)────┘ 3:33 easily                            │ Lady Margaret Hall                     │                                        │
                                                                                                                           ├────────────────────────────────────────┘                                        │
                                           52) Lady Margaret Hall─────────────────┐ Lady Margaret Hall                     │ 3:26 2 lengths                                                                  │
                                                                                  ├────────────────────────────────────────┘                                                                                 │
                                           62) Christ Church──────────────────────┘ 3:39 easily                                                                                                              │ Pembroke College, Oxf                  
                                           54) Green Templeton (Arroway)──────────┐ Churchill College                                                                                                        │ NTT 1 length                           
                                                                                  ├────────────────────────────────────────┐                                                                                 │
                                           55) Churchill College──────────────────┘ 3:42 easily                            │ St Edmund Hall                                                                  │
                                                                                                                           ├────────────────────────────────────────┐                                        │
                                           56) St Edmund Hall─────────────────────┐ St Edmund Hall                         │ 3:32 1/4 length                        │                                        │
                                                                                  ├────────────────────────────────────────┘                                        │                                        │
                                           57) 1st & 3rd Trinity (Pilecki─Silva)──┘ 3:33 1/2 length                                                                 │ Pembroke College, Oxf                  │
                                           58) University College, Oxf (Cuff)─────┐ Pembroke College, Oxf                                                           │ 3:31 1 length                          
                                                                                  ├────────────────────────────────────────┐                                        │
                                           59) Pembroke College, Oxf──────────────┘ DNS                                    │ Pembroke College, Oxf                  │
                                           60) Corpus Christi College─────────────┐ Corpus Christi College                 │ 3:37 4 lengths                         
 61) St Hugh's College───────────────────┐ St Hugh's College                      │ 3:08 easily                            
 53) Jesus College, Cam (Ratcliffe)──────┘ DNS                                    

7) Junior 18 Eights (1st Boat)

For the Talbot Jarvis Cup

                                 63) Hampton School───────────┐
                                                              │ Hampton School               
 64) Bedford School (Black)────┐ Bedford School (Black)       ├──────────────────────────────
                               ├──────────────────────────────┘ 3:22 6 feet                  
 65) Abingdon School (Forrest)─┘ DNS                          

8) Junior 18 Eights (2nd Boat)

                                   66) Bedford School (McGregor)──┐ Bedford School (McGregor)      
                                   67) Abingdon School (Clark)────┘ 3:05 1 1/4 lengths             │ Bedford School (McGregor)      
                                   68) Latymer Upper School───────┐                                │ 3:22 2 lengths                 
                                                                  │ Latymer Upper School           │
 69) St Paul's School────────────┐ St Paul's School               ├────────────────────────────────┘
                                 ├────────────────────────────────┘ 3:27 1/2 length                
 70) Abingdon School (Halliwell)─┘ 3:10 1/2 length                

9) Junior 16 Eights (1st Boat)

For the Wyatt Challenge Cup

 71) Great Marlow School────────────┐ Abingdon School (Halliwell)       
 72) Abingdon School (Halliwell)────┘ 3:27 1/2 length                   │ SASRU                             
 73) SASRU──────────────────────────┐ SASRU                             │ 3:25 3 lengths                    │
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘                                   │
 74) Norwich School─────────────────┘ 4:25 1 1/2 lengths                                                    │ Hampton School (Tinsley Roy)      
 75) Bedford School (McGregor)──────┐ Latymer Upper School (Corbett)                                        │ 3:17 1 1/4 lengths                
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┐                                   │
 76) Latymer Upper School (Corbett)─┘ 3:22 1/2 length                   │ Hampton School (Tinsley Roy)      │
 77) Hampton School (Tinsley─Roy)───┐ Hampton School (Tinsley Roy)      │ 3:21 1/2 length                   
 78) St Paul's School (Ohlmeyer)────┘ 3:24 1 length                     

10) Junior 16 Eights (2nd Boat)

                                               79) Latymer Upper School (Ede─Bray)────────┐ St Paul's School (Khosrowpanah Falcone)    
                                               80) St Paul's School (Khosrowpanah─Falcone)┘ 3:37 1/2 length                            │ St Paul's School (Khosrowpanah Falcone)    
                                               81) Abingdon School (Haynes)───────────────┐                                            │ 3:40 2/3 length                            
                                                                                          │ Hampton School (Broekhuizen)               │
 82) Hampton School (Broekhuizen)────────────┐ Hampton School (Broekhuizen)               ├────────────────────────────────────────────┘
                                             ├────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 3:33 3/4 length                            
 83) Bedford School (Willson)────────────────┘ 3:38 2 lengths                             

11) Junior 15 Eights (1st Boat)

For the Norvicensian Cup

                                                  84) Abingdon School (Botha)───────────────────┐ Abingdon School (Botha)                       
                                                  85) Latymer Upper School (Hunt Davies)────────┘ 3:36 2 lengths                                │ Radley College (Wilson)                       
                                                  86) Windsor Boys School (Curtis)──────────────┐ Radley College (Wilson)                       │ 3:29 2 lengths                                │
                                                                                                ├───────────────────────────────────────────────┘                                               │
                                                  87) Radley College (Wilson)───────────────────┘ NTT 1 length                                                                                  │ Radley College (Wilson)                       
                                                  88) Bedford School (Payne)────────────────────┐ Bedford School (Payne)                                                                        │ 3:30 4 lengths                                
                                                                                                ├───────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                               │
                                                  89) Mossbourne Rowing Academy─────────────────┘ 3:47 4 lengths                                │ Bedford School (Payne)                        │
                                                  90) Bedford Modern School─────────────────────┐ Westminster School (Karthikeyan Kilariaar)    │ 3:48 2 1/2 lengths                            
 91) Norwich School─────────────────────────────┐ Westminster School (Karthikeyan Kilariaar)    │ 3:48 2 1/2 lengths                            
 92) Westminster School (Karthikeyan Kilariaar)─┘ 3:36 3/4 length                               

12) Junior 15 Eights (2nd Boat)

 93) Windsor Boys School (Branch)────────────┐ Windsor Boys School (Branch)               
 94) Bedford School (Pinkney)────────────────┘ NTT 4 lengths                              │ St Paul's School (Khosrowpanah Falcone)    
                                               95) St Paul's School (Khosrowpanah─Falcone)┘ 3:40 2 lengths                             │
                                                                                                                                       │ Radley College (Van Den Broek)             
 96) Latymer Upper School (Douglas)──────────┐ Westminster School (Lanza)                                                              ├────────────────────────────────────────────
                                             ├────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                            │ 3:46 3 lengths                             
 97) Westminster School (Lanza)──────────────┘ 3:49 easily                                │ Radley College (Van Den Broek)             │
 98) Abingdon School (Fannon)────────────────┐ Radley College (Van Den Broek)             │ 3:36 3/4 length                            
 99) Radley College (Van Den Broek)──────────┘ 3:39 2 lengths                             

13) Junior 15 Eights (3rd Boat)

 100) St Paul's School (James)─────┐ St Paul's School (James)         
 101) Bedford School (Fitzpatrick)─┘ 3:51 3/4 length                  │ Radley College (Fils)            
 102) Abingdon School (Hanlon)─────┐ Radley College (Fils)            │ 3:41 4 lengths                   
 103) Radley College (Fils)────────┘ 3:45 1 1/2 lengths               

14) Women's Eights (Band 1)

For the Bedford Corporation Cup

                                            104) 1st & 3rd Trinity──────────────────┐ Latymer Upper School (Rizk)             
                                            105) Latymer Upper School (Rizk)────────┘ NTT 2 lengths                           │ Emmanuel College                        
                                            106) Oriel College──────────────────────┐ Emmanuel College                        │ 3:59 Disqualification                   │
                                                                                    ├─────────────────────────────────────────┘                                         │
                                            107) Emmanuel College───────────────────┘ NTT 3 lengths                                                                     │ Christ Church                           
                                            108) Bedford Girls School───────────────┐ Christ Church                                                                     │ NTT 1 length                            
                                                                                    ├─────────────────────────────────────────┐                                         │
                                            109) Christ Church──────────────────────┘ 3:51 2 lengths                          │ Christ Church                           │
                                            110) Latymer Upper School (Papageorgiou)┐ Jesus College, Cam                      │ 3:52 2 1/2 lengths                      
 111) University College, Oxf (Biggs)─────┐ Jesus College, Cam                      │ DNS                                     
 112) Jesus College, Cam──────────────────┘ 4:04 1 1/4 lengths                      

15) Women's Eights (Band 2)

For the R.H.H. Symonds Memorial Goblet

 113) St Edmund Hall───────────────────┐ St Edmund Hall                       
 114) Worcester College────────────────┘ 4:13 1 1/2 lengths                   │ Keble College                        
                                         115) Keble College───────────────────┘ 4:04 1 1/2 lengths                   │ Keble College                        
                                         116) Pembroke Cambridge──────────────┐                                      │ 3:58 2 1/2 lengths                   
                                                                              │ City of Cambridge                    │
 117) University College, Oxf (Reiche)─┐ City of Cambridge                    ├──────────────────────────────────────┘
                                       ├──────────────────────────────────────┘ DNS                                  
 118) City of Cambridge────────────────┘ 4:18 3 lengths                       

16) Women's College Eights (Group A)

For the The Ryan Challenge Cup

                                     119) Pembroke Cambridge──────────┐ Churchill College (Wojtania)     
                                     120) Churchill College (Wojtania)┘ DNS                              │ Emmanuel College                 
                                     121) Keble College───────────────┐ Emmanuel College                 │ 4:00 1 1/2 lengths               │
                                                                      ├──────────────────────────────────┘                                  │
                                     122) Emmanuel College────────────┘ NTT 2 lengths                                                       │ Christ Church                    
                                     123) Magdalene College───────────┐ Jesus College, Cam                                                  │ 3:44 4 lengths                   
                                                                      ├──────────────────────────────────┐                                  │
                                     124) Jesus College, Cam──────────┘ 4:00 1 1/4 lengths               │ Christ Church                    │
                                     125) Oriel College───────────────┐ Christ Church                    │ 3:58 2 1/2 lengths               
 126) Christ Church────────────────┐ Christ Church                    │ 3:56 easily                      
 127) 1st & 3rd Trinity────────────┘ 3:51 easily                      

17) Women's College Eights (Group B)

For the S.R. Wells Challenge Cup

 128) PMB/EXC───────────────────────────┐ PMB/EXC                               
 129) St John's College─────────────────┘ 4:05 3 1/2 lengths                    │ PMB/EXC                               
                                          130) Green Templeton (Alanis Amaya)───┘ 4:15 easily                           │
                                                                                                                        │ PMB/EXC                               
 131) University College, Oxf (Reiche)──┐ Worcester College                                                             ├───────────────────────────────────────┐
                                        ├───────────────────────────────────────┐ St Peter's College                    │ 4:02 1 1/2 lengths                    │
 132) Worcester College─────────────────┘ 4:19 3 1/2 lengths                    ├───────────────────────────────────────┘                                       │
                                                                                │ 4:12 easily                                                                   │
                                          133) St Peter's College───────────────┘                                                                               │ PMB/EXC                               
                                          134) Churchill College (Edwards)──────┐ University College, Oxf (Harding)                                             │ 4:04 2 lengths                        
                                                                                ├───────────────────────────────────────┐                                       │
 135) St Edmund Hall────────────────────┐ University College, Oxf (Harding)     │ DNS                                   │                                       │
                                        ├───────────────────────────────────────┘                                       │ Peterhouse College                    │
 136) University College, Oxf (Harding)─┘ 4:10 1 1/2 lengths                                                            ├───────────────────────────────────────┘
                                                                                                                        │ 4:03 1 length                         
                                          137) St Hugh's College────────────────┐ Peterhouse College                    │
 138) Peterhouse College────────────────┐ Peterhouse College                    │ 4:07 easily                           
 139) Green Templeton (Mackenzie)───────┘ 4:06 easily                           

18) Women's Junior 16 Eights

                             140) Bedford Girls School┐
                                                      │ SASRU                    
 141) Latymer Upper School─┐ SASRU                    ├──────────────────────────
                           ├──────────────────────────┘ 3:51 1 1/2 lengths       
 142) SASRU────────────────┘ 3:54 1 length            

19) Women's Junior 15 Eights

For the Bedford Girls' Challenge Cup

 143) Bedford Girls School (Smith)────┐ Headington School (Hardy)           
 144) Headington School (Hardy)───────┘ 4:13 easily                         │ Latymer Upper School (Wyers)        
                                        145) Latymer Upper School (Wyers)───┘ 3:53 1/2 length                     │
                                                                                                                  │ Headington School (Zavos)           
 146) Bedford Girls School (Maudlin)──┐ Lady Eleanor Holles                                                       ├─────────────────────────────────────
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┐                                     │ NTT 4 lengths                       
 147) Lady Eleanor Holles─────────────┘ 4:07 4 lengths                      │ Headington School (Zavos)           │
 148) Latymer Upper School (Gilberti)─┐ Headington School (Zavos)           │ 4:00 1 1/2 lengths                  
 149) Headington School (Zavos)───────┘ 4:16 3 lengths                      

20) Junior 14 Octuples (1st Boat)

For the B.M.S.B.C. Centenary Cup

 150) Bedford School (Surley)────────┐ Bedford School (Surley)            
 151) Abingdon School (Wong)─────────┘ DNS                                │ Radley College (Fedarb)            
 152) Bedford Modern School──────────┐ Radley College (Fedarb)            │ 3:45 5 lengths                     │
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┘                                    │
 153) Radley College (Fedarb)────────┘ 3:47 easily                                                             │ Windsor Boys School (Britton)      
 154) Windsor Boys School (Britton)──┐ Windsor Boys School (Britton)                                           │ 3:37 1 1/2 lengths                 
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┐                                    │
 155) Abingdon School (Hughes)───────┘ DNS                                │ Windsor Boys School (Britton)      │
 156) Norwich School─────────────────┐ St Paul's School (Miklavchich)     │ 3:39 1 1/2 lengths                 
 157) St Paul's School (Miklavchich)─┘ DNS                                

21) Junior 14 Octuples (2nd Boat)

 158) Bedford School (Yeomans)───────────┐ Radley College (Redmayne)              
 159) Radley College (Redmayne)──────────┘ 3:56 2 1/2 lengths                     │ St Paul's School (Mizzoni Schmidt)     
 161) Windsor Boys School (August)───────┐ St Paul's School (Mizzoni Schmidt)     │ 3:51 5 lengths                         
 162) St Paul's School (Mizzoni Schmidt)─┘ 3:52 3/4 length                        

22) Junior 14 Octuples (3rd Boat)

 163) Bedford School (Ferguson)───────┐ St Paul's School (Xu)               
 164) St Paul's School (Xu)───────────┘ 4:18 easily                         │ St Paul's School (Xu)               
 165) Bedford School (Sarro)──────────┐ Radley College (Cooper)             │ 4:12 1 length                       │
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┘                                     │
 166) Radley College (Cooper)─────────┘ 4:33 easily                                                               │ Windsor Boys School (Sofizadeh)     
 167) Windsor Boys School (Sofizadeh)─┐ Windsor Boys School (Sofizadeh)                                           │ 3:54 easily                         
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┐                                     │
 168) St Paul's School (Goodsall)─────┘ 3:58 2 lengths                      │ Windsor Boys School (Sofizadeh)     │
 169) Hampton School──────────────────┐ Radley College (Howard)             │ 4:22 1 1/2 lengths                  
 170) Radley College (Howard)─────────┘ 4:04 easily                         

23) Women's Junior 14 Octuples

For the Walter Attenborough Cup

 172) Norwich School────────────────┐ Norwich School                    
 173) Lady Eleanor Holles (Hinton)──┘ 4:26 2 lengths                    │ Bedford Girls School (Breed)      
                                      174) Bedford Girls School (Breed)─┘ 4:17 1 length                     │
                                                                                                            │ Lady Eleanor Holles (Tzekova)     
 175) Lady Eleanor Holles (Murfin)──┐ Lady Eleanor Holles (Murfin)                                          ├───────────────────────────────────
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┐                                   │ 4:13 2 1/2 lengths                
 176) Bedford Girls School (Butler)─┘ 4:49 1 length                     │ Lady Eleanor Holles (Tzekova)     │
 177) Headington School─────────────┐ Lady Eleanor Holles (Tzekova)     │ 4:16 easily                       
 178) Lady Eleanor Holles (Tzekova)─┘ 4:12 easily                       

24) Open Coxed Fours (Band 1)

Sponsored by Michael Graham Estate Agents Ltd.

For the Britannia Trophy

 179) Bedford Modern School (Cox)──────┐ Cambridge 99                         
 180) Cambridge 99─────────────────────┘ 3:44 1 1/2 lengths                   │ Cambridge 99                         
 181) Phoenix Boat Club────────────────┐ Hertford College (Martina Perez)     │ 3:43 2 1/2 lengths                   
 182) Hertford College (Martina Perez)─┘ 3:46 1/2 length                      

25) Open Coxed Fours (Band 2)

 183) Hampton School────────────────┐ Hampton School                    
 184) Green Templeton───────────────┘ 3:48 easily                       │ Hampton School                    
 185) Bedford Modern School (Marsh)─┐ Bedford Modern School (Marsh)     │ 3:45 easily                       
 186) City of Cambridge─────────────┘ 4:02 2 1/2 lengths                

26) Open Coxed Fours (Band 3)

                                187) Hertford College (Metz)┐
                                                            │ Hertford College (Metz)     
 188) St Peter's College──────┐ St Peter's College          ├─────────────────────────────
                              ├─────────────────────────────┘ 4:09 a canvas               
 189) St John's College───────┘ 4:06 2 lengths              

27) Junior 18 Coxed Fours

For the John Smith Cup

                                      190) Bedford Modern School (Cox)──┐ Bedford Modern School (Cox)       
                                      191) Hampton School───────────────┘ NTT 4 lengths                     │ Norwich School                    
                                      192) Norwich School───────────────┐                                   │ 3:49 2 lengths                    
                                                                        │ Norwich School                    │
 193) Bedford Modern School (Marsh)─┐ Bedford School                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘ 4:00 2 lengths                    
 194) Bedford School────────────────┘ 3:59 2 1/2 lengths                

28) Junior 16 Coxed Fours

 195) Hampton School (Buckingham)─┐ Hampton School (Buckingham)     
 196) SASRU───────────────────────┘ NTT 3 lengths                   │ Hampton School (Buckingham)     
                                    197) Norwich School─────────────┘ 3:43 a canvas                   │ Hampton School (Buckingham)     
                                    198) Hampton School (Mitchell)──┐                                 │ 3:40 1 foot                     
                                                                    │ Great Marlow School             │
 199) Great Marlow School─────────┐ Great Marlow School             ├─────────────────────────────────┘
                                  ├─────────────────────────────────┘ 3:47 1 1/2 lengths              
 200) Oundle School───────────────┘ 3:54 easily                     

29) Junior 15 Coxed Fours (1st Boat)

For the W.S. Chirnside Cup

 201) Bedford School─────────────────────────────┐ Bedford School                                 
 202) Latymer Upper School (Hunt Davies)─────────┘ 3:54 1/2 length                                │ Bedford School                                 
                                                   203) Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Chadbourn)─────┘ 4:02 3 lengths                                 │ Westminster School (Karthikeyan Kilariaar)     
                                                   204) Norwich School────────────────────────────┐                                                │ 3:48 5 lengths                                 
                                                                                                  │ Westminster School (Karthikeyan Kilariaar)     │
 205) Westminster School (Karthikeyan Kilariaar)─┐ Westminster School (Karthikeyan Kilariaar)     ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
                                                 ├────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 3:51 1 1/2 lengths                             
 206) Bedford Modern School (Green)──────────────┘ NTT 3 lengths                                  

30) Junior 15 Coxed Fours (2nd Boat)

                                               207) Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Newsom)────┐ Latymer Upper School (Bara Taylor)         
                                               208) Latymer Upper School (Bara Taylor)────┘ 4:16 4 lengths                             │ St Paul's School (James)                   
                                               209) Westminster School (Niranjan)─────────┐ St Paul's School (James)                   │ 4:12 easily                                │
                                                                                          ├────────────────────────────────────────────┘                                            │
                                               210) St Paul's School (James)──────────────┘ 4:09 easily                                                                             │ Westminster School (Lanza)                 
                                               211) Windsor Boys School───────────────────┐ Windsor Boys School                                                                     │ 4:05 1 length                              
                                                                                          ├────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                            │
                                               212) Bedford Modern School (Baronak─Atkins)┘ NTT easily                                 │ Westminster School (Lanza)                 │
                                               213) Latymer Upper School (Douglas)────────┐ Westminster School (Lanza)                 │ 4:08 2 lengths                             
 214) Westminster School (Lanza)─────────────┐ Westminster School (Lanza)                 │ 4:09 easily                                
 215) St Paul's School (Stweart─Liddon)──────┘ 4:08 3 1/2 lengths                         

31) Women's Coxed Fours (Band 1)

For the Ronald Fowler Goblet

 216) Bedford Girls School─┐ Cambridge 99             
 217) Cambridge 99─────────┘ 4:23 easily              │ Cantabrigian             
 218) Cantabrigian─────────┐ Cantabrigian             │ 4:20 2 feet              
 219) Norwich School───────┘ 4:31 2 1/2 lengths       

32) Women's Coxed Fours (Band 2)

                             220) Star Club───────────┐
                                                      │ Univ West of England     
 221) St Peter's College───┐ Univ West of England     ├──────────────────────────
                           ├──────────────────────────┘ 4:41 1 1/2 lengths       
 222) Univ West of England─┘ NTT easily               

33) Women's Junior 16 Coxed Fours

For the Reginald Sherebrooke Memorial Cup

                                      223) Bedford Girls School (Rasool)┐
                                                                        │ Norwich School                    
 224) Norwich School────────────────┐ Norwich School                    ├───────────────────────────────────
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘ 4:14 easily                       
 225) Bedford Girls School (Nelson)─┘ 4:56 easily                       

34) Women's Junior 15 Coxed Fours (1st Boat)

For the McArthur Cup

 226) Norwich School───────────────┐ Lady Eleanor Holles (Robb)       
 227) Lady Eleanor Holles (Robb)───┘ 4:27 easily                      │ Lady Eleanor Holles (Robb)       
 228) Latymer Upper School (Wyers)─┐ Latymer Upper School (Wyers)     │ 4:20 3/4 length                  
 229) Great Marlow School──────────┘ 4:24 5 lengths                   

35) Women's Junior 15 Coxed Fours (2nd Boat)

 230) Lady Eleanor Holles (Kelly)────┐ Latymer Upper School (Ryan)        
 231) Latymer Upper School (Ryan)────┘ DNS                                │ Lady Eleanor Holles (Wilson)       
 232) Latymer Upper School (Eyerman)─┐ Lady Eleanor Holles (Wilson)       │ 4:30 1 1/4 lengths                 
 233) Lady Eleanor Holles (Wilson)───┘ 4:28 1/2 length                    

36) Open Coxless Fours

For the Poynters Trophy

 234) Norwich School──────────────┐ Norwich School                  
 235) Bedford School (McCutcheon)─┘ 4:05 easily                     │ Cambridge 99                    
 236) Cambridge 99────────────────┐ Cambridge 99                    │ 3:34 1/2 length                 
 237) Bedford School (Baker)──────┘ 3:46 1 1/2 lengths              

37) Junior 18 Quads

For the Guy Pym Challenge Cup

                            238) Hampton School─────┐
                                                    │ Great Marlow School     
 239) Great Marlow School─┐ Great Marlow School     ├─────────────────────────
                          ├─────────────────────────┘ DNS                     
 240) Windsor Boys School─┘ 3:33 3 lengths          

38) Junior 16 Quads

 241) Star Club───────────┐ Great Marlow School     
 242) Great Marlow School─┘ 3:46 easily             │ Windsor Boys School     
 243) Windsor Boys School─┐ Windsor Boys School     │ 3:41 1 length           
 244) Norwich School──────┘ 3:51 5 lengths          

39) Women's Junior 18 Quads

For the Royal Bank of Scotland Cup

                              245) Oundle School────────┐ Oundle School             
                              246) Bedford Girls School─┘ 4:17 2 lengths            │ Bedford Star              
                              247) Great Marlow School──┐                           │ 3:54 5 lengths            
                                                        │ Bedford Star              │
 248) Bedford Modern School─┐ Bedford Star              ├───────────────────────────┘
                            ├───────────────────────────┘ 3:48 1/2 length           
 249) Bedford Star──────────┘ 4:02 2 lengths            

40) Women's Junior 16 Quads

                                        250) Bedford Modern School (Ogborne)┐ Bedford Modern School (Ogborne)     
                                        251) Bedford Girls School───────────┘ 4:22 1/2 length                     │ Great Marlow School                 
                                        252) Bedford Modern School (Webster)┐                                     │ 3:57 easily                         
                                                                            │ Great Marlow School                 │
 253) SASRU───────────────────────────┐ Great Marlow School                 ├─────────────────────────────────────┘
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┘ 4:14 easily                         
 254) Great Marlow School─────────────┘ 4:06 1 1/2 lengths                  

41) Junior 15 Coxed Quads

For the J. Boris Brown Challenge Cup

 255) Norwich School (Stone)──────────┐ Windsor Boys School (Nicholson)     
 256) Windsor Boys School (Nicholson)─┘ 4:10 3 lengths                      │ Bedford School                      
 257) Windsor Boys School (Adam)──────┐ Bedford School                      │ 4:09 1 1/2 lengths                  │
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┘                                     │
 258) Bedford School──────────────────┘ 4:05 3/4 length                                                           │ Windsor Boys School (Thornton)      
 259) Bedford Modern School───────────┐ Windsor Boys School (Thornton)                                            │ 3:53 easily                         
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┐                                     │
 260) Windsor Boys School (Thornton)──┘ 3:52 easily                         │ Windsor Boys School (Thornton)      │
 261) Windsor Boys School (Taylor)────┐ Windsor Boys School (Taylor)        │ 3:43 1 1/4 lengths                  
 262) Norwich School (Davies)─────────┘ 3:53 easily                         

42) Junior 14 Coxed Quads

 267) Great Marlow School (Davidson)─┐ Windsor Boys School (Yilmaz)       
 264) Windsor Boys School (Yilmaz)───┘ DNS                                │ Great Marlow School (Gentry)       
                                       265) Great Marlow School (Gentry)──┘ 4:11 easily                        │ Mossbourne Rowing Academy          
                                       266) Windsor Boys School (Dersley)─┐                                    │ 4:09 1 1/2 lengths                 
                                                                          │ Mossbourne Rowing Academy          │
 263) Windsor Boys School (Potter)───┐ Mossbourne Rowing Academy          ├────────────────────────────────────┘
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┘ DNS                                
 268) Mossbourne Rowing Academy──────┘ 4:15 easily                        

43) Women's Coxed Quads

For the Pioneer Concrete Challenge Cup

                              269) Star Club────────────┐ Star Club                 
                              270) Norwich School───────┘ 4:39 3/4 length           │ City of Cambridge         
                              271) City of Cambridge────┐                           │ 4:25 2 1/2 lengths        
                                                        │ City of Cambridge         │
 272) University of Herts───┐ Bedford Modern School     ├───────────────────────────┘
                            ├───────────────────────────┘ 4:34 easily               
 273) Bedford Modern School─┘ 4:45 easily               

44) Women's Junior 15 Coxed Quads

 274) Star Club───────────────────────┐ Bedford Girls School (Blake)        
 275) Bedford Girls School (Blake)────┘ 4:24 1/2 length                     │ Bedford Girls School (Blake)        
                                        276) Great Marlow School────────────┘ NTT 1 length                        │ Bedford Girls School (Blake)        
                                        277) Bedford Modern School (Douglas)┐ Bedford Modern School (Douglas)     │ 4:31 easily                         │
                                                                            ├─────────────────────────────────────┘                                     │
                                        278) Norwich School─────────────────┘ 4:41 easily                                                               │ Headington School                   
                                        279) Bedford Girls School (Sunkara)─┐ Bedford Girls School (Sunkara)                                            │ 3:48 5 lengths                      
                                                                            ├─────────────────────────────────────┐                                     │
                                        280) Mossbourne Rowing Academy──────┘ NTT 3 lengths                       │ Headington School                   │
                                        281) Bedford Modern School (Bhat)───┐ Headington School                   │ 4:20 easily                         
 282) Bedford Girls School (Julyan)───┐ Headington School                   │ NTT easily                          
 283) Headington School───────────────┘ 4:18 easily                         

45) Women's Junior 14 Coxed Quads (1st Boat)

For the Symonds Perpetual Challenge Cup

                                           284) Great Marlow School───────────────┐
                                                                                  │ Great Marlow School                    
 285) Bedford Modern School (Fletcher)───┐ Bedford Modern School (Fletcher)       ├────────────────────────────────────────
                                         ├────────────────────────────────────────┘ 4:02 5 lengths                         
 286) Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Dulman)─┘ NTT easily                             

46) Women's Junior 14 Coxed Quads (2nd Boat)

 287) Bedford Modern School (Brock)──────┐ Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Hodges)     
 288) Mossbourne Rowing Academy (Hodges)─┘ 5:11 easily                            │ Headington School                      
 289) Headington School──────────────────┐ Headington School                      │ NTT easily                             
 290) Norwich School─────────────────────┘ 4:54 easily